Remember when stonetoss was decent?

Remember when stonetoss was decent?

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Yeah, when it was called Red Panels

As long as he still shits on trannies, he's alright.

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You mean at one point he wasnt a néonazi ?

How's 5th grade?


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That’s pretty good. I find it fascinating both the right and left hate trannies and feminists. Yet they run leftists parties. That’s the true reason why right wing parties are on the rise.

Nazi. And channers murders people

It's fucking lame. You'll hate it when you get here.


You have to go back


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Follow your leader

>yes im dumb. But you are dumber
Still a self burn



>Liberal passion is doing nothing
>Conservative passion is actively ensuring more people end up on the street
Yeah nah he's always been shit

Is that why the highest homeless populations are exclusively in liberal cities?

What the fuck

hes still cool

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No one killed anyone shouting Reddit memes

>can't even meme arrow correctly
You really have to go back

Remember when stonetoss did more than illustrate /pol/ memes?

As a lib, we tolerate trannies as people with mental illnesses that have been recommended an unorthodox treatment. If I had the misfortune of being similarly touched in the head, I would hope to be treated "normally", whatever that is these days.
Hate the cancer, love the cancer patient.

No, you play along with their delusions and make it worse. It's like telling someone with anorexia that they really are too fat

Attached: stonetoss the dude.jpg (1000x1000, 451K)