Have you ever wondered what would happen if Al Gore had been President during 9/11? Well wonder no more!
The answer is that America would have submitted to the UN, Osama Bin Laden would ally with Saddam and form the Islamic Republic, censorship laws would make expressing conservative views illegal, Hillary Clinton and later Chelsea Clinton would become President, Michael Moore would become Vice-President, and only Cyborg Sean Hannity and G. Gordon Liddy can save us.
If you thought that modern political comics were bad, wait until you get a load of this. Gather around foks, let's look into the mind of the American right-wing of 2005 and see how much has changed and how much has stayed the same since then.
Storytime of Pain Weekend: Liberality for All
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This is Donny Lin's first work, it's also his last. I hope he's doing OK even though his art is terrible.
The guy in the car is supposed to be Ralph Nader. A quick Google search should tell you how much effort was put into the likeness.
For those of you too young to remember, Nader is the reason (or one of the reasons) Bush won in 2000.
What's Al Gore doing in the Popemobile?
That's not how you do a press conference.
Is anybody reading? Bumps are appreciated.
So yeah, this is what some conservatives thought liberals would do. Actually, some probably still do.
Funny how Obama ended up killing more terrorists (and civilians) with drones than Bush ever thought possible.
So Bin Laden thinks that his greatest enemies are American right-wing pundits?
Also, the author seems to have forgotten than Bin Laden and Hussein were ENEMIES. Then again, so did a lot of people back then.
>UN Secretary General JACQUES CHIRAC
I know that conservatives hated him because he refused to go into Iraq on flimsy evidence, but this is absurd.
Also, Osama Bin Laden going to the UN as leader of the Islamic State. Lol.
Behold! NANOMACHINES SON-enhanced Sean Hannity! Only he can save America from the evil UN and the islamofascists!
It's German, because they're fascist foreign UN troops, see? Everyone knows that liberals want the UN to send troops to police our cities.
>So many cold dead hands
So is he saying that guns in the hands of citizens would never be enough to overthrow the government in times of tyranny like the NRA claims?
Also, G. Gordon Liddy should be 90 years old at this point. Good thing he too has NANOMACHINES SON.
I am more offended by someone thinking "Its Crunch Time" was a good one liner for an action plot that doesn't involve breakfast cereal.
>I have always found the best gun control was...by using two hands!
What does that even mean...?
Why is Liddy so against "electronic crap" if it's what's keeping him young and healthy?
Why does Bin Laden want to nuke NYC if he's already gotten everything he wanted? He gains nothing out of it and stands a lot to lose.
Believe itor not, terrorists aren't terrorists because they hate America and our "freedoms", they attack America because it's an obstacle. Now that it isn't an obstacle to their goals of ruling over the Middle East, why would they still want to attack it?
>The RIGHT heroes determined to make it happen
Left heroes don't exist
Going by these letter pages, the author was being serious. This is what he actually believes. He thinks this is a brilliant work.
Also, since when do comics have letter pages in the FIRST issue?
Colmes has revealed his true colors as an evil liberal! Just look at his evil grin.
Poor guy didn't deserve being shat on like this really. In reality he was a moderate treated like a punching bag by Fox. Also he's dead now, so this just feels pety.
>what the terrorists did to me
Did they make him a cyborg?
Even without US support, I'm pretty fucking sure that there's no way that North Korea could stage a succesful invasion of the South.
Also, how did Gore get re-elected if he fucked up so badly?
I don't get it, why is Al Gore sending more troops to South Korea if he doesn't care?
You'll get Hannity's tragic backstory soon enough.
>Can Democrats be patriots?
>Of course not sweetie. They hate America.
So, did we actually lose any rights during the Obama administration?
I was actually going to make a post to this effect once I caught up.
> In this future there is a world government that is has enough support that it has absorbed the superpowers of the world (peacefully, I might add) and the war-torn middle east is now stable and a member of it
Isn't that, you know, a good thing? I can't even imagine why Bin laden would even want to still blow up America under those circumstances, because doing that would unambiguously be declaring war on not just America but the rest of the unified world government as well, which his nation is *already a part of*.
This seems like an unnecessary long con if all you wanted was independence in the first place, unless there was some kind of previous unmentioned war where Afganistan was absorbed by force.
So is this comic saying that if Al Gore won the election we would have unlocked the secret of eternal youth through nanomachines?
SEE? SEE? Conservatives totally aren't islamophobic, look muslim Hannity fans!
Why would they send a suicide bomber instead of having someone just shoot Hannity?
We've pur more thought into this than the writer did, probably because we understand geopolitics and what actually motivates different actors better.
To be fair, we wouldn't unlock nanomachines until further in the future, so maybe in the Bush wins timeline we'll still get nanomachines.
Killing right-wing media stars is top priority for jihadists. Too bad they suck at it.
> Upset that reference to God has been taken out of the pledge of allegiance, because religion is good
> The bad guys are religiously recruited and motivated, yelling 'God is Great!' as they suicide bomb
I'm getting mixed signals here.
RIP Limbaugh, no NANOMACHINES SON for you.
goddamn, I hope he's not doing ok.
So, they send a suicide bomber against Hannity, but 2 guys with scimitars against Liddy?
And why are the terrorists still not using guns?
I would like to say it is because the author wants them to seem backwards and primitive but we saw terrorists with guns guarding Bin Laden's place.
What's with Liddy and other conservative old men's boner for Harleys?
At that distance, with two targets on opposite sides, charging at you with melee weapons when you have yet to draw?
He's dead. Thats a fight you lose. Cops have only a 50/50 chance against a single person with a knife in situations like that, and the odds here are much worse due to swords having longer reach and having to deal with two guys at once.
Reminder that G. Gordon Liddy is 76 years old here. And he has no NANOMACHINES SON enhancing him yet. He's pretty /fit/.
Why the hell does he want a refund for a product that is clearly working? I mean is he saying that they are not worth the bullets because even then it would have meant using his gun as a reaply expensive club.
RIP O'Reilly and Ingraham.
Remember kids, torture works!
For the record, Islamic doctrine actually says that if somebody forces you to ingest pork or whatever against your will, it doesn't count, you can still go to Heaven.
Clearly a 76-year old pundit is way better at fighting than trained policemen.
>censorship laws would make expressing conservative views illegal
like right now?
>Department of Peace
>Alan Colmes
>King of all news media
All those years on Fox being their resident punching bag, and this is the respect he gets?
>America's most popular news program
I'm assuming it's their only news program and they couldn't find anyone better, because Colmes was a pretty boring guy.
Name one person who has been prosecuted by the government for conservative views, instead of just being called an idiot or a racist on twitter when they say something stupid.
Fucks sake, you had a conservative president and both houses of congress for two years. When the fuck do you think some kind of anti-conservative censorship law even could have been passed?
That's totally plausible, right?
I wonder if Ludacris did that to Bill O'Reilly for letting those hoes to his room.
people are getting banned off twitter what ever happened to free speech
the government runs twitter?
>we interrupt this comic to bring you cyberpunk 2077
More letter pages giving an insight into the writer's mind.
Some character designs. What is Liddy doing with a sword? I thought his thing was guns.
>Blind Oliver
Seems like kind of a mean nickname to be honest.
This is literally Cable.
So did the UN kill Drudge (FBI's most wanted man) or did Bin Laden?
I can't find anything on Libarro World, or I might consider storytiming it too.
You are probably trolling, but for anyone else out there that doesn't know the difference:
Freedom of Speech prevents the government from censoring you or punishing you for what you say. It does not, however, protect anyone who ISN'T the government from doing the same, as long as whatever punishment doesn't violate the law.
Twitter's policies don't have any relation to freedom of speech whatsoever, unless they are taking actions at the express request of the government.
Fahrenheit 9/11 was about how America deserved it and the terrorists were misunderstood good guys, right? RIGHT?
>When the tax rate hit 90%
You mean like it was before Reagan?
Why would all rich people go to England and Israel specifically anyway?
And ALL rich people left? I find that hard to believe.
Member when Hillary Clinton was a weak-ass liberal pansy and not a hawk that would have brought us to war with Russia? How times change.
Also, do liberals really want to give free condoms to elementary schoolers?
>Your dad's dead
>Fox News Bankrupt!
>Soros to buy Newscorp
Man, he's been a boogeyman for longer than I thought.
Holy hell that kids has lanky legs.
Yes father, I shall become a flag.
Free healthcare? I thought this was supposed to be a dystopia?
>30 years minimum sentence for posessing a handgun
Wait, why would liberals close down FEMA? What happened to their death camps?
>Hillary closing all military bases
Again, it's hilarious how conservatives now call Hillary a warmongering hawk that's too mean to Putin and would have gone to war with Russia over Syria.
So, why are they recruiting right-wing pundits instead of real American heroes with actual training like soldiers and firefighters? Why is this comic about pundits in the first place?
Unity is bad, m'kay?
Too bad, the series is over. We'll never know what happens next. It sold like shit and then the author claimed that he was sabotaged by the liberal comics market that didn't want him to succeed.
Hope you enjoyed the ride. I'm glad that this thread didn't devolve into politicl shitposting and trolling.
Wait.. in what reality would the US have a 90% tax rate and the UK wouldn't have an even higher one?
The reality that exists in the uniformed head of a right-wing nutjob.
I mean, he totally did torture and kill a guy. We saw him do it.
The shooting of the one guy during the sword attack was self defense, but the fact that he already had a bunch of pigs blood and shit ready to go... this was not a one time thing.
Are we really supposed to be against the cops arresting him on this?
I mean I'm not an expert on taxation but I do know english taxes are so high a bunch of bands would literally move away in the 60s and 70s to avoid it.
I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.
In reality, if Al Gore was president on 9/11 he would have been fucking impeached, especially if he had any idea that it was going to happen like Dubya did
Not to mention that if you want to prevent George W. Bush from winning the election in 2000, then it'd make more sense for Jeb Bush, Katherine Harris, or any of the conservative SCOTUS members to get in a car accident instead
why did this comic try so hard to make bin Laden comically evil? They're even going for the cringing baby angle.
I dunno if I should feel good or bad when I see a Storytime of Pain of a book I own a physical copy of.
>115 posts
>15 IPs
IDK it's not any sillier than those WWII comics with Japanese people who had buck teeth and huge glasses. Wartime propaganda tends to exaggerate things.
>naming your kid after ronald reagan
If that's not just the quickest way to have a gay son then I don't know what is.
Are you stupid or are you just pretending to be?
>I made up the IP count
It's a fucking storytime thread you retarded shithead, it's normal for the post count to be higher than the IP count.
>No costly forever war that kills hundred thousand more americans
>Sean Hannity
What's silly is that our heroes are real life right wing pundits.
Amerifat politics are such a joke.
> fox news bankrupt!
stop showing us so many good things, comic
Goddamn, could you imagine if this went on long enough for us to have seen the evil liberal government unleash a weapon to surpass Metal Gear on the heroes?
>his name is Reagan
How did you come to own this? Did you buy it with your own money? If so, why?
Haha! Those conservatards are so stupid. Not like us reasonable liberals who say Trump is an illegitimate president out there when Putin hacked the election and he won’t give up the president when he loses re-election because he uses covert dog whistles to run a genocide of Muslims and Mexicans.
>b-b-but the libs
>implying Mr Breathtaking deserves to be in this
It's okay when white people do it.
Huh, who would have figured the author would browse this site?
And one of the muslims is wearing a veil and everything, even though it's super-transparent, almost like the artist drew it over a drawing he'd already made after the fact.
Reminder that the "under god" part was only added in 1954 during the cold war to stick it to the USSR.
They were all brown people living in the desert that hated OUR FREEDOM, of course they were allies!
>It sold like shit and then the author claimed that he was sabotaged by the liberal comics market that didn't want him to succeed.
The more things change the more they stay the same.
Hell, wasn't Bin Laden's whole autism against America started when the Saudi's told him to fuck off when he offered to use his men to free Kuwait and instead took the American offer?
>That's totally plausible, right
Well Moore did do his research on alot of things, but I doubt he'll be interested in doing politics.
Chelsea Clinton however I find to be completely bullshit. No one is interest in voting for a Clinton. Especially if Hillary is involved, and regardless of her being a Democrat, she's more of a moderate right-winger and a warhawk. Chelsea Clinton would be no different
>do liberals really want to give free condoms to elementary schoolers?
No. I find that hard to believe something like this would happen. Does the writer even believe that?
>Chelsea Clinton however I find to be completely bullshit. No one is interest in voting for a Clinton.
She won the popular vote. You don't win a popular vote due to lack of interest.
True, but when it comes to voting for a president to run the US then that's a different story, and right now she ain't popular enough to gain enough support. Her whole thing was just to appear more like she gives a damn. She may say stuff, but she won't really mean it at the end. She's essentially Hillary, but weaker
Hell, still I remember that one woman literally bullshitting on Chelsea for trying to look like she's sympathizing with the victims of the Christchurch attack as purly just for show
If her policy is no different than Hillary then what's the point?
>It sold like shit and then the author claimed that he was sabotaged by the liberal comics market that didn't want him to succeed
I can't even imagine the kind of person that looks at Sean Hannity's tubby mug and says 'Yup, that right there is superhero material'.
So is this the type of comic that Comicsgate wants?
Nah, this comic is too neocon for Trump supporters.
Why do you keep spamming this...?
Presumably its a bot
discordservers com/server/307213144059674625
>have seen the evil liberal government unleash a weapon to surpass Metal Gear on the heroes
Nah, that would require the evil liberal government to be competent, and we can't have that.
discordservers com/server/307213144059674625
I guess the logic goes
>Liberals want to teach sex-ed
>Therefore, they want kids to have sex
the funny thing is anyone that knows Hannity in real life knows he's a cowardly piece of shit
Still waiting for him to get waterboarded to prove it's not torture like he promised he would.
Shame this isn't ironic, it'd be great if it wasn't. Some of the character designs are pretty cool desu, they'd work if they weren't in...well this
Yeah, however much you personally enjoy Sean Hannity's stuff, he's a news man who sits at a desk most of the day. Not exactly "Leading the charge" material. But why wasn't it someone like Oliver North? He was on Fox News around the time this was written, and he was actually in the Marine Corps. Sure he was an officer but if anything that just makes it better, it means he has the know-how to lead a team of rebels. I guess he just wasn't as prominent, or maybe the author thought he really was guilty in the Iran Contra affair? Considering the protagonist is named after Ronald Reagan I doubt it though. Regan Era conservatives think that man can do no wrong.
Yeah, it would be like if somebody made a comic where Cyborg Rachel Maddow was leading the resistance against President Donald Trump Jr.
nobody likes neocons mate, no one.
Fuck this was atrocious even for a propaganda piece.
It's the perfect mirror for what comics some have becomes these days.
Speaking of which, Calexit storytime when?
looks a little bit like nightwing