it keeps happening
It keeps happening
Other urls found in this thread:
Where's Morgana
I was going to say that even in the original she had slightly darker feathers, like peach-colored instead of white, but yeah they definitely changed the texture of her hair.
No, what kept happening was turning gingers into blacks. This is a weird cross of having a dark ginger. Also, who the fuck cares? They're ducks.
its a fucking duck retard
She's not fucking yet. Give her eight years, at least.
Can that even count for the ginger to black chart since she still has ginger hair?
>It's a Drake thinks adopting a black daughter gives him an "n-word pass" episode
>it's just a duck
>it's just a mermaid
>it's just a person
She looks like an actual gosling now
Oh yeah, goslings are born gray and turn white or lighter depending on the type of goose
but dont they also have black bills? i never took gosalyn for an actual goose. Now some of the other characters, yeah, the ones who have that weird-shaped goose bill. big upper lump, short overall bill.
Why is Zendaya so popular? my imouto loves her (platonically I hope).
This looks like ass but I'm honestly happy Darkwing Duck is still around even the artwork is really not my style.
What if she gives him an n-word pass in exchange for adoption?
Red hair, green eyes, coloration similar to a gosling
>nah she black
You guys are telling me that you are all triggered because of a Duck that has a different color of feathers? What the actual fuck!? Have you guys really hit that low with that daily dose of the redpill? I get you guys are mad because of the obvious cash grabs and pandering, but that's a mother fucking duck.
Are you pretending to be from tumblr or what's going on here?
We're mad because it KEEPS HAPPENING.
>wow just because it's systematic doesn't mean you are allowed to complain, papa corpo knows better, obey, consume, die happily with a spongebob grave.
>People grew up with something and are now mad that it's different
Have you been anywhere on the internet ever?
Not saying that you aren't allowed to complain, but it's a fucking duck. How does a duck have a race? Are Goose the fucking niggers of the duck race?
>it's a fucking duck. How does a duck have a race?
Because there are some clear analogs going on.
Here's Fenton from back in the day, voiced by Hamilton Camp.
Note his coloration.
>Where's Morgana
Just a fan picture though.
And here we have the the same Fenton, now from the 2017 version, played by Lin Manuel-Miranda.
Again, note the coloration.
I'll concede the point that Lin might be one pale ass quadroon motherfucker, but he runs a play were the only white actor is the unambiguious villain that sings "I will kill your friends and family, to remind you of my Love".
Not sure what you're even trying to argue. Anthropomorphic ducks can easily have an ethnicity. Like for example Scrooge, Glomgold, Magica, or the group of ducks in pic related.
He was renamed as Crackshell-Cabrera too.
Fenton's design is unironically better in nuTales than it was in the older show. The original design is the most generic looking shit ever.
Oh look its another 'they redesigned it now its RUINED FOREVER, MOM' thread.
>daffy duck is a dirty knee guard
Makes sense actually
There are also the ducks from Trala la.
wow you sure showed me with your endless wit and know how.
It's a Jew thing. When Jacob and Esau were fighting for the right to inherit Isaac's titles, one of the things they remark about Esau was having thick red hair. 3,000 years later, they're still salty daddy didn't pick them first.
You can argue that the new look's more visually distinct, sure.
But people used to get upset about whitewashing in media, and they will get similarly upset about erasure/replacement of other ethnicities too. Especially if there's an on-going and consistent trend of it.
Are there weeb fags in this universe too?
TV Titans Starfire still has red hair and we count her so yes
Why should I give a shit about the buttrage on either side if the design is better? Both sides are retarded, but you're basically saying we should throw the baby out with the bathwater for the sake of people who get easily offended on Yea Forums and Twitter.
Because they didn't change it because they thought the design was a better one, they did it as some form of reparation.
I think you do seem to have some emotional investment in the buttrage, since you're responding to the thread.
Either way, you're living in the era of identity politics. They created a world where people get angry about how their in-group is represented in the media, so this is what we have to deal with now. All cast selections (and especially ethnicity alterations) send a political message, and they get torn apart in online discussions.
They do get discussed for a reason, because in some cases ethnicity alterations can be dangerous and pretty malicious. Like when you're doing a period piece about some past era and decide to change stuff so that it caters better to modern sensibilities. It's historical revisionism; altering and erasing knowledge about the history to fit your worldview, so that it's easier to push your political agenda in the current day. Not sure if Yea Forums works have done that, but I know of some videogames and TV series with glaring examples of it.
>who the fuck cares?
Every time
That's a neat conspiracy to keep in the back of the mind. I mean........ stranger things are actually real.
I told you bro
i told you about the ducks bro
the real crime here is Darkwing's retarded New 52 suit
because it's always a valid point.
It was a conspiracy before the Little Mermaid ordeal. Now it's basically confirmed. There is a deliberate effort among the entertainment elite to replace redheads with black people.
Those dastardly elites.......
You do realize the show is about talking cartoon animals right?
Just say the JEWS already, you're not fooling anybody.
Which only underlines how obcessed they are that even redheaded cartoon ducks must be made black
You know who they are.
>Now it's basically confirmed.
No, it still isn't.
>here is a deliberate effort among the entertainment elite to replace redheads with black people.
ypu are aware they have been replaced by blonde whit women too? I mean, have you seen the Valerian movie?
Fuck, or even MCU Black Widow. the make her blonde in Infinity war and kill her in End Game.
At least they kept the red hair this time, she must dye it. Although you could claim she's just a tan natural redhead, which I guess is theoretically possible.
So you agree that there is a concerted effort to destroy redheads' media presence, you just disagree that replacing them with black people is the exclusive weapon of choice.
She not even brown, shes like some kind of yellowish-grey color.
There is also a systemic order to not give Zorro his moustaches. I mean seriously, 3 Live action movie AND NOT A SINGLE ONE HAS MOUSTACHES. IT'S FUCKING ZORRO? FOR CHRIS SAKE!
So if rich people do something weird you'll just deny that they did it, on the basis that it's too weird to happen? No matter how much evidence exists that they are in fact doing it?
That's just because mustaches are considered creepy and unmarketable now. Is red hair considered creepy and unmarketable? That would explain it.
>Implying they're give her curves or make her even remotely sexy.
>kill her in End Game.
Dude, spoilers!
I mean, they sexed up Magica, so that's not entirely impossible
Stark dies too now fuck off
..... fuck.. okay, you win. Here's hoping!
A couple of JEEEEEEEWS I know have red hair.
Nice try though.
They actually simply changed the design because old Fenton was just a Donald-replacement. Since DT2017 uses Donald more often, DT2017 Fenton doesn't have to be a generic Donald-ersatz anymore, and can be changed to suit the whims of the show writer, who always wanted some kind of hispanic superhero representation.
He’s cute now
aww man, i dont like the new darkwing outfit... oh well you can call this ducktales universe B then. Its now its own thing.
darkwing globally looks off, he's meant to be cartoon and rubbery for all the slapstick, there he's way too angular and solid
yeah but its not that big of deal really. I mean the way I see it, its just the multiverse that goes beyond style, like Spiderverse. Even though thats head canon, if it wasnt then it still isnt our old show. Its a new show reusing IPs in a different style of cartoon all together.
>its not that big of deal really. I
you aren't there to tell me how to think. Fuck off. And close that gapping mouth holy shit.
woah thats not what I said at all, I just said its not the big a deal. seriously man.
They're trying to play him straighter as a vigilante character, even if still comical- probably using the recent years Darkwing Duck comics as an influence
Do I need to point out that she's a duck? Changing the colors of her feathers for the same reason you'd change a human's skin tone is stupid, it doesn't matter what color they are if they're not human, it's not more inclusive.
>George III dindu nuffin wrong
You've hit a new low, but you're just going to keep digging, aren't you?
Forget it. Todays leftists have a tendency to be slaves of globalist neoliberal powers.
hollywood hates asians and gingers
damn you just OWNED those LIBS with that salad of nonsense buzzwords, BASED!
Say what you want this doesn't change though that modern liberals promote the same things like neoloiberal globalists do.
It's not my fault you are too stupid to know what these words mean.
The original version literally only existed to fill in for Donald since they didn't want him overtaking the show
Literally no one cares for Fenton outside his Gizmo suit so giving him character is actually an improvement
Sweetie, everybody knows what "globalists" actually means. You guys really aren't subtle.
But user don’t you see they turned a white duck in to a brown duck. It’s a plot to demoralize and replace white cartoon drakes!
I didn't mind the change to Fenton since this Ducktales was essentially its own thing and some variety in itself is fine in my opinion. But given the recent years it's hard not to feel like it's all done just to score cheap political points.
Eh, who cares about redheads? There aren't enough Irish gingers to market towards anymore.
ok but why
jesus fuck, calm down lol
i'm just happy they are putting her in the show, desu
the reboot has been a good watch so far, i'm happy with the layered building of character associations and references to the original show they are doing, as well as the callbacks to previous episodes and established characters that has been happening. it's how you build a cohesive interpretation of a world within an existing IP.
In 100 years the average “irish” is 30% black 30% paki 20% malay 10% spanish 10% aztec with dyed pink hair and named Zora Sakura Ahmed Vasquez
>black and red hair
You guys know she's a bird right? Yet everyone is this pissed off about it to make it about race
Yea Forums is really retarded when it comes to race aren't they
Is it really that big a deal to add some color variation?
No it's not because threads like these prove that there are quite a few people that care.
If you watched the show you’d know they treat certain colors as races
Gosalyn already had color variation, she was pale yellow. If visual contrasts in character designs are the goal, why not just make her a brighter yellow with brighter orange/red hair? Choosing brown every time is the opposite of variation.
I haven't clicked a single one of these btw.
Indeed they went for a more "seductress evil sorcerer" look for Magica. So I would assume Morgana would keep her original look, or something close to it.
>Not saying that you aren't allowed to complai
Then shut the fuck up.
Christ, you fags cry about every goddamn thing. This place really is just tumblr.
Name one board that doesn't cry about every goddamn thing.
>stay silent I want to consume blindly in silence ok? Stop being individual, I want uniform slavery OR ELSE!
Am I stupid or am I not even seeing how she’s black? I guess she’s sort of tan, but I don’t think that tone really correlates to bring black. Maybe Latino.
Nigga stop
>bows on shoes
Well, at least its a redhead...
Yes that's Daisy
There's another thread or two if you want to discuss that
Just give up. You arent going to change the mind of a political cultist.
Maybe that's what they teach you in Yank school, but America was "founded" by some tax-avoiding traitors who were manipulated by the French to betray their own people. King George's army was willing to work with the remaining natives as allies with the offer to reclaim their land when the traitors were wiped out, but unfortunately we couldn't commit due to the distance and the risk of weakening our defences which is exactly what the French want.
America's founding exists solely as a footnote in the long war between England and France. The only other part of American "history" that the rest of the world is taught is stuff like Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks.
Never appearing.
The taxes were illegal and violated the colonial charters of the colonies.
thanks user
Yeah, but they were black to begin with.
Also dont you talk shit about AJK
discordservers com/server/307213144059674625
>give Magica a celebrity voice actress
>now they can never fucking use her ever again
Why do people instantly jump to black? She's not dark enough for that, she's probably latin now, like Fenton.
discordservers com/server/307213144059674625
I'm more offended that they give her pants
discordservers com/server/307213144059674625
In the original she was orange, she had darker orange to brown feathers that made her a few shades darker than any other duck in the show.
Female characters in the show wear pants or skirts. one exemption to that rule seems to be Lena though.
they had some sweet moments in darkwing, wonder how it will pan out here
Disney pushes her hard, for some reason. I mean other than KC Undercover and her movies. She's never struck me as a "breakout star". She just is one.
They're mad because The Daily Stormer told them to be mad.
Lena's too wet for webby to keep fabric down there
>Also, who the fuck cares?
People whose lives are so empty that they have nothing better to do with their time than get angry about tan waterfowl in a cartoon for 8-year-olds.
All they've really done with this "raceswapping" of cartoon animals is tell the world that every single white duck is meant to be a white person.
Isn't one of the good things about using cartoon animals that races don't exist?
It's Zendaya, isn't it?
I rather not
this is still not /pol/ yet newfag
She's in the trailer
discordservers com/server/307213144059674625
Could care less about Fenton. We get hot MILF Duckdective which is about the only plus with him.
A tertiary character in a kids show is made a little darker.
This is a huge thing for any kid that can't see themselves in the main characters.
Losers on the internet will complain as if this affects them or the quality of the story.
user thanks
theres more than one type of duck jackass its not race
They overdosed on redpills
mind blown
>Esau is the progenitor of the Edomites and the elder brother of Jacob, the patriarch of the Israelites
>Esau, a "man of the field", became a hunter[1] who had "rough"[2] qualities that distinguished him from his twin brother. Among these qualities were his red hair and noticeable hairiness.[9] Jacob was a shy or simple man, depending on the translation of the Hebrew word tam (which also means "relatively perfect man").[8] Throughout Genesis, Esau is frequently shown as being supplanted by his younger twin, Jacob (Israel)
Jeez, I thought you were being something of a conspiracy-tard and making shit up, but it's all right there on wikipedia.
Whether modern day Jews still hate Esau or not isn't something I know, but there's a basis for your bullshit. I'll be damned.
>gosalyn wearing pants
welp, that ruins it for me... guess we will never get a scene like this again. RIP original gosalyn
THIS. fuck disney
Darkwing Duck is now being animated by Hanna-Barbera?
Did we lose a war?
>stop caring about changing character designs
do you fags even know where you are?
We btiched for months when they made Amanda Waller skinney and hot because that's not who she is
I’ll take them both thank you
Theres a big difference between a character damaging change like skinny waller and Goslyn being a different shade but still the same little firecracker she's always been.
Disney lost all its money and can no longer afford good animation
>changing the characters weight is more drastic than changing their race
are you retarded?
My point is that people get mad when the characters design changes but for some reason we have assholes who defend turning characters black
for fucks sake we hated the new 52 costumes because they weren't the same thing
Is the new Ducktales show any good? Especially compared to the previous cartoon. If not, why so?
it's Webby the show
get ready for Webby to be the best at everything and for most episodes to focus on her
the nephews were more fappable in the original... not so much now.
Its better if you enjoy snark and memes. If not, its an easy pass.
She had one episode in season 2 and she had to share it with lena
I'd say better then Ducktales OG. That had nice animation but frankly no real soul in the Saturday morning compartment
The real question is what are you into and what do you want out of a duck show. If you're into more meta humor, sarcasm, and variations that's mostly episodic then you might like it. If you're into a more traditional series, the comics/Donald or a more overarching plot Caballeros is the duck show to watch
I'm personally really into Caballeros, but you won't know until you give both a shot. Usually it's one or the other it seems
Dewey is the one character to have been in all most every episode. Webby this season only has had one solo episode.
I'm not saying that, I'm saying that the script calls for the villain to be the only white guy in the cast.
It was intentional.
She is still ginger enough for me to not care.
fuck if I know I dropped the show after sitting through 5 webby episodes in a row
She’s close to the same color as Fenton and his Mother, which means that she’s latin, and you can be a latin ginger.
She was so cute, the new one's fine but c'mon. Good bye super cute adopted hyperactive daughter and cranky overprotective dad dynamic.
Is this show worth watching? I watched the first two eps and they didn't really grab me, but I am willing to give it a second chance.
why does looking at this pic make me think they just had a night of hot sex and are sleeping it off?
IDK, maybe you're horny man. Or, you're so far down the rabbit hole of porn you lewd literally everything you look at.
Clearly they just got done playing catch. DW crashed on the couch and Gosalyn snuggled in. It's cute shit brah.
>Clearly they just got done playing catch
yeah. catch that ass!
You have absolutely destroyed your brain with porn
Y'all sure are horny for some ducks aren't ya
>Stop being individual, I want uniform slavery OR ELSE!
This quote is in relation to a cartoon duck having darker feathers than she did in the 90's.
She is wearing black pants retard.
Welcome to duck threads
It's the natural response after a dangerous night. All that adrenaline has to leave the system somehow.
>All that adrenaline has to leave the system somehow.
it left drakes penis and went into gosalyn
I remember this artist for their osomatsu porn and Twitter drama
>let's get inseminated
Are you? Waller's weight was a part of her character. Youre the one assuming they're turning her into a black kid with barely any evidence of her actress or characterization.
I think what really bothers me are the eyebrows.
Sorry for the poor edit
In real life sure, but this is a talking duck show not real life
Fenton and associated characters are a darker character and is Latin American. Violet is a blue hummingbird and she's a difference race. The main white ducks are played like normal American whites. It's strange but it's going off what this series has established
>Twitter drama
can I ask what about? I'm not seeing anything about it on her page (for obvious reasons, I assume).
So what the hell is Mark Beaks? He's got a darker feather tone but he acts like the whitest white boy to ever white.
Season 1 had an issue where they aired them in the incorrect order, leading to way, WAY too much Webby, but otherwise it's really good, surprisingly.
Yeah if anything I would blame that on the Disney executives, not the actual showrunners and writers.
>everything new is bad
Wow, enjoy your cave paintings and oral story telling, grandpa
>draw ducks
>assign human races to them
Who thought this was a good idea again?
>ducks only come in one color
I always hated Gosalyn and how brattish she was, there she seems older so I have hopes she'll be a better character.
Makes sense to keep the main cast/McDuck family white in color, it unifies them all visually right away. While I’m sure the intention to be “woke” is there, diversifying the characters colors is just basic character design, especially with a cast as big as this one
>osomatsu porn
Which pairings? I'd look for it myself but Twitter's a pain in the ass to browse through, and glancing at that page already brought up some shit that I don't really want to look at (like Pokemon porn or Snape/Harry).
>Teen latina superhero girl
Duck version of Panda Delgado, but without boobies.
Also do you really care about color of the DUCK? Ducks have no race, it is just another way to make them more... Humanoid? Anthropomorfic? I don't know. But it works for me. I'm not sjw, i'm classic liberal, but this thing is kinda funny, and arguing about the race of DUCK is kinda stupid. I love this new gimmick with "deversity" ducks, it's just funny. They are not humans, and race make them more humans. Like clothes and talking.
He a grey African parrot
>African parrot
Overall it's okay, I don't love it but it's got enough good episodes to make marathoning worth it. Most of the interesting hooks are surrounding Della Duck's disappearance and the Magica stuff.
Just note they messed with the intended episode order in the first season to push Webby into the forefront making her shtick get old quick especially if you don't like her much to begin with. But if you can get past those it gets better.
Donald is heavily under-utilized, though, which is my main complaint.
Why is this a thing?
>No hockey jersey
Her new outfit makes her look homeless which I guess makes sense if she’s an orphan
And we all want to fuck it.
that latin blood thirsts for 12 year olds
Its a duck, I dont think ducks matter
She's not terrible but I fail to find any likeable traits in her.
Cali progressive liberals
Quack lives matter
Looks like they're wearing diapers
Question about these triplets:
Is this what current Huey thinks he wants the other triplets to be more like?
Imagine being part of a culture so degenerate and powerless that they can't stop their genetic abnormality being replaced in children's cartoons.
What do you think Glomgold is.
>The Most Scottish
>South Africa
Is Daffy Duck black now??
Nobody likes taxation without representation.
Any other Comic-Chads still following the show? I feel sad seeing all references to comics being relegated into being background stuff, such as the golden disk from Son of the Sun and universal solvent. All the while getting episodes that focus on Disney Afternoon material.
When is our time?
Almost as sad as said people enjoying cartoons for children
Not zero. Zero x Samus.
He doesnt have any booblights.
>implying ducks can't be black
Well at this rate I certainly won't be overdosing on redheads.
I'm happy with the show. People who were expecting it to be a 1 to 1 recreation of the comics are silly and with how much the comics focus purely on Scrooge or Donald I'm actually happy they decided to give focus on the triplets since they've never really been developed much despite decades of stories.
Still there is a deluded part of me that really is hoping that Reginalla somehow makes it.
LOL the current SJW era cartoons remind me on how Hanna Barbera over saturated the market from the 50's to the 80s.
It will be an all female team with Webby, Della, Gosallyn and Beakly.
She'll get one from the mighty ducks
>red haired, green eyed
>"black" goslyn
They're gonna reveal her as a swan once she grows up.
This looks sexual.
white mom with 3 asian and 1 black offspring... the world has gone mad
>This looks sexual.
Hmm, I'll give you that one. It does kind of look like a guy who's sweatin' because he's surrounded by chicks who want to jump him.
>give Scrooge a celebrity voice actor
>now they can never fucking use him ever again
>give Donald his regular voice actor
>they never fucking use him ever again anyway
Woo-oo, indeed.
Sometimes I wonder if it's intentional.
There are spats visible under the shirt.
That's the shading onto the legs, compare with any other duck character, like Donald or Scrooge.
>those constant lena spread scenes
They know what they are doing
>They know what they are doing
and thats a good thing, because I like what they are doing ;)
Christ Glomgold is a gem in this.
Been reading Donald Duck comics since I was very young, still very much enjoying this show. It's certainly a different flavor than the comics, but the comics have had so many different people doing them that there are hundreds of flavors of duck comics, and I love tons of those.
Also, I'm really happy my boy Rockerduck finally got his animated devut.
You had one job.
He's an oreo
instead of getting mad about Gos being a slightly darker shade of yellow, let's be be mad about gays instead
>let's be be mad
you had to say that here didn't you user...
With what eyesight is Gos a yellow color in this
>orphan duck
She's been fucked by at least foster family or orphanage supervisor at her age.
im mad that shes wearing pants... this ruins everything
well she is an orphan. obviously she wouldn't be a white duck.
im more annoyed with that weird ass redesign for darkwing
Blame the director Alistair Borswan, who wanted to make it new and edgy and more darker.
And now Drake is forced to walk around with that new costume.
I was mad when the universal solvent was spilled yet it diddn't what it would have done.
shut the fuck up you lying triggered little shit
it was clearly in progress
the real stuff was a different color
What the fuck are you even talking about? She has the same shade as Fenton, and that motherfucker is so white it hurts. Clearly, you are just starting some shit when it's obvious that they went and took inspiration from real world duck breeds.
Is she still adopted?
This kinda disproves OP's complaint though because Daffy's literally black and he's not even remotely racially black
>artist draws cute red head girl
All his shit is some sort of gross fetish
We'll see when season 3 airs, whenever that will be after the rest of season 2 finally is shown.
Almost definitely
Question is if it's on-camera, off-camera or happened before she even shows up
How did Archie and Nancy Drew survive the ginger purge?
Launchpad still has red hair.
>he cares about context and not artstyle and appeal
He's a jew!
Probably. He even said so (or something similar) in the only child episode. Would the show be better with that, though?
He and his mom speak Spanish user. Well he calls her mama in a Spanish (and says one entire word in spanish "graicas") way but she speaks Spanish. So he's a mixed kid maybe.
I still don't think that makes Gosalyn really anything either way.
jackalfu is returning?
Duck Avenger Cartoon when?
Yay my favorite Jackal girl is back
He's Latin American. He might act white (and lets be real just about every character does) but that's not who he is
Archie isn’t Archie if he doesn’t have his iconic red locks.
Well his last name is Crackshell-Cabrera, so mixed heritage is possible.
It's good.
How would you rank the triplets from favorite to least favorite and why?
user, most people don’t care if the vomit is well drawn or not, it’s still vomit.
Louie,Huey, Dewey.
Cause i like that he's simple. I know he's lazy and a bit of a snake oil kinda guy but he seems to be the easiest one to befriend and not make me punch him in the fucking mouth.
Huey doesn't seem awful just a rules lawyer and i deal with that often.
I just can't fucking stand anything about dewey. His attitude and just general ways he acts makes me wanna punch him. His episodes are the worst and the more recent ones only saving grace as MILF della.
Oh scrooge as always cause watching him dragging Glomgold like a corpse was funny.
I'm thinking if you're more of the nerdy type, Huey would be easier to befriend.
Anyways, Huey > Louie > Dewey
She wants male duck ass
I don't particularly consider myself one but Huey would be easier way.
I guess a better way to describe is I can pretty acutely guess what Louie and Huey will in any given situation. Dewey thinks he's some movie action hero so he's always metaphorically (or literally) kicking hornet nests for adventures. Huey would think shit through and Louie, unless it was money, would hardly Bother.
Just more likely to get killed around Dewey i guess in the end.
With a dating pool that shallow any new male is bound to get the ladies wetter than the Nile.
>Huey would be easier way.
>everything new is automatically good
See? I can make shitty assumptions as well.
I haven’t seen much of this show but lmao Fenton still lives with his mom?
He's basically an unpaid intern until he puts on the mask
Also pretty young comparatively it seems
Yes, so did the original as well.
He's seemingly fresh outta college ages and thats why his mom so on his ass.
Way Easier* fuck me
What a milf.
It's a confusing name but yes, she has always been a duck. Just like Squidward is an octopus for some reason.
She dated Scrooge once.
>wearing curlers out in public
>ywn date her
No, not everything new is bad. New darkwing duck is bad low budget trash.
He's a pigeon, aka "rat with wings"
Relationship goals man
Maybe she'll do it again
he actually kinda does look like a pigeon
M'ma knows what M'ma wants. And M'ma always gets what M'ma wants.
He’s supposed to be a parrot but I like this better, pigeons are disgusting so it suits him.
I remember both characters from one film.. But I forgot it..
Nah, Huey's too nerdy to be cool.
>rat with wings
Those are bats.
Black people can also have red hair. Like gingers, they're just a lot less common sight on the street.
I love it how right wingers now pretend they hate giant corporations and everybody who disagrees is an NPC robot just because they now tend to pander diversity because that generates more income. But they'd be 100% happy with them if said companies made everybody white again.
Finger slipped and I didn't catch it in time to abort the message.
Does this show have anything to stand on other than countless references to other media? I swear that's the only thing people seem to care about whenever I hear anyone talk about this.
*nerdy, goody two-shoes male duck ass
Sardonic humour in spades to the detriment of everything else, if that's your thing
Good background design, decent character animation
Rebel and Jet on the same level, Turbo below them. Turbo's simply too danger-prone, even although he's not stupid. However, I forgive Turbo for being how he is, as it's very much implied that Fauntleroy dropped his egg on the ground once.
Good thing Donald gave them normal names.
>Hubert, Dewford and Llewellyn
Are those much better? They sound overly fancy to me
>regal names that can be shortened to casual
>a trio of ocdonutsteels
Donald as usual made the right call.
They go by there nick names anyway. Dewey could have been fancier considering his “real” name is usually “Deuteronomy“.
Donald's personality from Barks comics actually bleeds out from those names, it was a surprisingly good call.
I'll say it, I like the Gos look
Louie, Hewey, then Dewey. I like Louie’s little con man shtick.
She had a better figure as a shadow.
Everyone's like, " wanna tell her?"
>Hi I'm a white guy named Andrew who started pretending to be Mexican in 2017 because FUCK DRUMF!
>I'm also the director of this series and I am appalled at the complete lack of Latinx inclusion in tv today because 40% of the US is actually stolen from Mexico therefore everyone west of Louisiana are actually Mexicans
>Rebel, Jet, and Turbo
Who's who?
Huey believes that he's most likely Jet, Dewey considers himself to be the one who should be named Turbo, so Louie must be Rebel.
Those were the names Della picked out for them.
Jet = Huey
Turbo = Dewey
Rebel = Louie
>penumbra is going to be Della's kids' godmother
>that buttflap
feeding ants in her home while defending IRL incest
her username was hulimatsu
Della said that Penumbra reminded her of Donald.
>saying that like it's a fucking problem for her
>in a Yea Forums thread
yeah she reminds her of the childrens father which is why shes gonna be their stepmom
This is the aliens correcting their genealogical list after realizing Donald is related, right?
Literally what did they mean by this
If it is a family tree the moon people seem to think Scrooge is Donald and Della’s father, not uncle.
Maybe it’s a list of known family members, and Donald crossed off because he’s currently a prisoner?
They ran a paternity test and Donald is the father.
>penumbra is going to be Della's kids' aunt
>penumbra's going to be Della's kids' other mom
no if it's good it's good. lets face it old ducks sucked.
Thanks for replying to me.