
Thor 4 was announced. Let's talk about this guy and his best runs. Pic unrelated.

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Jason Aaron does not count.

it's genuinely hilarious how Yea Forums turned entirely on Aaron's run with Jane as Thor

shit rules. i'm gonna do a big reread soon i think

to be fair the global warming shit after gorr was pretty awful too

*Pulls out my Misandry googles* Fem!Thor for life, *Takes out my man killing hammer* Anyone ready to kill some angry sexist men?

Yummy Tummy male tears!

Who are you trying to fool, user? I mean who is this bait for? You act like we're all just consumerist whores who've never read a comic book in our lives.

The best run didn't involve a guy, nonny.

Attached: femThor.jpg (1080x706, 174K)

Why are people pretending to be excited about Natalie Portman returning when she was absolutely terrible in the first two movies?

Because it went to shit after that. When something goes from good to shit, people don't like it anymore. Look at Game of Thrones or Walking Dead. Even after regular Thor came back it's still shit, no one gave a single fuck about War of the Realms.

did Donny Cates write this?

Attached: Donny Cates says Jason Aaron is the best Thor writer of all time.png (586x433, 71K)

>Pic unrelated
Simonson's run, Dissassmbled & God Butcher/Bomb are the best Thor runs/arcs and then JMS.


Has Thor ever even had a fully bad run?
Even the late 90s Deodato stuff had some cool ideas.

Attached: thor494_15-16.jpg (1399x1072, 621K)

Male Thor is a symbol of toxic masculinity. Male Thor fans need a dose of reality to wake them up with a female kick to their tiny wiggle balls

>double dubs of truth
It’s the formula that Yea Forums follows
>new writer comes along
>has a few mini series that are pretty good good
>eventually gets a longer series that’s just fucking incredible
>announced that they will be on Popular Ongoing Title
>5-10 issues in writer does something with Popular Character they fans don’t like
>writer is now a long time hack who has never written anything good and his fans of his older works are paid inters

Am I the only person that doesn't like Simonson's Thor?

He is the new Bendis

Started small and did a great job, got more freedom and now is a curse


>Best Thor Run
>Doesn't center around THOR

First time I ever said this, but we do truly live in a clown world haha fuck.

So do you think Jane/Valkyrie will at least be half decent?

Attached: Jane Foster Valkyrie.jpg (3427x3262, 809K)

Not really expecting much from the book and will probably check in on it out curiosity. At least she has a nice outfit and looks kinda nice.

Attached: Thor with the PF & Odin Force.jpg (1041x1600, 418K)

why are they adapting modern shit when they have years of histories before that?

Actually faggots and trannies love Hemsworth and Thor, in the bank.

Because Gunn fucked up and they just put something together real quick.

>assuming other people gender
wow i though this was 2019 wtf

Fuck summer trolls and the summmer fags that feed them.

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Simonson. Period, full stop.