What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?

Attached: Allthatisdown.jpg (375x300, 74K)

Whats the context of the scene?

hes autistic so stuff goes right over his head
when you say lets get down he thinks you mean the stairs but there clearly isnt any stairs so the only thing thats down is the floor

Down your pants

what did she mean by *this*?

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This is Chris Chan we're talking about. There is no context for anything.

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A security guard or manager tells him he's going to take him down and Chris responds with this.

What's up with this ceiling?

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I haven't paid attention to the sonichu threads that have been popping up lately, did he do something recently, like upload something, or die, or come out as something he wouldn't have admitted before, or what? Or did something else happen that doesn't involve him, but does involve stuff he's made?
Or is this just a random fad/trend that's going on here for no particular reason?

Just some guy story timing the entire comic.

It's kinda sad that Chris draws better anatomy then most modern cartoons today

Any particular reason for that?

Yea Forums tradition to storytime terrible comics during SDCC.


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It hurts

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Here is where the dreams of a man died and the delusion of a crazy man-child began

Who the fuck is little C?

Little C is Chris, you dolt. Bob built a workshop in the hopes that him and Chris would have something to bond over when he was a kid.

>that letter reading.

God damn dude.

Bob tried his damn hardest, but the odds were stacked against him.

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I still don't get it. Is the joke that cavemen are stupid?

I had a strange dream where this and several heathcliffe comics made perfect sense to me
Then I woke up and the revelation was gone

Chris may have become a functioning person if only he wasn't raised by elderly parents who enabled his stunted development.

You can't fall and hurt yourself when you're already lying on the floor. Realizing this changed my life

No, he truly didn't, he did this
Bob and Barb went out their way to mainline Chris through school when professionals suggested special education. They may have been worried they'd put him in with mentally retarded kids, which Chris isn't, but he's still autistic and some kind of early, consistent interventional therapy to help him navigate his disability could be made him into something approaching normal. Instead they largely ignored and coddled him and blamed some of his worst behavior on outside forces.


For some fucked up reason, the pose, the facial expression and even the dialogue remind me of Stardust.

Now I can't stop imagining Stardust saying this.

can someone make an edit to make Rorschach say this?


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y'know, letting each president to paint the white house his favorite color might be a cool idea

>write a non sensical unfunny joke
>leave off the punchline

CWC is a fucking genius

you found the perfect Heaven

I dream there frequently, but unfortunately don't remember it shortly after waking up

yes. sorry it's a little rough

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I really don't get why people have a hard time understanding this joke
Sonichu obviously wants to run from the hedgehog barreling towards them, so Chris doesn't have to tell him twice
But during the stone age, cavemen were dumb, so you'd probably have to tell him twice before he really got it
It's a shit joke but not the unassailable enigma that people make it out to be

They both did a shitty job raising chris but bobs other kids at least turned out really well,as far as I remember he was also the one trying to throw the whole garbage out of the house but barbara threatened to kill herself.
Old people indeed should not have kids and they both were in their 40's or something.

>wanted to avoid the stigma of having a child in special education
>ended up with the stigma of being the parents of the world's biggest lolcow

I love it when stupid people's terrible decisions backfire like this.


Based and redpilled

I think the problem is that exclamation mark that's in a weird spot.

If Chris had cut ties with Barb after the fire do you think he would be better compared to what he is now?

It's an attempt to make a play on words like in cartoons when someone says "what's up" and a character replies "nothing but the ceiling" but Chris doesn't understand it except that normies comprehend it as funny so he thinks it can be reversed and and applied in this situation for the same effect.

I think Bob and Barb were never great parents to begin with, they both have adult children who want nothing to do with them. I don't remember exactly but I'm pretty sure Bob's kids were an eye doctor and a bureaucrat of some kind, only one of them came to the funeral and Chris says they hadn't spoken in like a decade. On Barb's side Cole has been pretty open with how he feels about his mom.

No, it's supposed to be a witty wise crack, just like his retarded 'eggs and milk' sex joke.

He expected people to fill it in. He expected people to know his own dreams that he had too which is even more retarded.

was the fire during the tomgirl saga?
if yes then it would have already been to late

Before Tomgirl I believe. He hadn't made the transformation yet. I don't think Chris would be in so much debt had he just told Barb to fuck off after the fire and go live his own life.

I miss the Lumberjack

>Before Tomgirl I believe.

The fire happened after Bob died and I think he was already crossdressing when that happened.

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Reminder Chris actually believed Obama was going to paint the White House black because of this joke

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Contrarianism is a mental disease. You have brain rot.

No he doesn't you delusional mongoloid

smug mofo. chirsy thug af no nigga would fuk wif him yo

Snyder did nothing wrong.

where can i buy his books now that his lulu account has been shut down???


Is Chris Chan the western Shinji ??

So, this was after Megan told him to fuck off because of that shitty drawing of them fucking?

Bob tried much more than Barb, but he was still ultimately a lazy and distant man, something his other children will attest to. He didn't try hard enough to help Chris, because he was more worried about the stigma of having a publicly mentally ill son than about the son's problems.
Chris really never stood a chance, and as the years have went on, this has become more and more obvious. I genuinely feel horrible for him, and I hope he dies soon, if only to escape the downward spiral he's soon to hit.

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i now realize that the guy who wrote tails gets trolled is either as autistic as chris or fucking brilliant

this is just what happens when old people have children

the fucking cow tools of the modern millenia

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I was scrolling through movie reviews the other day and Cole's name popped up. Its hilarious that he's a narcissist yet he'll never be as famous as his autistic sibling. I bet he wakes up mad every day

>this is just what happens when BOOMERS have children
and not just any kind of boomers. Chris parents are hard boomers.

yeah, its sad. I went to his new channel and his videos barely have 200 visits.

God he's so fucking autistic.

Has he reviewed Toy Story 4 yet?

They're nascar hillbilly boomers, so even the redneck boomers think they're weird.

Timeline correcting itself. Chris in the comics was stuck outside of space/time for a while. Meanwhile IRL, his online trolling had started, so when he finally gets out, his brain automatically gets IRL Chris' memories all at once as an ex use to put the trolls into the comic.

Ironically, the whole time void thing was brought up as an amazing way to troll Chris over his dumb dimensional merge thing.

Didn't Cole marry into a fairly well-off New England family, which allows him to go to Cannes every year? He's basically an average upper class critic; he's the guy actual snobs read when they want to sound smart.

Same energy

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>Chris really never stood a chance, and as the years have went on, this has become more and more obvious

The internet really didn't do him any favors either. Chris was mostly just an emotionally stunted man-child who retreated into a fantasy world that he brought to life in his comics where he would vent to his imaginary friends, and they would go on adventures to fight anyone who slighted him in real life as a means to vent his frustration.

The fact that he was feeble, easy to manipulate, and not real smart meant that people compounded his problems and made things much worse by tricking a guy who was already borderline retarded and frustrated that he didn't have any friends let alone a girlfriend into doing all sorts of stupid shit for their amusement. People found it funny, but it probably just fucked him up way more dealing with people who were constantly pretending to be his friends or pretending to be girls interested in him. He didn't have the mental capacity or ability to ignore it or recognize that it was happening time and time again, so imagine someone with a child-like mentality being emotionally slammed on his ass time and time again for some internet randos to have a laugh at his expense.

Really kind of makes you wonder how things would have ended up had people online just stepped back and left him to his own devices instead of pretty much guiding him into every pitfall along the way.

Chris sold Bob's cherished stamp collection after Bob died.

So we're supposed to read this from the bottom to the top? What retarded page layout is this?


Looks like the whole tomgirl male lesbian thing actually what he wants to be though? He quickly drops things trolls induce to him when said trolls leave unless he really likes it.

why is everyone so mean to chris on his twitter

Because they want to be epic weens.

He's an asshole.

You read it like that because Sonichu and Rosechu are going up in the elevator.

He's a faggot

American individualism!

>Really kind of makes you wonder how things would have ended up had people online just stepped back and left him to his own devices instead of pretty much guiding him into every pitfall along the way.

Wasn't he already being a weirdo at the mall and struggling to resist the urge to rape his friend? All while being enabled by his parents, who were encouraging him to never get a job and live off of government assistance AND not even offering him any strategies as to how best to utilize this money without immediately burning through it?

I mean, the internet definitely destroyed any chance e had at building a normal life, but he wasn't exactly on a solid foundation to begin with. I bet he's have still ended up pretty dysfunctional and on a crash course with financial oblivion.

Oh, he would have definitely ended up in a bad place still, but it makes you wonder to what degree things would have gone to if left to his own devices.

The internet was the worst thing to ever happen to him, A-logs are the worst kind of cancer there is

He wasn't struggling not to rape her, he drew shitty porn of her and said that he used it as a vent so as not to make sexual advances at her, and he unfortunately worded that VERY poorly
You're right though, the internet was only the death nail in his premade coffin

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Is Chirs's life a comedy or a tragedy?

Chris absolutely would always have turned out to be a gross social pariah, but it was internet people that goaded him into revealing personal information to the world, posting unflattering images and videos of himself, and exposing them to the world. Nobody outside of his immediate locale would have ever heard about him and he'd have some semblance of privacy and normalcy. Now it's legitimately true that a cabal of sinister men is attempting to control his life and thoughts.


That smug expression really gets me

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Because its Twitter, where being an asshole is encouraged and celebrated

>he hasn't read it
user, no really, user...

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>asking about Chris on 4-cent_garbage.com
he never makes sense

holy shit

Is the Dimensional Merge just Chris's Stand?

So he basically answered his own question?

Chris has many stands, Sonichu, Roberta, Chris from the comic, Christine from the comic, Crystal, Cryzel rosechu, Night Star, Night Star from the other dimension/

Yes, but Chris meant something like 'you cant take me down because theres nowhere to take me down to'

Only one Stand per person or maybe Chris's Stand works like something like Sex Pistols, Bad Company, etc.

What is she doing now?


Tragedy/black comedy. CWC's life would make for a very deep, riveting film or stage play.

There's a lot of post-modern elements in Chris's life too.

All the boyfriend free girl stuff, community college drama, and weird sexual proclivities started before the internet found out about him, and stuff like the encounter at the game store had noting to do with internet drama and was based on pre-existing behavor and tensions. He would have likely still ended up as a tranny with one or two cases of assault drifting further from reality in a squalid house day after day, it's just that no one would have known about it. If anything the internet attention gives him the closest thing to real world friends he's ever had since the Megan drama, which again was his own perverted autism he would have gotten himself fucked with anyway.

living far away from Chris, apparently she did an interview for a kickstarter documentary about Chris early this year, but it was taken off the site.

I wonder if she kept practicing her art. She actually has talent.

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What's your excuse for not being a pickle-sucking tomgurl Yea Forums?

I'm not gay.

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Exactly this. Chris was raised by baby boomers and that influenced his "work".
I'm not a "BOOMERS RUINED EVERYTHING" whiner but they think any wordplay, no matter how basic, is comedy gold.
For example:
>Regular person: Hey, you!
>Boomer: Hey? Hay is for horses! HAHAHAW

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Will we ever learn who Cole's real father was?

>this joke was thought up by my dad
>those arrows explaining who everybody is
Between this shit, watching MLP, playing Sonic and dressing up in his mother's clothes, it is very clear his mental age is 6

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Honestly, I think the entire transition is a half-baked ploy to try to get with lesbians and come across as non-threatening because he isn't a "creepy man" anymore. When you look at how he talks about his identity, the words he uses and the way he contextualizes it differs a lot from how most trans women talk about themselves. I think this is just another attempt in his life-long endeavour to find his "sweetheart from the ground-up" [sic].

At Kiwifarms is basically trollshielding chris these days while monitoring him like its the fucking TRUMan show

fucking thank you

>Implying his stand wouldn’t be Bohemian Rhapsody
