Marvel SDCC Hall H Panel Thread #3

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Other urls found in this thread:


The big reveal is fucking Blade? The absolute state of MCU.



Is it Wesley Snipes?

How's the schedule gonna change boys? And how long?

Whose going to be the next final boss? Galactus? The Skrulls? Beyonder?


NETFLIX Confirmed non canon OH NO NO NO NO NO


No CM 2




>mfw DOCTOR DOOM soon

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Moonlight dude



lol if you actuly believe this


Already hanged itself.



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marvel leaving Snipes out to hang. nigga needs the money to pay those taxes.

Where are the ANTS?
I was promised ANTS!

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Dr Doom or Norman Osborn

>No Black Panther 2

Very surprised by this

The hell is What If about?


Gee, Mahershala Ali how come you get to play two super heroes?

Nope, it was confirmed
Eat shit incel

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Might be worth a ticket tier
>Doctor Strange 2
>Shang Chi
Piracy tier
>Everything else except...
Dead to me tier
Thor 4: Whor Boogaloo

>post yfw no captain marvel 2

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No way it'll change
Spider-Man 3 is gonna be announced by the end of this year, and push back Thor 4 to 2022, like it did to BP

can Mahershala Ali ice skate uphill? asking for a friend

They would be wise to avoid final bosses this time around, at best maybe on a phase by phase basis for the team up movie but we didn't actually get a teamup movie announcement so it's unclear. The next big bad guy will be in GotG3 most likely.


I don't understand how FF and X-Men were confirmed. Did Feige just announce them verbally, no slides?

Black Panther 2 Guardians 3 Captain Marvel 2 also mentioned




Of course female Thor is the last one. Time for 2 years of butthurt incels, and nickpicky snowflakes talking about this nonstop.

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So wait did they confirm F4


This is what they get for wasting Cottonmouth and thinking Mariah would be a good villain.

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>Mahersela Ali goes 3 for 3 on playing BASED Marvel characters


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who the fuck asked for a hawkeye movie

Is it a movie or show?

So phase 5 is X-Men, Fantastic 4, Spider-Man, and Black Panther.

Phase 4 is just being experimental. Because they KNOW 5 is going to fucking print money

It's over you dolt

it's over retard

the fuck do you think it would be about based on the title

there's only ONE true Blade

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Dr. Doom needs his own film.

Cope. Time for Blade kino now.

DC shot themselves in the foot when they tried making a cinematic universe rather than making standalone movies with solid directors behind them. Man of Steel, Suicide Squad, Wonder Woman, Aquaman , and Shazam were far more successful than Justice League

Osborne is great, but he is never gonna be Thanos Tier. I hate Doom with a burning passion, but the writers love him enough to give him every ass pull in the books, so I could see that.

this isn't all of phase 4

Only X-men but Fantastic Four were never apart of those interviews. Since Xmen had movies made still recently and how bad Dark Phoenix did, it's gonna be a while.

Lord knows he's trying.
Better question is if he pays his fucking taxes

It'll probably be announced next year

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It was confirmed. Keep up.

It got overshadow by FUCKING BLADE

>No Guardians 3
>No Ant-Man 3
>No Spidey 3
>No Fantastic Four
>No Nova
>No X-Men
>No Black Panther 2
>No Captain Marvel 2

subscribe to disney+

>Only 1 previously unannounced project


it's a series and it's on disney plus


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Sidelined by Blade outta fucking nowhere.

>No Fantastic Four
>No Captain Marvel 2
Keep up asshole.

No one asked for a movie. They gave us a show.


Press F

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I doubt know, a universe where the Avengers lost in the first movie and King Loki spends two hours banging whores?

Phase 5:
Black Panther 2
Captain Marvel 2
Fantastic Four
Guardians 3

She'll just use Storm Breaker. It's functionally the same thing.

If F4 then Doom I guess.

Fuck if Norman's really been tied up and frozen in the Sony/Marvel dealings.

Why is half of Phase 4 television shows?

Its a show you retard. And I did cry more faggot



is this a show or a movie

Please be next SDCC

Say hello to your new Reed Richards!

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>No X-Men
You just got one last month

Lol guess his series was cancelled

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Multiverse is now confirmed, they can do literally anything at this point

>Strange is doing multiverse shit
>Blade movie with new Blade
>yfw Blade teams up with multiverse Wesley Snipes Blade

Phase 4 is fucking nothing

>phase 4 being experimental
>gigantic corporations taking risks

I don't believe it

>rated PG
You guys are actually excited for this shit?

X-Men will he phase 6. 5 will be Captain Marvel, BP (vs Namor), Guardians, Ant-Man, Spidey 3 or 4, and F4, then an Avengers

I am forgotten...

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You stupid or what? They actually mentioned them, they just aren't part of this slate.

Dr. Doom will be great for the Earth stories. He'll get the Ten Rings and invade Wakanda,

Her sexual escapades with Thor left her pregnant... with a hammer.

>All these Disney+ logos


>People here were actually hoping for Captain Marvel 2
But I thought that movie was woke which means it's broke

What the fuck is marvel /u/

Yeah, but Loki realizes this timeline is shit, and wishes he lost. Then all the characters get together to talk about how you should go buy the real movie.

they're part of Phase 4, that's why they're announcing more Phase 4 shit in D23

Seriously? This is Phase Four? Literal whos movies and the big main event is a fucking Thor movie? What a joke.

Phase 4 other than Blade I give no shit about.

It’s going to be a long way until Phase 5.:::

Subscribe to Disney+ to keep up with all your favourite MCU characters!

Hopefully the Japs can make some good /u/ pics

>two superheroes

it's a Movie with Mahershala Ali

more like /LGBT/ AND /BLACKONLY/


And that's a good thing.

i would totally buy it and i hate this faggot. fuck jim.

All but confirmed desu


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HOLY SHIT- wait wrong one, who??

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Honestly I'd rather they go the opposite way of Thanos. Norman works for that because his Dark Reign threat was more because of how unstable he was, rather than any force or master planning.
Then they could on to Doom and then back to Cosmic threats again.

Mix it up a bit.

I'm gonna keep my tinfoil hat theory that the whole "thor joining the guardians" was only added after gunn was fired with the hope it'd get people to watch it.

With gunn rehired they said "fuck it" dumped the idea in the trash and greenlit thor 4.

/u/ is Yuri, which means Lesbian love.
It IS confirmed, what the fuck, was nobody paying attention or what?

No one liked this storyline, even the writers. They won't adapt this shit. Besides, it makes Carol look the worst she's looked in years. They don't want to damage her image.

Why do you guys keep mentioning F4? Trolling or did Feige announce it? I see no logo, only Blade.

I am going to miss former child porn star Traci Lords getting hosed down by blood at a warehouse race, yes.

Lesbian stuff. Jane will have her valkyrie harem.

Silence, dog.

google it

Gimme context nigga, I didn't see the panel

what the fuck is /u/?

how did they confirm f4 and mutants?

Phase 5 can’t get here fast enough.

>No ant-chad

No logo shown

actuly feeding a newfag what subhuman are you

whos the lesbian

Seethe sweatie ;)

Apparently he said that Fantastic Four are also coming

i think they mean that Tessa Thompson saying that Valkyrie is going to be looking for a queen

>Made a billion
What did he mean by this

Well if they throw all the cool shit on phase 4, what the fuck are they going to do for phase 5 then.

Endgame was filmed at the same time as IW though

Mahershala Ali (Green Book, Netflix's Luke Cage)

yuri and it's shit

oh hai newfag
please show yourself out the door before hanging yourself from the inevitable shame

I kissed a girl and I like it.


This. Forget about CW2, nobody wants Bendis shit in the MCU.
I'm helpful by nature, sorry.

>tfw ywn get the true psychological Hulk movie you've always wanted (2003 Hulk came close but didn't reach the mark)

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Where's the F4?

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It was basically "oh uhh btw FF4 and Mutants are thing now k bye"

>Blade starts with Cotttommouth getting out of his grave

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newfag detected


same wtf

>mfw not interested in any of these

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F4 Bros, are we finally going to get a good movie?

better for us, the MCU deserve to be dead, fucking shitshow since 2016

>tfw I'll now have to watch TV shows to fully understand what's going on in the MCU


so is blade a movie or a show?

Y'all need to stop hating on femThor movie. It's gonna be kino

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Confirmed, but no logo or slate was shown.


No shit he just got them of course it's coming

Will BOOSHMASTAH come back though?

>Jane Foster Thor

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So Phase 5 will be:
Captain Marvel 2
Spidey 3
Black Panther 2

and potentially
New Avengers?

I honestly don't have confidence that these kind of movies will be able to put him in serious context. Which you kind of need to do to explore his internal struggles.

Captain Marvel 2, BP 2, FF4, gotg 3, are in “development” which means brainstorming, but nothing solid. I’m surprised BP it’s not coming out sooner, of the solo movies it was the most successful in the domestic B.O

Holding out hope that blade wont be shit

>Fantastic Four
Fucking good. I bet they're the closing movie for Phase Four too.

movie. dude who was cottonmouth is playing blade


report and sage feeding newfags and posting nsfw content on a sfw thread

The only one I'm actually excited for is Hawkeye

Fiege said they didn't have time for CM2, GoTG 3, BP2, FF AND X-MEN

Just do Doom correctly and I'll shut up

>best Thor run on comics this century

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>black widow, loki, and vision both get movies after they're dead
Lame. Boring.
>Thor title not until 2021
>no Gaurdians
Fucking lame as hell.
>no F4
>no X-Men
Holy fuck did they seriously drop the fucking ball with this set. Every fucking thing is wrong with it.

Does this mean MCU's first R rated film will be Blade?

> F4
It was confirmed for phase 4.

D23 is next so maybe more news on those films


>best Thor run in this century is with female Thor
Was the normal Thor run so bad that it made female Thor good?

Oh no, Jane Foster Thor gonna overshadow Carol already.

What a flop of a panel. One whole unannounced project.


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No, Phase 5 is still years ahead, they literally showed mostly Disney+ shows that are part of Phase 4
I think they'll announce more films for Disney expo, or at least I hope

it has a low bar to clear in terms of source material comparisons at least

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Have sex.

>confirmed they’ll be exploring his time as Ronin
>yfw when kate bishop is an asian teen he saved from the yakuza
Fucking kino.

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no it wont be nigger lover

>Not Boyega

the first one was decent enough
doomfags are cancer

This. Can't wait to see best boy Lucky

Blade won't be R-rated.

No way, fag.

Do you mean unnannounced or unleaked?

>no Gaurdians
This is literally the only thing still connected to the existing phases that I'm still interested in.

>implying that guy has actually read a normal Thor run, or even the female Thor run

No he said they didn’t have time for mutants. He confirmed BP2, GotG 3, CM2, and F4 are all in development.

never, Natalie is for Thor, not for a fucking nigger silly boy

>wanting X-Men so soon after Dark Phoenix
It's like you want it to flop hard.

>Does this mean MCU's first R rated film will be Blade?
You know vampire will be turn into hydra robots.


Too focused on Balder 3/10
Jason Aaron Thor only good thing that's lasted since 2013

Rip Sam Alexander Nova run

i rember that moment it was such a stupid ''yeah fuck men'' moment

Which reveal was more hype lads?

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Jason Aaron has never written a good Thor book. His OG Thor was shit, Whor was shit, everything since has been shit.

Put it this way, I would rather read Civil War 2 again, or anything written by Bendis, than have to read War of the Realms ever again.

How the fuck do you do Blade and not have it R-rated. Did they say it's PG-13?

Boyega could not pull it off lmao

No CM 2

Incels won!!!!!!!


>Multiverse confirmed to be explored in Dr. Strange 2
>F4 and X-Men movies are going to be set in alternate universes which will collide with the main MCU universe in the next event film

Nobody gives a shit about dark Phoenix or any fox titles.

We’ll never get to Phase 3 levels of hype again lads.

Phase 3 was a LOT more dimes.


strange and guardians 2 for me

Phase 3 was hype as fuck. This reveal was just a bunch of shit we already knew and a bunch of shitty Disney+ shows that will have almost zero consequence to the movies.

Inhumans for sure

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The Good
>Taskmaster in BW
>True Mandarin in Shang-chi
>Strange 2 going full horror (plus Scarlet Witch being in it is cool)
>Zemo back in Captain Falcon series

Ehh/Could be fun
>Rest of the Disney+ stuff
>Black Widow in general

>Thor 4 goin full /u/shit

Other than that, I'm actually kinda surprised we got no real update on Black Panther 2. I expected that Spidey 3 and Captain Marvel 2 weren't gonna be revealed just yet and Gaurdians Vol 3 isnt coming till 2022 at the earliest.

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>They won't adapt this shit.
they should. then all normalfags will think it was actually good and Yea Forums will seethe.


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kate does not need to be asian

This one had Captain Marvel so it wins


I feel like something retarded is about to happen related to wesley.

Even if it's just morons acting like it's "disrespectful" to recast blade. There's a article being written I can just feel it.

Phase 3 had the climax of Infinity saga
Nothing's going to ever top it.

>That logo
I remember when Thor Ragnarok was going to be an actual movie...

So how was Jane Foster Thor in the comics? I only saw a few panels posted of her dialogue and it honestly seemed like edits to make the writers look ridiculous but apparently they were all real.

No, he's just an idiot. Thor's had plenty of good runs in the last twenty years, he's just fellating Aaron because Thor is a Straight White Male and thus evil

The Tomb of Dracula comics weren't very violent, etiher. It's an MCU movie and Disney has a brand to maintain so it's gonna be PG-13.

Buddy you have shit taste if you didnt enjoy the GodKiller arc or Unworthy Thor

Only shit he's written is Original Sin

Is this from The SJW Club? Because it feels like it is.

>Ant-Man not in phase 3 announcement
>He still got a sequel

>that logo


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No one wants to see Carol become a super fascist, not fans or haters.

Is it a tv show or a movie REEEEE

Most underrated of the MCU


So basically you can't prove it and basing this off of assumptions.

Shang Chi IS the Chink Black Panther

What a simpler time that was

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Ant-Man was phase 2

>It will be Jane x Valkyrie KINO instead shit ugly jane x falcon trash
bros I'm happy, I'm fucking happy, I just want to see pure and cute femlove


Daughter of Blade by Kyle Higgins that got scrapped confirmed

>Fantastic Four announced
One step closer to Marvel Zombies vs Army of Darkness.


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>Mahershala Ali
Fuck I was hoping they'd have a British Blade to finally spice those accents up

wasn't the hammer destroyed how the fuck is jane gonna be thor?

Here's a clearer image for anyone who wants it. I typed in the dates and was going by OP's image, so sorry if I made a typo.

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Fuck off, you dumb idiots were sucking Aaron's dick back then while it was all shit, and the quality hasn't changed in the slightest. It was shit then, it's shit now, and it'll eternally be shit.

I want to see her become her old alcoholic self with a hateboner for ayys. Just the way it should be.

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>Kyle Higgins
Did yoy misspell Tim Seeley?

What is /u/?

Did you not watch Endgame?

As a chink, I'm more excited at the prospect of a Japanese Kate Bishop rather than a Bruce Lee rip off from the 70's

Yeah, but why not make her Asian if they aren't going to have her raped by a homeless man in the park?

>best Thor run
>when even early Aaron exists
what a faggot

He meant that the sequel wasn't in the phase 3 announcement you stupid fucking cunt

Nah fuck off, /ourguy/ Wesley Snipes is back

>sinister six

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But why did you refuse to put them in order?

Ant-Man and the Wasp was not included in the Phase 3 reveal, it was announced later

What if is Disney plus

bruh what happened to inhumans?

Missing Blade

Black Widow is a movie

Black Widow's a movie, not D+.

Ah go jerk off to Scott Lobdell's Red Hood faggot

Nah bro, it's there. You just can't see it cause it's so small

Unworthy Thor was great even if the reasons behind said unworthiness were flimsy.
And I'm saying this as someone who isn't really a fan of Thor or Jason Aaron.

Wheres the supposed Fantastic Four reveal

X gave it to them

That's a terrible idea, so you really want the absolute mess of continuity that is Fox's X-Men continuing?

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/u/ is for yuri. Lesbians.

>dude this book is shit
>so go read another shit book
I don't follow

At least her character will have something...

Why is there no clean version of this yet?

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Think people are just trolling.

Phase 3 had real hype for characters that were long overdue their movies. Even fucking Captain Marvel sounded more hype than gooddamn Shang Chi. That shit was obscure even in the Stan Lee days. Hell it was the place where writers were free to write their LCD stories

>The DC Extended Universe

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They just mentioned it

Why is this shit out of order

I'd pay to see this

Shit idea you got there user

Alright lets settle it...

Cast her

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>Amazing spiderman 3

>sinister six
>most of the dc announcements

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I couldn't give a damn about Shang Chi, but they got Tony Leung who is based.

James Gunn hasn't even finished filming Suicide Squad 2, wait for a 2023 Guardians 3 AT BEST

Ant-Man 3 not there is a bummer, yeah, but the last movie didn't bring the big bucks, so they probably just will use him as a supporting character.

turned into a show, the unequivocally worst piece of MCU related media.

>Amazing Spider-Man 3

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Basically Studios counting their chickens before they hatch. Heck F4 2 is there

can someone explain if cm2, bb2, ff and mutants if phase 4 or 5? do we have a date on these?

There's only 4 shows:

>Falcon & The Winter Soldier

I hope Carol's sequel would make her less boring.

>Clint retired and happy with his family
>Hawkwife: Clint who's this woman?
>He looks at the camera
>It ain't me starts playing

At the end he said CM2. BP2, GotG3, and FF are all in development. He also said no time for mutants so x-men is going to be further down and FF will come first.

Whatever Japanese Idol Girl speaks the best English.

My bad.

I didn't make the image, I just found it in circulation and added the dates and the Disney+ text. Someone is welcome to fix it.

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Did they confirm F4?

I guess when the nsfw boards don't turn up on blue boards' footers or dropdown menus.

>only 4 movies announced
Yeah, they're waiting till D23 to announce the rest and show a trailer or two.

I thought the chick from 13 Reasons Why got cast as her

What's so bad about it?

But they also got Awkwafina :/

I hate her voice.I hope Donny Yen gets cast as someone significant

>Shang-Chi and Blade
Just make sure to nail the action choreography.

I hope Carol's sequel has her bang Spider-Man

>Sinister Six
>All that DCEU nonsense

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add FF you cuck

No, she was cast as an older Morgan Stark for Endgame, but her scene (Tony having a "kid Gamora"-like vision after using the gauntlet) got cut.

She was cast as future Morgan Stark for a deleted scene

thread theme:

also is that shit inhumans show canon at all?

Reboot the X-Men timeline but keep it in an alternate universe, same with F4.
>X-Men films takes place in a universe where people with superpowers are opressed and even hunted at times
>F4 takes place in a 60s styled futuresque universe

There are like, 4 things I'm looking forward seeing.

No logo reveal.

>Where's muh X-men?

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It doesn't have a logo.

Yes, they said its in development

They're good if they get the Daredevil people

the fucking state of dc

Terrible production values, boring plot, shitty acting, bad choreography, laughable special effects.

No logo, no date. Just confirmed gonna happen eventually.

This is only the first part of Phase 4

Only Marvel Studios works are canon to the MCU. No shows before Disney Plus except for Agent Carter, which Feige and the writers of the Captain America movies/ IW and Endgame helped make, are canon.

Just shoop a little post-it note on there
>And FF

Seems like all the tv shows are non canon that's before Disney+

I love that pitch for FF

x fags are the worst

Nothing. Mutie scum simply hate the GLORIOUS INHUMAN MASTER RACE.

None of Marvel Television is canon expect for Agent Carter which was produced by Feige. They got a Luke Cage Villan to play Blade.

shut up

lel, the crowd just go along with CM2, they were more excited with FF4 and Blade

>yfw Ant-Man in Spidey 3

Is it worse than the arrowverse?

You know what? I think Waititi can make something good out of Jane FosThor.

Okay Yea Forums, seeing that Marvel or Disney maybe are determine to ruin their franchise and run it to the ground just to cater to the SJW crowd, which hero/heroine you would choose to make a movie about?

My pick would be Gwenpool. I'm sure plenty of people will like her.

Where my muggas at?


You Marvelcucks won’t know what hit you

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That's a tough one. I'd say yes, but at least it doesn't have soap opera romance.

Just give me Charlie Cox Daredevil and Vincent D'nofrio Kingpin in a movie please

>Phase 4
Female leads, tv shows, lgbt shit, horror movies, minority leads, only one OG Avenger movie and it’s not even going to be about him.

>Phase 5

>which hero/heroine you would choose to make a movie about?
Ash J. Williams

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Soon, it's going to happen eventually, Ant-Man always saves it in the end.

>They were more excited for things they didn't know about
The absolute STATE of incels

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all of that except venom(fuck off) is in phase 4


The Shang-Chi actor does stunt work and practices martial arts actively, it'll be responsibility of the director then.

Daredevil only had two good scenes, and both were corridor fights.

He wasn't in the phase 3 roadmap but still made it, hold out hope ANTS bro.

only if spidy gets a clue and ditches idiolizing iron man and starts idolizing the chad pym
vuh nes sa

Gwenpool was a guilty pleasure of mine

I'd say a Sam Alexander Nova movie cuz he's the only likeable legacy era hero(Miles doesn't count)

>lel, the crowd just go along with CM2
Man, just give up, you don't believe this shit.

Mariah from Luke Cage was also in Civil War. Actors double dipping is nothing new.

I'll continue holding that ALL the shows are canon (if only in a supplemental capacity) until officially announced otherwise, but I'm waiting for that announcement to happen any day now.

Do you seriously think they're gonna pull the same trick twice like that?

I don't understand this phase at all.

I don't get why the fuck they're not doing Guardians 3, specially after that Endgame finale with Thor with the gang. What the fuck is happening? And where is Black Panther 2? And are you telling me there is not going to be an "event" movie?

>there will never be a marvel zombies vs. Ash J. Williams movie featuring Bruce Campbell as Ash

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wait so Blade is a show or movie? why isn't it included with the rest in OP's image?

>tfw can rest for two years before going back to watch all the good shit
I don't mind this honestly

Thor is also an OG Avenger.

the Gunn controversy set the movie back years. It would have been in this phase if it wasn't for that.

Also I expect at least one of these announcements to fall off.

Looks like this phase is just all setup and a palette cleanser for the audience to kinda get away from endgame. Plus it's only like 2 years long

No Thor is Jane now.

The presentation lasted 90mins, it was lengthy as it was. I'm guessing they want to leave something for the D23 presentation, where they'll show the rest, maybe logos of CM2, BP2, GOTG3, and a sneak peek of F4.

I don't think they confirmed either way, and it was a last minute announcement, with no date either.

Oh My,
That is Glorious.

I have absolutely no fucking clue about why wouldn't they do a Black Panther sequel.

Shut up faggot

2020 only has two movies. I guess Guardians 3 was going to be the third movie that year but then Gunn got fired

They ran out of time to talk in depth about it and other projects that were briefly announced.

>seven movies in one year
Are they deliberately trying to kill properties to wind down the entire MCU and put it out to pasture?

So Natalie Portman's character is gay now?

This is autista, autista got his friends fired along side with him. Say something nice about autista

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MCU shows can get utilized for the movies (Charlie Cox's contract allows him to be in a movie if he's required and Jarvis from Agent Carter appeared in Endgame)


Honestly, What If? has me more excited than anything else. The possibilities of what they can do with that is nuts.

Three movies and four shows
Press S

Most of them look like side story and fanfiction-ish what if movie.

oh nonononono

the reason its delayed is because of the twitter issue and gunn is doing suicide squad 2, so no schedule for him


Good enough for me

I still cant believe they did Swamp Thing dirty like that, it looked so cool from the trailer

Could've just save them for phase 5, they didn't have to rush them.

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Swamp Tjing and Doom Patrol are so good

HBO better pick this shit up

It's already been announced but yeah where the fuck is it? Aren't they shooting for something like a 2021 release or some shit?

Yeah, and supposedly they've been about to give show characters cameos a bunch of times, but it never pans out.

Either way, given all the Netflix contract shit, even if they intend to ever bring Daredevil or someone like that into the movies, it won't be for a good long while.

>four shows

Dear lord, no.

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Whuh happun?

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Cancelled after the first episode aired

>Netflix's Luke Cage
Wait, so, does that mean that Netflix MCU is no longer canon? Does that mean we might get a proper Iron Fist eventually?

>Doctor Strange In The Madness of the Multiverse has May 7 2021 release date
>First MCU "Horror" film
>It's still going to come out before New Mutants because it's going to be delayed again

Can't wait :^)

>Get dumped offscreen by GF
>Parents dead
>Miljonir destroyed
>Warriors 3 killed
>Asgard destroyed
>Become King for 5 fucking minutes before Thanos fucks everything up
>Loki dies just as he FINALLY improves his relationship with you
>Fail to stop the snappening just cause you didnt fucking aim up
>End up becoming a fat slob and all your old friends are ashamed of you now
>Finally get Milnjonir back but its likes Cap better now
>Give leadership of New Asgard over to lesbian cuz you suck at it
>Lesbian is now banging your old gf
>Old gf now has her own Miljonir and took your fucking name

Jesus fucking christ Thor actually gets fucked over daily more than even Spider-man

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Of everything properly talked about today What If... is what I'm most interested in.
I hope they go full goof with it.

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>What if
>Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

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>is no longer canon?
It never was, nothing produced by Marvel Entertainment was ever canon to the MCU except Agent Carter, which Feige and Marcus and McFeely took part in. Shang chi would probably be Iron Fist if Loeb hadn't grabbed him first.

They are. This is just like the first half of Phase 4

kevin feige has got the world by the balls

Reminder that this isn't all of Phase 4, this is only the first two years. Feige has said in the past that he regrets announcing the entirety of Phase 3 all at once since certain films got overshadowed, so they're going to announce Phase 4 piecemeal.

IIRC, they said Phase 4 will be at least five years long.

>Shang chi would probably be Iron Fist if Loeb hadn't grabbed him first.
Fuck Loeb

Hopefully he appears in the Shang-Chi movie at some point.

Same thing with the Disney+ shows. All of them are non canon

It should've been Beta Ray Bill. Fuck them for not going through with Asgardians of the Galaxy.

Seriously, Im not seeing that. source?

Santa and the Tooth Fairy are not real. The Netflix stuff is not canon to the MCU, it's just a marketing gimmick to try to draw in the cultists.

So how exactly is Dr Strange 2 a horror movie? Are we going lovecraftian?

>BW might be fun if its just ripping off Bourne or Wick
>Doctor Strange mite be fun
>Shang Chi mebbe

the rest I feel nothing.

I LIKE the TV version of Blade.

>wandavision is tied to Dr strange MoM

Kek nice try agents of shield faggot. Get btfo by NEW canon shows

Uh, why wouldn't the audience be more excited for F4, a property still rumored and Blade an announcement nobody saw coming?

Disney Plus shows are all canon, all produced by Marvel Studios, and Wandavision leads into Doctor Strange 2.

Scott Derrickson said he'd like to do Nightmare, and given his horror roots, you can imagine the sorta movie he wants to make.
Still, this obviously leads to Multiverse stuff so it must be chock full of Abstracts.

The Disney+ shows are produced by Feige like Agent Carter so they will be canon

I feel a lot of something for Blade

They said WandaVision leads right into Doctor Strange so you're going to have to take that point up with the filmmakers.

>how exactly is Dr Strange 2 a horror movie?
We only know what they've told us so far. They said it was horror so we have to assume it's horror

>Disney doing what happened to Netflix Marvel to a character whenever they're done wringing them out for cash
That's not existentially horrifying at all.

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No one would like Beta Ray Bill. He's a weird ugly horse skeleton. I know you're going to bring up Rocket and Groot as examples of obscure weird alien characters that became popular with normies, but both of them are cute. BRB can't be made cute without making him unrecognizable.

The Netflix shows weren't canon though and never led to anything in the movies. The shows will directly lead into future movies.

>literally MARVEL STUDIOS on the logo
Yeah sure.

>No one would like Beta Ray Bill.
I believe I'm hearing this. They're not going to do something like Sonic. As long as he looks cool enough and is likable, they can make anything work

WHIH Newsfront was made by Marvel Studios and that's non canon (because it references AOS, therefore making it non canon).

Nope. Feige is directly involved with them, all returning cast and WandaVision ties into DS

Anything that doesn’t have a release date it’s in danger of either being delayed or outright cancelled. Although I’m surprised they went for BW first instead of Panther.

He's fucking coming, bros.

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God Tier:
Doctor Strange 2

High Tier:

Mid Tier:
Black Widow

Nothing Tier:

Shang-Chi is going to break out hard unexpectedly. You just watch

>Implying anybody gives a shit about some Youtube shit

he's taking his sweet time, but really he's one of the few things I'm hoping for, because the current lineup has very little for me.

>Actually liking either of the Ant Man films

Add Hawkeye to Mid-tier




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Will Blade be pushed to Phase 5 then? It's not show on that screen.

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense considering that we KNOW BP2 and CM2 are already confirmed.

I think they just haven't announced everything yet

>wandavision is tied to Dr strange MoM

Kek nice try agents of shield faggot. Get btfo by NEW canon shows



>Not liking small-scale stories with enjoyable characters and Paul Rudd's charismatic face

>"I-Its going to lead into the movies!"
>Just like how AOS "led" into Winter Soldier and Age of Ultron

>not liking Ant-Kino
Just do us a favor and get out of here.

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Honestly let Dick Rider replace Captain Marvel

He would have to look something like Sonic. That's his character design. A freakish ugly thing. E.T. crossed with a god damn horse skull. What could they possibly do with his design to make it marketable without pissing off his fans? And if you're going to piss off his fans, why include the character at all?

oh btw they confirmed Watcher will be in What If? narrating. Holy shit.

>small-scale stories

What part of Feige directly involved do you not understand? He didn't have anything to do with any of the Loeb TV stuff

>chris and tessa still get top billing

Man, these next two years are gonna be filled with "widow defeats ultron with mojinor" and "carol will defeat thanos" tier shitposting.

Obviously Jane Foster would be an easier sell but you're crazy if you think normies and people still watching MCU after Endgame wouldn't eat up Beta Ray Bill. We're in uncharted territory, and if they want to sell a horse skeleton alien one of the new main Avengers, people are gonna accept it cause it's Marvel.

Take it up with Feige, dude

I forgot Thor 4. That's in low tier.

Its probably just gonna be Guardians 3, Captain Marvel 2, and Black Panther 2

yeah if phase 4 is like phase 3 itll be a 3 year endeavor, so this is only a portion, probably 4 or 5 more

>if you think normies and people still watching MCU after Endgame wouldn't eat up Beta Ray Bill.
Mysterio said it. People will buy anything these days.

>we're Marvel, we can make an ugly horse skeleton into the main character and you all have to buy it because we're Marvel

Pride comes before a fall.

As much as I love him, that could never happen. I don't see why he can't coexist with her though. The whole "powers are too similar" excuse is something only retards say

No. The universe is big enough for both.

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WandaVision is literally setup for SW being in Doc Strange 2

She basically stole his job and powerset. He's going to look like a ripoff if they introduce him now.

Stop being butthurt

I just want to see her become ms marvel.


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That logo is bland as fuck

More like Marvel is at the point where they can make any comic concept work as long as the audience enjoys the character

It's Phase 4, just no date.

That's true, honestly I'd like them to be somewhat of a buddy cop. Change up Rider to be more by the books and Carol being a space vigilante taking down the kree

Throw in some Cosmo the space dog and have the ongoing threat be the fraternity or raptors and now I'm just making myself sad with fanfic

Just giving him a likeable personality will be enough to differentiate them.

>Wanda in Dr Strange
>No mention of Vision

i'm worried about my boy

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>All this shit in the span of two years
>Anons in this thread asking why there isn't more
And people are saying capeshit is dying.

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Vision got fucked up, dude

Nigga dies a third time

He's dead user

>And people are saying capeshit is dying.
That's just this board being fucking retarded and contrarian. Capeshit ain't dying for a long time now.

>Change up Rider to be more by the books
Part of what I love about Nova is his disregard for what people told him. I think making him to be more like the rest of the mall cops would make him seem disinteresting to audiences.

I don't understand the TV series, are they going to have completely different actors from the movies playing Falcon and Hawkeye?

There's literally a show called WANDAVISION releasing right before that movie dude.

>Wanda fails to resurrect Vision or maybe created something horrifying
>She goes insane and fucks up the multiverse, leading into Dr Strange 2

Not if they lean into his technology aspect, gravity powers and the whole "Power of the sun" thing.

So when are we going to see Adam Warlock? Will he be here before Guardians 3, considering his importance and how late Guardians 3 is?

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Horrendous taste. Yea Forums is Ant-Man's turf.

It's essentially going to be a continuation of Endgame where Sam is doing stuff now as Captain America with Bucky as his partner

She was in a what, 2-minutes role in Civil War? Blade is a leading role.


I totally agree, but the Nova Corps is probably fucking destroyed. And there's no way Carol's gonna be the stickler to rules after leaving the kree

Annihilation Nova had the best personality, grown up Spidey in space

Same actors.

Do you think there will ever be an Amalgam or Marvel vs DC movie?

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Really have to wonder how next year is going to turn out. I guess Black Widow is a fan favorite and people have been asking for a movie for years so they'll turn out for it, but releasing the two "literal who" movies one after the other is a risky move. It'll be interesting to see how Eternals and Shang-Chi perform.

Only when Disney buys WB

So like what was the point of the Netflix shows?

Post your hopes of episodes
>What if the Nuke hit in the Battle of New York?
>What if Captain America was a Mutant
>What if the first two Thor movies were good?
>What if the Ant-Man, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, and Black Panther movies happened in Phase One?

Attached: marvel what if.jpg (1024x1024, 66K)

I feel Black Panther could have benefited from being a Disney+ show, the number of episodes and length could have really fleshed out the story rather than just rushing through it like the movie

Marvel Entertainment wanted some of that MCU money.

Ask Ike.

I will repeat what I said before already, Gunn said that he wouldn't start to work on Guardians 3 until he finished working on Suicide Squad 2, at best we have a rough draft and storyline now, the earliest you can wait Guardians 3 is Autumn or Winter 2022.

>Gay Valk
>Not comic accurate bi
Fucks sake...

I don't mind female Thor even though Beta Ray should of come first but why waste money making cgi horseface best god.

>his importance
What importance? We're done with the Infinity Saga now, what else is there to use him for?

>what if Tony Stark died in the cave

It was an attempt to make them MCU canon multiple times but the division between tv and movie suits ultimately made sure nothing came of it.

Civil War never ended
Was one of the best what ifs.

The fuck? Are you this ignorant that you think her powers are anywhere similar to Nova's? He has gravimetric portals, something she doesn't have (only lightspeed acceleration), and he has a goddamn AI in his head telling him everything he needs to know.

World Breaker Hulk?
Red Hulk?
Dark Avengers?

>What if the timeline was reversed?
>Endgame is the first movie in the MCU and Iron Man would be the latest

I feel tired.

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What if Ultron wasn't a fucking meme

Carol sees herself as a godsend and has her head stuck up her ass. I think all they need to do is make Rich likable and humble and he'll be different enough
Truthfully, if he made it to the MCU, he doesn't have to interact with her, and I'd prefer it if she was nowhere to be seen

Well now, with the benefit of hind sight, the answer is nothing really. At least Daredevil was more entertaining than not.

>what if Serpent Society happened instead of Civil War?

Okay, thanks. I wasn't sure if they were following the model of Netflix series + Agents of Shield where MCU acted like those never existed and movie actors would never show up for TV stuff (I know Loki is supposed to star Young Loki).

>Carol sees herself as a godsend and has her head stuck up her ass.
Have you tried watching the movies user? Carol is nothing like that.

He stuck with his buddy Gunn to the end, and eventually Gunn came back. Thank you, based Bautista.

>What if the Snap killed the OTHER half of the universe

But Wanda is in the Doctor Strange sequel unlike any characters from AoS being in a movie retard. These Disney plus shows are canon.

>what if Spider Man was actually Spider Man instead of Iron Boy?

>Marvel vs DC movie?
That's what I'm hoping this whole era of capeshit movies culminates in. Just give me a 3 hour long or better yet, one final, closing trilogy of JLA/Avengers.

what if people liked carol?

That thunderstruck scene with odin saying the hammer ain't shit is gonna be posted alot.

The climax of the movie ends with her saying "I don't have to prove anything"

I like this one

You're basically just described the DC movies. Stop that.

…to [Yon-Rogg]


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Fucking kill yourselves canon jerkoffs. Can you enjoy something without the need of it being in the large shared universe? Fucking watch Daredevil and Agent of Shield or whatever and enjoy it for what it is. I'm so fucking sick of you

I just find it funny because the same exact board is going

Honestly, instead of Avengers they should make an Annhilators team with

Captain Marvel
Blue Marvel
Dark hawk
Some eternal
Jane Thor

I could see this one actually happening

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Marketing shit does not make Marvel television canon. It is still non canon.

Hopefully with Blade confirmed, we get Moon Knight next.

>"I don't have to prove anything"
"... to you", to her mentor Yon-Rogg, who tried to bait her into a fight. Jesus fuck you guys watch these movies without paying attention whatsoever, only looking for reasons to hate them.

>Starlord has to jerry rig a space ship with only Peter to help because it's not like Drax or Mantis would be much use

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I've kinda of thought about this. I'd Imagine the "Avengers" would end up being a team of Spider-Man, Groot, Hawkeye (the daughter), and Wasp.

You stole my joke.

Made by the same person who watched it like 122 times in a row

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Strange just portals them to earth

I refuse to believe someone so autistically obsessed with trying to prove to others they love Captain Marvel think it's the best thing ever like you is real.

I want to fuck Brie senseless so much, she's so hot.

Well at least you're not using the whole "Disney bought its own tickets" argument this time.

All of them but Star-Lord.

>what if Iron Monger killed Tony and became Iron Man instead
>What if Cap stayed frozen in ice
>What if Killmonger stayed king
>What if Scott stayed in the quantum realm
>What if Vision was convinced by Ultron to work by his side and fight the Avengers

There's so many possibilities. That's why What If? has me more hyped than anything else announced, animated or not. I mean if anything animation gives them more wiggle room with stuff, and it can be more comic book-y. I'm hype as fuck.

It's still piping hot garbage

Shit, forgot about Strange

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I love the imagery tho of the 2 Peter's making the best they can

>not wanting her to fuck you

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I hope the animation isn't the same shit they've been doing for years, I want some high quality stuff

This might just end up as a two-part season finale for the show, can't wait.

And they can bond over pop culture on the trip back. Everybody wins.

>They get the Spider-Verse crew to do the What-If? series

Literal pipe dreams but one can hope Disney money can buy the best things.

I could see them doing that. A Cosmic Avenger team of sorts. I feel like that's the most logical next step instead of just New Avengers.

So buddy cop series where the two argue as to who actually gets the shield only for old man Cap to come back at the end, steal it, then tell them to get off his lawn?

they could make adult Groot look cute, I'm sure they could handle fine BRB fine

but no, gotta take dollars from the #WOKE audience


>Parker list off all the old movies he knows that Quill has never seen and describes them the best he can
>Quill says if he would like them or not, and by how much

>James Whitbrook likes whor

No surprise there

Krasinski and Blunt would make an unironically based Reed and Sue.

give me an episode or a storyline about Hank Pym actually creating Ultron and I will subscribe to this shit for an entire year.

Too busy saving trans kids


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Like young Hank back in the 70's/80's or old Hank around the time of the AOU movie?

They chopped off Thanos's head on screen. Except for graphic nudity, a Rated R rating really won't do much.

They get to use the fuck word

R rating are only given for sex and language anyways

young Hank, the scene where he KOs commmies in Ant-Man could be fucking kino if fully animated.

>The Eternals
>Angelina Jolie, Richard Madden, Kumail Nanjiani, Lauren Ridloff, Brian Tyree Henry, Salma Hayek, Lia McHugh and Don Lee
>Brian Tyree Henry


You can use fuck a few times in a PG 13 movie can't you?

I wanna see Blade rawdog Satana on screen while Daemon Helstrom watches and ghost rider fucks morbius

Wait a fucking sec... No Deadpool but Fantastic Four?

No way are they gonna let the Deadpool hype fade before releasing a movie, especially if RR is still playing him.

They'll cast Will Arnett so the normies can go "HOLY FUCK BOJACK HORSEMAN IS AN AVENGER NOW"

>Furry is in the movie
>Furry:Are you serious? Mother Fucking Vampires?

Marvel really is using Phase 4 as an experimental ground for future MCU movies. They're probably using Blade in order to probe how audiences will react to a darker MCU movie.

What if, Spider-man was Black.

Only once

>The number in the Phase 4 logo isn't pic related
>No FF movie at the end of the timeline as the crowning jewel of this announcement
Missed opportunity, no one cares about the eternals and Shangchi or whoever. Only interesting thing here is Dr strange 2,the rest is just meh. Remember to suscribe to Disney + kids, for only 29,99 a month!

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Strange, Tony, and Cap aren't gonna be there.

I'm done. I'm gonna go make my OWN multi-billion dollar comic universe franchise.

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It's actually bullshit
He confirmed it's coming, it's just not named or in Phase 4

>mfw Hank invents time travel instead of Tony

Is there Hope for a Ghost Rider movie? Will Nicholas Cage reprise his role as the titular GHOST RIDER

>2020 till TFatWS
that's disappointing, I was hoping to see it later this year potentially
>fraction Hawkeye series
fuck yeah, Not gonna lie, I'm pretty down for that.

New thread when?

It was shit

See for one of many examples

Be the change you want to see

I don't care if others like Carol, I like Carol. I don't think people that don't like her are necessarily wrong. I just dig her.

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Probably not.
If they're not willing to put Snipes in for Blade (he might make a cameo or maybe it becomes a passing of the mantle), I doubt they'd put Cage in for Ghost Rider
I'm impressed that the attraction of the MCU to bring in actor from more 'cerebral' backgrounds is still strong. I still remember when they cast Ancient One and Black Panther and those choices were kind of surprising

Carol just needs to show a bit more of a strong preference for things outside of saving the world.
I kind of think it'd be interesting if they used her to sort of deconstruct DBZ archetypes by having her be a sort of Saiyan (gets stronger the closer to death she is) but they portray her desire to fight and test her mettle as kind of unnerving.
So she remains a drifter going from conflict to conflict since she desires challenge to the point that she's not really compatible with any single society anymore

You'll never have a friend who's that loyal, user

I remember showing this to my little brother and we thought the future was so bleak

>I'm impressed that the attraction of the MCU to bring in actor from more 'cerebral' backgrounds is still strong. I still remember when they cast Ancient One and Black Panther and those choices were kind of surprising
I love it. Also Zazie Beets that played Domino is also from Atlanta the same show Brian was on.

Bryan Tyree Henry went to fucking juliard or something

They straight up said BP2 is happening. Stop thinking that is the entirety of Phase 4 in the OP, especially since half of them are just shows and not movies.

I still kinda want Captain America: Serpent Society...

>Ghost Rider movie?
Absolutely never ever. Johnny Blaze was already in agents of shield along with the lame ghost rider that has a shitty car instead. Feige will never let that show crossover in any way.

Yale and Morehouse College.

didn't they just announce a Hulu Ghost Rider show?

Hey. His car was cool.

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>tfw cap never got his third movie because iron man and the Avengers robbed him
A robbie movie would actually be amazing if they did him right instead of horribly like on agents of shield

It's not like we don't know it's happening. The guy who leaked specific Endgame spoilers months in advance confirmed Thunderbolts w/ Leader as a villain.