With that scream you'd think that moment falling down was more painful than being trampled by a while bunch of...

With that scream you'd think that moment falling down was more painful than being trampled by a while bunch of wildebeests.

Attached: i2onc.jpg (500x333, 23K)

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The betrayal by your brother would hurt deeper than you could know.

*wildebeest explosion*

Plus knowing that you won’t be there to protect your son.

Sometimes the pain of betrayal hurts more than the hooves of an entire herd of wildebeest.

That one freeze frame had more emotion than the live action version.

Have you ever had a cat stick their claws into your bone? It fucking hurts man.

Not much time to scream in pain while running for your life.

>Knowing everything is fucked now
>Knowing your inescapable death is seconds away

And that your only son will be left alone and unprotected with your murderous, traitorous brother.

So it's a more articulate way of expressing "Well, shit"

What if Mufasa had somehow lived, how fucked would Scar be?

Congratulations user, you figured it out

Why didn't he just ask the gazelles not to ran him over??

If anything it'd be worse. Not only is he mortally wounded and at the mercy of his evil brother, but now his son knows it was an attempt on their lives and Scar would kill him himself

No he just shows up after the dust settles from the stampede, perfectly fine.

Then Scar would probably kill hinself because he's clearly facing Lion Jesus

A crippled Mufasa against a fully powerful Scar? Scar would just kill him outright. That's how male lions determine leadership of the pride.

Looks like you've never been tramped. As painful as it is, you're just unable to scream.

Landed back first from that height which would have broken his back. Leaving him completely vulnerable to the hooves going to town on his underbelly, face, ribs and yes genitals. That cry is him realizing what's to come.

It's a lot easier to scream when your lungs haven't been perforated by shards of your own bones...

They were panicked and moving far too fast. The fall would also cripple him and prevent him from doing much of anything.

>Realizing that not only are you going to die right now, but your brother has betrayed you and is absolutely going to somehow cripple/murder your son as he's the only thing blocking the throne now
>There will be nothing you can do to prevent this

Jeremy Iron's performance in this scene is amazing, and the way he slurs his words it almost makes it sound like he says "long LIVED the king" which adds to the drama of the moment.

Attached: long lived the king.jpg (595x350, 22K)

If Mufasa had somehow miraculously escaped uninjured, Scar would be fucked. I hesitate to think that Mufasa would kill him if he still thought the stampede was a coincidence and that Scar had just taken advantage of an opportunity to kill him, though. If Mufasa thought the stampede wasn’t Scar’s doing, he’d possibly just banish him. But if he found out Scar had staged the whole thing and had put Simba in that much danger and planned to kill him after, I bet he’d just outright kill Scar.

Why couldn't Mufasa show himself as a cloud immediately after dying and tell Simba that Scar just killed him?

Attached: th.jpg (474x474, 15K)

Shit, they probably didn’t even realize they were trampling somebody, much less their own king. A lot of them probably felt terrible afterwards when they realized what happened.

The fact that the worse, even comical version of this scene in the new movie is still earning people's praise has killed whatever hopes I had that humanity can recover from nu-Disney's cancer.

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Did Mufasa actually appear as a ghost, or was it just a figment of Simba's imagination. Even in the actual movie the cloud just told Simba what he already knew
>"Simba, you're my son, the one true king, and you're neglecting your birthright"
instead of
>"Simba, it's not your fault that I'm dead, your Uncle Scar killed me"

>Tfw no side movie about one of the Wildebeests that trampled Mufasa going on a journey of repentance and coming to terms with the part they played in his death.

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Maybe you're right, kind of sad that it wasn't really Mufasa, but maybe there is beauty in realizing he had given Simba everything he needed before he died.

A scene with one of them consoling Simba about how to deal with guilt after a tragic death back when Simba still felt personally responsible would be pretty cool.

Really, what did Mufasa want here? Scar ti pull him up? Lions got no hands.

>comical version of this scene in the new movie

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Stupid idea I got here but you really could make a great movie out of that.
>the one filled with remorse having killed Mufasa and endangered Simba
>one who takes a small measure of pride having reversed the circle of life but knows it wasn't right/a fluke
>one who wasn't even there for the major stampede and wondering how Simba/the lions will react

They screwed this up on the live action remake.

Not a lot of fucking lung power after crashing to the ground and having your chest caved in you shit licking moron

Thats the thing, right,. Simba doesn't really DO anything on his own in the movie. He just does what everyone else tells him to do or what to be.


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i'd probably be screaming too

You just wanted to get the last three words in. Come on now.

Maybe he could hold one of his paws with his mouth?


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Rafiki was implied to have observed it as well, but yes I prefer to think of it as a visualisation of Simba's epiphany.

Mufasa was racist and the thought of been killed by wildebeests, a lesser then the mighty lion, was far more terrible to him then death itself.

I've never seen a scene more lacking in gravitas than the remake, and I saw the live action animal farm.

If we're going to talk about how actual lions do things, then male lion brothers would be tight as fuck and would never squabble for leadership, happily sharing it since they only ever had each other to rely on most of their adult lives. This entire scenario would've never happened and if Mufasa did somehow die, Scar would've treated Simba as his own son, because he wouldn't even be able to know for sure that he wasn't.

Wildebeest are the dumbest animals in Africa. They'd run off a cliff before stopping

And thus a giant plush toy rolled off a cliff.

Cats pull each other by biting the scruff behind their necks and dragging them.


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that fucking simba
it looks like all you should hear is a tiny squeaky meow

The fall alone probably killed him. After that, if he were still alive, he'd be too out of breath from the impact to scream. God, do you know how lungs and semi-terminal velocity work?

>remake Scar doesn't teach Simba how to suck a mean cock
whats the point

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that didn't even look that fall of a drop
mufasa could've lived

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>yfw the "live action" remake

Welcome to normies, user. Realistic = always better, even if it's completely lifeless otherwise. Wouldn't wanna be caught watching those childish cartoons!

>they look the fucking same

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