This was incredible
What are some hidden gems like this among DC and Marvel?
This was incredible
What are some hidden gems like this among DC and Marvel?
try ostrander's martain manhunter
Good taste, fren. From the same author:
Grimjack (published by First comics, amazing shit right here man)
Suicide Squad
Steve Gerber: Man-Thing, Omega the Unknown, Foolkiller
Denny O'Neil's Question and all the assorted crossovers it was involved with
Mike Grell's Green Arrow, including Longbow Hunters and Shado: Song of the Dragon
James Robinson's Starman
Moon Knight by Doug Moench and Bill Sienkiewicz (this takes a while to get going but when it does it's really something)
These should help you get started.
Actually read Longbow Hunters, though didn't know anything about followup series.
Thanks everyone.
To continue my list with more John Ostrander, there's The Kents (12 issue series about Superman's adoptive parents' ancestors), definitely worth reading, with more Tim Truman artwork.
Twilight by Howard Chaykin
Birds of Prey and Secret Six by Gail Simone
Hitman by Garth Ennis
Yeah the Grell series picks up right after Longbow Hunters and just keeps going for a long time, it's great.
Just any other random "hidden gems"?
Steve Gerber wrote a miniseries for Marvel called "Foolkiller" in 1990. Anything else with the character is garbage, but this miniseries is flat out one of the best attempts at a "realistic superhero story" that's ever been published. Arguably Gerber's magnum opus.
>Mike Grell's Green Arrow, including Longbow Hunters and Shado: Song of the Dragon
Isn't there one other miniseries that goes along with the rest of that run?
>Moon Knight by Doug Moench and Bill Sienkiewicz (this takes a while to get going but when it does it's really something)
When Sienkiewicz starts inking his own work he was able to start experimenting with his art style, and what he produced was some of the most memorable comic art of all time. Moench would also rise to the occasion and start producing better scripts. Sienkiewicz's art was the real star of the show, but Moench's scripts were decent enough. Overall the run, especially the later 1/3 or so of the Sienkiewicz issues, is some of the more memorable superhero comics of that era.
>Hitman by Garth Ennis
This is a serious contender for the best comic ever made.
Oh right, The Wonder Year. I forgot because it's collected in the 9th trade with the rest of the regular issues.
And then there's The Brave and the Bold from 1991 which had a crossover between Green Arrow, The Question and John Butcher, who literally nobody remembers.
I also really enjoyed Bill's artwork in the Hulk! issues, going from those moody painted pages to regular comics for the on-going series felt like a downgrade, but he does really start to improve.
Moon Knight was a special little book.
And DC isn't reprinting it all despite originally saying they would. Sadness.
For those who don't believe this man, I will now post pages of Foolkiller training to become a vigilante superhero.
>this takes a while to get going
And then it ends. Legitamly one of the most disappointing comics I have ever read, I just wanted to read more Sienkiewicz interiors and I don't care enough about X-Men to read New Mutants.
Anyway, for the majority of this run his art is nothing special and when he develops his signature style, he does 4 issues and fucks off, Moench writes like two extra issues and then fucks off too. It's not a bad run but it doesnt live up to the hype, I was under the impression Moon Knight was a mentally ill dude with multiple personality disorder, in truth he's just some guy using a false name and some nights he uses a disguise to go into a diner and ask a homeless dude and some older woman about "rumors on the street", and that's the extent of his detective work. He later reveals to these people he's supposedly friends with that he's filthy rich but doesnt give em a hand and just let's the raggedy old homeless dude continue living on the streets, guy is so poor he refuses the same tea bag everyday. Oh and he hires the woman's two boys to tail people and shit putting them in danger.
Skreemer by MIlligan was fantastic.
We need a reprint of this.
Pantheon by Lone Star Press
Shadow War of Hawkman
I know. Someone call Marvel and tell them to do it. Gerber's dead so it's not like they need to worry about royalties.
Fucking DC, they really need to finish collecting these.
If it ain't the bat, it's just scat.
>and I don't care enough about X-Men to read New Mutants.
But the New Mutants aren't the X-Men. It was a separate group.
> I was under the impression Moon Knight was a mentally ill dude with multiple personality disorder,
Surely you don't blame the comics for this? They never implied he had a multiple personality disorder, the series wasn't advertised as such. You brought that assumption in yourself.
But I don't care about x-men and their spin offs. I tried but don't like Claremont's writing and he write New Mutants too.
I don't blame the comic, I blame Yea Forums and every other comic book forum out there insisting on this idea and selling it as such.
Well I can't help you with that.
Bill did Elektra: Assassin with Frank Miller but I didn't really care for that much.
I think Big Numbers could've been really, really good but that got cancelled after two issues.
- Enemy Ace: War Idyll by George Pratt
- The 'Nam by Doug Murray and Michael Golden
- Jonah Hex by Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray (and just Jonah Hex in general)
- The Demon by Garth Ennis and John McRea
- The Shadow by Denny O'Neil and Michael Kaluta
He wasn't going to draw the whole thing anyway. I think he was only going to draw those two issues.
I thought the whole project got axed specifically because Bill couldn't keep up with it.
Is Doug Moench's Spectre run Yea Forums approved?
The only thing DC is good at about collecting is cancelling the trades because of pre-orders (and other some dumb fuck reasons), so I don't expect much from them.
So this is where that panel is from. This looks interesting, I'll check it out.
You had almost two years to buy those two trades they put out, you didn't. Shut the fuck up.
Never tried it, should I?
But I did. They're right there next to my Suicide Squad trades.
That feel when you bought both of the 2 Spectre trades and the 2 Martian Manhunter trades.
I understand something like that can happen to minor trades. But what I don't understand the most is that they cancelled Dark Knight Detective even though it's bat title.
Post a timestamps pic.
You do the same
Apparently the resolicited that.
This I will give you.
Take a piece of paper, write the date and put it in front of them and take a picture.
IIRC Ostrander unfortunately has one of those older contracts from the Kahn era that made it unprofitable for them to rerelease his stuff.
reeeeeeee timestamp reeeeeeee wheres muh timestamp
No, I took a picture and that's all the effort I'm putting in.
I never understood those contracts. If these books NEVER GET COLLECTED then the creators NEVER GET ANY MONEY, how does it make sense for them to stick to terms like that?
So is MM good?
I don't think so, they tried but they didnt sell. If you look though self threads you rarely see them in any shelves despite the fact that it's a daily ritual to see someone reee'ing on Yea Forums that they aren't fully collected. It can't just be those two guys spamming every day... or..?
Yeah it's very good. I wish DC would just continue printing it, I believe its only 30-something issues.
I reee about it every chance I get, sorry if it's annoying but it's the worst thing in the world for me.
Resolicited? When?
Also they cancelled Superman/Batman trade in the middle, too. The worst part ot this is not that they don't publish it, that they announced to publish it, and say later "Nope! Never mind!" In the middle of the run, and makes people annoyed to buy trades.
They were getting paid better in general and it gives them some creator rights so they receive money if things make it into an adaptation. The creators ended up making good money from those contracts, much more than they would have if their works got collected in trades that barely sold.
>Resolicited? When?
You're really mistrustful of people, aren't you?
Should've convinced friends and random people on the internet to buy them instead of reeee'ing without a purpose.
But you guys are random people on the internet.
War Idyll and Hex was great.
Also, Jonah Hex is one of those characters where you can literally start at any run and feel satisfied (For me at least).
Lol there must have been some misunderstanding. What I meant was this one.
My mistake. Fucking DC and their dark knights and detectives all being named the same.
>In the middle of the run
So you're saying people had years to buy what was put out, didn't, but then get mad when the rest doesnt come out? When they announce a one volume comic and cancel it before it comes out? That's despicable, when they cancel long runs because people aren't buying? Maybe the so called fans need to take some responsibility...
>people who are buying the comics are to blame for the people who aren't
I really don't see what you're expecting. Should I take a gun and force people to buy comics at gun-point?
You didnt convince anyone here to buy them. Nobody talked about those Spectre trades and they never showed up in shelf threads for two years, then after they were cancelled I started seeing reeee'ing everywhere.
>You didnt convince anyone here to buy them.
How the fuck do I do that user? Nobody listens to me. I'm a nobody.
Okay then. I'll go convince some neighbors to buy the Suicide Squad volumes while they're still available.
Anything else I need to convince people to buy?
Sucks to be you then.
Lol decent post asking about good titles that didn't get enough spotlight turns into another mess
That's why I love here
But is the paper quality good?
Ya want an answer? Ya have to suck it out
Ostrander's Wasteland, Gotham Nights, Penguin triumphant, Dematteis' Dr Fate, Gerber's Man-Thing, Howard the Duck, Dr Fate, Omega the unknown, Bizarro. Lethem's Omega the unknown reboot was pretty good too.
Peter's Hourman, Giffen's Vext, Chase(don't remember the writer), Priest's Steel, Chaykin's Blackhawks, Twilight and Shadow(which was continued by Helfer)
I know. Life is trash.
It's okay. Wish it had stayed like with the first two volumes but it didn't.
Wasn’t that cancelled?
Jokers Asylum is pretty good.
I didn't really like this or Suicide Squad. They were fine, but they didn't pull me in or seem good enough to continue. What did you guys like about them and Ostrander in general? I think I just can't get into cape comics.
Ostrander has this weird way of getting into the heart of the people he writes as people. They're not just characters there to perform cool action scenes, and a lot of the time it seems like he's just putting the action there to please the editors while the real core focus is elsewhere.
Of course if you don't like it you don't like it.
>Ostrander's Wasteland
OH shit, I still have #1 lying around somehow.
It's definitely a slow starter, but I liked it once I got into the world.
Then can you recommend me more non-cape comics? I have read Asterios Polyp, Essex County, and that one about diver by Lemire, Blankets, Habibi, Incal (I loved it), etc.
I really like to delve in diverse comics and even foreign graphic novels so it would be really nice to know more about them (Of course I read Maus, Persepolis too)
>Incal (I loved it)
Yes, I know it's weird and crazy, but I liked it. I also like Valerian comics too for that reason.
V&L is way better than Incal
The Puma Blues
Kabuki (this is probably the best thing on this list)
Metabarons (if you liked Incal you'll love it)
Prophet (the Image series)
Mort Cinder
Fear Agent
First Kingdom
>it's weird and crazy
Not really, just stupid.
100 Bullets is fun
Speaking of SF comics, Aside from Saga (Which I am thinking of reading later)
Any good crazy SF series?
Don't, it sucks.
>Any good crazy SF series
I refer you to my previous post's Metabarons and Prophet.
Starstruck is clearly superior.
Ah really, thank you for recommendations.
I think I just got lists of comics to read for this year.
Thank you. I might give Grimjack a shot, actually.
I don't know, I like some weird shit.
Alack Sinner
Love and Rockets
Perramus (if you can read Spanish, coming soon in English)
The Adventures of Luther Arkwright
Heavy Liquid
The Nao of Brown
Mesmo Delivery (short)
The works of Kerascoet
The works of Blutch
and these
Yes, Grimjack is great. If you enjoyed Love and Rockets, try Strangers in Paradise.
>If you enjoyed Love and Rockets, try Strangers in Paradise
Terry Moore is a feminazi, user.
Yes, and?
It's like BKV weakest work, start elsewhere
Your recommendation is absurd. The Hernandez bros tell good stories.
Fuck you I bought them right when they came out, and don't post in the autism that is shelf threads.
Try The Sloth
I'd consider Camelot 3000 a hidden gem.
>a story with interior art by Brian Bolland
The rarest of gems.
I want to do unholy things to Sir Tristan.
Me between her (male) feet, grinning at you motherfuckers.
>sleeping in garbage
>80s New York garbage
I get what he's trying to do but damn that just screams AIDS
You don't get AIDS from lettuce.
Why is he sleeping in trash for?
Read the words. Violence makes regular, healthy individuals disgusted. He tries to shut down the part of his brain that makes him feel revulsion.
The series is just one out of control spiral into madness. He goes from killing drug dealers and gangsters to killing almost anyone at the drop of a hat.
haha. Remember the big fight over Howard the Duck?
>On sale Feb 18, 2020 | 344 Pages
This was just fished Random House a few days ago
It's pretty shit, but has some nice art.
Moench wasn't supposed to write it. Steve Gerber was.
But Gerber decided to not finish his scripts, and instead visit the Howard the Duck movie set. So he got booted, and Moench was handed his "The Spectre is a strong as a basic ghost" status quo.
If you like Mignola, he did a few covers for the volume though.
The Deadman miniseries comics from the late 80s and early 90s are great.
Puma Blues was that environmental comic right?
I for one I'm glad I prefer digital. There are more probabilities of these obscure books to be reprinted in digital than in paper.
>look up
>9.8 grade $20
Yeah sure I guess you could call it a collector's item.
One of Berger's earliest weird titles.
Not weird as in fantasy, but weird as in "what's going on"
Lately we've been able to see patterns in what DC's been putting on comixology. A bunch of John Byrne Doom Patrol appeared a few weeks before the omnibus was announced.
I wish they would put out their cancelled trades as digital releases at least. I didn't want to buy the Silver Age Adam Strange omnibus because that's a lot of money for an unknown product, but I preordered the paperback that ended up being cancelled.
My waifu collection approves of this new addition.
They are collected into a very nice trade along with the just okay story from Action Comics Weekly. It's a really good bang for your buck.
The post you are replying to has a picture of that
I really enjoyed Al Ewing's The Ultimates. Hardly ever see it discussed tho
Yeah, I was mentioning for other people reading the thread.
Sandman Mystery Theatre. No one ever talks about that. My dad had the complete run and it was the first comic I got into. Great noir dealing with social issues of the 30s and 40s, has some nice golden age/JSA tie-ins. Matt Wagner and Guy Davis and the rest were on point
This was supposed to be a Dr Fate reboot, but spinned into an all new character.
Pretty good, too bad it didn't get the follow up ongoing.
Apparently Berger and Smith didn't get along. He was also supposed to write Hellblazer once.
Yeah, that's what I heard too. He doesn't have a lot of comics and seems to have retired a decade or so ago.
Smith did write one Hellblazer issue. There was a pretty interesting article somewhere about his failed attempt to be part of the "British Invasion", not sure if it's still online.
OP, check out Milligan's Shade the Changing Man, plus the various minis and one-shots he did for Vertigo in the 90s and early 00s - Enigma, Face, Extremist, Girl, London, Human Target.
>I was under the impression Moon Knight was a mentally ill dude with multiple personality disorder,
Whoever told you that was wrong, but I assume that to be the people on this board whose only familiarity with the comic is just contemporary stuff, maybe Huston's at earliest.
Wise Son: White Wolf
Tatoo Man
The Enigma
Hellstorm: Prince of Lies (I just started this one)
>Whoever told you that was wrong
Not him but I see that posted on Yea Forums every time someone brings up Moon Knight.
Smith's the guy who wrote the "ocassional boyfriend" line in a fill-in issue for Ennis' run.
Hvaen't seen this mentioned but Walt Simonson's Orion is pretty great, and the best recent thing from DC is probably Gotham Central
Yeah, you should've read the rest of my sentence.
>recent thing
>December 2002 - April 2006
Another series I wish they'd finish collecting.
I looked up the numbers that SMT was pulling when it was cancelled, and it's not too surprising that both times DC tried collecting it ended in failure.
It was pulling around 15K in 1998. That's not good, but being a Vertigo title helped it having lower expectations.
It's fun looking back at series that we actually have the numbers for, and seeing what "bad" was in a set year.
based as fuck
The Checker run of Hellraiser is great.
Honestly Hellraiser as a whole I love and am fascinated by. Clive Barker makes The Hellbound Heart, then reimagines his own story to make a movie that isn't 1for1, and then a sequel is made going off the movie which all the lore and ideas from then on out are based around. An entire franchise of lore that is 90% canon fanfiction with Barker himself joining in from time to time rather than going "No it's gotta be LIKE THIS".
SMT would need a bigger push in order to get republished, like them doing a show based on it, or even bringing in Sandman into some other show but using the SMT backstory.