Are you hyped?
Are you hyped?
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Hell yeah, especially when I heard that Wanda is in it, hoping for Shuma Gorath
For it to be pushed back to make room for another Spider-Man movie?
she's in, so of course I am
Probably the movie I'm most interested in. They seemed to have figured out how to use him much better due to the Avengers movies.
Fuck yeah. The last movie I watched in theaters was DS. I'll surely catch this.
The best fucking thing of the panel.
>Wanda in it
>Scary shit.
Fuckin based.
She is? Now that's pretty interesting
When is it supposed to come out/trailer when
I hope they find some creepy stuff for the movie's theme and soundtrack, not some royalty free random background noise.
May, 2021. Also the Wandavision show apparently directly connects to the movie.
Yeah, even if the rest of the announcements were meh, this will probably be great. I really like Bimbly Cucksandwich as Strange and I like Wanda a lot too. Infinity War gave him a lot of character that he lacked in his origin movie. And it's reassuring to see them go full weird with it when the rest of the studio is making shit like Jane Foster Thor that no one who actually likes comics wants.
most intresting annouced mcu movie for sure
plus this shes god tier
its gonna be nightmare
>yfw it's just Mysterio again
I’m not hyped to have to explain what this means to my parents
Billy soon
Oh, fuck. My mom is definitely going to text me asking what a multiverse is
Literally the only good announcement. Rest were between meh all the way to shit.
Thor would have also been hype if it wasn't for the fact it will be a Whor movie, in comedy form.
My mom always wants to talk about the movies with me which I don't mind at all but she always misinterprets or misses the most basic plot points of everything then proceeds to get angry with me when I can't explain everything in 2 sentences.
Like she thought Mysterio had actual superpowers making all that shit really happen and didn't understand how Tony's drone network tied into it and was pissed that the writers "forgot" about the multiverse
How would your mom even know?
>people literally falling for the "first scary MCU film" lie
>people literally believing The Mouse would actually put any "2spoopy4me" elements in their rated-G normalfag-bait franchise
Filename related.
This. They said the same for the first DS flick.
How has Scott Derrickson been after his house was destroyed?
Shuma has to show up.
Has to.
They can’t fuck it up.
House of M?
She just sees the headlines on Facebook and gets confused
No, Doctor Strange movie sucked harder than a fucking collapsed star. I dont know why you niggers liked it
>and was pissed that the writers "forgot" about the multiverse
This is the worst. When they don’t understand something, it’s “bad writing”.
>He did all this just because Tony was mean to him? Are the writers stupid?
On second thought they’d fit right in on Yea Forums
so how is mordo going to fit into this? it's just going to be a scooby doo chase throughout the multiverse?
maybe its just scott derrickson getting fucked over in creative control. shame i love Sinister
Niggers can’t into science so they love magic.
Would be hyped if they show a specific character at the end credit scene.
>engine motor roaring
>a trail of fire tracks can be seen on the road
>a black leather jacket is shown
>then the camera pans to a flaming skull
Yes, Ghost Rider. I want a Ghost Rider movie. Would be good to officially introduce him in a Doctor Strange movie.
Wanda using Chaos Magic is a pretty good motive for Shuma Gorath to send his ally Nightmare out to fuck shit up.
Any movie with Mads is good
Shit taste.
based cross boarding Swans poster
Swans and Death Grips will be the two musical acts that the 2010's will be remembered for
WandaVision: Chthon
Doctor Strange Multiverse of Madness: Nightmare
Go chew dirt you dirty drain fly of a man
Wandavision is such a dumb name for a TV show. Holy fuck.
please include the rule 63 universe
As long as the visuals are as cool as they were in the first one, I'm down.
He was reinvented in Infinity War desu
Can’t wait for the ebin joke when he goes to the universe where he’s Sherlock Holmes
WandaVision = One Division
Banner said Vision is made up of multiple aspects; Ultron, Stark, Banner, Mind Stone, etc, but his ability to feel emotions is a mystery.
When Wanda touched the cradle in AoU, she said Vision was "dreaming"...before he was even "born".
> Demiurge divides fractions of his soul into Elder Gods.
> Chthon divides a fraction of his soul into Wanda.
> Wanda divides a fraction of her soul into Vision.
how is that a joke
Because the series is set in 1950' and Vision is also in the show which is weird. Probably some multiverse stuff or SW created a new reality
It's set after Endgame.
A pocket dimension where she can get drilled by Vibranium every day
Unironicaly based
Don't you get my fucking hopes up.
If they do, he better eventually team up with Blade.
It's gonna probably be a weird mash up story of House of M and King's The Visions, Wanda is gonna be super lonely with all her brother and robot gone and is gonna use her magic to create a world where she lives in the suburbs with her Vision hubby.
The 1950s thing is because she puts them into a Pleasantville scenario and it gets worse
>"2spoopy4me" elements in their rated-G normalfag-bait franchise
There definitely won't be anything above PG, and yet you can bet normalfags on twitter and YT will go on about how much they're still OMG IM STILL SHAKING D: from the movie.
I mean, if
this put the idea of Michael Gira doing the soundtrack for this into my head, just like how one of the Radiohead guys did music for The Master or how the Bon Iver guy did music for Hereditary.
Gira and his apocalyptic music would be perfect for this, the guy apparently loves Lovecraft
post yfw we get shuma and cancerverse
Best thing announced tonight.
>Marvel really is beating DC to the punch with their Multiverse
Damn, I'm so excited but so disappointed all at once.
>Swans and Death Grips will be the two musical acts that the 2010's will be remembered for
I'm a huge DG fan but I've never checked out Swans' stuff. Where to start?
I think it uses a 1950s aesthetic as its likely set in US suburbs.
But its possible Wanda creates a pocket reality as a source of comfort she goes to at first for a few hours, and Chthon starts fucking around with it and spilling it out into the real world.
Wanda wants a normal life, Chthon wants her to become a great sorceress so he can use her as his vessel.
Hopefully we will see Wundagore Mountain and the Flickering Realms.
Yeah this is honestly the most exciting thing they announced. I’m glad that Scarlet Witch is gonna be in the movie and the horror movie tone sounds awesome. I hope they use the multiverse to show off weird alternate dimensions (wouldn’t be surprised to see them pay a short visit to Marvel zombies world). What I DON’T want to see is them being like “Hey look in this universe Spider-Man is a black kid named Miles Morales! Lets take him back to our dimension!”
I’m ready for weird shit.
This and Blade are the best announcements.
And fuck yeahh! Wanda is in it!
Scarlet Vision would be a great name for anything, so why not this?
Where do you fags see Fantastic 4?
The Seer is a goddamn masterpiece, start with that
They just mentioned it.
Phase 5 and 6 oc
They said it’s coming at the panel but didn’t show a logo or a release date or anything. Just said they are making it.
Another user pointed out D23 is soon and that could be the hype train announcement for 2022
Next month, near the end of August.. 10 years to the day of Disney owning Marvel.
He said it's coming, it's closing off Phase 4 definitely
Miles is already in the main dimension anyway
After Deadpool who supposedly fought at the final battle in endgame.
I predict this will be the theme of WandaVision:
holy shit really? Wanda will accidentally make a House of M like scenario and Strange will fix it
Also, the whole outward comfy of 1950s America hiding something darker thematically fits Chthon to a tee, whose name means the underworld, the "darkness that lurks beneath".
It's definitely Shuma. Ruling over a multiverse of madness is basically his thing. It's a textbook Lovecraft homage title too.
I mean he might be in it but main villain is already confirmed Nightmare.
Nightmare is the villain so I think it will be more complex than that.
IMHO Nightmare is working for Shuma Gorath, who is shocked at a human using Chaos Magic.
Sorcerers realizing Agamotto lied to them will lead to some leaving Kamar Taj.
>Based Wanda is in
Why is Wanda so beloved but Carol is so divisive?
Wouldn't be surprised if they just treat Shuma like Dormammu desu
The actress is cute and not a cunt.
God I hope not. Why do they always fuck with cosmic beings and make them cloud people and sheet.
Character is not feminist propaganda and is actually fun to watch?
It's the only post Endgame film worth a damn
>Strange will mentor Wanda so he can leave Earth to Wanda and Vision while he's off making deals with the devils and gods on his day offs
2021 The year of Wanda
Wanda is an attractive living prop while Carol actually has some character, even if it's not that good
this video sums it up perfectly
HUGE tits.
> strange goes into a different universe and this is how they can get doom still played by mads and we will all cum
>Dr Strange and Scarlet Witch
Hell yeah I'm hyped
>character with multiple movies that show off flaws as well as strengths and character relationships
one of my things about Civil War is how much time is given to Wanda's relationships, with Vision, with Cap and even with Clint and Natasha
Carol gets none of that in her own movie and she only gets a little bit of it in Endgame where she talks with Rocket and Nat
it's his turn
her ass is great too, those leather pants she wears accentuate it so goddamn well
Shuma is cute. CUTE!!
Give him a cameo please Marvel-san
How damn that film looked great.
Because she’s trying to be her own thing rather than trying to be someone else. Carol works well as Carol, she’s banal and smug as Superman.
here's video footage
>asks to get paid the same as RDJ
lol, never gonna happen
So we're definetly getting The Living tribunal right? He was namedropped in Dr Strange and the Russos mentioned that they scrapped the idea of having the tribunal witness the duel between Thanos and Strange.
I think they did that so people wouldn't think he's either ghost rider, or GR's boss
They did it to Galactus as well though. Any true cosmic character seems to look like a Cosmo.
>Are you hyped?
This is literally the only announced MCU movie I give a shit about. It's weird how much better the Plus series seem to be than the big events.
>Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
What is that tite? Sounds like a fake, low-budget horror movie.
When was he namedropped in the first movie?
I feel this pain
Not really. They promise a horror but they won't stray to far from their formula
Cumber-batch: Into the Cumber-Verse.
I hope it's not just an excuse for the Disney+ shows to exist and is willing to get weird with the concept.
When Mordo and Strange are training, Mordo grabs some staff and calls it the staff of the living tribunal.
Nah, the joke is going to be that he warps into a the DCEU and everyone looks at him awkwardly and then he leaves.
If we're lucky, it might be him teaming up with the Tobey Macguire Spider-Man.
Hopefully it's better than the first. Down for more Based Wong and Strange antics.
i hope there's a universe where Dr. Strange discovers himself sucking dick all the time at 30 years old. And then he sucks his Own dick
we need Clea too
>Yes, Ghost Rider. I want a Ghost Rider movie. Would be good to officially introduce him in a Doctor Strange movie.
cant use him because of China
Norman Reedus GR please
This. These are the same people who called Thanos the new Darth Vader. It's all marketing bullshit.
Disney didn't even have the balls to use the original concepts from the first movie because they were "too scary."
Strange has had better waifus than Clea. Why not hook him back up with mephisto's daughter? Easy way to introduce Marvel's devil.
I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going.
>saves your phase
I'm still mad Dormammu didn't really do much of anything except scream and roar as a giant face.
I personally think you have that backwards, although Carol is not that attractive.
They did a shit job with dromamu, they will suck with Shuma
>lovecraft title
so is it confirmed nightmare will be the baddie?
got a hunch that shuma will be the final boss of the trilogy, probably will be seen at the credits
I'm loving the title.
I haven't seen FFH yet so no spoilers please, but does that movie actually introduce the multiverse or was Mysterio lying like he does?
Mysterio being good old Mysterio.
Mysterio lied, people died.
If the magic is even as good as Infinity War magic then I'm hyped.
Elizabeth Olsen Wants Scarlet Witch To Team Up With Spider-Man
He's leaked the title of the Spider-Man: Homecoming sequel and now, actor Tom Holland has a potential team-up on his hands.
During a panel at Ace Comic Con in Seattle earlier today, actress Elizabeth Olsen revealed that if she could team-up with one member of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, she'd likely choose Holland's Peter Parker/Spider-Man.
"I kind of want to play with Spider-Man, right? He's cute," Olsen joked. "And he's really funny. I think Holland's killing it and he's so, so fun."
Kinda, yeah. Strange 1 was underwhelming to say the least but I really want to see the sequel. Won't ever pay for a Disney movie again though so I'll wait till a proper rip is up. After what they did to the MCU and SW, I'm not supporting that shitty company
>Quicksilver appears
Everyone's trying to get with Pete it seems.
>yfw we get spider sorcerer supreme somewhere down the line in a spiderman and doc strange spiderverse teamup flick
user, that's a total given. Evans' contract had more than one movie/project, they will probably use him here and there in some kind of flashback sequence or as an alternate counterpart for drama.
This won’t be anymore scary than the first Dr. Strange, you’re not gonna see stuff like people bleeding from their eyes from looking at Shuma Gorath
Robbie is getting a Hulu show, and they already teased Blaze in one of his AoS episodes.
ah, i too am a fan of marvel vs capcom
Definitely. Hnnngg.
Blood is not necessary for scares.
I want to be in her
Fuck him, his boyfriend is vastly superior
>Derrickson talking about pushing for his horror vision of Strange after getting rolled over by Harmon the first time around
>Charmander comes out and talks about balancing humor with the horror elements
It keeps happening!
>inb4 Raimi
This is going to be no Evil Dead and you guys know that. The humor in these movies doesn't work like there, it never did.
>Deadpool 3 comes out
>the opening scene is Deadpool inserting himself into crowd shots throughout the MCU history
not gonna lie but I like bitchy Brie Larson. I just wish she wasn't bitchy about stupid inane shit and being a self-hating white chick
With a title like that, I better get some spoopy fucking shit.
Grotesque penguins and creepy pan flutes carried on a stellar wind, and PABODIE'S DRILLING APPARATUS
I’m more hype for Dr Strange #16 desu
>one is a nice person in all of her public appearances
>the other is an antagonistic asshole
gee wiz, user, I just can't put my finger on it
Hyped as fuck for this one actually.
If the rumours about the horror angle are true, it has potential to be absolute kino.
I know the guy who directed the first one is primarily a horror director, so if he comes back he might just pull it off.
Who gives a shit about actors' public personas? I get second hand embarrasement from watching any of these press junklets, period. I care about their work, that's what I'm paying for. They can do and say whatever they want otherwise, I'm not gonna judge them, nor be interested in their personal lives and views either. Fuck celebrity culture.
As for the characters, both got dealt shit hands. Wanda and her romance with Vision were underwritten and played a second fiddle in these movies, when they should have been the emotional core of them, but because romance is icky and the Russos have the emotional depth of tree trunks, they were reduced to the bare minimum. Meanwhile Carol got robbed of the most interesting character traits and the script of her solo was an unholy trash.
Not to be that guy, but Brie can act circles around Lizzie if she wants to, and the bitchy image is only halfway true.
There were no sings of such a thing pre-Captain Marvel press, and she hasn't been political for quite a while now, so I think she got the memo.
based 1-2-3 kid
I always feel bad for the Elder Things when rereading Mountains. Mountains isn't really spooky like The Whisperers in the Darkness of The Picture in the House. It's mostly just a depressing history of one of the most magnificent species to ever live slowly being ground into the dirt by a cold and unfeeling universe before their own creations finish them off.
>also Christine Palmer
One of these things is not like the others.
I remember Derrickson talked about introducing Clea too. Are they just gonna merge her with Christine somehow? It would be more effective than bringing up yet another character here, it's already pretty packed. That's something that worries me, the first movie was a pretty lean, self-contained, character-focused Strange story that zeroed in squarely on the drama between Strange, Mordo and the Ancient One. Kaecilius, Christine and Wong were there to serve their characterization and development, not anything else. And as such, Strange had perhaps the most precise and tightest origin and character arc in the debut in the entire MCU. But here, this is getting a lot, like classic sequel bloat.
>but Brie can act circles around Lizzie if she wants to
Where's the evidence of this? She's certainly not acting in either of her Marvel movies.
Watch movies without capes in them too.
>Brie can act circles around Lizzie if she wants to
I don't disagree. In fact, I'm actually a fan of most of her work, save for Kong Island, which wasn't really her fault, Captain Marvel, and her fairly mediocre music career. I'm just saying that she has made an effort to come across as confrontational towards a large segment of people. Because of that, one shouldn't really be surprised to see that she is not received as warmly as as Elizabeth.
have you seen any of her other movies? She's a genuinely talented actress. Watch 21 Jump Street to see her in a silly role where she comes across as incredibly likable and then watch Room for a serious role where she showcases her acting chops. And then watch Scott Pilgrim vs. The World because she's hot bitch
She was in 21 Jump Street? I don't remember her being there at all.
But that's tame even by MCU standards. Thanos strangled Loki to death on screen and his eyes bled.
You haven't even watched these movies.
>the Loki miniseries is going to be about the Loki that teleported away in Endgame
It'll be pretty morbid if it ends with that Loki being dumped into the main universe to replace the dead one for Thor 4.
That's pretty tame. Shazam unironically had more horrifying and tense scenes than anything in the MCU so far and that's pretty sad. I hope it taught Feige the lesson that you don't need to safeguard kids from dark and severe scenes and themes.
That was my autistic fan theory that I kept bringing up, that Strange should tutor Wanda in magic since Fiege said in an interview years ago she was doing magic without realizing it, and now it's happening, based.
>Error: This image cannot be uploaded because it is the subject of a copyright infringement claim. Please refrain from posting it.
Just got that message for the first time ever trying to post that webm of her titty jiggling supremely lewdly in AoU kek.
I don't know why people think the multiverse is not confirmed yet, The Ancient One told Strange about it in his movie and Morpheus mentioned it again hinting at how Ghost's abilities work in Ant-Man 2.
Go ahead and show me anything comparable to the boardroom scene in the MCU. Go ahead and show me a kids movie that deals with parental abandonment and neglect in as uncompromising and harsh manner. I know it's not MCU, but compare it to Star Wars, which surrounded Rey's backstory in smoke and mirrors and couldn't bear to pull the trigger on showing Han and Leia as the shitty parents they ostensibly were.
Really hyped for this. Doctor Strange was one of my favorite MCU films. I’ve come to bargain.
Loki getting strangled to death on screen.
>and couldn't bear to pull the trigger on showing Han and Leia as the shitty parents they ostensibly were.
Luke got to fill that roll, nearly killing a fucking teenager and then getting a bunch of teenagers killed for his foolishness.
There was also a guy who got shredded in a propeller in Captain America.
There was also a guy who got shredded in a vita-ray chamber.
That was definitely not PG-13
>Allied troops make gains (1944, colorized)
>wanda in
>wanda vision show is canon to the movie
>nightmare is the main villain for strange 2
huh? how will that connect with each other?
will Shuma Gorath (Dormammu) be the boss of Nightmare (Mads) trying to wreck shit on earth?
Iron Man also burned a bunch of people alive. I wish Marvel stayed with Paramount
All the content about Thanos abducting children and torturing them all their life?
I would say that the flashback when Thanos adopted Gamora would be up that alley, casual genocide in the background while Thanos tries to distract her with the toy knife was quite haunting.
Whatever it is, hopefully we get Vision back for real, and we don't get Wanda going insane. Let her team up with Strange, not be someone he has to defeat.
nigga Wanda is already insane at the end of Endgame
So what the fuck is happening with the other superhero horror film Disney is releasing?
You're confusing rage and insanity. Did you miss her scene with Hawkeye at the funeral?
>Disney is releasing?
they're not going to make any changes to the formula
quips and sweeping generic violin scores
They had a chance to cancel it with the Fox buyout, but decided instead to delay it.
you are a thoughtful and considerate reader
please leave immediately and get a college degree. these nitwits only want to hear "lovecraft racist" or "cthulhu plushie"
Strange and Wanda being peers and friends is awesome, and not just because of cool VFX team-ups.
Chthon and Agamotto hate each other's guts but Wanda and Strange are like true bros.
Chaos Magic would be such an out there concept for Strange that it would be cool to see him wrestle with the concept of emotion driven magic. Through that we get to see a softer side of Strange, the part of himself that he closes off.
Also, there's a running gag in MCU movies where he always says his title instead of just his name. Wanda always calls him Stephen in the comics.
They are both lonely people who carry alot on their shoulders and deal with weird shit.
Exactly. You see it in the gif, she's making a conscious decision to embrace her power, after being afraid of it for so long.
Her eyes turn red when she is feeling dark emotions, perhaps as result of her soul and Chthon's soul shard being in sync in those moments.
The first movie had the best score in the MCU, though, so a repeat of that would be fine by me.
>Not to be that guy, but Brie can act circles around Lizzie if she wants to
What have you been smoking? Brie had a reputation as a wooden actress YEARS before she even came into the MCU. Bitch can't act her way out of a paper bag.
I love how Marvel hyped up Captain Marvel as the badass female hero of the MCU, but everyone loves Wanda so much more. a oscar winner though?
I hope the movie opens with doctor strange currently fighting obscure interdimentional demons ( probly the snap fucked the multiverse up in some way so hes just extra busy now ) while the doors " when your strange " plays in the background. Kinda like how ragnorok opens with thor already in some turmoil ya know
Or "strange days" will fit too
screencap this
Those inevitable reshoots Disney are "letting" them do are actually going to shift the whole movie into tying into the MCU, making the New Mutants the first mutants we see in the MCU. It makes the most sense, and with the cast behind it, Disney would only add to the list of notable actors they get for their projects.
If it is gonna be retooled into the MCU, they're definitely lowering the rating from R to PG-13.
A weird low budget horror movie is not going to be the springboard for the X-Men in the MCU, man. Especially since the demand for the IP is to be more like the classic comic books unlike the FoX-Men. The first MCU X-Men film will be more like First Class and Feige is gonna break it out years down the line to cash in on the hype at an opprotune moment. They don't need to wheel them out a couple of years after Endgame just because people are asking about them. It's like as if they did Civil War straight after the first Avengers.
3/10 Needs more Lady Thor.
People have been asking for a Jane Foster Thor movie forever
Retards you mean
No, people here on Yea Forums
Same thing
Her civil war outfit was so hot
The quicksave bossfight is a cute ending
but overall the movie is just more of the MCUs assembly line flavor
Doctor strange was one of the better solo movies. The shifting city scene is kino.
That'd be Yea Forums. They swallow anything that Disney puts out.
>Disliking Doctor Strange movie
Is one of my favorite origin films along first Cap and IronMan.
Remember when Shuma popped up at NYC and was soloed by Blue Marvel?
Think he'll show up?
Give me more magic that isn’t sparking fractal stuff
I loved this tiny part of Endgame. Wish the final battle feature Doctor Strange more instead of sticking him on water duty
A slave girl choosing to kill herself rather than continue to be at the mercy of the collector
same with Shadow out of Timem really. Imagine living your life fully aware that some fucking polyps are going to shitstomp your civilization (despite being beaten once before) and then you'll go into the future, and then again until you're going to be eaten by Dholes on some Yog-Sothot-forsaken planet.
Do we have any idea whatsoever of when this will release?
If we can get Quicksilver then I'm all for it
Doctor Strange was featured pretty heavily in Infinity War, so I understand why they gave other heroes more time in Endgame instead.
Also, speaking of fractal stuff, have some nightmare fuel.
Doc Strange: Into the Quipverse!
The entire MCU post phase 1 has been a massive monkeys paw.
come on, user. she's decent enough with good material and direction, but the oscars mean literally nothing.
liz is wife material
>Rachel McAdams got cucked by Olsen
Couldn't she have picked a better role fuck
>don't like horror
>don't like multiverse shit
>don't like Wanda