Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

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Her name is Lenore

i don't remember this episode

Bill was dating the old lady, a former senator. Lenore came back because she found out Bill was dating a successful woman. Bill cheated on the senator with Lenore, who then dumped him, and he later dumped Lenore with the senator’s help.

>old lady, a former senator
Former Texas Governor Ann Richards didn't look at Hank's bare ass for this kind of blatant disrespect

it's always bill's fault, every single time something happens it's bill's fault

It's Bill's fault. He needs to accept his homosexuality. If Hank and Bill were alive today, and if they lived in Dallas, they would be lovers.

Is Senator higher than Governor? I forget

Neither is really above one another. I guess Governor gets more recognition since there's only one at a time for each state. Governor is basically the president of the state government. Senators are a bunch of elected people who vote on federal stuff in Washington DC. Each state has more than one senator, the higher the population, the more senators.

Governor governs a state as a whole, senator represents a state.

IIRC: A governor can pass and legislate laws that applies to a state only if the state has that power.

A senator can give a state more freedoms to help the governor legislate more vast laws. The best example is this is Colorado legalizing marijuana under the governor's word, but if Colorado wanted to sue California for damages caused by marijuana sales and growth, that's something having to be taken with the senator.

Bill and Lenore. The senator didn't ask for this shit.

Are you not American? Every state has only two (2) Senators, it's Congressmen/Congresswomen who are allocated based on state size/population, both Senators and Congress making up the two half of the legislative branch of the United States government. They function a lot like parliaments.

alamy stock photo

Kevin Nash was raped in the sweltering summer of 1992

Really, was Bill ever in the right?

I'm gonna need you to tell me this story.

Maybe the beer can thing?

Unironically, Bill.

His weakness and lack of conviction screwed over his only chance at a normal relationship


Both the Senate and the House of Representatives form congress.
The ones you're thinking of are Representatives.

He also had Kahn's mom but the show dropped that without mentioning why.

There was the time he fucked two of his cousins widows, I can not see any error he made in that episode.
I believe the football record incident qualifies as well.
I know there's got to be one more time that he remembered that he had a spine and straightened it properly, but I can't remember any details.

She does get mentioned in a later episode, once, and then never again. The show really just couldn't let anything change, even though early on it was bucking a few trends of animation by having the kids gradually grow up a bit. Granted, Bobby only got slightly taller, while Joseph had his big growth spurt and then nothing ever happened again.

when he help boomhauer outta of a slump

That episode where they steal a tank.

there were a few changes, dale winning back nancy being the big one. i think bill's thing was that everything's his fault so while an episode will end with him getting a win he'll always revert back.