All lions and hyeanas are voiced by nigs

Imagine if you considered a mainstream Hollywood movie to be inherently tied to your sense of self-worth. Imagine if you were brought up being told that the plot stolen from a Japanese cartoon was some deep spiritual story from your mythical and romanticized motherland.


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20+ beyonce points

I didn't know Walter White reviewd movies.

Why imagine something you just made up to have a fit over when the answer is just that it has a really popular black pop culture figure?

He might resemble a cancer patient, but Doug actually looks more respectable with a completely shaved head.

Holy shit, his whole head is turning bright red. Either that really is true rage or he's just not breathing.

Was there really a scene of giraffe pooping? Because that's hilarious and reminds me of that "I'm the poo of the antilope" song in South Park.