Stop right there operative. Prove you're not an adult

Stop right there operative. Prove you're not an adult.

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We have gotten intel that there's an adult sneaking into our forum and pretending to "like" cartoons. This is impossible adults hate cartoons. We must stop this adult at any cost operatives!

I still live with my parents and still watch cartoons

Hmmm.... Age?

>implying i'm not a never-decommissioned deep cover operative
i shiggy diggy

no wife, no job, still live with my ma, watch cartoons and play video games most of the time.

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You first!

Nice try Kids Next Dorks! You have to be 18 to use this website! Classic Catch-22

Wanna see my penis joseph joestar?

I've never kissed a girl! They're gross!

What was that I was sorting my pokemon cards by type and dex number


I live with my parents, don't have a job, and mostly play videogames and watch cartoons all day.

People keep telling me i aint one cause i got no Job, i dont go to school, i Just watch cartoons all day and dometimes break Down cryin

Can gay children sign up for the knd?

I still post on Yea Forums

KND is 5-12 they haven't hit puberty yet so they can't be gay yet.

>Gen X
Transformers, Bravestarr, Thundercats, Silverhawks, He-Man, Inspector Gadget

Dexter's Lab, Pokemon, Mucha Lucha, Mega Babies, KND, Fairly oddparents

Cartoons used to be awesome and rad, Now it's gay stuff, kids are doomed.

(this is what people were saying back in 2003, similar to Yea Forums nowadays waxing nostalgic for KND and bitching about Calarts)

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Do you think the KND has to fight against military groups in the middle east who are trading in child sex slaves? What about the KND vs joseph kony?

Joseph Kony is probably just a KND puppet

I am an adult. And its good. You miserable little shitfuck.

I hope someday you realize what an insipid little cockgoblin you and your asshole friends really are. That the stuff you so vehemently fight against are good for you, and that maybe one day your bug-addled, stupid little brain will realize how much time and effort you wasted on your ass-backward "crusade" to be uppity, disrespectful little shitheads. And you'll beg your parents for forgiveness. Fuck you.

Boco dont kid yourself being an adult sucks

If only they knew how good they had it in 2003

>Joseph Kony is just a robot make of a sack of potatoes and a bucket
>Just a front for the United KND Africa HQ

Many of the cartoons now are still better than Pokemon, Mucha lucha, mega babies, and KND

What? Most peple my age were really impressed by cartoons in the 90's to early 2000's. Shit like static shock, batman, Dexters Lab and spongebob were universally loved, especially since the quality of the animation is objectively better. The only cartoon I would say that is divisive between my generation and the next would be ren and stimpy and it's derivatives, as the meaningless violence and gross out humor were pretty shocking for the time.

Joke's on you, you have to be 18 or older to use this site.

I'm not sure about that. I remember how people your age would bitch about KND, Fairly oddparents, and all the anime like Pokemon and Yugioh on forums, and say how we needed 80s cartoons back.

Didnt they have teen and adults operatives who were loyal and skilled enough to stay? I think numbuh5's sisters boyfriend was one.

You uh catch that popular Fortnite streamer the other day? You know the one. He sure was on fleek and uh... spliffed?

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People bitched about anime for sure, that was half anti jap rascism and half that the medium used some very sloppy money saving animation techniques such as still frames with 2-3 frames of mouth moving. But then again, the cartons in the 80's had the exact same shit, and people complaining about one over the other were just curmudgeons and the same type that conslewars shitposts on Yea Forums.

There's 2 types of millennials: Early (born in mid to late 80s) and late (born in early to mid 90s)

There's three types really. Early millennials (born early-late 80s) who liked Tmnt and Power rangers, Core millennials (late 80s-early 90s) who liked Pokemon and Digimon, and Late millennials (born early-mid 90s) who liked Yugioh.

I feel like 2000 is the cutoff for millennials. As the name implies, it's before the turn of the new millennium.

The cutoff according to most google results is leaning more towards 1996 these days, the rationale being you have to remember 9/11

I binge watched Looney Tunes shorts today.

What about those born in 1996 who don't remember 9/11 but those who were born in 1997 who do remember 9/11?

Born in late '94. I vaguely remember some things 9/11 and remember watching things like Monsters Inc. in theaters, and watching the series premieres of shows like Jimmy Neutron and MLaaTR. However, I don't really remember 9/11 as it happened. I asked my parents, and they said that I was 6 and they didn't want me knowing about what occurred since I guess they feared that I would be traumatized by it.

Generation stuff isn't really precise and is mostly just for sampling/statistics/marketing purposes

You made the wrong move. You stupid pig!!

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I was born in 1997 and I retain memories from the pre-9/11 era. The only reason I don't remember 9/11 was because I was watching Nick Jr at the time of the attacks, possibly to spare me from seeing the atrocities unfold on live television. Don't know what that makes me. I grew up with the things most millennials grew up with.

These digits should be plenty

Qué le digo, me dice, le digo, o no le digo, pero le dije, lo que dije, ay, qué le digo

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If I was an adult, I’d be paying my taxes, but I haven’t done that in years

based felon

>Wow a real loon
Numbuh 2 says
>Throw him in the live beaver pit

Ban this child, mods. This is the online headquarters for adults.

Numbuh one grabs a walkie talkie
>This one's clearly a spy, every kid knows that Minecraft is better than Fortnite.
The spy is dragged away by guards


>What's a virgin?
Numbuh 4 asks


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the show was created by adults

so basically nobody in a 4 year college, 18-22, is a millennial. millennial are all mid 20s at the latest now

What show is this?

You have to be 18 to post here kid.

KND is unironically the best cartoon ever made what kind of faggot are you?

Either 2000 or 1997 being the final year for millennial feels right. 2000 because that means millennial includes everyone born in the end of the 20th century, or 1997 to include the last people likely to have been at a sort of school when 9/11 happened, who are also the last people very likely to actually remember something.

Literally everyone lumps 2000 in with zoomers since it begins with a 2. I personally consider people born in late 1998/1999 to be the first true zoomers, but once 2000s borns start coming of age people will look past the differences and just lump them in with millennials

Inm a 1993
Am I middle or late

I watch cartoons for little girls

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good job retard you exposed yourself

I refuse to get a job and stay in my mother's basement.

>there will never be a crossover episode where the KND have to compete against the Eds for Stickybeard's jawbreaker stash

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I'm in love with a Thai girl who hangs out with frogs

I joined team Chaos

You should post on /soc/.

>wake up
>GKND still isn't a thing

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Lol I was watching barney when the feed changed to breaking news. Despite being small I understood the gravity of it, I remember telling my mom all the channels had the same thing on and she explained to me that very bad people did something bad.

Huh...I guess I have a not too great memory pre-2002