>During the panel DiDio asked the audience how many of them read their Facsimile Editions. When no one answered the question with applause, DiDio responded “Good, that’s the one I was hoping we wouldn’t hear applause for.”

>“We do these Facsimile Editions where we reprint older issues of comics including all the old ads and stuff…and in some cases these are selling more than the new comics with these characters. People are more interested in buying the stories from 30 or 40 years ago than the contemporary stories, and that’s a failure on us," he explained.

>“We should be focused on moving things forward, always pushing the boundaries and finding new stories to tell. That’s how we’ll survive and grow this industry,” DiDio continued.


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Maybe he should resign...

Is he wrong tho?

That's all true but applies to him as well. Fresh new stories would come from fresh new leadership. Although someone said he's the reason Morrison is still around? In which case I back him.

The guy should just stop doing editorial jobs all together and go back to being a writer.

>“Good, that’s the one I was hoping we wouldn’t hear applause for.”
Once again proving that Didio HATES when things that weren't his idea are successful.
>“We should be focused on moving things forward, always pushing the boundaries and finding new stories to tell. That’s how we’ll survive and grow this industry,” DiDio continued.
aka fuck DC's legacy.

>That’s how we’ll survive and grow this industry
Except your sales can't keep up because you can't even pretend to be faithful to your own universe.

I mean these things seem like a godsend for people trying to collect older runs of floppies when one or two key issues are worth almost the rest of the lot, like the New Mutants 98 that just came out.

Yes. It's a false dichotomy. You can celebrate your legacy while also creating new, innovative things. It's not either-or. The existence of the Facsimile Editions doesn't hold DC back from making good new stuff, that's on DC's current management.

By his logic, Barry Allen and Hal Jordan shouldn’t be pushed then (especially since they bombed at the box office).

But I guess Nostalgia is okay when it applies to him...

I would say DC is still creating good stuff, it's just that the fans don't appreciate the current good stuff.

>Dan Didio: Look! We made Rebirth! We are sorry. Here is your favorite past characters you grew up with. We respect our history.



When did DC become a less successful Disney Star Wars?

Yeah, Heroes in Crisis and Bendis Superman are ssssoooooo Kino. It is the fans fault for not eating up shit. It is the fans fault that DC refuses to make good comics.

And yet the poor sales say otherwise.
Seriously, is Didio trying to bankrupt DC Comics on purpose?

If you can only name 2 shitty comics then Yeah, I would say DC is still currently making good comics.

>We should be focused on moving things forward, always pushing the boundaries and finding new stories to tell

And yet most of the new books are the same old Batman, Joker, and Harley Quinn comics (and some of them are just origin stories again).

So basically New means More Batman

can Disney buy out DC comics already?

Nah, DC is WB. If another major media company were to fall to Disney I'd wager it would be Sony Pictures.

Hot take:

There are two kinds of fans
- The first wants the characters to have a history and wants to read about a Batman with 10 Robins, for example

- The second likes the characters at their most iconic form

The first is the kind that comes to cons and debates online. But overall the second is more numerous

>“We should be focused on moving things forward, always pushing the boundaries and finding new stories to tell. That’s how we’ll survive and grow this industry,” DiDio continued.

Then why do you keep rehashing the same stories?

Seriously, Heroes in Crisis is just a rehash of Identity Crisis, just even more stupid.

Attached: You scooby do.jpg (624x448, 36K)

For the companies, the real question is which kind buys more books?

The answer is neither, apparently.

Because Didio is a hypocrite. He wants all the same stories and characters HE likes. He hates when others want stories and characters he doesn’t like.

>the current good stuff.
Such as...?

The green lantern
Wonder twins
Dial H for Hero
Freedom fighters is good
And just recently we got both Collapser and Jimmy olsen.

As someone who loves superhero comics, I really can't justify buying them anymore. There's no payoff to the investment. You're asking me to pay $5 a month for the reading equivalent of a can of soda, and 70% it's crappy soda.

With that in mind, I'm not surprised at all that the Facsimile Editions are fucking popular. It's a one time payment for something you know will be good (or at least fun). There's no risk involved at all.

Attached: batpoint.jpg (624x352, 28K)

But Fun is bad, user!
Stop Enjoyinh Fun Well-Written comics from the past and eat up the terrible crap we shat out today!

Don’t ask questions! Just consume product and get excited for next product!

Comicsbeat was also at that panel

>Dan says that there are disturbing trends in the marketplace, such as the variant cover programs and he especially bemoans the sales of facsimile books that he says in some cases are outselling the new titles featuring the same characters. He feels like their goal should be building new worlds rather than revisiting the old ones.

>Jim then polls the audience to ask how many in the audience are reading in digital and who is reading through DC Universe. A number of international audience members then speak out and state that they’d like to subscribe to the latter, but cannot as its not available outside of North America. Lee responds by saying there is a roadmap for international expansion for DCU, which is a reassuring sign.

>Hill takes a minute to defend facsimile comics, as a possible gateway for older readers to hand to children or other potential fans as something the former is already familiar with. He feels they serve a great purpose in that end.
Careful Hill, or Hill House will die sooner than you'd think

You guys probably only brought Batman comics to begin with.

Okay, let's say I agree with your whole list, do you see the problem with what's not on it?
The big three, all shit
>Detective Comics
>Teen Titans
>Justice League
>Super sons
All mediocre to terrible except Deathstroke which was great and is starting to tank. All of DC's most recognizable titles are also the worst quality, there's something wrong here.

Hill is based

It says a lot when the Hulk is beating the main Batman book.

Also, later in that posting

>An audience member asks about Doomsday Clock, Dan states that he can’t hide the fact that book is running later than was expected, but he says that readers will begin to see ramifications from Doomsday Clock running through DC Universe comics in 2020, aligning with the finale of that maxi-series. Though it’s unclear from his status if that means Doomsday Clock will end in 2020 or if it means its ending this year with longer tendrils into the coming year.

>In responding to a question about a new possible Who’s Who In The DC Universe…Dan says that they’re currently building an ultimate timeline of the DC Universe. He says that was one of the great mistakes of the New 52, not knowing where things fit together and the character’s relationships. Dan says “I don’t want to create anything that will get undone 5 minutes later”…but he says they are working on that timeline right now.
No shit Dan, no shit. That's why they had two 52 page long "History of the DCU" after CoIE finished, specifically to hash out how everything worked on a merged Earth.
and it mostly worked until the editors started fucking with it later (Hawkworld)

I'm not one of those guy's who looks down their nose at the Hulk, a good story is a good story, but Batman has been bulletproof for thirty years and now it's an example of every wrong trend in the industry.

>but he says that readers will begin to see ramifications from Doomsday Clock running through DC Universe comics in 2020
Holy hell!

Wait dc does this to? I would totally buy these, why have I never seen them?

I'm not sure if they've actually released yet.
But yeah, they've started doing facsimile copies, and "Dollar Comics" (aka Marvel's True Believer $1 reprints).
I know that Poison Ivy's first appearance is one of them

>All of DC's most recognizable titles are also the worst quality
See this why comic book fans are killing the industry.

I’ve liked some of the stuff marvels been rereleasing but as is I’ve only bought a handful of comics I haven’t read, I would buy the shit out of the best of dc floppies

>now it's an example of every wrong trend in the industry
Like what?

But Didio's point is that it's wrong and bad when your decades old reprinted shit sells more than your current new stuff, you dumb fuck. He isn't dunking on legacy, he's saying something isn't right if people would rather just read reprints.

Because fans hate change. Look how much people here whine when it isn't rehashing old, similar plot threads.

user, the problem that poster pointed out is apparent in Batman and just becomes more pronounced as you branch out. Saddling up on high horse about Batman readers doesn't automatically make the state of super hero comics not garbage.

>things that don't happen

They don't have a point though user.

It's not DC's fault if these people are blinded by nostalgia and write off all current comics as bad.

Maybe DC shouldn’t be putting out so many shit comics?

Except Marvel’s current comics are selling. So readers aren’t only reading past comics.

There's no except as the current DC comics are also selling.

you have to run a fine line in comics. If you're in the business of producing new stories, if you have to be focused on moving forward. Making legacy work in a medium that's supposed to be driven by forward momentum is a tightrope act.

Well then I guess it's just a matter of opinion whether the current line of comics are shit or not.

Oh really? It really explains how much whining every single status quo change provokes, especially on this board. People claim they want change but when you get King's Batman, it's wrong because it "emasculated Batman" because it depicts Batman as fallible and broken. When Morrison redid Superman in New 52 people complained it was bad because it's too silver age-y and weird when Superman reads through a library to perform a surgery. When Wally had kids who were aged up and had super powers it was wrong because now it wasn't about Wally as a solo hero anymore and focused too much on his kids. When Azzarello reimagined Wonder Woman it wasn't okay because waah waah it changed stuff and didn't portray the Amazons as inherently good people. When Cyborg became a Justice League member people bitched that it wasn't earned and he belongs in Titans, despite continuity changes, him being completely stale and inert in TT for ages and Cyborg regularly getting plenty of actual focus in JL books developing his character.

>43.38% dollar share and a 48.93% unit share
>26.71% dollar share and a 26.44% unit share

>Marvel ships 40 more comics than DC
>Has higher numbers
No shit

>it's wrong because it "emasculated Batman" because it depicts Batman as fallible and broken
Imagine thinking that the issue people have with King's run is Batman being fallible and broken when numerous high profile and well liked stories do the same thing. King is just a bad writer, double ironic considering that people hate City of Bane when that's just redoing Knightfall, but worse.

But that's literally the criticism. People say Batman is emasculated.

I just find it fucking tedious.

Not him, but hazarding a guess:
>Extremely decompressed storytelling
>Repetitive story beats
>Poor attempts at wit
>Heroes that are portrayed with more flaws than redeeming qualities
>Story relies on mischaracterization and diablous ex machina in order to work
>Mistaking grit and darkness for depth

And so on and so forth.

Shit I'd say the big name books being the worst quality is the norm. C listers are where the quality in the big 2 is at

Marvel puts out twice as many books. I don't even know how many are under 20k

I'm worried somehow this means we'll get less old collected editions. And they aren't pushing digital, Marvel Unlimited rules

>During the panel DiDio asked the audience how many of them read their Facsimile Editions.
>no one answered the question with applause.

DiDio it's not the only problem here.

>the criticism
I have never seen anyone use the phrase "Batman is emasculated" until this thread. I've seen complaints about the decompression, the mis-characterization, the blatant plot recycling and the dialogue but never "emasculated."

Then DC shouldn't have cancelled half the line and double shipped on all the A listers if they weren't fully confident in the talent they'd then put in those A listers.

Rebirth had a solid line-up at launch, but it was a bad business long term.

>first asks the LCS to please, don't speak badly of DC comics
>now this

I don't even want to talk about his competence as the one in charge, everything has already been said about that over and over, but damn, this guy can't do PR for shit.

The Green Lantern is really good but you know, Morrison writing camp, of course it is good.
RIP Strong-Woman and Super-Male

>Then DC shouldn't have cancelled half the line and double shipped on all the A listers if they weren't fully confident in the talent they'd then put in those A listers.
They've mostly stopped the double shipping by now too though, which is part of why their sales are so low now, since books like Superman and Action are selling about as much as when they were double shipping, but only once a month now..

>I have never seen anyone use the phrase "Batman is emasculated" until this thread
I have, in fact I've seen it more often than anything else.