I know i've posted this one before but it makes for an eye catching thumbnail
STORYTIME WEEKEND OF PAIN! So you're a cartoonist by Son of Dob PART TWO
Other urls found in this thread:
Cheese and fucking crackers.
Imagine having Dobson art in your school.
I remember for a time Dobby was often on the frontpage of DeviantArt with his SYAC strip. I remember they were pretty inoffensive and sometimes actually resonated with me as an artist. At some point the topics became less general and more specific and so started to resonate with less people until they disappeared from the frontpage. I only later learned about what kind of person he is.
If you read the entire comic you can really tell it from the beggining, his downfall was innevitable.
Bob or Dobson?
Remember in 2013 when you faggots posted this idiot nonstop?
I miss those times, life was simpler
How do Britbongs in the thread feel about this?
Son of Dob went up the hill to fetch Pokémon creatures
>Expected Doctor Who
>Got sprayed
This comic is boring, but bump this shit you Dobs
Is this even still a thing?
Pokemon creatures? He should have been fetching a pail of water!
Haha nice joke fellow water fan!
Does this get interesting any time soon?
It's only a few more until the bear saga
Whenever i close my eyes i see realistic Dobson plase send help
That's not Shadman, it's worse. It's the guy who ripped off Gone With The Blastwave.
Dobson. Atleast he doesn't talk shit about the working class as far as i know
it's a joke
Can anyone spoonfeed me on who is this guy and what is his deal?
these older ones genuinely aren't as bad compared to his blue bear shit
I see where he got the cartoony Dobson from.
I would love to carnevale post but I'm not feeling good today and I guess I should go back to bed. I have failed my sacred duty
Bear time anytime now
I'm surprise this comic isn't posted more, it's got the spirit of the bear era
>He doesn't know the son of dob
please don't enter this world
So this is why the threads back then only had like 3 or 4 different strips, the rest is fucking dull garbage that isn't noteworthy besides dobbo's usual crappy style
Why is Doctor Who so big in the USA? Is it because it's the most noteworthy nerd shit we made? I don't imagine it's because of the masterful storytelling.
I used to look up this guy and the GG Guys... my, how times have changed.
Please don’t tell me dob is actually from mass I don’t need to have a connection to that sad fuck
Where’s his mustache?
'Cause baby tonight, the creeper's trying to steal all your stuff again
'Cause baby tonight, you grab your pick, shovel and bolt again
And run, run until it's done, done
Until the sun comes up in the morn'
'Cause baby tonight, the creeper's trying to steal all your stuff again
Creepers, you're mine, haha
Dig up diamonds, craft those diamonds and make some armor
Get it, baby, go and forge that like you so MLG pro
The swords made of diamonds, so come at me bro
Huh, training in your room under the torch light
Hone that form to get you ready for the big fight
Every single day and the whole night
Creeper's out prowlin', (hoo), alright
Look at me, look at you
Take my revenge, that's what I'm gonna do
I'm a warrior baby, what else is new?
And my blade's gonna tear through you, bring it
'Cause baby tonight, the creeper's trying to steal all your stuff again
(Gather your stuff, yeah, let's take back the world, haha)
Yeah, baby, tonight grab your sword, armor and go (It's on)
Take your revenge (Whoo)
Oh, so fight, fight, like it's the last, last night of your life, life
Show them your bite (Whoo)
'Cause baby tonight, the creeper's trying to steal all your stuff again
'Cause baby tonight, you grab your pick, shovel and bolt again
And run, run until it's done, done
Until the sun comes up in the morn'
'Cause baby tonight (Come on, swing your sword up high)
The creeper's trying to steal all your stuff again
(Come on, jab your sword down low)
i think it's kind of endearing
this is actually decent situational advice, damn
post it
Gonna go grab a pizza and i'll be right back, we're really close to the SEXIST CRAP!
>tfw no anime cutie on convention to tease you
Do a lot of people actually put their diplomas up on the wall? I've been thinking about buying a frame for mine but it feels kinda narcissistic to put it on my own wall.
relevant and on topic.
I can't look at dobson without ALL OF THE DAY BRO
That's not really bad...?
damn, this one is actually quite good. I can't believe I never thought of doing the gradient thing before.
Wait a minute, is the girl the author of Scandinavia and the world? I remember her creepy fujo comics. And those "aren't we quirky in Scandinavia xD" comics are cringe incarnated. What happened to her?
Women like to self-insert as the Doctor's female companion/love interest
Why this dude turned to a bear? Not a big follower of his comics
>That time Yea Forums crashed Dobson's minecraft server.
Dobson probably could have been a decent artist if he had continued to try and improve and experiment
While a lot of the syac comics are just boring, it did show some promise in the drawing part
People mocked him at drawing himself with a full head of hair when he was completely bald so he drew himself as a bear
Vaguely annoyed, and nostalgic for this:
>tfw this is the first result on YouTube for Andrew Dobson
Reruns with an extraneous narrator for the old stuff, cute young men for the new stuff.
As someone who was on dA in his prime the tldr is that he's a self absorbed prick who takes criticism badly, thinks he's an authority figure or art and politics or anything, transparently virtue signals (for clout) to the point where he even gets called out by minorities and then throws a shit fit at the people criticizing him, acts generally childish, told a woman grieving from a suicide on twitter to 'calm her tits' with an image macro, has opinions on media that most people in those fandoms disagree with and find stupid, and before all of this (including the comics in this thread) used an account to pretend he was female while making inflation fetish images.
He's just a miserable person with no self awareness whose has alienated pretty much the entire internet community even the tumblr crowd. You can find more detail in the occasional dobson thread. The comics will get more obnoxious as he did.
human dobson>bear dobson
I just saw the occasional strip here and there.
I legit confuse them constantly
She got a card game about S&TW kickstarted. I know the guy who made it - nice bloke.
This is great.
Any plans to storytime Dob's other works?
Does anyone know where to find the entirety of the lesbian pirate webcomic?
Rest your beautiful head, dear child. Your time shall come.
Bob is funnier in an unintentional way.
>harder time separating the real me from the cartoon representation
isn't that the point?
Someone explain this to me
>This is the last human Dobson comic
I can see why, oh well BEAR TIME
>it's mostly just edgelords typing racial slurs
How disappointing. Then again, it IS Yea Forums...
Dobson at least attempts to put on a smile and entertain his followers. Chipman, on the other hand, has a vile personality and sadistic view of the world. He's not endearing in the slightest. You can't even love to hate him.
The worst part? He's way more expressive now.
What is it that Dobson did that warranted him having booths at these conventions? Surely it wasn't this deviant art strip was it?
He actually wrote and published multiple comics
I can relate.
such as?
Nothing about his fursona looks endearing, he always looks like a scowling old man, even when he is smiling.
Sme random comic about lesbians and the pirate comic as well as a collection of short stories
I know it’s been said to death but this is complete bullshit.
Huh, i guess this is the last human Dobson comic
I don't see how its narcissistic if you worked hard for something I don't see how its wrong to be proud of it
he gets smugger by the minute
>everybody drinks my little pony
It's honestly a little depressing. I know he was like this even before the Young Human era, but it's sad to see that he gave up the happy facade his character had and just turns into a curmudgeon complaining about everything.
I forgot this comic was here so i didn't know he had a water comic, but that actually makes it funny
>you don't deserve to be where you are
I don't think anyone has thought that about Dobson.
I'm pretty sure it's making fun of "Tumblr nose", the art style where characters are drawn with big bright red noses for some inexplicable reason.
People always forget that Dobson used to be a relatively big deal on DA... which really doesn’t mean much but still. Him leaving DA for Patreon was probably his absolute worst mistake.
That background is actually a nice touch
See, I actually find these funny... Is there something wrong with me?
And he looks younger and skinnier than ever.
It's really sad, going through all of these, because he seemed to be a decent artist way back, when he actually put work into his... "work". He had talent and skill you could see.
He even showed ARTIST FRIENDS in his comics, even if they were hacks like him.
Now he just seems to be alone and miserable, bitching about politics at the bottom of his own well, without any intention of improving on anything in his life.
It's honestly sad, because he DOES have it within him. He just doesn't want to do it. Because that would be "letting the enemies win". He wants to just be proven right.
To be fair, he was drawing himself younger, skinnier, and with a fuller head of hair in these last few strips, , , I can see why people would bring it up a lot near the end.
I wonder if anyone’s put together a compilation of his avatar’s change over time
>treat them like characters
That's the best advice I've heard when it comes to backgrounds and I learned it from Dobson, wtf.
I remember his author's note for that Bully Friend request comic ended with him going on a tirade on how he HAD to succeed, he HAD to become a successful artist only to rub it in his Bully's face. And look where it got him.
Shame most of the notes were erased, only the most recent ones have them
Dobson is no where near as awful as I thought he was back in the day
why does the lady grow fur
Well, i guess this is Dobson's most ironic comic
Most of the awful stuff came from his DA Journals at the time.
Someone should make a water edit for this
Yeah, he was more boring than anything
Back in the day Humon (the lady artist) used to joke about how being spoiled by con staff would make her snooty, thus in her comics about attending cons, she drew herself as her alter ego Diva Humon or something like that
The early 2010s were a wild time
How many times can you do the same gag of “people criticize me”?
Holy shit, anons this is what i've been waiting for!
It keeps going
I just know about him from that Dobson Hypocrisy blog on tumblr.
Getting more and more angry and bitter
The comics he didn’t just slap on the internet and actually publish were Formera (super generic fantasy story about a kid being transported to a strange land) Patty (the lesbian comic), and Percy Phillips (basically gay Sherlock Holmes and was actually written before the BBC show if you can believe that). AFAIK they aren’t available online in any capacity right now. If someone ever wanted to storytime that shit they’re going to have to buy a physical copy and scan it them
It is a damn good cosplay though.
Ah a classic
I don't know what Ugly John is.
I meant why does it suddenly appear in the third panel?
I feel like all these early strips don’t look that bad. Why does the new stuff seem so much worse? Like in these early strips it’s not AMAZING art, but it still has some personality and doesn’t feel as ugly as his newer stuff.
So, wants to buy it? lulu.com
>movieblob makes Green-M&M tranny fucking linkara look logical
Aussie mutant with three faces who showed up in two issues of Grant Morrison's New X-Men, then promptly died
I’ve seen them on Amazon along with his Alex ze Pirate comics.
>dat foreshadowing
Ironically, most of those panels are from the Brentalfloss comics, not SYAC.
There IS a copy of Formera floating round on eBay now. I'd buy it, but I live outside the US and don't want stupid shipping fees
So, was this a real contest?
One thing I never understood about Dobson is that he constantly goes on and on about "life as a cartoonist", yet all I've ever seen him produce are self published cartoons about self publishing cartoons. Has he ever held a professional job as a cartoonist? Or is he just a huge pretentious wannabe? Even if he was a pro at some point, how the fuck does he have so little imagination that this is all he can think to write about?
I liked the one with the toaster and the bathtub.
Are these comics from Dobson or a parody of Dobson, this comic is way too based
He has published a few comics at least
Professionally? That's a surprise, considering his favorite topic seems to be himself.
all from the son of dob himself.
This is just sad
Bizarrely, yes. The page was removed for the trade paperback... because of nudity.
post the real pic
Considering the edits I've seen to Dobson's work, I don't blame user for thinking that.
This is just a bitter version of that one comic where the guy kills himself
>Mexican, Jew, and Irishman build wall to keep out pure aryan boy
>trekkie says get out of my fandom
>dobson is wearing everything except a star trek reference
Humon made a lot of funny comics.
I can't help but feel bad for him
how do people go so wrong
that's actually a pretty good suggestion. FUCK YOU dobson for being a fuck up fucktard who won't even listen to decent advice from your own mother.
These are all so lame and boring.
WAIT DOBSON WAS THE GUY THAT MADE THIS? I thought it was just a Yea Forums meme
I think it's implying he sucks at painting and is not good enough to do it
Sad but true
I don't think I'm enlightened enough to understand this one, what's the huge crash supposed to be?
It’s supposed to be a boa, that poofs into existence along with her makeup whenever she enters “diva” mode
Listen it doesn’t make sense, it was deviant art I don’t know what to tell you
i would read death bunny
that looks AWESOME
He is the victim in every strip he makes
He's like Charlie Brown, but not as endearing. At least with Charlie Brown, I want him to win sometimes. With Dobson, nah, I want him to lose all the time.
The duality of Dobson
I used to be obsessed with Humon before I learned where to find real porn online
Is 40 patreonbucks not enough?
Does this hell have an end?
Bob is the ultimate lolcow, he is such a piece of shit you cant possibly feel bad at making fun of him
Dobson has the power to piss everyone off by opening his mouth, he also throws himself a pity party constantly and blames everyone else for his shit
Combined they form Chris chan
No, just kidding it'll be over soon
>being so pathetic you make linkara seem based
I dunno user. I think they're funny in the sort of 'silent smile' way.
Even broken clock is right twice a day.
It's easy to forget that Dobson used to be well-known for a reason. Back when Deviantart was relevant he was genuinely one of the best regulars (though this also speaks to the lower standards of the time), and more importantly he was one of the only decent regulars who made infotainment stuff about drawing. He was always above-average in plain skill, he just constantly sabotages that with his own laziness and abrasive personality.
Honestly sexualizing men is a way better option than not sexualizing women
Make every piece of media jojos
That's not bad advice, actually.
Is that the man of shad
Oh, so that was part of the bit. At least it has context, thanks.
I've been noticing that HUMAN Dobson has more reasonable advice than Bear Dobson. Yeah, he's still shitty when he drew himself as a human, but noticeably LESS shitty than when he became the blue bear.
Has not being good at something ever stopped him before?
Honestly it’s because Dobson allowed himself to be trolled into ugliness. Now it’s not entirely his fault, he did get it pretty hard from the internet hate machine, but what he is today is entirely his own fault. The dude WANTS to be angry, he wants to be miserable because that way it’s not his fault. It’s not his fault he’s not famous, it’s the anime that tainted his art style. It’s not his fault he didn’t get a job at Disney, it’s CGI. It’s not his fault he can’t take criticism, it’s folks like that Plebcomics PERSON (not lady, ladies are never mean) who constantly rag on his artwork. It’s not his fault he’s not happy, it’s because of all the trolls (and probably because he’s like legit clinically depressed but I can’t prove that).
What are Dobson's restrictions?
I think that's just because the Chairbear avatar coincided with his final descent into laziness and misanthropy.
Dob is sad. Bob is infuriating.
What's the joke?
>four fingered sloths
Wasn't that a Calvin and Hobbes joke?
>Even dobson dislikes Bendispeak
being bad at art when making a webcomic is the norm
being bad at art for murals is very bad
The joke is imagining Dobson sitting at a convention mumbling to himself about his neighbor.
no haha
Jesus, it looks like he shaded with the burn tool.
Usually Dobson prefers to put air into people.
Except for Harley, Dobby got what he wanted.
I imagine his voice as that one kid Yea Forums fucked with a few years back. sammy something.
>didn’t actually flip him off irl, just made a comic about it later
This physically hurts me
Do people really have bleedy nose with pervy thoughts?
Classicsonicfan? He was always doing a bit, he said this multiple times, he's like the oposite of Chris Chan, the internet fucked with him for his supposedly autistic shit he did and he ended up a normal human being.
So, you guys like this dude?
Man, that jump from cartoony to not-quite-mall charicature is jarring af
Hulk needs to be wider
That's just the chick from Silverhawks
Ironically he's so bad he makes Chapo Traphouse look good.
This is what Dobson sounds like
I like ALL dudes
Why the fuck is Pam Grier in this comic now?
>us "smart nerds"
I dunno, she's never like that again, she goes back to normal in her next appearance
What if I draw porn that has the woman in control of the situation and isn't creepy or coercive?
>apologizes for jock stereotyping
>doesn't apologize for homophobic joke
"lol it's a gay sport cuz men touch each other" is a joke only homophobic straight men make.
That’s actually funny. First thing in the thread that made me smile.
Id donate to your Patreon
Someone posted all of Formera on Dobson's Kiwifarm thread a while back, so if you do some digging you can find it there.
It’s charming shlock. Never underestimate charming schlock.
Another person posted the next comic in the last thread so i'm not going to post it again to save time.
He has made this "Joke" at least 7 times. What the fuck is wrong with this guy head. Also how the fuck was he better in college that he is now.
Jesus Christ just write pornographic fanfic in your basement, no need to take it out on others.
This is like a garfield
>Sadly I have a feeling too many people will be coming here, arguing about #GamerGate’s true intentions, bemoaning “Not ALL GamerGate harassed women!” and completely ignoring my brilliant pun for the Occupy Wall Street girl. Bah.
I mean, there WAS that one comic where Hulk was mopey about not being able to fuck She-Hulk, so... y'know.
>So my previous comic was about how silly it is to have a mascot created for your “movement,” which is why I parodied GamerGate’s “Vivian James” with my own version “Occu-Lass Thrift: The Dumpster Diving College Graduate.” But as usual THAT discussion got completely sidelined by stupid nitpicky nonsense about my depiction of Vivian herself. She was too “happy.” Some said she looked like a “bimbo.” And some felt her “curvaceous features” were too “sexualized.” That, and the discussion about where she came from and why (being created by Yea Forums as part of winning the right to have a character in a game thanks to donations they made to TFYC’s), completely sidelined the actual point and interesting discussion I was HOPING to have about movements needing amalgamations created to represent them. So that’s what THIS comic is about. How my depiction of a bubbly personality and people's need to demonize that has absolutely NOTHING to do with the point that I was originally trying to make in the last comic.
I never understood what the joke was supposed to be, or even the connection between the two panels.
>ugly john
He found this name by hitting the random page button on the marvel wiki.
Oh fuck it’s the smug Dobson face
Ah yes, the Bingo comic. A true classic.
Dobson is bad but not bad enough to make it entertaining, he is just fucking plain and boring.
>“No, really, I’m reading this of my own free will.”
This isn't even the original, by the way. The original had him yelling about an article about Batwoman not being able to get married in her comic.
I love how he acknowledges all the criticism, then does nothing about it
>shitting on Vivian James
>whining when people pointed out he was shitting on Vivian James
>This comic was made November of 2011. It was originally made for my Facebook page which had just surpassed the 8,000 viewership mark. The intention was, of course, to post it when I finally reached 9,000 viewers. But for whatever reason, my viewership just kinda sat there around the 8,000 mark and hasn't really gone up or down since then. Then, because I got tired of waiting, my intention was to post this after I surpassed the 900 viewership mark on twitter... and yet again I am sitting comfortably at around 895. Damnnit! So whatever. Here's a comic I made almost 4 years ago. It's incredibly stupid and was just meant as a gag for a viewership milestone.
My favorite part is the gradually decreasing amount of likes
>The Legend of Korra just ended. So here's my bear character dressed as Korra because why not?
Is this Yea Forums's favorite character?
The drawing on the right is unironically pretty good, he could've made a decent living off of nsfw commissions and drawings but chooses to act high and mighty as if he doesn't jerk off to inflation chicks
Holy fuck, he can actually do good when he fucking tries.
Underrated post.
>Thanks everyone for following me on twitter and getting me up to 1,000 watchers! That's quite a milestone! Also, if you're not following me there, you should be! Here's the link: twitter.com
>No dig on the dude's art. His work is ALWAYS amazing. More or less a dig at the company for not thinking this all the way though... I'd understand if they did this sort of variant cover down the line, like maybe 10-15 issues in... but the FIRST ISSUE of "Princess Leia" getting a variant WITHOUT Princess Leia? That's stupid.
I feel like I get what he’s talking about but I’m not sure if I’m misconstruing his desire to watch superheroes have sex.
>It's like they just took the comment section from the announcement and inserted it into their books!
Calm thine tits Dobson
And then he got banned - twice - for threatening to kill Trump.
What the fuck does this mean?
>So yeah... Kojima is releasing an action figure version of "Quiet" with squeezable boobs. Keep in mind that a lot of people have been defending Quiet's questionable costume design by saying Kojima has a legitimately good reason for her outfit and that she's a mute because of traumatic experiences that have happened to her. So... we've got a silent, potentially sexually assaulted, skimpy clad woman... that you can fondle. How is that NOT objectifying or, at the very least, GROSS?
I'll be right back to finish this sexist crap, just gotta do something first.
>last one
__ kinda _____ ____ ____ ____?
That just reminds me of a Poe Dameron variant cover that had a drawing of a scene from A New Hope instead of Poe Dameron.
This is great 2 shot in more ways than 1
do you think they got it in one take?
Why does the MRA strawman look like Superman? You'd think he would have been some unkempt neckbea... oh... that's why.
Did I miss other game?
meanwhile in bizarro Yea Forums
So, do web comics nowadays only have two tone: depressed bitch made nigga and smug entitled asshole or what?
Why Little Rock? Seems weird to mentions such a specific, real, small town. Is this based off a real event or something?
It's poorly worded, but it's good advice.
Don't work for anything other than cold hard cash, kids.
Don't go for things like exposure, a percentage of sales, or whatever, if it isn't accompanied by a generous serving of cash money.
this screams jelly
So straight shota?
As far as we know Dob isn't a literal basement dweller
no, that's a japanese cultural thing
Well, broken clock and all that.
Yes, and girls regularly punch boys so hard they fly into the sky and become a twinkle.
whats the point of this?
I legitimately don't know what hes trying to do
I said NOT creepy or coercive
oops, forgot to put the text for that one
>This is based on an actual conversation I had with a real client. I really wish I could say that this mindset wasn't as pervasive in the industry as it is, but from what I've seen a LOT of clients don't give a crap about copyrights and use google image search results for a vast majority of their content. It puts me in a weird spot because on one hand, I know it's wrong and shouldn't be done, but on the other hand THEY are the ones paying me and THEY are the ones who will ultimately be responsible with whatever I make for them since it's their commission.
The text for this one is:
>Not hating, just a suggestion. This sorta thing always works better in moderation.
>I know I'm late on this one. I've been meaning to do this strip for a LONG time now. But yeah... I can't STAND Raven's new costume. 90% of how you empathize with a character is through their face and (most especially) their eyes. When you deliberately cover up the eyes like that, to the point that there aren't even any eye holes, while also opening up the body to be practically naked... yeah that's objectification. You are encouraged to observe the body, but not any sort of facial features that would help you empathize with them as a person. It's also a great disconnect on readership, as this design is clearly meant for a male reader... but the vast majority of female readers know of and love the design of the animated TV show. It's like it's intentionally creating a barrier so that women can't get into the comic, and to keep it focused entirely on the male gaze for their presumed male readership. Despite, of course, statistics showing that more women are reading comics now than ever before. The design of her "hood" could've worked if they also didn't open up the body like that. I'm not opposed to the idea of covering up the eyes. On it's own that's an interesting design choice. But coupled with the half naked body underneath? Ugh... Anyway, that's just my opinion. I'm not a fan of her New 52 design.
based Kojima
>I really wish I was joking about this. But I'm not. In amidst all this talk about taking down the Confederate flag, GamerGate proponents have taken up the symbol, recoloring it to their "colors" and are now using it as their own.
>In case you think the final comparison is too harsh, just remember: This is the Batman that kills, uses a machine gun, drives around in a Tank running over innocent bystanders, kidnaps a 12 year old boy, forces said boy to eat rats, beats the crap out of Green Lantern, steals his Lantern Corps Ring, calls people retarded, tortures people indiscriminately, and slaps around women.
>DC characters are iconic and idealized. They are characters you are suppose to want to be (For Example: the recent "Be the Bat" ad campaign). But I'm sorry, I don't think THIS version of Batman is the one we should be rooting for or wanting to be like.
>Just my opinion!
>tried to draw roman buildings on a massive papper in my drawing workshop without using a ruler because it will hell me git gud
Pure pain and suffering
I liked the bird costume she had
This is like a bizarro version of Kelly
>Green and purple confederate flag
The only people winning here were the trolls laughing their asses off at anyone dumb enough to take this shit seriously.
>The geek convention known as "Nine Worlds" is trying to be incredibly inclusive to all types of people, including those who are introverts. They've got special buttons which tell people around at a quick glance how you want to interact at the convention, and I think it's a really awesome idea.
And I SAID straight shota!
I was thinking that just as I was reading it
Why the fuck is it still called "So you are a cartoonist" if it's just his political soapbox? It's honestly the worst part about it to me.
It used to be about the troubles of being a cartoonist, it's not about that anymore.
>Grown adults watching kids' cartoons for mature themes
It just seems so sad every time.
Why is the signature in anothe language?
Just have a footnote that says the shota is >18.
why go to a fucking convention then?
Bob, Dob, and Linkara need to fuse
I don't get this one, he just slapped filters/textures on them, not really experimenting with the style, just the presentation.
Nothing really exhausts me like Dobson comics.
His newest comics aren’t even on his website these days. It’s only on Facebook and tumblr.
And yes, there are still new SYAC coming out.
Didn't the snake figure from that toy line also have that for his ass thou?
its so bizarre. he has good ideas and views on a few arts and comics things, but its like he doesnt have the skill to properly execute on these ideas and instead lets it get bogged down by politics
he puts effort and work in, considering how many of these damn things we have and the fact he has brentalfloss and printed comics, it just feels like some of that time and effort could have gone into more self-improvement as a person and an artist considering how he turned out
Does...does he think he's still the 90's?
this one is worth one kek
I ain't storytiming that shit, only the official run, if someone else wants to please do because i'm really fucking tired
I've had this thought floating around my head for a few days now: Dobson has a love/hate relationship with anime, and his old style aped Rumiko Takahashi's. Given how he's a virtue signalling SJW, do you think he would still like Urusei Yatsura and Ranma, or find them "problematic" (I hate that word) nowadays?
>Is this Japanese joke real?
I used to live out in the desert in Nevada user. You get nose bleeds when you first move out due to the dryness. The only thought I ever had is that this would suck to be a woman and have more blood pour from my body.
almost done
man dobson just need to get off the internet and reconnect with the world, seriously
No, newfag.
>Stupid Fox
Ha. Emily Chan was adorable when I met her at AX.
Didn't that theater get threatened with a law suit because, well, that shit's illegal?
Also wanted to add that I’m aware he drew Alex wearing Lum’s bikini and Lum herself for Inktober in 2017.
dobson, dont antagonize people, it goes nowhere and isnt funny, even to yourself i suspect
Holy crap dobbie, "work big, print small", printing your stuff big not only makes any mistakes more obvious, it draws attention to unintended places of the picture.
this is hard to read.
I had to make them smaller because they were too big for Yea Forums too
Kek, it’s less than $20 right now.
I think the joke here is that whoever is supposed to give the final approval wants all these drastic changes with so little time before deadline.
Which is why you get your shit in early, folks.
This is the only Dosbon comic I have ever related to from his entire library of work, and it's still shit because he has no idea how to frame his concepts as jokes.
So....this is the work of a master cartoonist...
This is honestly more of a problem of artists tracing from pin-ups and porn.
The black nerd looks like he's having a fucking stroke
>insert dobson:
>*Note: This was made BEFORE the announcement of a female Doctor.
I too would have a stroke if I ever appeared in a Dobson comic
>I got a LOT of heat for this one. I guess people expected me to explain why I think he's a Mary Sue? But honestly if you need me to explain that to you, you're probably not reading comics anyway...
>It's frustrating when you're a cartoonist, and people expect you to just be able to draw photo-realistically. That's not my area of expertise!
So who is this girl he draws himself with in his comics? It's safe to assume he has no friends irl.
Some random reocurring character meant to represent persistant clients and fans
As much as she says she hates everything he does, because she's giving him so much attention i think she might have a crush on him
... dobson could actually have a vivid dating life and career if he embraced his trolls like chris chan and tommy wiseau
is that Larry Bundy?
made me smile
Are there a lot of significant cartoonists who can't draw realistically? All I can think of is Matt Groening, who was a pretty shit artist in general, but at least his style was unique.
>imagine being so fat you look at insects and see fried butter
>A jab at a recent Penny Arcade comic which went on for too long, thus ruining the joke.
You know, this comic is actually an interesting and subtle downward spiral, it isn't fucking insane like Sonichu but it shows what happens when you do the OPPOSITE of what everyone in the internet tells you to.
thank you user! that was a marvelous storytime of pain!
This is one of those things I can see where he's coming from, especially since he's of the age to remember when a sex scene was just part of the action movie language, but at the same time...dude...
>lol homeless people cant write correctly!
Why did he use to draw Brentalfloss with that shit haircut when he's usually clean shaven?
>I'm so friggin' sick of this mindset. Black people have to empathize with white protagonists ALL THE TIME, so why is it so hard for white people to do the same?
>Today I'd like to talk about ONE aspect of the whole "off-model" debate that often goes unacknowledged...
>This is how it goes. You reap what you sow.
>A lot of people who view my feminist leanings as an “act” always point to the fact that I used to draw fetish art a decade ago as some sort of hypocrisy. But the fact of the matter is that just because I don’t draw fetish art anymore and identify as a feminist now doesn’t mean I have some sort of vendetta against it. The problem that arises when feminists clash with comic/game/geek content is because the “context” for the “sexy artwork” either doesn’t exist or is so flimsy it might as well not exist. There is nothing wrong with NSFW artwork, providing the context makes sense (and that includes the WHERE and HOW it’s being published).
>Sidenote: I CANNOT recommend “Sunstone” enough to y’all. It’s amazing and you should check it out! Here’s the link to it on AMAZON. amazon.com
>PS: I genuinely don’t care that Quiet is a mute and can’t talk (that’s problematic in and of itself). I just wanted to make a point.
Why not just admit he looked better with hair?
>Based on real responses I've gotten over the years...
not SYAC but relevant in any Dobson thread nonetheless
>Seriously, how fragile must your ego be that the mere EXISTENCE of women and POC in something you like offends you?
>**And yes, those are both real headlines**
All of these characters' main shtick is being whores.
Okay but the one on the right it more visually interesting and expresses the action way better and in a less stiff manner
>Nothing fuels creativity more than SPITE!
this one gets a small chuckle out of me, feels semi-self aware
>Funny how being "overpowered" only seems to be an issue when it's applied to a female character...
all i could find on his patreon
>special buttons
They're special alright.
Here's a comic I drew about Dobson.
I'm not a fan of ridiculously outgoing people either but I'm beyond sick and tired of all these losers wearing their introvert badges around and sharing how much they don't like hugs. Fuck off with that self-righteous shit.
I think the last bubble is too much.
But it could pass off for the real thing, good job.
>You didn't draw yourself helping your waifu with an art contest where you deliberately ignore what the rules were
Don't even claim to love her, Yea Forums
Drew dobson.
>it’s only ok when I do it
Last panel should be Dobson furiously caricaturing the person criticizing him
OH and thanks for the storytime everyone!
piss off, nigger
wait wtf really
I wish I was just a Garnet's pussy height
and she gets all sweaty delivering pizzas all day
>drawing his stupid bear character instead of the fat pathetic nerd he really looks like
This whole thing is so stupid.
Miller's Batman in DKR isnt the same as Miller's Batman in All-Star or Year One.
God every time I've I think I've reached peak irritation with Dobson I see some other retarded thing he's said.
Weren't these buttons meant for people with literal autism?
Yeah, I was going back and forth when I thought about adding the last text bubble.
If we drew him how he really looks there isn't any way to tell him apart from any other neckbeard on the internet.
Where do you think we are?
Something Awful.
He is right, nobody wants to watch Superman movie
He has like 8 of these shitty stereotypical neckbeard complains about minority/whamin super hero movies and he points out that white men have more super hero movies comics.
40% of something being dedicated to niche minorities isn't a "comically low number"
Where's the bike pump?
His is hilarious to me because he asked his DA audience if they would follow him if he left DA and started posting on patreon (and ONLY on patreon). They said no because they were a bunch of children with no money. He left anyway and was shocked to discover barely any of his 20,000+ followed him because, again they were a bunch of children with no money.
I just read Alex Ze Pirate. It wasn't bad. Kind of cliché, but also entertaining, to be honest.
Didn't he also made a reboot of SYAC? I think it was about a young girl and her roommate.
I've heard Superman criticized for that exact thing.
he tried but pussed out after 10 comics
it's usually the kind of person that thinks Batman is more relatable than him even though he is basically a billionaire neet
Didn't he post a comic where he literally burned a strawman lmao
Gotta love the fact that Dobson intentionally forgot to mention that the cartoon Starfire was toned down from the original 80's version.
Same shit that Dave Willis tried to ignore.
God I love that shtick
the most depressing thing is that more people will know and remember son of dob than the vast majority of us and other actually good artists
I don't get how he's still managed to keep people thinking he knows what happens in comics after he posted this.
It's practically an admission that "I only watched cartoons, I've never picked up a comic in my life and only parrot what other people say about them!"
DBSN sure does love to fluctuate between IT'S FOR KIDS and IT'S FOR ADULTS in these comics about his goony hobbies. Maybe one weekend we can get a storytime of healing and read evil tom preston.
Notoriety is NOT something anyone really wants without the skills to ride it out.
just do something never fucking seen before like 2 photo realistically drawn lesbian pandas going to a high school in the 1950's everyday constantly for 20 years straight consistently posted everywhere and i think your luck will change. make it colorful and bizarre.
then slowly put in whatever you actually want to draw into it.
you may even get a movie, as long as your willing to play ball with lawyers and change your concepts constantly to see what sticks.
funny that he makes something so lucid at times and yet still never found anything unique or interesting to say or show
There's being off-model, and then there's being inconsistent.
No, it's from Romantically Apocalyptic or something. It's a very bland "funny" comic
So I got bored and looked up his patreon.
How does he only have 16 patrons? You could probably get more by seductively clipping your toenails or some shit.
I have a signed copy of Formera. No idea where it came from; a friend just handed it to me one day.
How on earth did he not realize water was seeping into his basement until he put his foot on the floor
His current drawings make this art look decent. Holy shit.
It has (read: had) charm. It's just a dumb fun family sci-fi adventure with wacky aliens and an eccentric time traveler saving the world. It's still that, but if "dumb" was used in a bad way and without the fun, and also replace "eccentric" with "le quirky xD".
like Yea Forums could've done better
It's possible to get a blood nose from being really fucking excited about something, so theoretically yes but you'd need to be a massive perv to actually get that level of blood flow for it to happen. I don't think I've seen an "excitement" blood nose that wasn't from a child.
So problem with Dobson is that he has like no personality of his own outside of being a "cartoonist" and liking some children's tv shows. It's actually kinda insane how many comics he has done over the years, and they barely say anything.
>an app to convert pounds to dollars
He's too stupid to note the conversion rate and just use a calculator.
Look at the dude he drew. He's more detailed than his usual made-up character. This is advice he received from someone else.
The "realistic" Dobson looks better than what he actually looks like irl.
If he lost weight, got some muscle, and groomed himself better he could be a 6.5
ignoring his height
The only one of those that looks bad is the last one since Steven is way too small even by their usual chibi standards. It's not the standard for scene to scene stuff either.