Are there any examples of get woke, go broke? I can only think of a couple of comic examples, and even then, they would've gone broke because of the low fanbase anyway.
Are there any examples of get woke, go broke? I can only think of a couple of comic examples, and even then...
Ghostbusters? Did the new Battlefield do well? Or are we only talking about Yea Forums related stuff?
let's not please
The entire comic industry dying isn't a big enough example for you?
thats more to op's second point though
>Did the new Battlefield do well?
it did poorly compared to the rest of the franchise.
remember ANGR? that was great and had a fun acronym
"Go woke, go broke" is literally just made up bullshit made by fags to think their political ideology is better then the SJW's.
In reality the VAST majority does not remotely a fuck.
>b-but this thing that is shit and did poorly proves you wrong!
WOW, things that looks like obvious garbage are shit nobody wants to bother with? Who fucking knew!
But guess what? Black Panther is easily the "wokest" film MCU has ever created and want to know something? It sold great! People loved it, they loved it so much that Black Panther is easily the most beloved newly introduced MCU hero! And Wonder Woman? That sold great too! And both of the new MCU Spiderman films! Captain Marvel? Most people said it was okay or meh but sold incredibly well and does not have the same SJW films despite the fact Brie Larson was practically sabotaging the PR by being a retard!
Have you guys considered that maybe nobody actually gives a shit if a film does or doesn't have black people, or gays or women and all they care about is if the film itself is actually good or not? Have you guys considered that using very obviously shit films that the majority of the people agree is just plain bad no matter who is actually acting in them as proof is a little disingenuous?
Have you guys considered that comics in general is a dying niche medium and this is why they are all pushing films and television far harder?
The 2016 reboot characters are STILL appearing in the IDW Ghostbusters comic, even 3 years after their movie supposedly failed. Sony still has faith in them if they're still forcing IDW to keep them around.
Black people is not the same as woke.
Jesus Christ. You think a movie about Black people in which the villain is the one saying "FUCK YA'LL WHITE PEOPLE" is woke? It's not. It's just a movie. A middle of the road movie like most of 'em.
Woke would be Mockingbird.
Yeah user, that's why we'd have dozens of threads a week before the release going on about how it'd fail.
Nearly all black people who went to see Black Panther left with the impression that Killmonger was int he right and had the correct idea about race relations and how to deal with white people. Fuck, most black people who saw the movie thought it was a brilliant idea to start barking like dogs at white people who speak out of turn, just because M'baku did it in one scene.
You are GROSSLY overestimating the intelligence of black people, user.
I don't deny that comics are dying, I also don't blame sjw's. The increase of live action adaptations is not in the best interest of comic book fans. Once it stops making money they'll abandon it
It's not about convincing people. It's about convincing themselves that they're already right; which means that they don't have to think any harder about the issue.
>Using modern journalism as a source of your claims
Actual retardation.
None of my friends or family thought that. Only outragefags did.
>Nearly all black people who went to see Black Panther left with the impression that Killmonger was int he right and had the correct idea about race relations and how to deal with white people.
Average IQ of 87. What did you expect?
You don't actually know a single real-life black person do you user?
A black person wrote that article. Are they not a "real" black person? Are you the authority that dictates who is and isn't a "real" black person?
Journalist's aren't people no.
Western Comics in general
Jane Thor?
>GR ongoing announced, people kinda hyped
>GR is a side character in his own book
>Book pushes chinkhulk, girlverine, and another spiderwoman
>cancelled at issue 5
>That fucking text wall
Why are modern comic writers so incompetent?
That sounds less like what OP was talking about and more like editorial not having confidence in the ongoing and making bad creative choices with it.
The films are far less egregious than the comics, which is part of why the comics are on life support but the MCU is a juggernaut.
>Black Panther
There's a difference between black people existing and doing things and "ask me about my feminist agenda"
Because the comic industry is full of nepotism and incompetence, and nobody losing their jobs over bomb after bomb.
The smartest thing anyone said in this thread.
An assortment of crap things that would have been crap with any politics, or the absence of politics
there are none.
I have 100 percent confidence that Sony gives 0 fucks about what they put in some IDW comic that probably struggles to break 10000 copies sold.
Why is he so poorly used?
Why is fucking Cosmic Ghost Rider receiving more confidence than him lately?
BFV sold 7.3 million copies, below expectations of 8.3 million which was lowered from the original estimates of 12-14 million
Low IQ redditor spotted.
unironically thank you for this reply user it is appreciated Now back to our regularly scheduled shit posting..
Nice body but looks too high maintenance in proportion to her looks
The issue with looking at big franchises that go woke is that they have a massive cushion that helps them avoid going broke. Marvel gave Captain Marvel unlimited swings at the bat. Comic after comic failed and was mediocre, but they tacked her on to Infinity War and End Game and now she’s a block buster hit. Even when The Last Jedi had unprecedented drop offs in the second week, it still made a billion dollars so it didn’t matter.
Well thats Erica Henderson, writer for squirrel girl so your not wrong there. what you're saying doesn't matter as long as it is marketed well and to a wide audience, which a lot of this shit is. I agree.
I knew a thick chick like that with a dyke haircut who thought she was the fucking cat's pajamas. She'd tweet all the time about how all the men who hit on her were skeezy fat or ugly, like "poor me" lmao
Oh no doubt. The politics though pushes it from bland crap to radioactive crap.
America (vol.1, 2017-2018) is a brave, political comic, tackling complex social issues.
>Have you guys considered that maybe nobody actually gives a shit if a film does or doesn't have black people, or gays or women and all they care about is if the film itself is actually good or not?
The problem isn't with the audience, it's with the very few large companies that produce the vast majority of media content. At some point in the mid 2000's somebody convinced a room full of suits that identity politics would make money and the problem with that is the problem with identity politics, it's just an extension of outrage culture. Everything that marks successful long term art is inspiring (even the negative stuff like horror movies), you're trying to build an emotional connection between audience and art, that's what people pay for.
Hope, despair, love, hate, humor, horror, greed or generosity it doesn't matter what you use to connect with your audience just so long as you connect. Who gives a shit if you're a bisexual transgender woman of colour if your story fails to elicit any emotion beyond apathy?
The problem is that it's reversing cause and effect.
It's more like Get Broke Go Woke.
Trash rising to the top is just a sign of a dying media
Based brapposter
>"Go woke, go broke" is literally just made up bullshit made by fags to think their political ideology is better then the SJW's.
Imagine getting all your information about an entire race of people from a mouse movie, tumblr articles, and /pol/
I can't even begin to imagine what such an existence entails.
This is beyond pol levels of embarrassing.
That false equivalency will be valid when the values pushed by the left have resulted in a society that lasted for more than three weeks.
On a related topic, are there any examples of getting redpilled and winning?
And not "our greatest success was a kickstarter" winning. The left does that every day.
You are deluding yourself
want an example?
Look Mass Effect Andromeda and Battlefield 5
>supposedly failed.
imagine supporting corpo so bad you denie reality for 3 years just to support a political agenda that never existed to begin with... damn.
>On a related topic, are there any examples of getting redpilled and winning?
>I can't argument, I deny not only your argument BUT YOUR LIFE
the left in a nutshell.
>Why is fucking Cosmic Ghost Rider receiving more confidence than him lately?
That's because Meme Rider appeals to the normalfags with his quips, as well as people love OP mash-up characters. Hell, he was originally going to be killed off as a one-off thing during Thanos Wins, but the editors and the normalfags loved him so much that they gave him his own mini and put him in the 616.
I mean My Lion King isn't far as I know but the same logic applies, it SHOULD crash and burn but won't because it's fucking Disney and is debatably too big to ever outright fail
This is still the worst dialogue ever written in a comic to date.
I challenge anyone to find anything worse.
>Shitty, broken, boring, buggy mess
>In competition with Red Dead Redemption 2 and Call of Duty: Black Ops 4
sounds like cope to me sweetie.
btw dilate
IDW as a whole is generally suffering as a result of this.
Yeah it's also because their writers aren't very good, but being "woke" sure isn't helping.
Western comics. Disney has done a good job not making the MCU political or woke at all.
People on this board were acting like Captain Marvel was going to be some big feminazi movie when it really wasnt. It was a crappy movie though.
Are you sure you're not coping? Are you sure the possibility that the reason comics are losing sales is because of the sjws and not because it's an archaic medium that's getting supplanted by live-action shit? Are you sure the reason videogames are failing is because of sjws and not because they're poorly designed cash grabs that butcher mechanics to wring money out of retards (or in the cases above, butchering beloved franchises as well)? Are you sure that all #WOKE movies are financial failures despite actual #WOKE movies make their budget back and then some? Mediums sucking goes deeper than some sjws making some shit.
The Furies series from DC.
Marvel and DC have ruined the comics industry. I can't wait for them to switch full time to bland movies and web shows. Some new life will be breathed into the medium.
Le crazy space skull, that's why. He is somewhat similar to Gwenpool with all this meta ironic shit
Are you a woman?
I thought "get woke, go broke" referred to cases where pushing leftist ideas *takes precedence* over continuity, consistency and quality. Black Panther is none of that, it's just a standard superhero movie starring black dudes instead of white dudes.
But if the reverse isn't true then isn't the adage of "get woke, go broke" kind of meaningless? Look at the Death Wish remake or the recent Shaft?
seething subhuman incels thats all you sjw losers are
Ghostbusters 2016. It killed so many reporters to have to call that a flop but it was (mainly because of it's budget being ridiculous) that they're making an actual Ghostbusters 3 now.
>Nearly all black people who went to see Black Panther left with the impression that Killmonger was int he right
I heard that more on Yea Forums say that than in real life. That article is literally clickbait. I bet you didn't even read it
wait how is it bad again? the excessive length?
Not really, it's mostly coincidence and propaganda. That said, it's almost all value signalling. Going full woke means abandoning objectification, which means uggos only ... and that does cost you money.
Thelma and Louise would have done a lot worse if they weren't easy on the eyes.
No amount of tranny janny censorship will change it.
But "(villain name) was right" is one of Yea Forums's staples.
>It's different because they're black!
Oh, right, my mistake.
>Sony still has faith in them
Then where is the sequel?
He's wrong because theyre going with Reitman's script like they should have before. Lesile Veron ranted about it.
People were saying Black Panther was super woke here for ages before it came out. They also said it'd do bad. no one was buying tickets, the MCU was dead, etc. Then they did the same thing with Captain Marvel and they'll do it again for whatever else offends them next.
I can guess the way they express their description of the action
You're an idiot who doesn't understand advertising.
>any examples of get woke, go broke?
Star Wars. Look at their last movie:
>"Solo: A Star Wars Story grossed $213.8 million in the United States and Canada, and $179.1 million in other territories, for a total worldwide gross of $392.9 million.[11] With an estimated production budget of $275 million,[10] the film needed to gross at least $500 million worldwide to break even."
>made $392.9 million
>needed AT LEAST $500 million just to break even
The Last Jedi was the last straw for a lot of people and turned a lot of people away from the franchise.
None. It's just more a excuse used by /pol/tards and nostalgiafags right now, the former to push their shit everywhere and the later to lie themselves about how unpopular their shit is for modern audiences
Critically acclaimed.
Yeah, now look at Red Dead Redemption 2.
Shit games sell like shit. Who fucking knew.
That's more on the fact that TLJ was a bad film that actively tried to piss off its fans.
It didn't help that Solo essentially had to double it's budget when they decided to effectively do over the whole film again with reshoots.
If anything, that's the opposite. That movie had a white male protagonist. The one with a strong female protagonist made a billion dollars
Not that user, but I'm pretty sure. And all the "#woke" movies were flops. The hits you're talking about like Black Panther were not that woke at all. You're only lying to yourself.
Excessive length, awkward language, lack of bracketing, and the fact it's the last damn panel on the page. You want to move things along, but can't cause you're not done with this bloated monologue.
And this is Star Wars, the franchise that gave us Princess Leia, who's first bit of dialog is sassing the main antagonist of the entire trilogy.
>The one with a strong female protagonist made a billion dollars
Force Awakens made $2 billion. The Last Jedi made $1.3 billion. That's a huge drop in itself.
The box office for these movies are on a downward trend and now are in box office bomb territory. The series as a whole is in bad shape. Will be interesting to see how the new one does. It's the end of the trilogy so it has that going for it but Han and Luke are dead and even Leia's actress is dead in real life.
I think the "RISE OF SKYWALKER" title is a last ditch attempt at baiting the audience with nostalgia.
Black Panther’s moral of the story is literally “open borders good”
You’re so close to self-awareness
I think user was just making the point that not only black people or dumb journalists do it, but also Yea Forums itself does it. Which they do.
Though I'd argue nothing Killmonger did in Wakanda was illegal, so there's that at least.
Yes, but open borders "with regulations" is good. The "with regulations" part is important because that's what BP uses to stop assholes like Klaw/Killmonger from getting his Nation's tech.
Bullshit, the ending is just Wakanda taking on the black version of White Man's Burden to help the world ... not abolishing their nation state.
>Main film made more money then spin-off is proof things are going poorly
>Spin-off film not making profit after doubling its intended budget is also proof
Trust me user, I want nuStar Wars to burn and see the Mouse get hurt so much.
But until I see the results of RoS, I'm not seeing it be this "massive flop" others are painting it.
I don't think it'll be a massive flop either, but Disney is still hurting itself a lot with their execution. They could have made a LOT more money if they didn't shit up the series as they have.
I never really liked Star Wars movies, but the new ones are objectively trash. Most woke stuff is. I think that's why woke stuff goes broke.
And it's more complicated than that. Black panther was obviously gonna be a hit because nearly every MCU movie is a hit. It also appealed to blacks as the 'first MCU black hero movie'. Same with the last Star Wars. The nostalgia value and returning fans for that is insane. It will be much less like that for the next one and other star wars movies going forward. There's more that makes or breaks a movie but total wokeness pretty much breaks a movie without a strong enough deterrent.
Black Panther and Captain Marvel aren't that great, but they also don't suck. Their aggressive campaigns to appeal to black people and women weren't so overly woke that they superseded the idea behind the characters (and just because Larson is a loudmouthed idiot doesn't mean she represents the entire film.)
Meanwhile, when you blatantly use tactics aiming at causes at the cost of quality or substance, you usually get seen right through a) because normal people aren't stupid and b) because woke people will spend a lot of time and links and iPhone footage gushing about your product, but not a lot of $$$. The simple fact is, most "woke" media really isn't very good, and the people who make it are otherwise failures until they rely on the race or gender or sex or rights card.
>Their aggressive campaigns to appeal to black people and women weren't so overly woke
There was a charity where you give your money to get little girls to watch Captain Marvel.
>The Last Jedi was the last straw for a lot of people and turned a lot of people away from the franchise.
Still speculation until we see Rise of Skywalker numbers.
>But guess what? Black Panther is easily the "wokest" film MCU has ever
They are literally defending and ethnostate and extreme xenophobia tough.....
This is on par with Xavier: Renagade Angel
Rogue One cleared a billion dollars. Solo flopped because it was expensive as hell, had shitty marketing, and no one was really excited about the film. TLJ was coming on massive hype and made $700 million less than the first film, and only $250 million more than the spinoff starring literal whos.
That's a pretty great example of what he's talking about. "Help improve the lives of girls by donating money to buy tickets so they can see a movie produced by one of the largest and most profitable corporations in the world." It's not woke, it's blatant corporate cocksucking with a veneer of feminism.
>It's not woke, it's blatant corporate cocksucking with a veneer of feminism.
There's a difference?
>Black people is not the same as woke.
Tell that to Yea Forums.
>think their political ideology is better then the SJW's.
Literally any political ideology is better than social justice.
>they would've gone broke because of the low fanbase anyway.
Low fanbases don't just come from nothing. Low fanbases are generally the result of the thing being awful.
There aren't as many examples of okay kokey wokey right now in Marvel comics department because in 2017 Marvel was pushing the agenda and their was a huge back lash against it, they even had one of the top cheese give a statement to the effect that it seems as if consumes don't like 'diversity' and then there was a backlash against that because the problem isn't diversity but forced diversity. If there hadn't been so much of a wide scale criticism you'd many more examples of okay kokey wokey right now, they had to tone it down considerably. But make no mistake the people pushing that agenda are still there at marvel looking for the opportunity, they haven't gone away just that their power and influence has been curbed.
Disney felt Age of Ultron underperformed, and that made a profit.
Its fine when Togashi does it you hypocrite
Who is that? Also, no it isn't.
We already have social justice in America. It's called Innocent until proven guilty. It has flaws but it's better than witch hunts. Now SJWs wanted to change it back to accusation=guilt.
This is Yea Forums. Go back to Yea Forums
>imagine actually believing this
you "progressive" white guys need to leave your white safe spaces more often
>They are literally defending and ethnostate and extreme xenophobia tough.....
Did even you watch the movie? it was globalist bullshit about how Wakanda's isolation was wrong and how they have an obligation to reach out and help other (black) people in need.
Even blacks aren't allowed to have an ethnostate in Hollywood.
Hey they visit Starbucks and Cafe Nero regularly!
this, nazism, communism, Islam, it's all better than this corporate SJW stuff being promoted by blue haired fatties.
Then go live in any place that has said ideology as a government and report results.
SJW all leads to that stuff. Though if not sarcasm, I'd say they're about equal due to the final result being the same.
>nearly all black people think this!
>source:one article
You're 100% correct. It was also a direct homage to previous team lineups, which should be obvious given the title of the arc. Also pretty sure that adding Laura specifically was an attempt to boost GR's sales, not the other way around. I loved it, but ANGR was hemorrhaging sales even before Tradd Moore left the book. Laura was actually selling decently (by modern standards) and appeals to X-fags, Logan-fags and waifu-fags.
I do agree that it was a mistake to push a team-up in the very first arc, especially one that shoved Robbie so far off to the side in his own solo. And I really fucking hate that it was bad enough to kill his book right off the bat and turn it into a stealth mini for a team book that no one wanted. But I won't try to pin the blame on woke politics, when it was more to do with bad editorial/bad creative decisions.
>because of the low fanbase anyway.
Comicbook characters are the most popular characters on Earth and are enjoying a level of mainstream success not seen since the Golden Age
...yet none are buying comics. Right. It's not because of a lack of potential fans. It's because the Big Two (mainly Marvel) actively chased away long time fans and basically told them they were Nazis for not wanting to read a poorly written book with tumblr art
That's still a 'woke' hallmark though. Every book is a team book, even if its a solo title, with no damn focus.
And EVEN IF the actual content of the story isn't very SJW-like, it usually drivel written by a diversity higher who had been given a disproportionate amount of props based on how purple their side-shaved hair was.
So many of them have never EVER written something good in the relatively short time they've been in the industry, yet continue to fail upwards.
>We know that book you just got canceled was horrid and no one read it, but how about we give you one of our flagship titles and a spin-off? Next year we'll make you editor.
Doesn't mean shit when critics are fart-huffing pussies.
>woke is a word that means anything I don't like
Who are you quoting
Imagine writing this
Yahoo both inadvertently* and intentonally**
*Buying Tumblr for billions with no plan for monetization
**Hiring a smart brave Google lady exec that delivered the death blow to the company because she was never fit to lead.