I for one, really enjoyed the new take on Domino
I for one, really enjoyed the new take on Domino
Other urls found in this thread:
>black women wouldn't look at black men to spit on them
>the same black women get on their knees to worship whiteboys
I don't get it
Whitey will lick that pussy.
Yeah. I can think of a couple of things I liked about it.
>be 85% white
>have two massive Bolt-Ons for tits
>”Muh African heritage”
Instathots are bad already, but negresses are even worse. Also, you’re expanding from Yea Forums to Yea Forums now, huh?
I enjoyed the new take as well. I also don't give a fuck about Domino, and still really don't. That probably helps.
Literally bred for having a loving relationship based on mutual respect and sexual attraction with whichever ethnicity of person she prefers.
Not a goth? Bad.
Jealousy is never a good look, bro
Just be happy that they're happy and move on
Everyone is an individual, stop ascribing so much value to skin color, we all bleed red, we all feel love the same way.
The real Domino > NuDomino
Nobody likes Tyrone
>they get a black actress for Domino
Okay cool so she's gonna be like super black and have a white spot on her face, right?
>she's just a regular black lady with a skin condition
>we all feel love the same way.
That isn't true
Black women are pathetic
>t. butthurt niglet
I didn't care her actress was black. They still should have dyed her skin pure white. The albino skin is kind of her thing.
Same guy who screeches uncontrollably when a white woman is seen in the company of a black man
This annoyed me too. Like if you wanna go pallet swap on Domino, don’t half-ass it.
the sauce is: instagram.com
Absolutely based
Should have just called her Longshot, then have wade be super confused, pull out a comic to compare her to the character. Before he can complain she says, “Hey, Hollywood doesn’t read that crap, it’s not my fault they got me wrong” would have been way funnier than “lol color inverted domino aren’t we so cleaver?”
improve credit score.
She’s half, not 85%
so weak
well yeah, niggers are disgusting
An innocent woman died so you could satisfy your jungle fever. Guess what. Next time you want to get your rocks off, just watch nubian porn. Stop supporting the senseless diversity agenda. Diversity should be done properly, not by simply swapping white characters for black. You should support NEW black characters, NEW latino characters, NEW Asian characters, etc. No more fucking swaps.
>Yea Forumsmblr isn’t re-
Don't use my mom to shit post.
domino isn't even white, she bodypainted. imagine being a fucking marshmellow for however many nonths of shooting
This. dont be the stereotype. Read a fuckin book and use deodorant.
Just as nobody likes Jimbob the hillbilly, nobody likes Tyrone the hoodrat
>In the movie with the guy with full charred skin make up
Yeah.. , thatd really look out of place.
so this is a chocolate milk thread right?
Both Jimbob and Tyrone are notorious for leaving a stream of bastards and belligerent exes. This shouldn't be the case if they struggle to get laid in the first place
Yea Forums is love, so shut the fuck up.
>he thinks this meme is legit
Engage in coitus
Why do virgins think like this
based manu calling out the bed wenches
>All he had to say was “I’d love to take you out sometimes”
That’s generally all most people have to say to women
Honestly pretty easy nowadays
Alita looks much better: youtu.be
Why do black guys get so mad when white gay dates black woman?
I dunno, that guy cleans up real nice. If he was some ugly fuck I'd get the salt but that guy looks like he could be an 8, at least.
Colonizing PTSD
>making up this many weak excuses to explain why you can't get laid
Being an incel truly has no bounds or limits, not even race
this. also Yea Forums refugees deserve to be shot.
same reason whites get mad at the reverse, anyone who sexes is a monkey
This. The guy actually looks nice and well groomed, plus you can tell the one complaining is massively jealous over it and got rejected over being an asshole, so he has to pretend it was some race shit. Nah brah, it was you.
Sage for off topic.
always plenty of Shaniqua's and Mary-annes out there. Its not like hillbillies and hoodrats exclusively reproduce with non-hoodrats/hillbillies
So, are we ignoring that this guy is clearly a psyco? What kind of victim issues he has to have to call out a couple just because no one wants him? He didn't even covered the faces and the names, he straight up retweet that shit, who in his sane mind would think this is a normal thing to do?
I hope the guy is bleaching the shit out of her, and i hope the Marmaid ramake will have the boy band boy as the prince to see this faggot throw a fit.
>who in his sane mind would think this is a normal thing to do?
Twitter makes people insane. It does an even better job driving people insane than this shithole.
>jungle fever
>Diversity should be done properly, not by simply swapping white characters for black.
So what you're saying is anyone can get laid and the only real divider is socio-economic status, which we've been fooled into thinking is equivalent to race when that's provably false?
One of those women was born with a penis.
It's because a lot of black guys literally see nothing wrong with cheating on their women. To the point where for several generations the women were convinced the other women was the only one to blame. Black girls are finally starting to realize they don't have to put up with that shit, but instead of demanding a higher standard from their own men they write them off as a lost cause and go for the men who will actually appreciate them.
only east asian women do that
Keep seething Yea Forumsmblr. This is our board. Sneed!
is that supposed to scare me?
You know Stormi Maya is hot but she seems kinda vapid.
Do she still have it?
Because if she does, bonus.
Maybe that's part of the appeal.
which one so i can fap specifically to that one
>and go for the men who will actually afford them.
make more money and you can afford to fuck as many women as you like. just don't get married-- (without an iron-clad contract) and cover your ass.
your racial political spin on this is poverty tier.
>even black fags want whitebois
it's just not fair
Bring it on.
Ok. I can get behind that.
>it's just not fair
it's perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
unlike the casting for Deadpool's Domino.
kills nigs
Who dis?
Stormi Maya. She has plenty of nudes. Just don't listen to her music.
Post the webms
>best friend is black
>dating his little sister
>he's split between SEETHING and being happy for her
How's the head?
>it's another off-topic race thread that has nothing to do with comics it cartoons
>mods continue to do nothing
God no wonder this board has become such a pile of shit.
her head? full of curly hair, she wears a bandana to keep it in check
my head? constantly red and raw
her blowjob skills? out of this world, she's great on top too
Well he's obviously a fucking lunatic. Using only good looks can fly in like, high school or some shit but if you're an actual adult you have to have at least a modicum of sense or at least be a decent person.
My nigga.
I'll take my chances.
I'm retarded and thought you'd looked at/were talking about Manu
Was it really that hard to find some kind of makeup to make it look super white?
>no wonder this board has become such a pile of shit.
because good people stand by idly, doing nothing, complicit in their inaction?
They were probably aiming to make it look natural
Why are you friends with a guy that irrationally hates you for your skin color?
You know Yea Forums is infested with gay racists.
the only people who hated her are in that crowd.
It's probably the
>dating his little sister
part which is causing the problem mate.
>Being upset your best friend, the one human being you know and trust more than any other, is the one your sister chooses to date
I mean at any other point in human history this would be an ideal situation
Well, it was a thing back in the 80s. Probably earlier.
where the fuck are all the delicious brown girls in this thread
Yea Forums sucks
Probably because people don't trust each other anymore
>those nipples
I would rather have a thread separate from this one
>Implying it wouldn't turn into the same shit
This is Yea Forums now, you just have to accept it.
>She’s half
The "black" parent was most likely 20% white, like all burger niggers.
Moar thicc women pls
Just read "Killer Instinct" and "Soldier of Fortune" last week, if that's what you mean by new Domino, then... yeah.
not what thicc means, but I respect your taste
stop using my mom for reaction images you fucking asshole
compared to larson and tessa she's thicc
>gets ignored
Im using the actual meaning of thicc, not this BBW chasing shit it's devolved to
Blacks literally have extremely low capacity to think about the future. For most blacks the "now" is all that matters. A black man fucks a girl who he makes a commitment to, then finds another one he wants to fuck. Since he has no concept of the future, promises (including those of fidelity), have essentially no meaning. The black man pursues his new desire likely never even thinking about his current partner. White men do not have this problem (yes they still cheat, but the likelihood is far lower). The black woman sees this and very understandably wants a piece of that, not to mention all the bonuses that come with financial stability and vastly lower likelihood of a criminal record.
He hates me because I do unspeakable things to his baby sister and I'll be the father of his nephews
We're lifelong friends so it's cool.
If he has the 7 dragon balls why does he need any of the rest? he can wish for it
Anything between 3 and 19 is good with me.
Might go for a 20 if she's got a nice face and personality.
Thin with assets obviously.
>free falling speed bullet
>hurting absolutely anything ever
if he can reasonably attain the rest, why waste wishes like that?
How did you take a photo of my aunt Sharon?
get rid of the 'fro
she's probably 75% white
half black look like obama
No, you're making up your own definition.
No, YOU are. Thicc is big ass and big tits on an hourglass figure. Not some obese hamplanet.
>When a person has fat in the right places, creating sexy curves.
>person 1: you see shaniqua over there?
>person 2: yeah man she thicc AF
>#thicc #sexy #curves
>[2.] Thicc
>(Pronounced Thick) The appearance of a very seductive female with a large ass, in most cases the woman will have a pair of large thighs.
>"Damn that Hannah girl THICC as fuck."
>#ass thighs
>Super Thick
>Skinny w/assets
You didn't post a thicc girl. You posted a muscle girl with no ass or tits.
>get rid of the 'fro
You better take that back, motherfucker.
>ywn cumshot on a afro
why live
what no dubs?
2-14 is fine
It's not a roll image newfag
What did she mean?
You sound like a fucking pussy.
Is this cosplay or the actual actress? Either way, looks great.
Cosplay, the original actress' makeup was different and that woman has a couple of cup sizes on her
>130 replies and none of them are more of this hot chocolate domino
Bring me more thighs
>all the white anons with black gfs are out the house having fun
>we're stuck here
it's just not fair
Fine specimen...very fine.
Posting pictures of whores you found on instagram is not comics or cartoons.
Neither is Dungeon Meshi, you black cuck
Neither is complaining about it. You're the reason m00t left
>reaction image
Moot was all about content being at least vaguely on-topic, you'd know that if you'd been here more than a few weeks.
Which is why he had to step in on Yea Forums's mods when they kept deleting deep sea and various Yea Forums culture threads, right? You'd know if you were there, right?
How she was in the movie was way better than how she was in her recent comics user.
because they're much less likely to run off and leave them with a brace of niglets to look after on their own
That's fake tits for ya.
I would most of the ladies on this chart, it's more of who I WOULDN'T go for that's the thing.
Which would be 1, 16, 18, 20 and 21.
Comic Domino was never good.
Contempt for the guy they slept with who fucked them over. The fact that they pick those men to sleep with says more about them than the men they don't look at. Don't get worked up over it. Those bitter women teaching the newer generations based on their own miserable experiences will be the death of them. Build yourself as a man and the women will come at some point.
And don't date the single mothers, avoid them.
This user must be a janitor since all the pics of random non-Yea Forums related girls got deleted.
Is this a black incel? Rare of them to show up openly.
>women would rather stay with men who would actually provide for them
Real fucking shock.
>long hair
>Why do X girls like Y guys.
It's like we want to be invaded by /pol/.
Good for them.
Why are mulattos with afros so hot
>White girls like black guys
>Black girls like white guys
Perfectly balanced, and yet we still call eachother names
Is this proof that Thanos was wrong?
Rent free, incel.
This thread is proof that Yea Forums losers have ruined comics for good.
it's almost like racemixing is healthy for a population to maintain genetic diversity
White girls don't like black guys. I know it's a popular meme around here, but the reality is that white girls are, by a HUGE margin, the least likely to racemix.
Death by Booty.
Wow, one random webm, you sure got me.
She's going into my fap folder
The original Domino's design was half-assed. Why does she have a black spot? Because she's a mutant, hurr.
Nu-Domino has Alopecia, which is an actual, real life genetic mutation. They took the original, and kept the original design while giving it a real-world application, which is a million times better.
I want to fuck Stormi's brains out while groping her massive fake titties
50% Caucasian
50% Sub-Saharan
perfectly balanced, as all things should be
White male are the most attractive group to women in dating sites
>tfw not white and could be drowning in colored pussy
I want her to sit on my face and call me names
>who in his sane mind would think this is a normal thing to do?
Group of black men who hate seeing any black woman date outside their race all started by this Twitter blue check mark Tariq Nasheed. They call women who date outside their race " bed wenches" like a slave who slept with her master, it's all just a tactic to shame and control women from a guy who writes pick up artist books
I want to make 25% black babies with her
It's vitiligo, alopecia is hair loss
you and me both buddy
And those who do like them always want the ghetto thugs. Gotta feel bad for those non-ghetto niggers.
>Have Black GF
>She asks me "Do you not like Asian girls? I hear that's what Asian guys go for"
>I tell her it's because I have 3 Asian friends and grew up with 3 sisters so I "Know how that trauma is cooked and baked"
The biggest black pill I'll give to anyone of all genders, creeds, and beliefs is that at least 30% of people hate their race to a degree due to shared cultural traumas and not wanting to raise another generation of societal nerves.
What fucking facet of this thread is Yea Forums related? Are we just a shittier Yea Forums now? Mods do your fucking job.
>Shittier Yea Forums
Nah bro Yea Forums and Yea Forums got that covered, Yea Forums during summer and SDCC period is just for weirdo refugees and summerfags
Yeah that's the one. My bad.
>mods n jannies haven't deleted this
Didn't realize the ones on Yea Forums were this based.
It's the same the other way around. Black girls aren't dating white guys in huge droves. The thing is that the ones who do, are always loud about it.
>make more money and you can afford to fuck as many women as you like. just don't get married-- (without an iron-clad contract) and cover your ass.
Could you make it any more obvious that you're black? Lmao
I live for this guy's disgust
mulatto butts
t. seething black guy
I can respect comic Domino but NuDomino is just way too good looking.
Mullato butts
Wrong, more black men then you know are decent partners, its just that most black women would rather fuck Tyrone the thug, then cry about their baby daddy leaving them... its all so tiresome...
Twitter hates WMBF.
It’s pretty fucked up to refer to consensual loving relationships as slavery.
>mfw this thread is still up
It's something a lot of self hating minorities do. They recognize they're treated like shit in a largely white society so their idea is to breed with someone white so their kids are whiter than them, and their kid breeds with someone white so they're even whiter, and by that point they might be white enough that nobody realizes they're mixed and they have a shot at a normal life as long as their last name isn't Hernandez
>They recognize they're treated like shit in a largely white society
Try being a white person is a largely white society, then you'll be begging for your melanin back
*a white male
The women, they are living on easiest mode I'll grant you
>it's almost like racemixing is healthy for a population to maintain genetic diversity
Except that's factually untrue, the complications you get from racemixing outweigh any fake hypothetical benefits.
And most importantly: No race benefits from mixing with black people. That's just taking a hit to your IQ
I don't know user, your kids will be slightly less likely to develop certain forms of skin cancer in their twenties and thirties. That's a great benefit, right?
hi tara
>women are terrible judges of character
so what else is new
Pretty much this
If you want to make a chocolate-themed waifu thread, just make one without drawing attention to the kinds of things Yea Forums screeches about. Even without that kind of baiting you still get anons interjecting how their own personal observations about race-relations are the absolute truth, and now you've got a whole thread of them without any of it being Yea Forums-related.
why is it everytime theres a black woman on Yea Forums a good handful are cool with whatever but the other half goes kaio-/pol/ for no fucking reason ?
black anons are very insecure
>the complications you get from racemixing outweigh any fake hypothetical benefits.
what complications
Someone has to protect the white race.
It's because of the forced diversity in media. This ignites a lot of tempers, sometimes causing people to go overboard with their hatred, which in turn ignites SJW tempers causing them to go overboard pushing back.
It's a self-sustaining cycle of ever-growing autism that will never end.
I remember making a thread yesterday saying how this black girl would be cute for a live action show and this shit turned into pol thanks to 1 user talking about black woman getting colonized by whites, it was endless back and worth until mods took that shit off
I can never be insecure...
>black cosplayers
>not having white boyfriends
She's super cute.
Ladybug's shit though
Fuck off to reddit.
Very cringe
I used to think white women were immune to this saltiness
>white women
>believing they're not the saltiest of all people on the planet
Have sex.
>black incels have their own version of "day of the rope"
fascinating stuff
...is that an offer?
You wish, incel freak. Have sex.
Have sex.
Domino is Yea Forums related...
Yeah, and this thread sure is about Domino.
>I put the panic in Hispanic
it's about deliciously brown superhero girls...
Too bad a woman had to die for her role to be played.
No, it's not.
I mean, that's what it should be about, but it's a little late to start now.
We should just make a new thread without any commentary regarding the forced diversity issues we tend to sperg about.
Yeah but she was a nigger so who cares
I do. At least on the general principle that forcing a diversity hire that was clearly unprepared to handle a complex and dangerous task resulted in the unnecessary loss of a life.
Are you a redditor?
Why do they only seem to race swap comic characters that have a unique look that it would be cool to see on screen. Like if it’s a basic boring white girl then you can bet she will stay that way in the movie. If it’s a character like Domino or Star Fire or Rumour from Umbrella Academy who has a bit of a different look then fuck adapting that just make it a black girl. Even just red heads in general seem to be getting screwed recently with MJ and Ariel. I don’t really mind race swapping too much but I just find their choices weird because it frequently seems to be taking comic/cartoon characters that look visually interesting and turning them into something more boring.
your taste is awful
Various forms of transplants, most importantly bone marrow. People have actually died because they couldn't get the right mutt donor.
But the trade-off is that they'll require vitamin D supplements to avoid rickets if you live in a temperate area.
Why do you hate nebula? Want some mantis?
>Can't believe you're dating Todd Howard's little brother
Stormi maya
honestly, she has a very similar energy to comic domino, so it kind of matches.
my only issue with her is that her eyepatch isn't completely white. maybe they'll fix that if there's a deadpool 3...
i'll take a raceswap like domino over a complete personality swap like hollandaise spider-man any day. of course, it doesn't hurt that the actress is hot as fuck.
nah, it just gives the insane a voice. right now, you're the one giving them a loudspeaker.
I want to have sex with a black woman...
why does she pretend to be black?
this is what you get for trying to create a slave race of inferiors.
reminder, america fucked up slavery so bad that the entire civilized world had to abandon it.
They should've made her pitch black if they were going to race change.
are you J-List?
you sound like J-List.
read a book and find something more meaningful to say.
or better yet, don't say anything at all.
>People have actually died because they couldn't get the right mutt donor.
>mfw half white entrepreneurs might finally be the thing to make stem cell organ cloning a reality
we need to publicize this. fuck taking immune suppressant drugs for the rest of your life. we need perfect, biocompatible organs made from our own stem cells.
Hollywood is run by cowards.
I get the second and third photo, but what the first has to do with it?
nah fuck that
just feed off the flesh of children and stay alive forever, with the rest of the ultra rich blood sucking parasite elite.
That goofy bitch is the leftover for the KANGZ.
It's nice to know woke black kangz and redpilled white incels have something in common.
I just found the sequence of comments hilarious with black guys complaining and a black girl at the end saying: "my pussy is on fire."
Wtf, why was this deleted?
Jay Versace is not a leftover
>3. You will not post any of the following outside of Yea Forums:
>f. Dubs or GET posts, including 'Roll for X' images
Cope harder Leroy.
>"my pussy is on fire"
>Hear Zazzie Beets is gonna play Domino
>"Oh god, please no"
>See pic related
>"Oh okay this could work"
>Vitaligo and an afro
She plays the character fine but fucking stop with the forced ethnicity bullshit. You can put new spins on old characters but there is a right way and wrong way to do it. See new spider-man movies.
>all those black guys seething
I like afros though.
>tfw black/mixed girls were always the best to me
Tell me if there's porn of hers somewhere
Am I missing something? Everyone knows that black guys will get with the landwhal-iest, lardo white girl over a black one. Am I being memed?
sort of.
it's all fun and jest till the hunters gets captured by the game.
you know for some reason this feels a lot like an /int/ thread instead of a Yea Forums one...
But if you are not even going to try to make then look like the original why bother keeping the name?
Just make a new character, domino herself was a complete rip off of another earlier character in the original uncanny x-men series.
God damn, this is hot as fuck every time I see it posted
I guess Yea Forums is just /pol/ 2.0 now
I unironically also enjoyed Zazie's performance of the character.
I know I'm truly in Yea Forums when the first thing that came into my mind was Vixen as that woman, performing for a villain that's keeping her as a sex slave, or something like that.
What celebrities and dignitaries do you think they've put on a show for, doing exactly that bit?
But both on their knees, and wearing string bikinis.
God, do you think she gives it up at Cons?
>this is one sentence
Good heavens.
Very based
discordservers com/server/307213144059674625
Based and humanpilled.
Meanwhile the average black guy needs *a job*
Literal underage faggot
Thank you for introducing me to Uniquesora. Amazing proportions on her.
Spoiler alert: Everyone on Yea Forums is also a redditor
>In completely unrelated ways develop both Domino and light-skinned blak girls fetishes over the years
>this movie happens
thank you based Fox
Yeah, it's unreal how cute she is.
Her girlfriend's a lucky gal
Goodbye no fap month.
the absolute HEFT of those milkers
It's just kind of part of being human.
women of all races like to date outside their race, maybe because its primal. Perhaps something to due with an innate desire for genetic diversity. Or maybe women are just cultural traitors and will always lust after 'new' instead of what they grew up with.
On the other end, men seek other races of women, because they can conquer or spread their seed to the winds. Still very primal.
does she also cosplay?
Wait this hot piece of ass played Domino in Deadpool 2? I jerked off to her instagram religiously.
It's simple really. When there's a dad around, black women tend to actually date someone that's good for them, which just so happens to be mostly anyone who isn't a black man from the ghetto. It's totally the opposite for every other race of women though, they'll date someone for the sole purpose of pissing someone off (particularly daddy), which just so happens to mostly be black men from the ghetto.
>this thread still exists
No white but native American on my end.
bait threads have been saved by the power of horny, user
this one seems a bit iffy in that regard, but still
Mods are busy jerking to SDCC announcements. This is basically a free board until it's over.
A 'Bret'?
pedo-bait and Yea Forums-wannabe posts in other threads seem to confirm this
also, i want to titfuck those puppies in the reverse position, while facesitting her
friendly reminder pol that jungle fever is a lie blacked is reality.
Looks like she does sometimes
come on guys, at least try and stay Yea Forums-related
>less than 10% difference
That's nothing. At least you're not a chink. Asian American women marry white guys like 70% of the time.
>women of color who complain about the white patriarchy on twitter call themselves The White Man's Whore too
i find black women more attractive now
Wew... Have fun being banned.
those asses are too big
What's the matter, white boy can't handle it?
No. Zazie Beetz played Domino.
Literally the perfect woman, shame about the pierced nips
Why Patrick McLeary, as I live 'n breathe! Top o' th' mornin to ya laddie!
user, what's it like being a homosexual?
Yea why would someone prefer an employed man who doesn't smoke crack and will take care of his kids
>Getting mad at a mixed race girl for race mixing
>I'm not going to contribute to the discussion, even if it seems (to me) that it is off-topic, so I'll just complain instead! That'll show them!!!!
Because other than dick they can't provide fancial stability and bring ruin. Black women know this and call them "dusties"
Meanwhile Tyrone and people like "based mandu" will think quality dinning is giving your girlfriend newspaper wrapped friend day old chicken in the microwave, Malt beer and then tell her to split everything 50/50 while not getting a job.
>this is still up
t. white "man" who has been mentally Jewed and is ruled by his wife
The black race understands how women must be treated. You will too when you are inevitably divorced.
I mean the pool of eligible, NON-criminal history, educated with AT LEAST A BACHELORS, NOT PAYING CHILD SUPPORT, NOT STD/AIDS RIDDEN, and not "down-low" American black men is SO ABYSMAL that the ratio is 4:1 black woman to black men. That's not even including black men looking FOR black women that do fit the pool and aren't doing that disgusting "side chick" "baby daddy" shit, so yes.
I can see and emphasize why they don't want to take any chances.
>And don't date the single mothers, avoid them
Funny how every time I see this, it's a black guy saying it.
I wholly agree.
>liking filthy fucking afros
Kill yourselves.
when will you nazi faggots learn?
Yea, so much so that the out of wedlock rate is 70%+ for American blacks. Black men marry approximately 40% and half of the time they do it's interracial. Leaving so many virgin black women of good social standing waiting in the sidelines for their KANG only to be shitted on by the same black men and barren before these losers want them as a rebound at age 40/50, after Stacy's dad threatens him for getting his daughter pregnant and becoming a single mother.
Now find states saying that most of the marriages where LATER aka 40s/50s
Black men don't want to settle down till THAT LATE. That's not compatible. That's why there are so many single mothers yet they keep pushing that stupid stat.
>virgin black women of good social standing
Lad we can already see you're one of those white guys who hates white women so he wants a black girl because he assumes the grass is greener on the other side but you don't have to grovel like this, it's pathetic. You might as well go search for a unicorn.
cant really mow them down (in minecraft) since theyre all shut ins
Hey I'm not really part of this conversation but I passed by this post on the front page and read this as
>Yea, so much so that the warlock rate is 70%+ for American blacks.
70% of the warlock population of america being blacks would not actually come as a surprise to me due to the sheer instability of black weeaboos
Yea, after you make a liter of bastard children and "baby mommas" in your wake and decades later say "It's not my fault! White supremacy!"
Black women are getting sick and tired of you. Who has been protesting in the streets everytime you retards get yourselves killed?
Black women.
Who has been pushing legislation constantly for programs to support black men?
Black women.
But you STILL have nothing to show for it while the same god damn single mothers you create in mass are able to go to school, get a fucking degree, GET A JOB and not go to prison, while STILL staying so loyal to you.
You think other races don't see it? Lol. I fell embarrassed for black women.
why are race relations in america so fucked? I mean I'm South African so I can't really talk but I'm pretty sure we're not this bad
This thread is just white boys writing fanfiction about black women's lives lmao fucking nerds.
>unironically thinking it's 100% black men's fault when black women open their legs in the first place
>unironically thinking either of those protests were good things and not just ruining the community more
>implying they could get those degrees without the affirmative action working in overdrive because they're black and female
lmao are you actually a black girl? A white man wouldn't go this far to damage control for living onaholes, they'd never risk having to raise a mulatto.
t. nerd
shiiish I'm trying to trigger black incels stop blowing my cover!
I appreciate you
but this guy is doing God's work.
on on hand, comic accurate domino
on the other two hands
How is colonizer an insult?
>thread’s still up
>nobody’s posting delicious cho/co/late
everyone's in the Monica Rambo thread
based humanphile
hoo dont tell them about AMBF, been seeing more of it lately
nta but I am a black woman and Listen I don't have any sort of racial preference what so ever
I just like men who aren't sexist,aren't fat,don't watch Porn and won't cheat on me that's all I'm asking for
If I were to meet a black man who doesn't watch porn and isn't sexist and If I liked him then I would date him and I know those type of black men exist but they are few and far between
Ask that nigga from Black Panther
>The black race understands how women must be treated
>don't watch Porn
Your other stipulations are understandable, but men shouldn't be allowed to have visual aides when they masturbate?
Not a roll image newfag, there aren't enough digits to in the image to even suggest it's a roll image. Funnily enough, I got that image here when Yea Forums used to do art threads before the tranny jannies deemed them verboten
Insecure black folks term for well off whitey
Like how everyone says tyrone and/or Sheniqua
Comics ruined themselves
Guy like to keep himself busy.
Black incels happen about as often as black nerds.
Jarring and out of place, considering you'd think, having seen what it's done to the crackers, they'd avoid that kind of lifestyle.
You know it's almost a relief to know that the same kind of paranoid bitterness exists no matter where you go?
>that friends she tells you not to worry about
For black guys it's a well-spoken white guy
"Don't jack off." is a great way to get a guy stressed the fuck out, at least during their 'peak performance' years.
Like, just about every black chick who I feel like would be perfect for me prefers white guys most of the time. I fucking hate it. I just want a qt, sexy black nerd chick already.
>just about every black chick who I feel like would be perfect for me prefers white guys most of the time
Do they wear Pikachu hoodies?
>crummy Pokemon creature hoodies
They should be wearing pails of water hoodies
>Do they wear Pikachu hoodies?
No but I do like qt black nerd chicks who would probably do something like that. I also like the black goth type but they're a rare unicorn in the wild and from what I've seen, they usually date white guys too.
This is literally me except I watch porn. Is that too big of a problem?
>Black men start prefering women who are fat.
>Skinny black women look elsewhere for love
>Black men get angry
>Black men start prefering women who are fat.
Is this a Amurifat thing? Like when you are surrounded by 500% obese landwhales the 230% lard piece starting to look normal?
No you fucking Eurocuck, it's simply genetic. Africans like large women because it implies health
my dude I don't like 12 year old girls
>because it implies health
But that is wrong
I'm not complaining but how the fuck is still up?
Not when you live in the hellhole that is Africa. It's a millenia old belief, newfag, that being fat implies your estate is bountiful and plenty. Because how can you be fat when everyone else is skinny? Read a book, nigger
>because it implies health
Why don't you niggas know how to open a book?
>For about 400 years, roughly between 1500 and 1900, bodily weight and volume, for both men and women, had a strong visual appeal. There were variations according to country and century in this standard of good looks, but in general it was considered not only beautiful but natural to look physically substantial. In conventional art, not only refined courtiers but servants and rural laborers were depicted as solidly fleshy, clad in thick clothing, and taking up a good deal of space. Among the desirable qualities of upper‐class elegance, slimness did not figure except as the property of hands, feet or noses, and occasionally the feminine waist all by itself, independent of other proportions. As for bones, they were totally banished from the idealized female nude.
>Rubens, reaching maturity at the end of the 16th century, caught the taste for physical plumpness on the rise, so to speak, and gave it a whole new dimension. Abandoning the smooth terrain of the Renaissance nude, he conjured up a hilly and lustrous landscape of flesh—a new Baroque vision of fat.
>Rubens's glorification of flesh was an outgrowth of the Renaissance belief in the almost limitless possibilities of the human mind and body. In the visual arts, human importance seemed most appropriately expressed in terms of solidity, of undeniable substance and weight. Thinness of body came to connote poverty and the weakness of disease and old age. It also suggested spiritual poverty and moral insufficiency. A thin body might have been appropriate in the Middle Ages when the Church emphatically preached the unimportance of the flesh, but by the 16th century cultivated opinion had acquired a more worldly view of corporeality, so a thin body looked not only unlovely but unliberated.
I'm puzzled as to why you think old-timey perceptions of weight are what drives attraction today
sauce user
It's genetic in darkies, as I attested to before. Seriously, read a book, nigger
>It's genetic in darkies, as I attested to before.
The fuck it is, whitey
>genetic in darkies
>the greentext you provided refers to Europeans
IRL the only white women black dudes fuck are the trailer trash landwhales. All of the BLACKED misconceptions are a product of porn. No sensible, pretty white woman would fuck a black dude unless they're getting paid or are already blown out from years of taking countless dick anyway.
>Sexologist Alfred Kinsey suggested that the buttocks is the primary sexual presentation site in primates. Some anthropologists and sociobiologists believe that breast fetishism derives from the breasts' similarity to buttocks, but instead provide sexual attraction from the front of the body.[2]
>In humans, females generally have more round and voluptuous buttocks, caused by estrogen that encourages the body to store fat in the buttocks, hips, and thighs. Testosterone discourages fat storage in these areas. The buttocks in human females thus contain more adipose tissue than in males, especially after puberty. Evolutionary psychologists suggest that rounded buttocks may have evolved as a desirable trait because they provide a visual indication of the woman's youth and fertility. >They signal the presence of estrogen and the presence of sufficient fat stores for pregnancy and lactation. Additionally, the buttocks give an indication of the shape and size of the pelvis, which impacts reproductive capability. Since development and pronunciation of the buttocks begins at menarche and declines with age, full buttocks are also a symbol of youth.[1]
This is all readily available info, aint no honkey holding you down here
I'm not black, but you realize that
1. Everyone has different preferences
2. The black user you're talking to doesn't have this preference, and you're waving articles at him and saying "Yes you do! I read this and that means that you have to!"
>Literally not knowing how Domino's powers work
I wanna cuddle with her on a cold canadian night
Point to me where I spoke to a specific user's preferences? I don't ever recall telling niggeranon that he MUST like this bodytype. The question was:Why do black men prefer juicy women? I attested to it being genetic, then you lot proceeded to unstrap your autism in the face of science
fake news and an insult to intelligence.
>aint no honkey holding you down
How is this solid evidence for preferences being genetic rather being than shaped by whatever culture you grow up in?
Jesus Yea Forums who is she?
and sauce of the video
Equal parts nature and nurture, there ain't no versus
Is that Vieri?
>tfw no he cute gf
>people find racial unity over how much they hate each other
only on 5chins
Her Chel is probably the best I've seen
>Her girlfriend's a lucky gal
You have no idea how salty this makes me
I know it really shouldn't but damn.
>This is literally me except I watch porn. Is that too big of a problem?
Yes literally no woman ever likes it when men watch Porn,we don't like it when our fathers and brothers watch porn and we really don't like when out SO watches Porn
You have no Ideal how much women appreciate it If a guy reveals he doesn't watch Porn
Literally every man on the planet watches porn, chad and virgin alike, even the gay ones and the ones who pretend to be women.
Any woman that detests porn is probably a roastie honestly. A good woman recognizes that porn is just a tool to feel good for a few minutes and can even be a nice shared experience exploring each other's tastes.
I also dont like the thought of the men in my life jerking off to ebony porn, its gonna happen. Every guy has his type, I'm 100% sure the dude I'm talking to has jungle fever, and porn is the only way he can get his rocks off.
why didn't she shave her armpits?
Women need to accept that men have a need for sexual release that women don't experience, at least to the same degree. It doesn't excuse things like bigotry or sexual crimes, but it doesn't make them degenerates either.
Masturbating with some kind of visual aide, especially if single, is normal and healthy.
Obviously, there are guys who take it too far, but you can't expect guys to go without any kind of release and be healthy, fully-functioning people. It's just how it is.
this makes me feel better that everyone is insane.
Yea Forums is shit
same with cracker. It's a food almost everyone likes.
>low budget cosplayer look better then the official live action
huh why?
It's nothing new fag
Their is nothing wrong with masturbation its self Just don't use Porn
Can you explain why the usage of a visual aide while masturbating makes it bad? What's the fear? Do you believe that it has a detrimental effect on other aspects of someone's character?
Porn damages your brain and the Industry really is horrible
>We lie to you
no duh, it's a product
>So much abuse
more and more amateur studios are starting and this new gen of stars is actually pretty 'woke', if it is a factor still it wont be for long, and you can avoid the main industry.
>There are so many victims
victims in every industry, get help and move on
>A lot of people work sick
I call bullshit, regulations are strict as fuck in the main industry and I could give a fuck if amateurs in their home do it sick, that's their problem.
>Stars can be worse than staff
No shit, you're in media and content creation. The entire things is a product. Your face, your brand, your actions...musicians have to deal with being role models and brand ambassadors.
>Young asian men exploited to have sex
Sucks, young asian men are exploited to make everything in China, NOW you care? Nothing to do with the Western industry
>Extreme trends are scary
Art imitates life. Porn doesn't cause kinks, it exposes them. It's like getting mad at the gore in movies because it was more tame in the 70s
Most people aren't dense enough to believe the "lies of the industry" put forward in that post, and most people don't gravitate towards the type of porn outlined in that post. It's unfortunate these things happen, but it doesn't encompass everyone who partakes in porn as a whole.
Examples of brain damage? Obviously, people can become dependent or addicted to a variety of things, and if that's the case, it's bad.
Please for the good of everyone just stop watching Porn
Every male athlete and every intellectual say masturbation is bad for you
the only people on Yea Forums who regularly preach against porn and masturbation are /fit/
really makes you think
Now I know you're not really a woman but a troll.
Most women like porn just as much as guys. Plenty of sexuality studies have proven this.
Cite your sources please.
>Their is nothing wrong with masturbation its self Just don't use Porn
>Please for the good of everyone just stop watching Porn
>Every male athlete and every intellectual say masturbation is bad for you
This is ludicrous.
Repression is bad for you.
Like it was stated before, one can go overboard and become addicted, but needing release is a basic part of male health.
>His last name is Bigot.
That is amusing.
>necro-bumping this dumpster fire of a thread
Just let it die
>implying some bitch kicking the bucket matters in the grand scheme of things
here's your (you)
It's not enough that we have black people in media. They need to be the ugliest uppity ape niggers they can find because that's what gets attention. The racial politics are beyond just black people now
Friendly reminder that /fit/‘s nofap threads are for dyels who know they can’t brag about anything else in case someone challenges them to post body.
Luck is a pretty dumb superpower
>we work sick
yeah well so does 90% of every other American in jobs, suck it up like the rest of us have to
I liked Domino but for slightly more personal reasons.