What the fuck was Nickelodeon thinking greenlighting these shows? They rejected Adventure Time...

What the fuck was Nickelodeon thinking greenlighting these shows? They rejected Adventure Time, but think this is better?

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PGBC is good though

No it's not

These shows are a decade/half a decade old and no longer airing. The damage is already done.

Sanjay's and Craig wasn't even that bad
You just forget how much Nick relied on gross out humor

They weren't thinking with their head is all. Quite frankly, if Adventure Time was picked up by Nickelodeon I doubt it would have lasted 2 seasons instead of the 10 seasons it got on Cartoon Network.

yes it is

It's trash


> Shit characters
> Shit humor
> Gross-out for the sake of grossout

Only good thing is the artstyle, can't believe Nick looked at this and thought this would be good.

All these shows have significant green. Nickelodeon likes green!

All of these shows are just the main characters names

The chad Harvey Beaks.

Sanjay and Craig got kino in the later seasons and PGBC was alright.

Fuck you all.

Sanjay and Craig was the worst of the bunch


Imagine thinking this is good, get some better taste

They toned down the gross-outs later on.

I want to ____ the snake.

PGBC > Breadwinners > Sanjay and Craig > FB&CC

Breadwinners is the worst of the bunch, the creators made the pilot as a joke and was surpsied when Nickelodeon wanted to make it a full series

They wanted Spongebob-tier wacky buddy comedy.

still was more entertaining than the other two

Isn't that what they wanted?

When Ren and Stimpy and Rocko's Modern Life did that, it was cool and fun.

You look at this and you tell me there's a God.

Attached: I don't want to live on this planet anymore1.jpg (640x684, 130K)

orange splat bad
spoon doodle good

Both of those shows were before SpongeBob you absolute retard

Didn't Ren and Stimpy already do that plot?

SpongeBob was clearly the successor to both these shows. (Rocko especially, as the creator and and original SB team worked on Rocko back then)

Angry Beavers and CatDog both tried to follow the footsteps of R&S and Rocko, but failed to be groundbreaking. (Which is a shame for Beavers, cause I actually found that show to be a gem)

Why was the blonde girl from Sanjay and Craig one of the weakest Nicktoon heroines?

>and Adventure Time ended up being shit without Nickelodeon's help

Are people seriously still whining about these shows? They've all ended production and Nick has moved on, just get over it!

Sanjay and Craig was hit-and-miss during Season 1 but by the time we first meet Craig's brother, they heavily toned down the gross-out humor and fleshed out the characters more.

Pig Goat Banana Cricket was actually pretty funny when it wasn't being too mean-spirited.

Breadwinners and FBCC had shit protagonists, but most of the side characters were all pretty fun to say the least.

Nick is still shit today, that's why people are mad. They only have 2 Nicktoons currently on the channel, Pinky Malinky got to Netflix and Glitch Techs and Pony are never being released

Still a bit better than the Sanjay era.

Fanboy wasn't that bad imo

I liked Angry Beavers and CatDog just as much as Rocko and R&S
Klasky Csupo shows were the only shows on nick I didn't like

Yes, but with a literal turd.

Why does it look like Bob's Burgers

Even Twitter Zoomers hates Sanjay and Craig