They fucking ruined her!

They fucking ruined her!
Thanks Square Enix, you fucking humongous hacks

Attached: Kamala Khan.png (285x232, 140K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Where's the cute?

She looks cute and perfect though?

Attached: D1b0DHqU0AApZeW.jpg (1634x1699, 210K)

>Crystal Dynamics
>Eidos Montreal

Yeah, about that...

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kamala is native american now ?

I'm more worried that she is in San-Francisco for some reason

Attached: 1546809907410.gif (540x303, 1.38M)

Did I miss her in the clip you posted

>takes Thor 4 hammer hits to bring down a bunch of tacticool SWAT dorks

I'm sure the new DC game will look much better

Oh wait

>Expecting Eidos to make a model to save their lives
I knew it was bad the moment I saw it was them creating it instead of SQ.

How does Iron Man here compare to the one from the 2008 game?

It's a fucked up angle with her off screen, I'm sure she'll be a qt

Here Part 1 too

Attached: Kamala wants some girlfriend.jpg (319x158, 10K)

Thank god this isn’t connected to Spider-Man’s game. The problem with this game is that the gameplay is really unfocused and shallow given the number of characters involved. Would rather get a character focused/solo adventure with any of these guys, especially a Hulk one running on the RE2 engine

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Is it tho?
For now it's all adding up to SM story and Peter's comment, that Avengers on West Coast

>That fucking Arkham "hit a guy six times before you're finished" combat

Attached: birdy_annoyed.jpg (720x480, 30K)

>aaa devs make a game ultra realistic so it seems more mature and relatable

Attached: 1554229443304.jpg (320x284, 137K)

She looks more like Sana now

They need show game play from later in the game and the ability customization that was shown at SDCC because it looks real simple right now

Also they said there's Ps4 exclusive content which is probably gonna be Spidey

Janky character models aside, this game looks like hot wet trash. It's just another grindy live service with bare minimum standard combat mechanics.

Also, how fucking dare you put Kamala in your microtransaction infested scam machine. Fuck off.

>there will never be a Hulk: Ultimate Destruction 2

It’s really not. West Coast Avengers is a common reference to make, and an excuse to write The Avengers out of the story. Furthermore, they haven’t sold it as part of the “Gamerverse”, and their Taskmaster looks completely different

This looks like it should have released right after the first avengers movie

It’s not part of the same continuity. See

No Hawkeye no buy

I at least like that all three of them are able to send enemies flying.

The only characters whose gameplay look like it could be decently fun is Cap and Iron Man. But the shitty AI from enemies is what's bringing it down overall.

>their Taskmaster looks completely different
It's comic books, people wear different costumes all the time. Pete probably wont even be wearing the suit next game. In fact what Tasky wears in Spider PS4 is incredibly similair to Caps Avengers costume.

I agree on the other points though

Kamala fags on suicide watch

Attached: iIBN2YhOTjc.jpg (882x787, 100K)

Also, in SM game Taskmaster wanted to "hire" Peter for some people. And then Spidy asked if those people are Avengers, TM said "Much more powerful and bigger" or something like that

She looks like a gross Mestizo.


So Thor just straight up kills these goons? Seems strange to have guys like this fight Thor, future guns or not.


Attached: Kamala Khan.webm (960x540, 2.96M)

Sauce pls

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Attached: D8ubS54X4AA-ZnT.jpg (960x1200, 143K)

Right after that

Attached: 43.jpg (875x787, 123K)

>testing out your new unstable chemical engine
>Sure lets allow civilians to ride on the ship

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>eidos montreal is making glorified licensed games

So much for the return of immersive sims.


Looks like Dora the Explorer

she looks like peggy hill

>”I was told Captain Marvel would make an appearance. This is bullshit”


She looks like the girl from the Dora live action.
I'm hard.

>tfw rare artist who does real good futa-raping-female stuff, but their art is horrifying

Attached: 1547814846571.png (252x245, 5K)

thats about when the teaser for this game came out.

I thought they were waiting for the avengers movies to come out for a reason but it seems i was wrong

Attached: D8JWmG5XYAA0yNT.jpg (933x933, 74K)

>live action Dora movie is made
>this happens

Ah so she huffs the terrigen from the reactor here. Hulk and Cap look fun as fuck. Thor looks alright. Iron Man looks like shit and Black Widow was just a QTE for now.

like everyone else?

Attached: SE Avengers.jpg (1439x810, 136K)

Hey now, she looks perfectly fine for a 30 year old.

Is there anything more pure than Carol getting knuckle deep in Kamala

Yes user, i'm sure thy made her that way to cash on a movie that will be lucky if it will make back the money they spent making it.

You mean balls deep.

none of the characters look good in this game, not really surprised

Futa fags should hang

As someone who just started reading the old Thor stuff its pretty funny to see him just slaughter people wholesale. He used to be kiddy gloves only when it came to mortals.

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Your fault for not finding the source like a retard.

Looks better. Least they were telling the truth when they said they'd tweak it.

>joe fixit is in the game


Thor looks better too
at least they are listening to the criticism

>Presses A A A A A

It looks like a mobile game

>Every other character shown so far looks weird and potato-y.
>Anons are somehow surprised when this extends to the rest of the characters
What did they mean by this?

Both look like an NRS female, but the right is definitely an improvement.

so they look good i get you

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Why the fuck would you go to the trouble of making a Joe skin and NOT make him grey?

Its something. I don't know how the fuck left even got past anyone with zero comments. Who looks at that and thinks that shits fine?

>planet hulk game never

Because it needs to appeal to casuals first. They probably made the skin grey to begin with but one too many retards in a focus group or whatever said
>Uuuh yeah the skin is pretty funny but why is he grey? Is it unfinished or something???
So they changed it

Attached: 1430145201265.jpg (3504x2336, 2.68M)

>Would rather get a character focused/solo adventure with any of these guys
I too would much prefer a solo game based on any of these characters
>No Thor game where Loki or Malekith the Accursed gets all of thor's villains in one place for him to fight them.
I play a game where Thor gets to fight Hela, the Enchantress or even Gorr. hell you could have Those Who Sit Above in Shadow as super bosses.

Attached: Thor one with all.jpg (942x1600, 267K)

sause pls

>is this a snuff game
Those were enhanced grunts these superheroes were knocking around, r-right guys?

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kill yourself SJW incel

>Kamala's in the game

Fucking dropped

you mad about something fool

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Hulk looks like lord Farquaad and it retarded how Thor and hulk are not curb stomping these mooks

its a videogame retard

>people in the comments are complaining how thugs aren't running away from Hulk or Thor and chalk it up to "bad AI"

Jesus, talk about pulls.

Anyone who participates as a focus tester should be killed.

Going by the badge necklace thingy she is doing the tourist thing

Gotta accommodate for the lowest common denominator by having them participate. If Average Joe Gamer with his subpar IQ or Little Johnny can't understand how to play or navigate the game, the developers have to make certain concessions around the design to ensure that people like AJG and Little Johnny don't get too frustrated.

Implying she ever was...


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I don't see the issue. She looks fine. Gameplay's fine. It's all reminiscent of the Spider-Man game.

You're all complaining over literally nothing.

>short hair

have sex

She's not ruined more than the other characters, so it's not that bad.

>5.5/10 girl that you'd see on the street, a bit of lipstick and a change in her outfit can bump her up a grade
>dolled up monstrosity that you'd only see at a con that could either be a girl or a boy (girl)

Hmmm, did they basically just fix her weird, beady eyes?

Eyes, length of the head, and fuller lips it looks like.

So that's how they'll change her origin story for MCU?

Attached: 420.jpg (640x984, 164K)

I'm still excited for this but I'm glad that it doesn't look THAT good since it's always been my dream to make a good Superman or Justice League game and this is similar. Hopefully I'll still be able to blow people away.

Kamala has always and will always belong in the trash.

Well, they're almost certainly not doing the Inhuman thing since Perlmutter ruined that for everyone. So she'll have an origin that tied into the plot of Captain Marvel 2 or 3, whenever she shows up.

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there was an article that came out that quoted bill rosemann (guy in charge at marvel games) as saying it was separate continuity

The graphics are pretty and I like how hard the hits are, but the gameplay really looks like a snore.
>have a team of characters all with unique methods of movement
>two can fly
>one can jump like a motherfucker and just tears through anything and everything
>the other are athletic and can do parlour and shit
>let's put them in a 100ft x 100ft square and have them mash square until all the mooks are gone, then have a QTE, then repeat

Compare this to Spider-Man PS4 or the Arkham series and this just looks like the most expensive third person movie tie-in brawler of 2008

At least in arkham you were a single man with some gloves... not a god with a giant metal hammer or a raging monster ape.

This is retarded.

I don't know why anyone thought the gameplay would hold up to even Arkham Asylum. 6 different characters with more on the way means none of them get enough polish.

Fuck all y'all. I like fun. I ain't expecting a god tier game but just a game I can have fun with.

>having fun
>liking things

Is it really going to be fun if you just tell yourself a year before it comes out that you're going to like it?

Better for him to hold onto hope than be a miserable pessimist that nitpicks over the most inconsequential shit over a demo of an unfinished game.

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weird cope but okay

You forgot 'seething', 'based', 'have sex', and 'dilate' in your reply.

It's cool though, I'll let you off lightly this time.

Weird continue on that strange cope, that's ok for you I guess
