Do you think when "Phineas and Ferb" is rebooted in ten years Phineas and Candace will be black?

Do you think when "Phineas and Ferb" is rebooted in ten years Phineas and Candace will be black?

Attached: black.png (1198x600, 376K)

Do you think about anything of substance?

Yes. And in live action.

We live in the worst timeline.

i wonder if the people who complain about the lack of gingers actually have seen a ginger in their lives

no, not really.

Why do people complain about cartoons when the most important man in history is being constantly Whitewashed?

Attached: Savior.jpg (531x710, 290K)


no, but she'll get black hair.

Attached: Dye_my_hair_black....png (1024x577, 727K)

But Walt Disney was always white.

that is somehow worse


Does disney?

They'll probably make Doof black.

Dr. Doofenspook


probably, Phineas always struck me as a niggerish name. maybe it's the southern feeling to it.

>live action.

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Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard. Have sex incel

they white washed Jesus to spread their cult to all of europe
putting together every buzzword you know or something?


I feel like Ferb and Lawrence would more likely be made black.

but they're not red heads

What the fuck are you talking about?
Has Captain Planet been rebooted? It's been over 20 years since that was a thing.

Premise makes no sense.