What went wrong?
Why did Hellboy 2019 flop?
What went wrong?
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you posted that image as still had to ask?
did you watch the movie at all? at almost every possible opportunity, it chose the worst option available.
probably some kind of tax scheme
People who give Disney shit for "killing movies" give Legendary Studios far too little credit.
Those Chinks won't be happy until they shit on everything we've ever loved.
They already fucked over Del Toro's mecha movie (and killed all the Japs),
And made Godzilla movies somehow even dumber (and killed all the Japs)
And shit out this travesty of a Hellboy movie, and just replaced the Jap in casting.
Selling studios to the Communists was a mistake.
>ignored the other two movies despite the fact they were doing an interesting story
>ditched two favorite characters for a were-cat no one had heard of
>dropped pearlman for some actor famous for...doing absolutely nothing and screaming "wE aRa ThE rEsIsTaNcE!!!!!!!" during his award speech for a series that had literally nothing to do with politics.
>hellboy looked like some guy who'd been on a meth bender for 20 years and been beaten up every weekend.
I mean, do i need to go on?
They even managed to somehow make Detective Pikachu fail. At least a few Japanese people survived the movie. Musta been contractual.
This is the studio doing the new Dune movie in 2020. They have shit the bed with everything since being bought by China in 2016 except Jurassic. Eventually they will kill that too.
No one cares about movies unless it is a Marvel Studios film or a Disney live action remake of a cartoon.
That is just a fact.
If you are talking purely about money, Fast and Furious and Jurassic are two franchises that put the lie to that right off.
Sometimes movies are bad due to poor execution and bad structure, no need for other reasons given
Also the design don't get the idea, Hellboy should be a big guy who looks like he's tired of life and ready to shoot the entire world at the same time bringing both the aspects of a eternal monster and a regular guy just doing his job, this looks like he's trying to challenge Jack Black to a rock battle
Wait, are you implying they haven't already?
Oh shut up! Any action dreck Hollywood put's copyrighted music over the trailer makes money worldwire
LAF Hellboy has a similar problem to Green Lantern, but especially Alita and BvS; it just tries to cram too much of the mythos into a single film.
Like making a 90 minute LoTR movie; shit just keeps happening and there's no time to give a shit about anyone its happening too. None of the poignancy of the original material is kept at all, its just blame-remember-this-blam-remember that?
It's out?
Does it matter? The only thing “flopping” means is that a sequel is unlikely.
DP failed? thank fucking god. I heard everyone loved it and it was massively successful, and that fact rankled my jankles every time I heard it. I despise everything about that movie, beginning with the very idea of making an american pokemon movie, and ending with hiring artists based on intentionally horrifyingly viscerally realistic art they made as a joke on how applying that to cartoon designs is a bad idea.
Didn't failed and the Pokemon looked fine.
capeshit fatigue.
It wasn't "massively successful" by any measure, you have a few dedicated Disney-haters who claim it "didn't fail" like It went from "Being the movie that would damage the MCU's profitability to "DCfriends use special maths to claim it made money".
Sad, really. Warner Brothers has completely shit the bed in 2019. It 2 is really their big hope for breaking $500 million worldwide.
After seeing how the movie looked with the first trailer, then learning Jovavich was in it I had to look up the director to make sure it wasn't the guy that ruined the Resident Evil movies, her nepotistic idiot husband.
Instead he was just off ruining Monster Hunter...with Jovavich...
Det. Pikachu, Battle Angel Alita, Godzilla: KotM
Combined budget: $490 million
Combined WW gross: $1,217 million
Captain Marvel
Budget : $152 million
WW Gross: 1,128 million
It has been a hard year for the Disney Haet Squad.
I doubt that.
No, he's right.
The casting sucks, the crazy-quilt plot is crap, the swearing is egregious enough to embarrass a 17-yr old, the CGI screams "we could have spent more and made it look good, but fuck it".
It's a complete disaster.
It was really really fucking bad even by superhero movie standards and you could tell just by looking at the trailers.
>When you only spend $50 million on a flick
>and it still falls $30 million short of it's budget at the Box Office.
Fire could have swept the filming studio, killed all the actors and destroyed the set, taking all copies of the film with it, and Lionsgate would have come out further ahead.
Looked like shit and held nothing that made the comic enjoyable.
Boomer, take your meds.
because it sucked?
Honestly forgot this movie even existed
>this is the studio doing Villeneuve's Dune
Oh no.
You're not ready for the Legendary as fuck Sci-Fi Classic: Dune? With Chinese Mentats?
>hellboy's my favorite comic
>still haven't seen this shitshow and never will
didn't it come out 1 week before an mcu film? considering the price of movie tickets, i could see interested viewers buying one ticket for the mcu flick and watching both films.
>What went wrong?
It isn't Hellboy, just the same CGI in every Marvel movie but with a heavy coating of dark and gritty aesthetic. It really has nothing to do with the atmosphere and feeling of the comic.
I don’t think that’s a good measure of anything. People who didn’t actually see it can’t say whether it was good or not.
That's right. Keep sucking that mousecock
Because it was bad
it looks like this
this was the first trailer they put out
everyone who saw it checked out and didn't bother with the movie
You can make a stupid movie that's just effects schlock- sure people will see that.
But if the effects are trash then you literally didn't make anything.
It was Del Toro's 3rd Hellboy or nothing and they went with nothing.
>that fucking mouse
But yeah, the effects were terrible and not just the digital. On this same scene but earlier Hellboy wakes up in a river. As he tries to get up you can see his next and chest fold up ridiculously (it was a rubber prosthetic) and when he comes out of the water his left hand looks fucking orange because the water washed off the red make up, kek. How embarrassing.
>the shoots were the RIGHT HAND OF DOOM was on the left
It still made more money than dc flop Shazam.
That sucks because Shazam was good
He lied to you just now
>40 million worlwide
>21 million domestic
i didn't even covered its own it lost ten mil. not even counting marketing, it made NEGATIVE money
Detective Pikachu is good tho
>tfw been on Yea Forums so long positivity now naturally strikes me as insincere
Fuck off, China is based.
Alita is worldwide on the 9th place, while everyone in the media tries to stop her. So who cares about Hellboy? youtu.be
>were-cat no one had heard of
It sucked the way they did him but read a comic casual fag.No one knew any hellboy character until the first movie.
>>been on Yea Forums
Well there's your problem right there
What is this drab garbage?
How about explaining what made this movie so great?
>Not even trying
I expected better from you
they should've just made more animated hellboy movies
I mean Aquaman made a billion so...
Even BvS was better structured than this. It felt like they took a 10 episode season and edited it to a 2 hour movie with rewrites on the fly to try and make it all fit together and realized they had an R rated movie without any real graphic violence and they slipped in all those gore scenes in to justify it.