Weekend Storytime of Pain: Lady Castle

>What is this?
A comic made by Boom about a castle that only has women in it after they were all killed. They form a kingdom and things happen.
>Why is it bad?
It's kind of a good example of a bad tumblr comic, all preach no reach. If you pay close attention your going to find things that really don't make sense. If your a Disney fan prepare for terrible song parodies.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm sorry after all the men are killed. Jesus I'm drunk.

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>castle that only has women in it after they were all killed
So it's like some kind of afterlife/reincarnation/isekai deal?

Last time I did this some said this was not bad. I beg to differ because it's kind of like reading a 90's comic all I can see is the era it's from and I cringe.

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nah I fucked up, basically all the women run the castle now but well you will see. I'm going to say this keep track of people ethnicity it's going to get weird.

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...Is she bench pressing buckets of paper? okay I'll keep quiet until you get along with the posting

How the fuck are you supposed to make use of crenelations that small? What, do you do archery while prone?

Each issue opens with a song parody. and well let's get to the main show.

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So the writer of this also write geeky hipster porn I'm not kidding.

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The best way to describe people in this is one big sewing circle jerk. This is the only way to process how the character will think

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but enough commentary. Let's get to all the men dying off panel

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so here's our token penis.

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>Storytimer trying really hard to justify this as SoP
kys newfag

One thing you will notice is that we won't see any of the other men, not even in flashback. It's a weird writing decesion but it also makes them less...'human'

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nah it's painful, but maybe some people built up a tolerance I figured I get it out of the way first and get something really bad later.

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I've survived a previous storytime of this and the sad thing is it actually could have been decent. The art's decent enough but it's crawled so far up its own ass trying to make a point you just can't take it seriously.

the unfunies I'm sure someone else will do. I'm looking to see if I can find a really bad DD comic and DD father is only bad in the last pages.

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yeah I find failure of a good concept more painful than cringe. it's the frustration of almost clicking and seeing it fall apart.

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The last page of this comic, the art somehow deteriorates.

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god this is such a lame use of a cliche.

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Yes token penis speak for us.

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That motherfucker better stay away from any open flames given that he's apparently made entirely of straw...

>Literally been getting letters from a barber among the group of people expressing that they miss her
>just chops it off with a fukken knife

One weird thing is the king situation, With the blacksmith lady as the king and the princess as the knight it kind of muddles who the lead is. It's the princess yet the marketing material used the Blacksmith.

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so where on this lame train....

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Now you might be excited for this oh look conflict!

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Look I'm going to be honest with you user.....you might think the entire comic is

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...about the women protecting the castle from what killed the men. Well prepare for disappointment and a Pegasus.

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No cover because fuck it but let's begin issues two

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were about to get to that page.

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now this is not a bad page where there yet. But when we get to it KEEP it in mind. When we get to the plague doctor and then we have to question a lot of things.

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Okay this guard right here on this page, KEEP HER IN MIND! Your going to go back to this page when a really preachy moment comes up and realize something about it.

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I'm gonna level with you, OP; I'm not really digging any of this but I guess that's what a SoP is all about. Have a bump and may God have mercy on your soul.

missed the mark by a page oh well.

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I'm appreciating her character so far. Was expecting full on sassy black woman but she's good and level for the moment

your supposed to dig this....I didn't think that was the point but yeah thanks.

Anyway this comic is more kind of just of it's time and just aged right out of the gate.

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the character are not the worst but lessons....are not good.

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and well the conflict are very minor which sucks. Because in this is a great castle siege comics but that ends with this issue.

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like I did not comment on it but a bunch of women formed a sewing circle after being told there husband and sons are dead....it's very hard to call them human.

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and that's not even getting into how they resolve this bullshit in this issue.

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But those slips of paper contain the weight of all her doubts and neurosis, user! How dare you doubt the strength of womanhood!

man is this artist bad at action.

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oh god it's the plan...so let's talk about this...

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So this Pegasus. Everytime I storytime this I forget about it. Because it's only used in this issue and it was never brought up. yeah why didn't the king bring it along?

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at this point the comic....breaks down. and It never recovers.

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When I saw ads for this I was expecting the entire thing to be well about defending the castle...and nope.

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this is really embarrassing.

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I probably call this SoP material, but it's bringing back memories of mediocrity and disappointment. I remember thinking this had potential as a concept if they focused on the blacksmith king and the small brooding chick, and then reading how each and every conflict in the book just ends so unsatisfying kinda killed what feelings I had for this book.

Have fun, OP.

Yeah there is different pain in this world and this is but one form.

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all right guys prepare....for DIPLOMACY!

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Yeah, if they made Merinor actually struggle with problems that aren't resolved the same doggone day you could get something reasonably compelling
Or have ONE of these daft bints actually MISS their husband

now remember how I said keep in mind one character that guard you will see something this issue. It's also brings with it a lesson.

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a lesson in how character design can't be just thrown around. you really have to think about what you say about your world when you put something there.

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This is the plague doctor scene I was talking about and for the slow people refer to this page when reading this scene...and see how it makes no damn sense.

and I forgot the page....fuck.

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well let's get our lesson about racism out of the way in this world where everyone is equal yup not contradictory in the slightest!

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Look if your going to do lessons don't just preach to the audience.This scene just is very cringy in this book. It doesn't help that the world is tumblr world.

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but let's get back to the DIPLOMACY!.

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It's not contradictory really, the old doctor just told her that to reduce her self esteem keep her in line like literally every other man in the area apparently
Guard from earlier's husband probably had some other bullshit going

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that is not contradiction I was talking about, think about what the doctor says about her culture and look at the character and how they are treated. We already saw a Muslim character in this book before her. Only now do we find out about this.

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This page, this very page raises it to SOP status.

the books say a lot about it's world but never shows it until the plot says so.

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Gwyneff a cute
Comic definitely should have been focused on her and the king

Some people doubt it's sop status but it's keeps on giving.

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more diplomacy....sigh.

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so this curse thing is about to be a plot.

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yay hugs..

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this comic could end here but we have one more issue.

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>spare field
>but our food reserves are basically gone
I have many questions about the castle's division of labor

I swear this comic need that damn Full House music but somehow have it be more feminist. I don't know.

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we call it cannibalism.

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>badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger

All right this issue might be called the lore issue, but this comic run into a wall because well without seeing the king it's cause problems.

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This issues also gets kind of narmy.

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>Knight Ho
Now that's a bit rude, you have no idea that the black knight is a prostitute or not.

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Nani the fuck

Yup that helmet will help people not turn to stone.

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>hold the line, my squirrel squires

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Ah yes the typical animals you'd find in any forest in Europe.
>The Wise Owl
>The Devoted Bear
>The Demure Deer
>The Mischievous Raccoon
>The Cunning Fox
>The Intelligent Squirrel
>The Robust Hi-
What the fuck is a Hippo doing there?

Yeah it's a really weird twist.

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I mean mixing greek mythos with whatever the fuck your writing. Where the harpies foreshadowing to this?

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well let's get this whole charade over with.

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>Start of Page
>"Everything's fucked and I don't see anyway of actually fixing this!"
>End of page
This got canceled didn't it?

god this suc

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Probably the last page I imagine was made in a hurry because here's how Booms works, they announce a book as a mini when It's really meant for an ongoing, but if it doesn't do well it stays a mini. I think the team got too confident because the last page looks rushed as fuck.

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Like they thought they had a chance made a page to lead into the next arc and then somehow it got fucked.

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Oh god it looks WORSE than the last few pages?

well let's get all the robin hood shit out of the way.

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it still has sketch lines.

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yeah this is special.

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If the black knight is her mother I'm gonna scream

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no but it's worse somehow.

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Well now I know why she brought the Hippo at least.

this revelation is infuriating.

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this really should have been expanded upon.

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I have no idea who this is.jpg

and the end. I was not kidding when I said it's rushed as hell.

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Back cover of the trade.

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>"There are never just the two choices!"
>"Uh well actually there are in this situatio-"
>"I choose the choice that obviously benefits me!"
>"Okay for some reason that works?"
Holy shit.

You know this isn't a terrible concept. All the men in the castle die so it's up to the women to take control of it and make sure it doesn't go to shit, but author kept shoving as much modern day virtue signaling as they could into this that it just ruined it as a fun little romp.

....wait it's getting movie?

Ah nvm it isn't. I swear I remember like a year ago this got storytimed and that got mentioned.

But seriously how does one get something this bad published?

yeah it wasn't the kind of truly dreadful I expect from these threads
the word I'd use is amateur, this felt like someone's deviantart comic that somehow got run through a legitimate publisher
None of the themes are fully explored, conflicts flit in out of nowhere and disappear just as fast, and almost none of the characters DO much of anything but REACT to things happening so they feel painfully like fictional characters with no real thoughts and feelings

Refine everything and try again/10
at least it catered to my fetish for girls with big thick eyebrows so there's that

Knowing the right people. In all seriousness there are some rumors around Boom if you know where to look that some shit is going down over there. While Kate Leth is in animation there are some rumors abour her either having dirt on people or people having dirt on her. Nothing confirmed but I knew someone who was part of her Valkyrie group who disowned them after meeting her.

They are quite exquisite, though.

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I just wish they'd given more fucking reason as to why the Princess is such a decent warrior and shit. She was stuck in a castle most her life.
Obviously. I feel like this whole story would've worked out better if someone like IDW got it, because at least there a miniseries is a fucking miniseries.

There's just no goddamn depth to ANYTHING
All the castle women are good, all the men were bad, all the threats were misunderstood, someone cooks up some glasses in a couple of hours and the gorgon eyes are no fucking issue. They don't even have to get the wizard to undo the "curse" because that shit just stopped on its own apparently

It was as shit as I remember,
Thanks for the catharsis, user.

Ah yes, I remember this comic. Their king, husbands, and fathers, all men are dead, and yet nobody cares and a lot of people are actually happy about it. And they manage to do better even though half their population is dead. Well there is one guy that's still alive and he's the butt of jokes and constantly shit on and emasculated despite having the best intentions.

>fresh prince meme for no reason
Oh god no!
>plague doctor costume
Oh god yes!
>remove mask and never put it on again, how convenient that without it she looks like any other girl in a hijab
Oh god no!

>castle that only has women in it after they were all killed
So they're all ghosts?

read literally one post down


That would be a cool series, I'd read it.

Aww lawd here we go

What song is being parodied?

Wait. This doesn't make sense
1. Where is the lighting on this dungeon library coming from?
2. How did no one know about a library? They're not that big of a community and a wheelchaired woman and her career should be noticeable
3. Isn't this place nothing but stairs? How does this wheelchair woman even get into this library?!

I remember last time that it was said to be a Tangled song.

Soooo...you don't get humor?

Dude, this isn't Conan. Not everything is like your first D&D game, all hacking and slashing.

Eh, so it was like a 90's fantasy TV series?

Not him but one should expect hacking and slashing when you are fighting harpies. It's strange how no one got hurt from that fight or from any fight in this comic.

Look diplomacy is fine in comics, my problem is that everything gets resolved so easily and jumps to a new plot. Like we just resolve our differences is fine for stories but often it's never a sacrifice to do so or it comes way too easy. Like it doesn't help that MOST comics of this type carry this lesson so it's just becomes white noise. If you didn't notice every issue gets resolved and even the medusa shit gets taken out.

Does anyone else see the man nipples in the bed

I did and now I will never not see them.

I'd say that the second half has so many asspulls and a fucking Fresh Prince parody that it tips the story into outright shit

This is like badly stealing a Disney movie.

To be fair, hippos are fucking terrifying


When I read the synopsis for this book I guessed that all of the monsters attracted by this curse were actually the men transformed. The main villain would be the king and the main conflict between him and his daughters. Eventually the curse would be removed and they would form a more enlightened castle. Instead the comic is very insistent upon the fact that every man is dead 100 percent, but every single curse is completely lame. Its just weird to me that a comic without any stakes starts with a huge amount of death.
I hate feminist shit, but this is insulting to people who actually try to write it.

Congratulations, you're a better writer than the moron who shat this out.

Your not wrong one of the worst things about this comic is that it wants to be this light hearted affair and be this fun feminist romp. But the fact is besides some lip service it's hard to take this comic when it tries to get serious because there is no emotion in anything.

Diplomacy is difficult, takes a long time, requires sacrifices and tradeoffs between the sides, and is full of intrigue and behind-the-scenes plotting and drama. This is not diplomacy.

What the fuck? Seriously what the actual fuck that thing comes in leaving a trail, nobody sees it and then it just drags her under? Also the proportions in that panel are all sorts of messed and even accounting for perspective that thing looks way too tiny to pull her.

Does she have a hemipenis?
Or does biheaded snek mean she's bisexual, or takes it in both holes.

Thanks for making me remember that this exists

Well, at least it's not capeshit.
Art is OK. 6/10
Plot is awful. 1/10
Characters are meh. 3/10

Total: meh 3/10

Two heads
Bipolar schizo

that art is terrible. how can you pay 4 people to get the result of a bad webcomic artist like that?

>Art is OK. 6/10
no. Just o.

People look like people, horses look like horses.

Finally, some Dark Wizard Affirmative Action!

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so all the men are still dead?
enjoy lasting a single generation. Fuck all the mothers, wives, daughters, sisters that lost someone they might have cared about OH WAIT ALL MEN ARE LITERALLY LEG-SPREADING MISOGYNISTS

>not letting the werewolf dudes stick around or asking the wizard to cure them too
>let a pack of fucking harpies in
now that's just rude

pfft, some king you are. You don't even have a crown.
Y'gona give it to ya
Technically, she's not a princess anymore as she is not related to the current head of state.
>empty coffers
>but still able to outfit and field an army
You saw them wearing dresses. I don't think they are interested in siring a new generation.

Thanks OP, it was ok/10.

its when will my life begin which is the first song in the movie iirc

>parodying tangled for this shit

Everything is better with werewolf dickings



>Chuck Wendig

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Do I even want to know?

I wonder where people see that hairstyle on black women. I've never seen one outside of comics/art.

He managed to accomplish what very few Leftists in the industry have managed to do: get fired for being an asshole on social media.