What's next for the realistic remake treatment?

What's next for the realistic remake treatment?

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user what the fuck is that

they would have to adjust little foot to apatasaurus status

I don't even care by this point. Haven't seen a single one of those, not planning to start.

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brontosaurus was reinstated

Pls stay away from The Aristocats

Huh, that'd look better than the original art at least, dinosaurs are pretty coo-
>that abomination
gonna puke my pants. also does he have six toed feet?

Jiminy cricket, they will never stop changing their minds and insisting they really know, will they?
they've even changed their story about "They put an unrelated skull on it" and now it's said to be a conjectural skull, made out of whole cloth, based on others' skulls.
cant let anyone look bad can you

that's just what I heard I'm not actually versed in paleontological drama

Why does he have canines?

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I unironically want this now, it’d be cute

Good question, fella.

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No mouth. No eyes. Only cars doing car thing.

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what happened was the headless skeleton that originally had the camarasaurus skull slapped on it and was later attributed to apatosaurus is distinct enough from apatosaurus to be considered its own genus. it was probably a pretty controversial decision since brontosaurus has been the butt of paleontology jokes for the better part of a century.


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No. I don't want uncanny valley Duchess played by Rhianna.

Hell, i'd actually watch this. Plus the Being Perfect Isn't Easy scene would be amazing.

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