>sug3r in url
and it looks kino
Do not watch this shit and instead watch good upcoming cartoons like Looney Tunes Cartoons and primal
Also Rebecca should be sued for stealing XJ9
>villains just stretchy aquamarine
>beats the fuck out of pearl
>literally wiping out the earth
>looks like stevens actually gonna have a showdown and not talk over with love
im interested
The villain has a HEART on the chest meaning Care Bare Talk Crying Peace!!!
I can't believe how many losers worship this pile of propaganda emasculation dyke shit. If you like Steven Universe? Kill yourself.
>Connie looks the exact same
what you talking about faggot, its gonna have kino fight scenes and ill pirate it anyway. why do i care about dyke shit
Some people are late bloomers.
Is that Tara Strong?
>that villain
she actually looks fucking evil, i want steven to stop being a faggot and beat the shit out of her, he stabbed bismuth so he's not that much of a wimp, i hope this show grows some balls and stops with the emotion faggotry for once, this is their time to shine
Hoping that she's irredeemable. She started off as a low tier gem but because of stevens "be yourself" bullshit she decided to branch off to full on genocide.
Basically the SU version of this
Is a Looney toon the villain?
My bro what are you even SAYING!? A male character, or at least close to simulating one, beating a female (again close to simulating one)? That's not politically correct.
The only time of recent times I've seen a male beating a female is the super hero from Villainous during the premiere episode on Cartoon Network, but the context is that the Noble Hero is actually a bully villain who deserves to get destroyed (and he is killed off in the episode anyway as punishment for his bullying ways).
Do you get it? Cartoon Network is not going to allow a male to beat a female and be seen as heroic for it. The United States culture doesn't approve of women being beaten....even if they're evil criminals, child molesters, murderers, etc.
That panel will never not be funny.
It sounds too deep to be Tara, though I won't be surprised if it is.
If a show is emotion faggotry as you put it for 5 seasons, then I doubt one instance of a film doing the opposite is going to "correct" this show's emotion faggotry stance. And another thing, if the show has such a history of emotion faggotry what makes you think that they will change their formula? You've had 5 seasons to see what kind of show this is and you don't like it. So putting it simply this show is not for you and you wasted god knows how many hours of your life watching something you obviously do not like.
You really don’t get the show at all
I hope not. I hope she gets black listed and never finds work again. Disgusting old hag. And I hope it doesn't take long for her to die.
he stronk
>everything looks fine
>they sing
>villain attacks
>steven talks to her and befriend her
>the end
there,no need to go watch
Right? He’s really grown.
glad the animation looks good, could be a decent standalone flick
No user, the mods will go fucking autistic and sorry like trannies that need to dilate when they see a single MLP image.
Too late. One MLP image no matter the context, no matter what... DEAD
Loved the part where the singing kicked in. I'm a sucker for cool increases in the action with the music.
>people actually expect her to be an irredeemable badass
Have you people ever actually watched the show?
I don't know what you guys are expecting, Steven mastered the art of Talk no Jutsu.
And you don't understand good villain writing.
>You live
>You die
No need to live.
Just shut up a littlle
That user didn't mention anything about villain writing. He just pointed out, correctly, that you don't get the show in the least.
More like defended it.
The fuck was with Peridot not seeming to give a shit about all organic life on Earth dying? That was like the main reason she gave a care about Earth at all.
Just Peridot being analytical. She's a technician after all.
stevens penis
>3rd gear
Actually kinda makes me think she's from Pinks Court and is pissed as fuck about the events of the whole show and pre-show events at her own Diamond and is just going "Fuck everything and fuck you". She has that same kind of clown style as Pink too.
I know this is ironic but, actually based
It wont
I generally hate SU but i’m expecting this to be Kino based on the trailer. What talent they have was all pooled into this project and it looks like it’ll pay off.
They did pretty well on a regular tv budget and 11 minutes with Mr Greg. I expect it to be that quality times about 5 or so.
Based af
Remember when the show started and some hated the artstyle for being less complex then the pilot?
Instead of this, what if they changed it back and everyone through another bitch fit?
What is that thing to the left of the Amethyst? It's like a tower being built in a scaffold, in the middle of a... factory?
Town for gems.
>be made as your Diamond's most loyal and valiant champion
>you know nothing but your love for her, and even your form is designed to invoke her presence
>fight with great fervor and endless determination in a war to defend your Diamond -nay, your entire way of life
>watch as your friends and loved ones die in battle around you one by one
>suffer the heartbreak of knowing you could not save even your own Diamond's life
>live for thousands of years with crippling PTSD, guilt, and shame
>then one day you find out that the whole thing was a sham; Pink Diamond was Rose Quartz the entire time, and she threw away countless lives so that she could shirk her responsibilities and hump organics
>then find out that not only did Pink murder millions by proxy, but she ended her own life to make some gross meatbag that the other Diamonds are letting fuck around with the entire empire at his own whim
Yeah, I think I'd turn into a crazy cackling murder machine, too.
Better look it here. Looks like Bismuth set up a shop among other things (different shot has them installing what looks like a warp pad0
All these new locations make me want another STL.
wow this made me cringe
a shame Jail Break wasn't the series finale
That's actually cool. SU is at least decent at shaking up their status quo in interesting ways, so I'm looking forward to what happens in a film that seems like its specifically about their lives changing. Also holy shit are Connie and Steven actually going to develop further?
>Is that Tara Strong?
when has anyone ever asked this and it ISN'T Tara Strong
Okay but seriously are they just allowed to steal XJ-9's design like that?
>Looney Tunes Cartoons
What, are you a literal child? Get the fuck out.
He's now bigger, stronger, able to effectively mating press.
Imagine having a life as pathetic as
Even I can't think of something THAT sad...
I'll get right on that
Am I the only one who thought of this?
>Steven climbs up the giant thing
>Finds the evil gem curled up, crying
>Steven asks "What's wrong?"
>Evil gem says "it's just... ever since my diamond is gone I can't go on."
>Steven says, look I'm sad that she's gone too. but destroying the earth is no way to bring her back!
>Evil gem says "i guess you're right..."
>movie ends
I just wanna see more fusions.
Any expectations?
I expect at least one, so maybe Steven+Greg? We know Alexandrite is gonna show up, maybe Obsidian since they're all together.
Nope, definitely seen others make the comparison
It is actually kind of sweet how everyone was like "eh...musical." and then we got the trailer and most were on board right away.
She is roughly 2 years younger than Steven.
The Diamonds agreeing to end colonization means they sentenced their entire species to death. For a supposedly feminist show, they're saying a human boy was in the right to tear down an intergalactic matriarchy AND convince them to self genocide, is pretty funny. As long as he has his happy ending, the eradication of gemkind is cool. Rose was written off as a selfish bitch, but at least she was fine minding her own business on Earth with a handful of gem communists. She didnt demand the end of Homeworld, their government, and their species.
>diamond eyes
Is Steven gonna unlock his full diamond powers or are these pointless doodles
Steven Universe would be way better if they had a Frieza-like villain in the mix. Evil, entertaining, and unredeemable.
No it doesn't, it means they went out of their way to find new methods of reproduction that don't harm planets. Peridot was going to bring some up to Yellow Diamond before she got interrupted back in S2.
>All these people hoping for a truly irredeemable villain that Steven actually has to man up and fight
Do I really need to remind all of you that this is the show where a genocidal intergalactic tyrant was turned to the good side and had all her sins forgiven because she fucking blushed?
>Sins forgiven
By who? Their entire empire was dismantled. That's about as big a punishment as you can get for a dictator.
if everyone in the SU world is so susceptible to song and dance numbers to change their minds, the villain should get on that and have a villain song to convince Steven to fuck off.
they are literally immortal, they're already like cockroaches way too many way too hard to kill. they'll be fine.
looks good but she feels underwhelming after the last season.
is that the girl from my life as a teenage robot?
One of the boarders put that image up on twitter and then removed it quickly so it's definitely not a pointless doodle.
The movie gem is probably that. As for the rest, we just don't have enough information to tell yet. Obviously it will never be as in-depth as we want because time, budgets and writing are limited.
>As much as I love dismantling the empire
So are they actually going to show the repercussions of eons-old empire being broken down like colonies starting civil wars for independence/trying to fill the power vacuum or will they hand wave it with a song?
More like balkanization
So splintered states boiling over with internal and external regional and ethnic conflicts? Is Steven somehow going to solve everything with some gay little songs?
Not really movie related, but there were boards for season 6's new intro (apparently) that were in the sneak peek video for the documentary.
So the villain is going to be the mos cartoonish thing this show has ever produced.
... Is that Rebecca Sugar's attempt at saying "fuck actual golden age cartoons, they are not deep enough unlike my shit"?
season 6 is still happening?
Yeah? Been in the works for a while now.
My theory so far is that toon gem wants to make the empire great again and it is creating a new pink diamond, mark my words because I am committing suicide before this premieres
been in a hole or something i guess.
No, but that would be great to see.
>"Excuse me, Mr. Steven? We've got twelve stations in the Koprulu Sector that are without power. If something isn't done soon, they'll loose stabilizing systems and crash into local inhabited worlds, potentially killing billions."
>"What? What happened?"
>"Well, it would seem that after you told everyone that they can be whatever they want to be, nearly three quarters of the operating staff of the system's Dyson Sphere decided that they wanted to be painters, poets, and... it seems some of them have formed a dance troupe? Point is, the plant doesn't have enough gems to run the generators."
>"Can't we get other gems to help out?"
>"We tried that. The only other qualified gems in the sector are a group of Peridots inhabiting Therzon Prime."
>"Great! Ask them to-"
>"We already did, sir. Apparently they're in the midst of a turf war with some neighboring Aquamarines and refuse to assist. We even asked if they could just train some new staff for the plant at our expense, but they instead conjectured that my mother was a whore and proceeded to suggest that I go fuck a cactus."
>"Hey guys, sorry to interrupt, but don't worry about the Koprulu Sector. The Dyson Sphere just crashed into the sun and all the worlds in the system are on fire. The survivors are pretty pissed and are out for blood, but their ships don't have any power so it'll be a while before they get here to kill us."
What the hell do you think
He won't. They'll fight and he will defeat her and then try to talk it out. Best you'll get is her killing herself to spite him
Remove clod.
>Peridot still nonchalant about mass human death
>lists them as an afterthought, after plants and animals
That's my waifu.
>Random movie villain
>Peridot: meh
when did Peridot stop caring
>this would be Jasper's natural progression after season 5's finale
>give it to some random new antagonist
So what you're saying is this villain will cuck Jasper out of the very last thing she could've had.
Cluster breaks the Earth into pieces which would've killed her
>To death
They are not biological meaning they exist forever.
>earth gems setup their own enclave community
Will they call it Gemtown or Little Homeworld?
I hate that you're right. Sugar couldn't fend off her fellow jewess any longer. Nothing is sacred.
She just wants to turn earth into gem cybertron.
Excellent, user. I want more of this shit.
>Best you'll get is her killing herself to spite him
That sounds unironcally cool as hell.
This charater really doesn't look like jenny except on the poster.
>not jasper
fuck this gay show
>puffs herself up with more and more power she siphoned from the earth
>she self-annihilates and explodes into billions of tiny energy sparks that rejuvenate the dying planet
That already sounds very SU.
OK, but she has mascara tears and an upside down heart. You know shes got some horrid tragedy in her backstory that's entirely Pink's fault. She probably reformed with her gem upside down after something dramatic happened.
You'll always have the /freaks/, user. We'll always have each other.
Checked and cucked
i wonder what the reaction would have been like if Jasper was the movie villain
>Literally steals Luffy's devil fruit powers and gives them to shitty dollar store brand XJ9
>Doesn't even hide it well
Fuck sugar and her gay ass inconsistent show
She's better off that way
Gem can shapeshift, Garnet enlarged her arms in one episode you retard.
Luffy doesn’t own stretching, zoomer
I love this show but the idea that Steven might just give up on the peaceful negotiation and cap the villain is a fantasy. I would be less surprised if there's a 10 minute scene of explicit hardcore sex between Steven and Connie.
Steven+Greg voiced by Jack Black with guitars by Brendon Small
>Luffy's stretching power
Even pretending to be this much of a weeb is grounds for a firing squad execution
I don't even watch the show but I'm increasingly interested in this movie. Do you guys think it'll somewhat manage to stand on its own separately from the series?
Jasper has done next to nothing on the show.
Everything you like about her is headcanon from fan art.
Yes user im a complete zoomer for thinking that a jew like sugar, who in the past has copied numerous animes in the past, would indeed copy luffy's devil fruit power.
kys faggot
Well the first step to change is admitting you have a problem. Praying for you, bro.
The old Yea Forums posted that predicted it'd be a musical after a reveal about Blue Diamond (which was probably Rose being Pink, since the guy said he hadn't watched since S2) said it was self-contained for the most part. Probably a good time to get into the series tbqh
Based. This pink weirdo will be the Vegeta we all wanted.
Says the one who thinks steven universe is good
I’m praying to Steven. The one true god.
>self-contained for the most part
Thanks for the info, I don't plan on getting into Stephens Galaxy so this is good for me. The animation in the trailer was extremely captivating so I'll mostly watch it for that and the villain.
I hate this fucking character so god damn much. Shit design, boring personality.
It's okay to get fussy, we know it's tough knowing you'll never be held and protected by a giant alien blacksmith.
Hmm. I wonder what would cause a flash like that...
He barely looks bigger from show Steven.
>He thinks sophisticated animation paired with music is for kids
>Crying fat kid the show is for mature adults though
Lol cringe
are we talking s1 steven or s5 steven
Honestly, the way her arm just extrudes infinitely without thinning or even a hint of snapback looks more like Piccolo than Luffy to me.
>steven to stop being a faggot
The Guy who turned into a tranny?
The guy who was seducing a teenager
Thoughts on the song in the trailer Yea Forums?
Any Steven. They can't get the sizes to stay consistent, so what hope does movie Steven have? None.
Why would you want her to hang around with these degenerates? She deserves better.
You must be comparing episode to episode, because there's no way it ever becomes truly noticeable unless it's a freak one-off like the gif of that scene in Pool Hopping.
Could be. Im more guessing luffy just due to that giant fist move
Jasper could have received the Bismuth treatment by getting over her thousands of years worth of anger and grief towards Rose and Pink Diamond in a matter of seconds or having all the edge to her personality erased so she's just another pacifist Crystal Gem hippy, instead you're receiving a Jasper arc 2.0 next season where she gets time to work through her abundance of internal conflict and complicated ties with other major characters while staying a cool antihero
>I just want my happily ever after back!
This isn't like one of your books, Steven. There is never a "The End"- just endless "Next Episode"s.
>"I've always wanted to uppercut an uppercrust"
>Lost her edge
There's more to her character than "angry gem". I agree her return episode should've been longer though
Animation looks good. I would expect as much for a movie though. I'm glad Steven aged up so his VA doesn't have to try to sound like a kid; it wasn't very convincing and it kind of hindered his acting in some scenes. I'd be interested to see how they handle Homeworld and the Diamond empire after CYM but I get the impression they're gonna skim over that.
I was referring to her instantly going from wanting to go to homeworld to personally liberate homeworld by shattering all the diamonds and becoming enraged at Steven when he disagreed with her, to being happy with bubbling the diamonds in the episode after she returned, to having fun at a pool party with the diamonds a couple episodes later. She still has her fighting spirit but that extremism and bloodthirst was dropped like a sack of potatoes.
Looks like they changed the main villains design a bit
pic related from the new trailer
Yeah and that was based on Rose fluffing her up with promises of liberation and freedom. Once she saw the consequences of a Diamond being shattered it's no wonder she stopped and thought about it for a second. Again, this is something a longer episode would've helped with. And if we're being fair, Bismuth never interacted with the Diamonds personally and still hated them leading up to that healing montage. It's not so much the writing that's the issue, it's the pacing. It's not really something you can help sometimes with 11 minute episodes.
looks stupid
>ohhhh so that's why she didn't agree with me killing the diamonds
She found out Rose is/was a Diamond. Bismuth probably felt like an idiot.
Gems has no gender, retard.
Real gems have cleavage.
>connie still flat
At least they did something right.
Every single gem uses female pronouns except for Steven, who's half human. They wear outfits that are based on dresses, ballerina outfits, and female pop star ensembles, and they all have female voice actresses. They're gendered, and they're gendered female.
Please for the love of God Rebecca don't redeem this villain. I don't care if they shatter her, I don't care if they bubble her, I don't care if they send her to fucking CN City. Just don't pull a White Diamond on us.
He's bigger, faster, and stronger too.
He's the first member of the CG Crew!
And they all have dicks
Battles on the top of huge structures get me rock fucking hard.
Pun intended
I'm Rebecca god damn Sugar, this is MY cartoon and I'll do whatever the fuck I'll damn well please, you sniffling little pants-wetting cocksucker. Don't make me do you like I did that DYKE, Zuke.
Only when it's time to punish Pearl.
Is baby cranky? Does baby need nap-nap?
U got me
I want it now
Gems have no sex. Gender and sex are not the same thing. Learn you a book.
Shut your whore mouth.
Gemmy could literally kill him in this shot.
crew and becky dont care about her character.
>I just want my happily ever after back!
Does he ALWAYS have to sound like SUCH a FAGGOT?
Hadn't you heard that quiet pragmatism is oppression in current year? Especially since Steven is a white male.
How so?
I just can't take this seriously, how and why is some ugly cross between XJ-9 and Sonic the Hedgehog a more threatening villain than White Diamond? Literally no explanation will be satisfying, this feels like conflict for the sake of it.
>”Finally! A villain Steven can’t just talk to and defeat!”
>The Cluster
>”Finally! A villain Steven can’t just talk to and defeat!”
>White Diamond
>”Finally! A villain Steven can’t just talk to and defeat!
>Stretchy XJ9
>”Finally! A villain Steven can’t just...
Guys, I want to believe this villain and this resolution is gonna be different this time too, but cmon. Fool me once, shame on me, fool me over and over again, and I must be an idiot.
im just wondering what type of corny shit they'll pull to convert the bad guy
It's a movie so there will probably be a fight but TnJ will prevail.
Give me my PEARL! God damn it!
There's always a fight before the diplomacy starts. It really does feel like crits get all their info about the show from text dumps.
But he literally didn't talk Jasper down from anything. In fact, Steven being there made things worse. They were forced to imprison her until the end of the series because she hated him so much she turned herself into a monster and talking couldn't help her. People also love to gloss over Bismuth when they try to make this argument. Long story short, you're wrong, always have been wrong, and always will be wrong.
>>”Finally! A villain Steven can’t just talk to and defeat!”
Try watching the show sometime.
Beach City will be destroyed forever: discuss
>they built a big new community for the ex-Corrupted Gems
>destroyed 30 minutes later in-movie
they're going to fix it all, and possibly revamp the look of the town
its dumb, she should care about earth getting destroyed more than the other gems. since shes the only gem that actually became a CG out of sheer love of the planet, she should be the most bothered by this. instead we have this cause the crew and becky cant write a coherent story if their lives depended on it. i aint even mad about this shit anymore, im just sad that the crewniverse is so inept at understanding their own characters.
You're judging all this by a single 10 second clip where Peridot is explaining something rationally and about a problem that doesn't effect her specifically. You'l notice she was worried about the cluster both times because it effected her and the gems, not humans. That is consistent.
she didnt care about the earth then though,now she does, she would be more concerned.
And maybe she will be. It's too soon to tell, or maybe she's being autistic as usual.
That's bullshit, the show specifically had a running plotline of Peridot falling in love with the planet.
>Life doesn't start in a Kindergarten. It ends here. I've gotten used to plants everywhere. Bugs and breeze and sunshine... All of that has been sucked out of this place.
All life on the planet being destroyed would be harrowing for her but perhaps she's confident they can handle it?
I'm sure she is, I'm just explaining the logic of her not wanting to die due to the cluster emerging vs organics dying instead of her.
Nigga, she explicetly defied Yellow Diamond regarding earth and she thought of the value of it.
Value for her and the Crystal Gems. I don't think she's every talked about loving humans specifically. Organics yes, but not humans specifically. Regardless we're all nitpicking a ten second season. I'm being just as obtuse trying to justify the dialogue without further context.
oh shit
They can always grow on uninhabited planets dumbass. Colonization just means taking over from the natives that Rose opposed
Steven Universe was the best show from this decade, what the fuck are you talking about lol
emphasis on the word '' 'was''
from season 5 onwards, it became pure dogshit, basically the same thing that happened to adventure time
They specifically need life-bearing worlds to suck energy out of for their Kindergartens, which is why the Beta Kindergarten was such doodoo compared to the Prime, but Peridot did propose a plan to utilize planets without disrupting the local environment so there's something.
Some of the best episodes of the show are in S5. Can Adventure Time say the same thing at its supposed point of stagnation.
Beta was a rush job, it's not really that it lacked the nutrients per se.
Based and Redpilled.
Only fags will say the opposite
>"Some of the best episodes of the show are in S5"
IIRC the shorts about the movie talked about extracting minerals from the ground to make gems which prevents life from growing, not actively killing life to make gems
>shorts about the movie
Shorts about the gem
List the ones you hate user. I'm genuinely curious and not in a "I'ma just lol" kind of way.
Peridot specifically noted how the area wasn't right for a Kindergarten it being a desert compared to the lush valley of the Prime Kindergarten, but yes it being a rush job too is why it's crap. I wish we got more context with the Beta and whether Pink had a hand in its location to spare another location the same fate as the Prime.
>show drops very slightly in quality from being the best thing on television to still being the best thing on television but slightly worse than it was before
>anons on Yea Forums declare it "pure dogshit" because of a couple animation errors, or their ship was deconfirmed, or the plot didn't go the exact way they wanted it to
every fucking time.
>"List the ones you hate user"
its not that i "hate" the episodes from season 5, there are a few i dont like, but i feel indifferent to most of the episodes. most of them dont matter, and the story ones are lackluster.
Oh, my bad. What are the episodes you like/love then? I'm a huge autist for lists.
>"show drops very slightly in quality from being the best thing on television"
>"show drops very slightly in quality"
>"show drops very slightly"
>"very slightly"
dont really love any of them, just indifferent, id take season 5 episodes over season 4, but i still wouldnt say season 5 has some of the best episodes.
That's a shame. Well, thanks for indulging me anyway. Hope you enjoy the movie more than you did S5.
i like scenes where peridot is being adorable, so there are a few bits i like, and the wedding was pretty comfy.
dont ever fucking reply to my posts again.
Is this gemless Steven trying to crawl up the side of the building? That's the only time I remember him having these bags under his eyes.
He might be feeling the effect of the machine. He had those bags under his eyes in Warp Tour too IIRC
He was sick in Warp Tour.
bad art aside, how tall do you think gems are supposed to be?
Which gems? Some are teeny tiny, some are fuck huge.
I'd argue he was sick in CYM too! Plus I'm pretty sure the reference sheet for that part of CYM actually does say "refer to Warp Tour" on it
the crystal gems mostly.i dont think garnet is any taller the 6'3 once you get rid of her afro
who cares about this show
based and sugarfreepilled
If you don't like slapstick itself, then you're just watching flashy stuff without substance.
I honestly just want to see where the Connie/Steven thing goes and if they do something with Jasper. Lars actually doing something with his powers or something would be nice too.
Y'know I don't often get to say this, but I think you might be in luck on all of your points. Rebecca couldn't answer if Steven and Connie get married (because it's a spoiler), the crew is obviously gearing up for Jasper since they've been sketching her nonstop and Lars will most likely be showing off his other Lion powers at some point.
Well I will certainly watch to find out, looks highly entertaining so I am ready.
Steven repeatedly shows of crazy superhuman strength throughout the show, he just never really uses it and seems like he doesn't know he has it. I think Greg commented on it once and every other time people reacted like it's normal.
Yeah, but his gem has never glowed before. I think it's gonna turn the right way round and that's how he stops the injector. True Diamond strength.
Do we even know the official name of the villain?
Nope. I think we can rule out Morganite at this point, way too powerful. Might be a Bixbite, which is a Beryl and she seems similar to Aquamarine or Emerald.
Gem society runs on gem power which seems to be infinite and clean. There is no infrastructure to collapse, so this wont happen. Stevonnie crash lands on a gem ruin that still works perfectly, Lars flies across the galaxy and never needs to refuel, etc.
What’s updog?
Hey Rebecca goddamn Sugar, could I get some Lars using his powers please? He can sing and dance with lion if that helps you.
It's more plastic man than anything. Luffy's rubber powers work on recoil and inflation. He can't just shapeshift. Also it's not like Luffy invented stretchy powers.
I hope he converts the bad guy into a corpse.
Everyone from the cast will sing the song “True kind of Love” and make the villain break down crying. She stops the earth killing machine and everyone lives happily ever after.
SU is just an edgier care bears right now.
>Implying the Care Bears isn't fee fees kino
The one where Steven is having Kiki's dreams was like this too. And the time he was projecting into Malechite. And the time he was paranoid about something in the warp pads. It wasnt just Change Your Mind.
Is that a female Ivan Ooze?
God I hope she's as goofy as Ivan. What a fun villain.
Sucking up nutrients from the soil is how they grow new gems. Kindergartens arent literally sucking the life out of plants and shit. Over planting, harvesting and cultivation, can degrade the soil until it becomes lifeless mud. That's why Peridot's flower experiment didnt work, there's no more nutrients left in the soil to grow anything anymore.
Rose's rebellion apparently caused massive casualties to both Homeworld and earth gems. Its possible that most of the era 1 gems were wiped out in the war, and most of who's left are a bunch of defective era 2 runts like Peridot. Since the villain has a huge ass phage injector, her primary goal is probably to either save her race, or stop the degradation of future gems.
(Please forgive the poor grammar, just copy/pasting)
>The cast enjoyed the memes from Change Your Mind
>Shelby’s favorite part of CYM was when the Arm Ships came in
>Estelle favorite part was Sunstone
>Deedees favorite part was watching Steven become himself
>The cast loves WD design
>Bismuth is everyones friends
>Lapis doesnt hold anything against Bismuth
>Lapis has gotten better with her anger since joining the CGs
>Fusions are likes gems kids
>Fusions only have the part of their counterparts memories that they would share with eachother (Pearls fusions didnt know the truth about PD)
>White creates pearls, but out Pearl didnt belong to her
>Rebecca sings love like you while playing the guitar
>Rebecca started playing guitar two years ago
>The most reward thing about making the musical/movie was to work with so many talented people
>It has been challenging for the crew not to give out spoilers
>The trailer for the movie dropped (will be going over it seperatly)
>Mr.Greg and ‘Just One Day Lets Only Think About Love’ were practice for the movie
>Estelle sings several songs in the movie, including ‘True Kind of Love’, which was preformed live
>True Kind of Love is now available, and the full moive album will drop Sep. 3rd
>There will be more gem/human relationships
>Pearl is exploring her own idependence
>Amethyst was given a shelter upbringing by Rose in regards to her past, due to Rose wanting her to grow up apart from Homeworld
>Stevonnie can fuse with gems, but likely wont, due to them being fine on her own
>Rebeccas favorite ship is RubyxSapphire
>Shelby’s fav fusion is Obsidian, and Deedee’s is Rainbow 2.0
>The movie has new fusions
>If the cast could be gems, Estelle would be a Peridot, Deedee a Diamond, Michaela a Pearl, and Shelby a White Diamond
>Rebecca had to fight not only to air, but to make the Ruby/Sapphire wedding
>Change Your Mind was a personal song written by Rebecca in 2015 during the fight, and was added to the show last minute
>Theres a flag for earth and homeworld at the temple
>Human! Pearl would by just like Deedee, Amethyst would be from the 80s, Garnet would be Grace Jones, and Peridot would live in a flying silver bullet in the Costa Rican jungle
>Rebeccas advice to young creators is to just create whatvever pops into your head
>She also says to get more sleep and to stop romanticizing suffering for your art
>The hardest part of being a showrunner for Rebecca is to look after so many departments
>Rebecca’s older brother Steven was a big inspiration for the show, and Steven Universe was a working title that stuck (Context: Steven for her brother, Universe for Tenchi Universe. Greg is Tenchi)
>A short clip from the Making Of the Steven Universe Movie aired, and the full hour-long documentary will be released on DVD and Blu-ray after the movie
>And event know as Every Steven Every Weekend will start and run until the movies release
>character development all happened off screen
Worked for Young Justice.
Okay, so Greg/Steven fusion looks confirmed.
Okay, so
>Looney Tunes
never watched young justice, but im gonna go ahead and say it sucked there too. whats the point in character development if the audience doesnt get to see the change over time?
36:30 btw. Rebecca doesn't say fusionS but she sure as hell clams up. The RQ2 slip happened in a similar way.
Can someone make a cut of the trailer with the theme for MGS3?
She doesn´t say anything at 36:30, she just stays silent
I would be 100% more excited for this shot if I didn´t know already that by the end they´re gonna be hugging each other.
>There's more to her character than "angry gem".
Oh really? What?
Because after Bismuth´s conflict with Rose is resolved, the only character traits she has left is "she hates dictators" and "she is a great friend".
Traits I can use to describe every other crystal gem except Lapis.
Loyalty, chivalry. Dedication to the cause without the pointless death and shattering. Kindness. A smart blacksmith and inventor who works great with Peridot.
Everyone loves Bismuth.
That's what clamming up means user. She can't actually give out spoilers for unreleased content.
Steven is an older brother? I thought he was younger.
lapis deserved to be shattered.
Sorry, still not feeling anything about Bismuth that seems interesting at all. She really seems like flat character. The fact that "everyone loves her" doesn´t help at all.
So assume this is actually supposed to be a real movie with a theater release.
nah, tv movie. 90mins tho which makes it the 2nd longest CN movie.
No it's TV only
So it's literally nothing. Oh well.
whats the 1st longest?
This feels like something a Diamond should be doing not some Harley Quinn knockoff
Imagine if At the end of LoTR they killed off Sauron but then some guy who is even eviler named Bob showed up. That's what this feels like.
And that’s why I love Yea Forums, because the amount of hype when the episode is on is insane. The shitposters and “SJW” spammers are so little in number compared to the posters that enjoy the show, we just don’t feel like arguing about it.
This piece of shit at 97mins. Third was Ed, Edd and Eddy's Big Picture show at 89 minutes btw en.wikipedia.org
They can always make more gems, user. Remember Steven?
Honestly the music is one of the best parts of SU.
It's advancing the story by two years and leads into S6 user. It's probably going to be worth a watch.
Between this and the movie trailer dropping on the third anniversary of Mr Greg (which was practice for the movie) I'm literally going to shit a gem at this point
Steven has to awaken new powers so he can defeat her
El Steven Rosa...Completado
Yes this is a real image from a tweet that was uploaded and then deleted by a revision called Nicole Rodriguez
>Delmarva becomes the capital of a space faring techno-utopian society
Each your heart out, San Francisco.
But what if his...
I'm not the only one to think the laugh from the villain sounds kinda like its done by Tara Strong right?
I thought someone photoshopped Jenny on the top of the poster.
she's just Luffy from One Piece
A lot of people think so, but I haven't listened to her in a while and my memory of her is higher pitched than this.
Your planet busting days are over pal now give me the Yamato.
>not XJ9
>not XJ9 with Spring Girl powers
>Are you sure of it?
> Of what?
>Your Diamondhood...or you pathetic love for these humans
what's her fucking problem?
>cringe and bluepilled
she's probably gay and pink diamond killed her lover. or she was gay for pink diamond. one of the two