A reminder that Alan Moore is another insufferable, self-important Boomer who thinks that Nixon resigning was the pinnacle of human history and that Simon and Garfunkel is the supreme artistic achievement of Western culture.
A reminder that Alan Moore is another insufferable...
Both Comicsgate and Moore are shit and you should stop paying attention to either
>no reference humor, literary quotes, rape and women being battered.
>its an evs video
Based Moore calling out casualgaters for the scum they are.
>OP is probably EVS
Moore is way more of a Dylan fan
He's a wizard and I don't want to get wizard-cursed talking bad about him.
Simon and Garfunkel is pretty good. Why are you trying to start shit?
Based Moore
This site uses "insufferable" way too goddamn much.
Yeah, its very mean spirited.
Based and accurate
no shit sherlock. moore was never good
If being right mean that I'm scum, then I want to be the biggest scum on the earth
take your meds evs
But the meds make me do gay things.
Moore has some kooky ideas, but anyone who doesn't appreciate his art has objectively shit taste in fiction.
True. I bet you a lot of the people who disregard all his work want you to "focus on the art, not the artist!" when it's someone they personally like.
Based Alan Moore comicsgator.
Why does no one post these stories anymore? I only have the one.
He needs to livestream with Richard Meyer, find common ground on hating comics and join forces to make WildC.A.T.S 2.
>Nixon resigning was the pinnacle of human history
It kinda was, when Ford pardoned him and got away with it, humanity was doomed from that point and thus Nixon's resignation was the pinnacle of humanity
Everyone knows that Moore is insufferable and self-important. Most good artists are.
It's a perfectly cromulent word.
This made me laugh. So EVS is Into arses. That explains why he wants to be adressed as "centurion".
...I mean, Nixon resigning WAS pretty fucking cool. US Presidents were untouchable, there was so much faith in the office. And the Republican party was 100% behind the guy. You had the likes of Bob Dole doing news interviews, speaking in congress, and doing convention speeches, all about how the whole thing was a load of nonsense.
And then it all just unraveled because a few dingbats kept poking at it, and because the morons trying to cover up Dick's dirty tricks were especially moronic morons. And American politics has never been the same.
Pretty big deal.
Simon and Garfunkel were pretty meh though.
Did EVS complain about Moore taking shots at Sinestro Corps War and Blackest Night without Moore having read it, again?
>op is a zoomer who thinks Trump is worst then Hitler snd thinks Billie Eilish is the supreme artistic achievement of Western culture.
>it's an user Makes a ComicsGate Thread episode
Make another one when EVS and Richard change the landscape of comics for decades to come. Maybe then I'll care about the spat between them and Moore.
>And the Republican party was 100% behind the guy
Not really no. Nixon had unresolved childhood bully issues ala Butch Hartman and hated rich preppy WASPs. He was oddly as it sounds both a Washington insider and at the same time an outsider so his downfall came due to a strange alliance of the far left and the Rockefeller Republicans who had never accepted him into their circle.
What the fuck is this shit?
>mfw Nixon was a robot
How many 'Alan Moore is insufferable' threads have we had now? It's starting to get a little insufferable.
I knew that moore was salty, but I wasn't aware how much salt does he have. It seems like his wife cucking him with his best friend left a mark on him
Nixon did nothing wrong. Of course, it was the jews that destroyed him, who else
It would leave a mark on any man, but especially on one as autistically idealistic as Moore. Reality hits like Mike Tyson at the height of his skill.
>Reality hits like Mike Tyson at the height of his skill.
I like that comparison. I'm going to be a nigger and steal that one
It wasn't even that good of an analogy, but you do you.
Don't be so modest, user, and allow yourself to be loved
>allow yourself to be loved
I can't.
>authors being controlled kill the industry
>I wish I was told I wasn't allowed to paralyze Barbara
You editor telling you an idea is bad isn't the same as editors giving you a mandate, and tough shit if you don't like it.
Don't get me wrong, he's a piece of shit and never really did much for the industry.
But I still find his bitching funny.
Why do you think that? Because the video gets not enough clicks? Discuss but stop complaining about your failed advertisment
That "jab" is not a real hit. Its more like presenting a stereotype than in the answer he negates it and it seems he is more agreeing that not everyone accused being a incel gamergater is in reality one.
My opinion is thats more a jab against the feminist that accuses him to by mysoginistic.
I agree. The only good thing is about these threads when we discuss his comics.
You don't really find his bitching funny. You're just desperate to find any point you can call him a hypocrite on and you only back-peddled once you got told.
He did alot for the industry, but after Watchmen, maybe after Wildstorm was sold and his ABC line too, he really got bitter. And thats what you always feel or read in his comic.
I know right? It's so insufferable
No, I do find it funny.
The irony of a man who spent all his life fighting against authority trying to stiffle his writing suddenly realized he needed to be stiffled.
Oh yeah Watchmen did give us the movie so it wasn't that bad. Apparently he also inspired Gaiman to write so at the very least, he might be a shit author but he gave us a good one
>That comment section
>maybe after Wildstorm was sold and his ABC line too
I'd be bitter too if I was doing "indie" stuff and suddenly was owned by fucking DC.
I want to know what lies in that but I don't want to. Someone screencap pls.
Don't feel like screencapping, but here's a choice example:
>"CIA Informant 1234566533256666
12 hours ago
This is the bitter old commie who unintentionally made the most red-pilled superhero the best character in his gay little book about how bad right wingers are."
Everything else is the same old circlejerk.
that's too meta, even for Moore. I mean, are you trying to say that in his last move, Moore deconstructed himself?
The superhero was intentionally psychotic though. I guess people believe they like the naked truth but the fact is no one is really crazy and yet honest enough to think like Rorschach.
Also, Americans don't get that to the rest of the world. Their version of left versus right is really just right versus right.
>Americans don't get that to the rest of the world. Their version of left versus right is really just right versus right.
Depends on what your definition of right and left are. From the way I see it, left are people who want to get rid of hierarchies (except for the government, the government needs to be the ultimate arbiter), and right are the people who think that hierarchies are not only good but inevitable.
Then there's the authoritarian/libertarian axis. Being European myself, I can tell you Europe is nothing more than left authoritarians VS right authoritarians. The other side is evil, because they are evil, therefore everything they do is evil. And our side is good, even if we want to enforce our morality just like the others, but when we do it it's good. Why? Because we are good.
Take it with a pinch of salt, because I started out left, moved to the right, then kind of became libertarian.
Alan's too smart for you, huh? don't feel too bad, he's smarter than all of us
So what you're saying is Moore is absolutely based?
He has a career, wife with two daughters, a house of his own, and how about you?
Yes, he is. He killed his and Kevs alter ego too in the comic.
>evs get assblasted by Moore
Kek, is this the level he has fallen?
No. You don't find it funny. You were just hoping that a nail, that stuck out, got hammered down. Which is why you're pretending that Moore suddenly realised that he needed to be stifled. Even though told you that wasn't the case.
In other words. You're not amused. You're desperate.
Didn't Moore get cucked by his wife and her friend or are we talking about Evs here??