What's your expectation for the trailer tomorrow?

What's your expectation for the trailer tomorrow?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Yea Forums shitshow with at least 12 threads until someone makes a sticky and it gets 1000 replies with porn in it

>they make it seem 100x more action packed and dramatic than it really is

just going by the stevenbomb trailers

No idea and I’m loving it

a metric shit ton fucload of porn

I already got a shirt

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I just want to hear Steven's voice

>Yea Forums speculates a better more dramatic plot.
>or Yea Forums basically suggests one of the following:
>>steven encounters an opponent he can't talk-no-jitsu.
>>steven get's his ass kicked.
>>steven or his dad rape pearl and pearl learns to love the cock


That's kind of the point of trailers isn't it? Gotta hype shit up.

Man the artists are revving up those fryers as we speak.

This, but a solid release date would be nice. Still think the gem is gonna turn out to be Pink "Cat's Eye" Chrysoberyl.

Zach's basically all but confirmed that we're getting older Steven voice. Shit, there was a promo a while back where he was just randomly using it


>Whiskers on cheeks
>Tiny irises
>Playful or trickster nature
>Stone is known for self affirmation and "is a gemstone that makes your future what you really dream of"


i have no expectations whatsoever. all i want is some laughs.


This song.

she look's like jeny teenage robot X D

>ecks dee

I don't expect to find out very much at all.

Rose comes back.


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I just want to see the new intro

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>What I want
Good Animation
Great Story
Solid emotional beats

>What I expect
Animation on par with the show (possibly in W I D E S C R E E N)
Decent to average story that gets overblown by fans and haters alike
a billion threads on Yea Forums

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Are The Crystal Cult

I just want seaon 5 to finally be on hulu.

>a adolescent Steven encounters an apologetic rose, who isn't actually dead after all...


>literally wholu

It's 90 minutes long and done by SMIP (i.e. the good studio) so it's probably going to have at least a 0.5 bump over the better looking episodes of the show at the very least.

If that one image a revisionist mistakenly uploaded of Steven with pink hair and diamond eyes is based on an actual thing it may happen during the movie. The S6 intro would spoil that for sure.

I hope it gives us Steven Jewniverse 4

>last video: 3 years ago

It hurts

Go to hell STEven

>If that one image a revisionist mistakenly uploaded of Steven with pink hair and diamond eyes
Source on this? I wanna see Diamond Instinct Steven

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Hey Yea Forums how would you feel if the new villain had this voice: youtube.com/watch?v=58aVpfaiVm4

Do what? Give him life? She couldn't exactly do that without him inheriting all her problems.

That nigga sucked his own pEnIs

Gimme a tick, I gotta comb through shit to find it again. I hope it wasn't scrubbed

A neck.



Here we go!

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I don't believe I'd feel anything, and I don't know why I would.

I am very very excited and very very happy

>Steven actually isn't older, he's just off-model in the poster
>Just happens to wear a different outfit like a lot of characters in movie adaptations

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I'm expecting a trailer

double that if Connie shows up, divide it by zero if they fucked up her design

I hope they did. Whoever makes porn of these characters is a filthy human being.

God I would kill for Steven to be able to go like some sort of “diamond mode” like a super sayain. But this isn’t a shonen though do I can’t expect him to have a cool form

I hope after five seasons we finally get our irredeemable villain and it's just a shittier version of pic related

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Oh I don't know, Rebecca does love her anime and Ian is a big Dragonball guy (and he's working on the movie). Let's wait and see.

Irredeemable villains suck

>He doesn't have the package with live TV & On-Demand

Poorly written sympathetic villains are worse than badly written iredeemable villains.

Eh, you get few if any good irredeemable pens. Evil because I’m evil. It’s like a first grader came up with that.

I love how rebeca just copy pasted Jenny and thought no one would noticed it
She is so fucking stupid

or maybe is Jenny and they are about to drop le epic crossover

He looks more and more like her brother every day. I wonder if Rebecca was nearly named Nora?

There's more cartoon characters with pigtails besides Jenny y'know.

I will wonder how discount Jenny is going to be a thread when the Diamonds should easily be able to stop her. They control an empire after all

>implying that the quality of a villain is dictated entirely by how sympathetic they are


This is what Steven Universe has done to the minds of its low IQ audience.

If peridot is not in the movie im not gonna watch

Peridot or riot

They need to save face and give peridot her own fucking show where she gets to be cool again.

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>The Series So Far
Where's my Carry On Wayward Son?

>SSJ Steven
Make it happen.

>If that one image a revisionist mistakenly uploaded of Steven with pink hair and diamond eyes is based on an actual thing it may happen during the movie.
> Steven is turning into Pink Diamond
oh my god... what if he explodes into PD, because this is all just a sick game she plays?
And she never remembers what she's done because she "Dies" each time the cycle starts?
What if she has no planets because she always inevitably destroys them?

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I do hope they go the "holy fuck" route with pink "rose" diamond

Jenny being a rock bottom again

The fuck? Is that XJ-9?

Time is going so fast, holy shit. We just had legs from here to homeworld, then another million year gap between to change your mind - now we are at the series end with a goddamn movie. Clarence, UG, AT RS and even Gumball are over. WHERE THE FUCK IS TIME GOING?

Even K.O is ending this year FUCK

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Do we know what time the trailer is dropping? When is the panel?

It's confirmed getting another season at least

1:00 PM PST is when the panel starts.

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Stop it, I’m feeling very old

Okay so the trailer won't drop until probably right after it ends.


Guess that would him a Super Saiya-gem

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Is our streamer friend going to be able to give us a live stream of the panel this year?

>tfw 26 in a month

I doubt this movie is going to be too dramatic at all. The vibe Im getting is that this is a small scale story where the characters are mostly chilling and the main villain is actually an incompetent retard who wants revenge at Pink Diamond

It’s probably just gonna be comparable to the average Anime movie

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I'm expecting an inconsequential plot akin to Save The Light or to a lesser extent, the comics.

I suppose we will have to wait and see thougg

I'm hoping for a release date for the movie as well as some sort of announcement for the show's return, but I'm sure that's hoping for a bit much.

is that robot jenny

Nothing, I haven't expected anything from this series since long ago and it still let me down. For the movie all I expect is Steven singing while turning the villain's gem around into an upright heart and making her their newest ally. It's either that or she will fuck up somehow and get herself shattered, but even then there's a 60% chance Steven will just cry her back to life.

4 more hours hype

How much did Zach bribe Sucrose to come up with a way he could stop doing a little kid voice?

>Steven on a bike
>Pokemon reference
>Xj9 seen from the back saying random shit about searching for something on earth
>Peridot autism
>New fusion reddit will sperg out about for months ( actually Ronaldo in cosplay)



but she was already shit?
people just liked her cause they wanted to fuck her


Panel starts in just under two hours

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Might be three. Not sure, time zone conversions are a bitch sometimes.

Little under 3

SDCC user here, I was hoping there would be a thread today! I'm already in Ballroom 20 and got a good seat, plus got a new phone so I will be chancing a live stream again this year.

Gonna check back and do a test stream in an hour, I used to use Periscope but are there better live stream apps now? If so please recommend.

Lose weight

Time for a new "panel reactions" thread?

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>gonna be at work for the second half of the panel


Thank you for your service dawg

what time does the panel start?

2hrs from now.

There a estimate time for how long the panel is?

Roughly about an hour. I wouldn't expect more than the movie trailer, a q+a for Change Your Mind and the usual sing song stuff.

1pst / 4 est
Almost two hours from now


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Do you think the Diamonds are going to make an appearance in the movie?

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Confirmed weeks ago bro

oh shit really, source?

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Well shit, anyone reading this go to the "First Look Panel: Creators & Artists" ?

Is that where Cartoon Network shoved the rest of their shows?

Their role probably won't be huge or anything. Maybe some exposition, perhaps a song. That movie gem needs context after all.

>More White diamond
My prayers have been answered

Will we see Pink Pearl?

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why the hell would Pink Pearl even go back to Homeworld
I'm still pist at how little they used her, she should have been a major plot point but now we literally don't even know how she got her most distinctive feature the crack

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Diamond execution when? They need to pay for their sins

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>go back to Homeworld
she never left

Pink broke her, obviously. White "fixed" her.

Whats up with his eyes?

Diamond irises.

Cool they finally showed off her full design

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is his Uchiha blood awakening, cuz he is son of Greg Universe, also Known as Greg DeMayo, also known as Uchiha Greg

hasnt it been out for a while?

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I honestly had never seen it until now so maybe I just haven't been keeping up. Cool though!

>Pink broke her
literally how, gems can't get damaged like that and under what circumstance would Pink have done that she seemed to deeply care for her
why is that obvious, the flashback we got showed Pink and Pearl walking a thin line with the Diamonds one mess up away from tragedy so the obvious answer seemed to be the Diamonds were the one who damaged her

why didn't we get her story
why did I let the show make me believe she'd be important, same with the wall gems

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So when does the trailer come out .
I’m going to my wage cuck job right now and want to know when it will be online

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not that user but,she broke her by make her think for herself, and we know White didnt liked that. some shit like that

Panel still doesn't start for an hour so we've got a bit.

>Crying and singing
>Power of love ex machina
I don't know what to expect

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Pearl mentioned that "it would take more than a (healing) kiss to heal damage from a Diamond". Considering there's no precedent for the corruption, that has to have other meaning. Pink punched her in frustration and White took her and possessed her most likely.

The wall gems are just there for decoration, that's been confirmed.

terrible villain, good songs

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>Good songs
I clap every time I see the funni comment

The crystal gems wont do fuck all and get get defeated easily, Steven does fucking everything like usual.


i'm slightly scared honestly

So uh.... where the fuck is it? Or are they not uploading the trailer on their channel?

>"it would take more than a (healing) kiss to heal damage from a Diamond"
it's important to make the distinction that she said
>it'll take more than a kiss to heal damage from *the Diamonds.*
she's been dealing with corrupted gems for thousands of years now, they are convinced they couldn't heal them, that's what Pearl is talking about.

and no I don't think Pink punched her in frustration, that'd be a leap from the only flashback we got of them together. if they wanted us to have that assumption then we would have seen some tension but the tension wasn't between them or Pink's mounting frustration, the tension was from the Diamonds catching them having fun. regardless of whatever you think happened we should have seen it or at least told.

there is literally no other gem in existence that we've seen that has damage like that, it should have been impossible before we saw her. but it's just suppose to be a cool design I guess great work Sugar.

>The wall gems are just there for decoration
where? some AMA or some shit? TERRIBLE. the show specifically draws our attention to them a couple times in the same episode, with past incidences of Homeworld doing similar shit as a form of punishment, and obviously everyone immediately assumes this was another heinous crime that Steven will have to rectify... but nope they are just never brought up again. it's like a few episodes of Diamond Days was cut.

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The panel hasn’t even started yet

What? Nobody said gems were put there as punishment. Every gem has a purpose and those wall gems are there to make the place look nice.

40mins till the panel

How would xj9 realistically compare against the gems? 1 on 1 gauntlet style

She’s pretty powerful actually. She destroys meteors, has thousands of weapons.

Another waifu to obsess abot that's just an evil looking version of XJ9.

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I think they'd be on an even level considering they've both dealt with clusters before

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>Nobody said gems were put there as punishment
not what I said, I said Homeworld has done similar shit in the past specifically sticking Lapis into a mirror but in general taking a gems freedom is typical punishment for them. there's a reason everyone immediately thought this was another heinous injustice perpetrated by the Diamonds rather than "oh cute decoration!" I kind of get the impression you pulled that out of your ass though.

and every gem has a purpose but that doesn't mean they shouldn't have a choice, e.g. Bismuth talked about how unhappy she was before Rose. the wall gems like talking but are clearly forbade from doing so maybe they want to do something else than be stuck in the same place forever.

You don't get a choice when you have one purpose in life and that's it. That's why Pink loved Earth so much and was so depressed on Homeworld.

To quote Rose Quartz from the S3 episode Greg the Babysitter:

> When a Gem is made, it's for a reason. They burst out of the ground already knowing what they're supposed to be, and then... that's what they are. Forever. But you, you're supposed to change. You're never the same even moment to moment -- you're allowed and expected to invent who you are. What an incredible power -- the ability to "grow up."

SDCC user here, doing a test stream in a minute, only for like 90 seconds. Let me know how it is, using Periscope.


bless you user

Sounds good so far, but from your previous stream I could tell it was pretty difficult to hear what they were saying through the mic.

nice shopping

SDCC user here, yes I am using cell mic so it can only pick up so clearly.

They are setting up a keyboard, looks like Aivi & Surasshu will be giving us a performance!

>You don't get a choice when you have one purpose in life and that's it
Gems aren't just mindless robots, Rose fought to give gems a choice. Peridot enjoys watching Camp Pining Heart. Lapis likes just kicking back. Topaz found gratification through companionship. And the show specifically showed how the wall gems like to socialize too but are forbade from doing so, seemingly since they're only suppose to be walls. Clearly they were just fluff thrown into the finale arc like Pink Pearl might as well be. If the show had any sense of what she went through she wouldn't have stayed at Homeworld but she's being shelved away.

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Yeah I get that and don't worry about it. I'm glad you're doing this for us anyway! Have fun

What aren't you getting here? Gems don't get a choice. It's either do your job or die. That's why the rebellion happened in the first place.


I'm amazed how that's exactly the body type I expected of a SU fan

SDCC user here, about to go live. I may have to duck the cell out of the way to avoid staff but I got a good spot. Please enjoy the stream!


Yeah that was an injustice that Rose and Steven fought against, and by the end that aspect of Homeworld was fixed... or at least we're suppose to assume it was.

Thank you so much

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Good luck fellow SDCC user.

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take care, ya fucks

Becky straightened her hair

she really was pointless, huh?

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Is she hot?

No audio?

I take it back. I can understand it really well now!


So the crying will get the Death Note treatment?

what fusion is this? didnt watch the diamond days arc

The villain is an artificial gem.

Call out the diamonds. Do it for all of us

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all gems are artificial dumdum

did i miss the trailer or will it be at the end?

They didn't show a trailer yet.

probably will drop on youtube right after

That poor little goblino looks horrified...

I don't care what the crew said out-of-the-show, until we see her again I have zero reason not to think Yellow didn't shatter her or something as horrible.

"Lemon Jade"

Can somebody please tell us what happens at the panel?

cant wait for this 2 hours and a half movie

Those were actually good questions from Twitter

What were they?

all my thanks user

All they did was answer a few kinda neat lore questions from Twitter. Currently singing Love Like You live.

Aw Becky plays the guitar now

The only one I could hear was if pearl was originally white diamonds gem and the answer was no

Looks like they finally wised the fuck up and started asking shit that people want to know.

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From what I gathered, someone asked about why sardonyx didn't see anything about pink diamond

and I think someone asked a question that confirmed Pearl never belonged to white.

Rebecca stripped naked and them proceed pass peanut butter and gem on her body, very bold and deep statement about capitalism

Is lapis mad about bismuth punching her?
Was pearl White's pearl?

I am watching the stream and right now Rebecca Sugar is just singing on stage.
... could someone get that arsonist from Japan on stage?

she's kind of off key lmfao, but still good

Epic now fuck off

>How did Lapis and Bismuth become friends so quick, I assumed Bismuth poofed Lapis?
>It probably wasn't the same Bismuth and Lapis has grown a lot

>Did Sardonyx know about Pink Diamond's identity since she was a fusion of Pearl and Garnet?
>No because memories that are shared with one another are the only things from the individual gems that carry over to a fusion

>Was our Pearl WD's Pearl originally?
>No but WD makes the Pearls and Rebecca couldn't say more for spoiler reasons

Some little bits so far,
>Bismuth did poof Lapis, but Lapis didn't get a good look at her so doesn't really hold any grudge, and Bismuth probably poofed a bunch of Lapises
>Fusions don't really know anything that the other person wouldn't want to share with each other, so Sardonyx couldn't know the RQ=PD thing
>Pearl was not made for White, just Pink. White was involved, however, as she is involved with the creation with all pearls

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If Sardonyx would know about Pink = Rose since a part of her is Pearl. How Lapis became friends with Bismuth so quickly considering she was the one who poofed Lapis. And if our Pearl belonged to White originally.

and what were the answers

my predictions:

>Is lapis mad about bismuth punching her?
Nah Lapis is over it writing that conflict would be too hard

>Was pearl White's pearl?
Nope made by White made for Pink


Hopefully stream user doesn't get caught.

They are now talking about the movie.


>I'm just happy its gonna be longer than 11 minutes!
kek, based deedee

Why are there so many asians on this show?

Screen black for anyone else?

Greasey fucker who sat in front of him they should stop letting people in when the thing starts

>It probably wasn't the same Bismuth and Lapis has grown a lot
Seriously? I really wish I could find out what their original plans for Bismuth was before her episode's backlash motivated them to put her up in a 100% positive light afterwards. And Lapis has grown? Really? Not really seeing it, unless we're taking the scene in Reunion where she fights with the CG, all grievances put aside.


user hid his phone so he didn't get caught

We're only getting like top 4th of the screen why


We have been trolled by a master.


Nice fucking aim user lmao, missed like 80% of the footage.




Hey what do you know a actual threat. Pretty damn good honestly

The animation looks good

September 2nd

Damn tho that shaky footage made me fucking think Garnet got killed or something in a couple of those frames, can't wait for the trailer to get uploaded.

>the movie coming out this decade

bitch what the fuck

Probably had to hide his glowing ass phone dumbass

Dang it user...I mean I'm grateful you're doing this for us. But couldn't you give us a little bit more to watch

Becky looks cute in a beanie

I saw Aimee Mann on the list of songs written? Maybe she'll have a song as Opal, too.

This; be grateful u whores

>Sept 2nd

Of what year?

look out for CN youtube and twitter. We'll probably get the trailer up soon enough. (TV) Movie is premiering Sept. 9. Pray for no leaks.

Its the 2nd, not the 9th.

>Pray for no leaks
Screenshots and 2 minute preview shit?
Yeah fuck that

Nah senpai.

thought it was September 2nd

Estelle's going to perform the song from the trailer.

I surprised the whole movie havent leaked yet

Yes. That's what I said. Of

Shelby sounds almost exactly like Perdiot. i always thought she had to alter her voice but no thats her regular voice.

the mlp movie got leaked a day before it aired in theater so it could get leaked

has season 6 been confirmed lads


maybe all Era two gem are tiny and shitty

Zach accidentally confirmed it in an interview I think.

Zach technically said that the studio pics were for sesaon 6, kinda showing there's work FOR season 6.

Does Estelle ever feel kind of weird being second fiddle to Rebecca Sugar?

Yeah. For months you dumb fucking cunt.

Zach and Grace finished recording CYM in 2017 so I assume it's taking a long ass time to make the season.

>that fedora neckbeard

Especially crossovers with MLAATR.

I can't watch Q&A's, too awkward.

No Jasper huh

>Second fiddle
I'm definitely gonna be pressing it here
But Stronger Than you is probably what got a lot of entry into SU.

Though to be fair, Jailbreak was just all around pretty fucking god tier for a season finale, only really trumped recently by Season 5's.

Will no one call out the diamonds? Now is the time

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Rebecca is such a nerd

>garnet not in the movie even though in the poster

calm down user...

Same, especially bad since the questions either fall into "Completely useless bullshit" or "Sorry, spoilers, can't answer"

Life sucks for Jasperfags

I never watched the show but instead just jerked off to Sadie and Amethyst because I love fat chicks.

For what purpose did they remove Amethyst's tits?

gem society is going to collapse without them.

>who in the cast would you want to fuck?


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Amethyst never had tits. Her and Jasper just have barrel chests.

Name of the Villain at the very least

Where did this come from?

user what the fuck is that on the side

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>How dare you refuse to fuse with me!

Kek that was basically the question yeah

How would it? They would definitely be better off. Not like they need food or water and there's enough gems to plan for reproduction without the genocide squad

probably a model sheet

I will never understand why the shit they don't just post trailers immediately after they show them to a con crowd.

They still got to see it first and have some moronic benefit from going there, why do we have to wait for an officially uploaded trailer to not be some crappy cell shot reaction filled mess?

CN posted a Behind the Scenes video on their channel, but quickly removed it.

She's cute. cant wait for her to join the cast in S6

>September 2

For fuck sake another dumb ship question

I think they'll upload it at 5 once the panel ends. No reason not too.

what else did it show

TRAILER LEAKED drive.google.com/file/d/11GOBsBLvrDeVWx-0AOocwz4M0pzV54zg/view

no case system = no order
gems are literally made to be servants to their diamonds. its what they are programmed for.

>vilain want to kill all life if Steven don't do something in two days
So, vilain is like Cell? hope she won't get reformed.


Guess i cant kill myself just yet

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No, go fuck yourself.

Stay user, there's season 6 also coming, and a lot of more fun things.
live for the entertainement.


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so i have a question about homeworld.
where are all their weapons? they have their gem weapons but those are mostly swords and close quarters shit. the only big guns they have seem to be on their warships, and even that only put a hole in some sand. that cant be it, right? there has to be more.

>Steven upgrades from Ukulele to Guitar
fucking hype

I'm glad the villain looks pretty cool, too bad she's gonna be talk no jutsu'd

These questions are so fuckin stupid

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this unironically looks pretty awesome

>villain's power is toon physics
the gems are fucked

Any actual good questions?

It's like Uncle Grandpa all over again.

Ill try, believe me im trying

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>vilain is batshit insane and just want to kill people

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Except it will be good this time


nice, nice

Someone asked if all the new gems on Earth would be interacting with humans and Rebecca said that the uncorrupted ones would especially be

porn when?

Worst ship besides lapidot, hope steven gets some side action with peridot or amethyst


>i just want every thing to stay perfect
>*villain lands right after*
what is this, fucking Seinfeld?

>Unable to play this video at this time. The number of allowed playbacks has been exceeded. Please try again later.
Fuck off Google

>The moment Steven gets his first boner

>01 True Kinda Love (feat. Estelle & Zach Callison) [From Steven Universe].flac
(from deezer.com/album/103825152)


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To be fair its been two years since anything happened anyway.

More like raditz

>Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time.
>Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later. If the file you are trying to access is particularly large or is shared with many people, it may take up to 24 hours to be able to view or download the file. If you still can't access a file after 24 hours, contact your domain administrator.

Pretty sure that happened when amethyst gave him his first nursing handie

official Season 6 announcement when


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I love how Mega doesn't have this kind of retarded cap, but Trillion Dollar Google does.

I'm kinda confused at why Pearl seems to hesitate at striking the enemy though, something is telling me the fight isn't taken very seriously at first before shit hits the fan.

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Can she get even darker at this point


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Alright lads, are we getting greg/pearl or greg/jasper this season, or both?

is this going to be a movie where it needs a laugh track?

>pearl is useless when she is needed
and the sky remains blue.

No it'll be like CYE instead.

Kind of awful
>more lame songs
>Villain is basically Jenny/Tootie/Bendy hybrid that seems straight out of Cuphead and doesn't even thematically fit the show

It won't load there's too many plays

1. This looks beautiful visually. This is what the cluster/diamond attack should have been
2. Confused on the villain having stretchy powers. Hope her personality is cool
3.Steven looks and sounds cool and the aftermath is nice.

Looks pretty good honestly

Attached: Cluster.png (1021x559, 633K)

Hey guys, I found a scene that Ian drew.

Behind the Scenes video

>vilain is insane, can't be talked with
Steven finally will have to learn about not everyone can be reformed
Bismuth is 100% dying because her VA is too expensive.

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>I will complain about everything even if the criticisms don't make sense
You must be fun at parties.

Why do you all allow yourselves to keep getting excited for these constant letdowns?

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>Bismuth is 100% dying because her VA is too expensive.

Good. Bismuth is fucking annoying.


Fuck Google

trailer link? the last link was watched to death

Whos bismuths VA again?

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>SU of all things is going to be the first cartoon in the past few years to have a villain that cant be reasoned with
i wish for the day when this pain ends.

fuck yes

what is this face trying to convey

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didnt her VA play bubbie? how expensive can she possibly be?

When was this confirmed?

>antagonist is literally just a one-note giggling retard that wants to kill everything 4fun
>isn't even bothered enough to fucking talk or say anything


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Its the “oh god stevens hitting puberty finally” face

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Uzo Aduba

Bill Cipher? Mina Loveberry?

I'm an emotional vampire that feeds on the misery and disappointment of schmucks. Every time Steven Universe airs I dine so well that it adds ten years to my life.

Probably weirded out by this gem having a rubbery body with stretchy powers, since most gems don't exactly work that way. Amethyst can do some similar stuff but nowhere near like this.

Vilain is 100% a Pink diamond 2 experiment gone wrong, who is totally insane.
is she voiced by tara strong?

Hey dipshit how's the rock you've been living under

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Bubbie was voiced by Roz Ryan.

>>vilain is insane, can't be talked with
>unironically believes this

Unrelated but is that Star Vs show still airing?

bill was a few years ago, but i guess mina counts.

even though she was only an actual villain for the last few episodes.

That's Roz Ryan. Uzo Aduba has won multiple emmys, she's been a lot of mainstream movies recently and namely OITNB.

This *is* the trailer


they sound similar.

It ended in May

Wheres the flash zone

jesus her body is weird
the porn is going to be strange.

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unfortunately no.

beware looney tunes Pink Diamond

but I'm not let down my expectation aren't unrealistic enough to be let down

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I mean, she was only laughting like a madwoman in this trailer, and i don't think this face is the face of a sane person.

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I wouldn't count Mina, because nobody ever actually *tried* to reason with her. Moon kinda did, I guess, but it was pretty half-hearted and she never pressed the issue.

Why does she has Eren post-shifting eyes bros?

Sugar just confirmed one of her inspirations for Steven universe was Tenchi Universe

>Greg is Tenchi

I fucking knew it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Attached: tenchi-universe.jpg (1440x750, 330K)

Same desu

No one called out the diamonds

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Theres a documentary foer behind the scenes in the movie

i dont think theyre even in it.

Some BS excuse will probably be said.

fuck son we knew that ages ago, Ian wouldn't shut up about it

Steven talked down three genocidal dictators in five minutes, even the trailer shows the beginning of his "it's time to stop" speech that will get her to agree to change her ways and open up to the power of friendship

>Uzo Aduba
Which tribe is she from

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This is barely a surprise, to be honest, since Sugar seems to have a huge interest in early 90s era anime. Utena, Evangelion, Tenchi....etc.

What's her motivation?

>solid release date would be nice
september 2

> his "it's time to stop" speech
if only he said that to sugar

Eh, i think Steven will have to face a big vilain that has to be stopped for real. either here or season 6.

Space nazis win again baby

They spend 2 years dismantling the colonies. That's something at least. Still no way near enough for redemption

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What do you think the Crystal Gems are exactly? Debt collectors?

Honestly, definitely requesting lewds of villain gem and garnet

Wanna fuck fellow suicidal user?

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That happened on the night steven slept in Connie's house on the couch during winter.
When connie was about to kiss him and or fuck him but she or they chicken out on it and decided to just watch snow fall down

>Her power is stretch and squish cartoon psychics
>that crazy ass laugh

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>They spend 2 years dismantling the colonies
so the diamonds are aping the british empire?
gem Rhodesia when?

Did they confirm that they're working on another season or is this really the end of the show?

Soo... is her whole body is robotic like Peridot's hands and legs?

Do you think Steven’s gonna be able to lift the drill?

This is the last episode of the series. Sugar confirmed it.

god i wish.

SDCC user here, hope everyone enjoyed the stream! Sorry if the trailer wasn't so clear, I had to hug my cell to my chest so the screen wouldn't show.

Remember everyone, believe in Steven. And most importantly believe in yourself.


Im going to imagine giving her a milky cooter tonight.

Thank god

There was a lot of things leading to a season 6, even SU VA said something big is coming beside the movie.

no joke?

I use to tell my friends the show gave me a old school Tenchi vibe

Did what ya had to, but otherwise it went out perfectly. Thanks m8

Theres a 6th season at least

The regular SU yes.
SU probably is going to have a "SU Shippuden". for real.

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"something big" might not mean another season though.
it could mean anything.


He said "two years from now", i think we will have a year hiatus after the movie.

but will Stevens drill be able to lift Connie?

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Wait for SU:Z with Steven son.

How many of you guys are black in this thread?

Hour long documentary confirmed for the DVD of the movie and they're doing a "Every Steven" marathon the weekend before the movie


They barely mentioned anything about Rose. She'll probably come back

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thats would be dumb

You get Old Stevonnie who has the strength of a gem and the youth of one too.

rosefags already got BTFO in the finale, no need to make it worse by getting their hopes up again.

HW trio who?

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Well, unless Stevonnie decides to be permanently fused, like Garnet did.

>Rose will come back

Sure, White Diamond. Sure.

Steven can probably compensate, he can change his age, or at least did on accident before hopefully he figures it out by the time he's that old

Honestly? I like that trio better. Jasper shouldn't be part of the group so soon and this is a better thing than her randomly being good during the timeskip.

Pretty much deconfirming Jasper even being close to important.

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Jasper will be the vilain of Season 6 in her gem outer heaven.

>post yfw jasper doesnt even show up for more than a minute

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We have our canon momswap ladies and gents. Jasper btfo.

Jasperfags are on suicide watch

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man having a cannon squash and stretch character opens a lot of porn options desu.

Bless you Drawnendo

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You have no idea how excited my dick is right now. Thank you lord sugar for blessing us with this new waifu.

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>kisses him in the trailer
They banged

Okay. Hyped.

She looks like the love child of Mickey Mouse and a gem.

Bismuth's new outfit sucks

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oh cmon that's just some crap sugar made up; no doubt they'll retcon somethin

>Steven reforms the empire and teaches gems to do what they believe in instead of just following orders
>XJDiamond believes that all organic life should be destroyed so she listens to Steven and follows her dreams
Who could have possibly foreseen that freeing a culture from its rigid caste system might cause serious violence?

>Greg is Tenchi
Ive not watched in a while, was Greg pulling bitcges left and right too?

Is that show canceled? Would explain why the fans have to invade other threads


The temp title actually was Steven Universe, but it was "Steven" for her brother and "Universe" for her love of Tenchi Universe. Steven isn't Tenchi, but Greg is!

>Bismuth sucks
Here you go

I mean I don't like it but I think it fits her

Bismuth dresses for functionality not for beauty, she's like the opposite of a Pearl

Yeah... AGAIN. How embarrassing.

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She's trying to grow a new diamond.

Kind looks like a weird blacksmithing overalls thing

Reminds me of Rose
>You can do anything you want to do!
>Bismuth: I want to make weapons and shatter the Diamonds!

That's fucking nice mr whoever runs that twitter account, now give us the hi-def trailer

I swear if in the end Steven just ends up taking to her and make up i wont even be surprised

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Did they have a threesome? That would be hot

Cute cute! CUTE

That would be an actually based from Rebecca and the crew to be the motivation.
Now if only he wouldn't just talking justu out of killing everyone

Nah, it ends with Steven giving her the murder cock and she'll turn into another baby.

official trailer

TRAILER'S UP twitter.com/cartoonnetwork/status/1152327114995261441

I fucking hate timeskips

why do we keep winning, peribros?

How exactly are you winning, again?


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By at least getting screen time

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I really don't think he's gonna this time, like the war with the Diamonds was basically a misunderstanding caused by Rose's idiocy

XJ9 came to Earth to kill Steven and every other organic life form on the planet

Talking down Space Hitler is one thing, talking down Space Osama is another

need a side view of teen Connie, for research

politics is boring

Fuck you, that wouldve been awesome

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If Peridot and Lapis aren't fucking then the previous 5 season will have been a complete and utter waste of time.

Her not making a huge appearance in the movie is preferable to having all her character development skipped over

Reminds me of that one scene in futurama
>If you want Calculon to race to the special effects factory in his hovercar, PRESS 1
>If you want Calcuolon to double check his tax returns, PRESS 2

OK I'm paraphrasing here but still

Well let's just assume is gonna happen because that's kinda the philosophy of the show so we don't get disappointed if it happens

kill yourself zuke, your ship is shit and dead

>lapidot shipper
Why havent you killed yourself yet?

Dismantling is probably an exaggeration anyway, he probably just reformed some laws to give gems more freedom and more worlds local autonomy, called it a Federation and called it a day

straight outta cuphead


>your balls didnt drop
>your tits didnt pop
>you aint no teen
have they gone throught puberty yet? cuz Steven still sound like a baby boy

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How long has he been in space?

If they go this way it would be kino. Even when given the chance, some people will choose to be bad. The difference with her compared to diamonds would be she had the choice

Do gems fuck between each other ? I tought the only fuse.
Now if they're with humans now we're talking


>dismantling the empire

What? Seriously, what? In two fucking years, he just completely dismantled an entire galactic empire? Just like that?

What the fuck, Sugar?

SDCC user here, I had to hug the phone to my chest so the screen wouldn't get caught by roaming staff. I had looked down to make sure I was getting something recorded but it was a gamble. If I go to SDCC 2020 I will prep better, maybe get a cover for the screen during video/trailers.

very fair, there is a lot that we still don't know

did they even confirm the villains name or discuss her motive? Although from the trailer I would guess she is trying to make a new Diamond or some other powerful gem to use as a weapon

>As much as I’ve loved dismantling the empire and saving all your planets

WTF they offscreened this shit? Shit what the fuck was even the point then?

This is a neat touch. That crowd was perfectly segregated into four distinct courts during the end of S5. Now it's all a mix.

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Why do you want it? Show is bad now. Has been for a while.

This is the best I could get if you're trying to figure out exactly how much boob she has. Not much.

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>tribalism is already starting
oy vey

Steven is unironically royal, or ex royal, and an authority figure whether he likes it or not so is kinda funny he layed down some cool politics that unfortunate created space Osama bin laden

2 years is more than enough time for something like that. Considering hes a diamond, he probably could've done it in a month.

Nothing is stopping them from shapeshifting whatever phalluses and orifices they desire. They certainly could. It's more a question of whether or not they would see any value in it.

>her gem type was meant to be merely brainless clowns
>but she had the mind and potential of darth vader
>trained with a turtle shell on her back and everything

It helps when you have the support of the people in charge of the empire

>galactic empire
>less than 30 planets
The Gem Empire is small.

>Do gems fuck between each other ?

Pink Diamond fucked all kinds of humans, so logically Gems could fuck each other if they really wanted to. I mean, they can't make babies that way but I'm sure it would still feel good for them.

And I mean, Peridot loves earth and loves doing earth things so she'd totally be down for some humping, and we know that Lapis is a complete dom. Realistically, Lapis would be jackhammering Peridot's various holes pretty much 24/7. Dildos, shapeshifted dicks, water tentacles, various tools and objects. Whatever was laying around, she'd definitely cram into Peridot.

And you just know Pearl is hiding in the closet, watching and sobbing quietly and playing with her little spear. Bitch has some issues.

This would've only rubbed more salt in the wounds of many after the Diamonds dropped the ball as villains. Not the worst skip choice to make. It also means we get to see more Homeworld life now, so there's that.

>Connie didn't changed at all
Isn't she, 15 or something?

>all the people hyped because the Diamonds were in the cast
>they're only in it for the first 5 minutes

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not if said planets are really fucking far away from each other and you control the space between then

I kinda dated last semester this indian girl that kinda remind me of connie, I liked her alright.
I say we kinda dated because she said no to us dating and then we proceed to go out to movies, one time in my apartment, baked cakes and make food a couple of times ,go to my friends hang outside, we went skating and I tought her how to slate and we talk in our free time togueter.
Well on the day of my birthday, she told everyone she was a lesbian and flirted with my lesbo friend.
Can you imagine how destroyed I felt for that, I was going to asked her if she liked me or not! But it's all good now I cant change her you know, If I were a girl we probably have dated already.

Peridot isnt a dyke, peridot is exclusively used as stevens and gregs cocksleeve

Didn't you hear, user? You can't sexualize fictional characters until they're 18. Plus boobs are incredibly sexist and degrading. Though, late bloomers aren't unusual

no doubt he's exaggerating

its like the Soviet Union claiming they dismantled the Russian Empire,

its more likely he just replaced the old empire with a different government,

At minimum 14, you don't sprout d-cups in a day, silly, especially if you're a very active small girl

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gonna be honest, was specting Connie to still be taller than Steven, also small boobs fit her well


>implying Lapis and Amethyst don't also use her as a cocksleeve

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A majority of girls I grew up with in school starting getting boobs in 8th grade. Connie just has weak genetics.

somewhere someone is already drawing porn

She puts them under a tight bra so they don't get in the way of swording

Thanks for doing this for us again man

>"she said no to us dating"
>"uh hurp durp we were kinda dating though, because we did all these activities that friends do"

Maybe she's just small like that you know

>wanting dyke sex with worst gem
Ill allow peridot getting some action with amethyst as long as shes titfucking greg in the process

maybe she's just binding her chest back

worried that Steven wants a cute loli and not a milk cow

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It looks like they're just using the exact same model sheet, in so much as SU ever had one, from her early appearances.

When she said no to you dating that means you're not going to date, retard. If you wanted her as a girlfriend and weren't a beta orbiter you would immediately cut contact with her at that point.

Of course she's not a dyke, Gems have no gender. They can fuck each other and it literally cannot be gay.

As for the rest of your stupid post, Steven isn't the kind to cheat on Connie and Greg probably still has PTSD from the last time he fucked a gem.

Well, of course. Lapis is very good at sharing her toys with friends like Amethyst.

>Considering mah nigga Ebersole not goona make a gorgeous musical piece out of this shit show.

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Well you know people can change their minds, I was just trying to be friends with her but talking to my friends I raised the point that maybe she was changing her mind and started to like me because she liked doing all of this activities alone and she was engaging a lot with me.
Atleast I can say I tried and had, and will continue to have, lots of fun with my friend.

NTR is a garbage fetish

Attached: NTR is a garbage fetish.png (757x790, 139K)

You are a beta orbiter.

We are in uicersity seeking the same field, will always gonna be togueter and frankly there's not a lot of girls in physics and math.
Also, I consider, it's kinda fucked up to cut contact with a person just because she cant or doesn't want to date you when you genuinely like there personality.

>cuck triggered

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I'm hoping she just pulls a Ragyo and rips her own heart out out of spite

Attached: Ragyo you didn't win.gif (308x170, 719K)

Perfect resolution, she is defeated and Steven gets to keep his principals and morals of pacifism


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whoa dude
I'm not saying the movie will be good, but you have to accept shit like giant woman is kino and since its a musical there's bound to be some good songs

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GregxPearl confirmed canon

Mystery Girl btfo

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>Despite show's quality there are plenty good musical themes
Based and redpilled.

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I cant be a beta orbiter of a lesbian, it is al platonic from now on.
And my other friends agreed with me that there was a chance between us because we started getting a lot closer as friends after the first no

>Just this morning everything was perfect... Why did everything have to change? I want my happily ever after back!
yuck dialogue

give me the third version

>I want thing to stay like this forever
>Famous Last Words

The lineart was in one of the supporting show artist's portfolio a few months ago. That colored version was released shortly after.

>Why did everything have to change?

He said, after spending two years uprooting and destroying the lives of countless Authority gems.

Yes? It was very apparent that her short appearance was one big punchline for that scene.

he uprooted the lives of pretty much all gemkind.

Later confirmed as Lemon Jade, she was just a random pair of gems in the crowd that witnessed Stevonnie's formation at the Era 3 ball. Seeing Garnet and Opal form as well gave them confidence that fusions aren't bad after all, then she immediately gets KOd by Yellow, lol.

Sometimes Steven's dialogue really doesn't need to be written by a woman. It gets too obvious at points.

When a job is being done well, you can't tell.

Peridot has no orifices and is incapable of shape-shifting any.

god i wish...

but i still have hope, anything can happen

Connie a shit, the sooner steven starts his alien harem the better

user Stevens dialogue is almost always written by women. The boarders come up with the dialogue

Anyway, its possible this is trailer only audio.

Oh shit I forgot about that, and her weak magnetic powers too

Looks like his gem gets removed again

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No, all gems have bewbs and cunny underneath their clothes

maybe not, might be the extractor draining is organic life

sorry to ruin this for you user but Pearl doesn't have tits, she's just flat

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Well yes, they kinda screw themselves over when they had a mini trailer deleted becaus it showed a pink Steven so...

Not gonna lie that's hot as fuck

I'm... not sure why you assumed I was unaware of that.

say wut now

It is in here my dude, they were such dumbasses to let this one through the cracks.
They should had let the trailer on, because now it is obvious pink Steven is coming

>tfw jasperfag

Holy fuck bros, should I just get the noose?

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please do

Nah, it's only the obnoxious ones who delude themselves into believing they like her but really just sexualise her.
The genuine ones who accept her character deserve sympathy.

she never showed up in the credits which we got weeks ago, so s6 is the best bet desu.

Nothing to sexualize.

I've been waiting three years for them to actually do something with her character. i wanted her so badly to become the vegeta of the show dude, you have no idea

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That was pretty much everyone's take before Rebecca threw out the dragon ball parallels.
Then they kinda IMO fucked the redemption order by having Lapis artifically come second way later than she should have just so they could have Malachite be a thing so that Steven's adventure to stop the cluster was a solo task

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