>Dealing with an aging parent.
Poor guy.
Dealing with an aging parent
Wonder if I oughtn't just ask someone to carry me up a mountain and leave me on a peak during a cold night after I get past a certain age
Fuck Kurtz and fuck his dad.
depends on if you manage to make everyone hate you or not. In that case you're probably not going to have anyone to ask so you might as well aim to have good relationships where people care about you instead.
>comic has serious tone
>still draws himself as a blue cartoon character
>Don't want to die young
>But don't want to live to the point that this kind of thing starts regularly happening
I don't get it. What's the joke?
Kill yourself at 65 then.
Depends on your health and how you take care of yourself,
Gotta an 79 goin on 80 year old father who walks 3 miles every week day and gardens and works around the house everyday.
Meanwhile, I got other relatives mid 60's crying out in agony about knees, hips, and backs.
If there was anyone I every wanna be when I get older, it certainly my father, So much so I'll join him on his 6 in the morning walks occasionally.
>want to live to 2099
>will undoubtedly be a burden way before then
I'm eating right and maintaining good health for now, but thinking about the older members of my family and some things my dad and grandpa specifically went through, I don't think I'm gonna make it
You unironically should. ...Well, not be THAT useless, but you should have a plan to risk your life to do something if you ever start getting dementia.
I’m definitely gonna try to go out in a badass way, like getting shot by bank robber or something when I’m super old
every one has their own shit to deal with. if potty accidents are the worst of his problems then he's got it easy.
I can't imagine a future after college. No goals. Hopefully, I'll learn to stop being a burden and end it. I was thinking of secluding myself from my family but that plan backfired.
Ending yourself is not the answer you seek. I don't know what the best choice for you is, but it is not what you may think.
We are.
Caring for someone with Alzheimers was rough even after we had someone at the house to help out. Hope none of you have to deal with that burden, its neither easy or fun.
>long running gag strip becomes dour and autobiographical because the cartoonist wants to be taken seriously
Why does this keep happening?
>Why does this keep happening?
People get older and serious shit starts happening in their lives that they choose to express and process through their work.
It's not rocket science.
Why is a human the father of a blue furry creature?
I hope that's real
based dad
I know those feels since I have a double amputee father who lives with me. All the times he's fallen off the ramp or caused a mess. I wish I could do more for him though.
I was in your position when I was in college. What I did was I just got a job and bought a house and it was like the whole world opened up to me. I finally had the expendable income to buy all the shit I had wanted when I was a kid, and living on my own gave me the freedom to be my own person. I learned a lot about myself and completely turned my life around in those first years of independence.
I used to think if I didn’t become a wildly famous and successful billionaire I may as well be dead, turns out you can have a completely fulfilling life no matter who you end up being.
Talented cartoonists can make it work, like Bill Watterson.
>I need something to write about and my inspiration feels like it's running low.
>I'll just write some of my personal bullshit and vent
this isn't such a bad thing as long as it's done in a timely fashion and isn't going to zig-zag in tone like a certain webcomic we're all familiar with
Considering he paired it with the next comic I'm not entirely sure Kuntz thinks it's a compliment but I'd bet his dad meant it in the best way possible. Skull may be a big dumb farting troll but he's the most genuinely nice character in the comic
What's the joke?
He just doesn't have those moments like his author where he's a shitheel for no reason.
Why not just shoot yourself?
>contributing to muh firearm deaths statistics on your way out
Aging is why I'm killing myself in my 30s.
>burdening someone else with a mess to clean up
shoot yourself on your way down from jumping off a bridge
the joke is we all age and will suffer and die alone
If everyone dies it’s impossible to die alone really
If you have a gun do what I plan to do, locate a high crime area, find some crack house or other place where criminals gather and go in guns blazing. Either they kill you or you kill a bunch of criminals. In the slim chance you don't get killed in the first one keep going until either criminals or cops kill you.
Achieve Vallhala, because all the other afterlifes are for weak bitches.
>making some group of kids travel to gawk at your body
I cared for my father as he died of lymphatic cancer. You stop thinking about having to change their clothes or wash their bodies after a while. What's really haunting is that everything you ever admired about them just slowly vanishes under all the duress.
Shoot yourself in a hotel room. They already have cleaning crews, so your family doesn't have to hire someone to do it.
Put some money together and go for the most expensive hotel you can afford, so if your ghost lingers it lingers in a cool five star room and not some shitty broken down house.
>durr i indiscriminately murder a bunch of drugged up poor people hurr im an epic warrior just like muh glorious viking ancestors
Man, I don't say this shit often, but you unironically should just kill yourself and leave it at that. You're clearly too fucking dangerously stupid to live.
Man why did you post this comic.
I had to help my grandpa use the bathroom the night before he died.
I'm sad and pissed off now.
For some reason I was thinking there was a punchline. This hurts me.
Do you even have a fucking clue what a crack house is, do you seriously think it's a den of mastermind criminals?
>say you’ll donate your body to science
>shoot yourself anyway and cuck a bunch of medical students out of a perfectly good cadaver
if you watch a movie in a packed theater, does that mean you went with someone?
If you're going to kill people, aim for the ones living up and above, living in multi-million dollar mansions and condos. Kill the pain medication distributors dodging the law simply because they have enough money to bleed.
Reminder that if you live alone with a dog, it will eat your body after you die.
Wouldn’t the money just flow into their next of kin or fellow investors
Don't smoke or drink, those are the two biggest things that destroy your body.
I see where you're going for but why not kill people that actually matter like a guy who has more than a billion dollars so you make a genuine impact?
he deserves to eat well
Who the fuck keeps a dementia patient at home? Throw them in a dang nursing facility and be done with it. They're the pros after all.
t. retarded college student
Sins of the father etc.
fuck this reminds me of my old job, Why is life so merciless?
you still gonna fucking die bro
I know for a fact my grandfather is in extreme pain every day but he never lets on, he is the most courteous gentleman ever. He is about about 85. God damn I love him.
Get him some cbd bro
Nigga at most you are going to prevent the future crime of someone's car stereo not getting stolen. I mean the other anons are right, go for some rich slimy scumbag of some kind, least their crimes have reach.
The rich have bodyguards who are told to shoot first and ask if its justified second, and the money and connection to get away with it.
You're not going to get anywhere near the rich to kill them because they KNOW they're hated by literally everyone and have measures well in place to secure themselves.
Damn this thread is depressing
Y’all are for real like this, huh
Go volunteer at a humane society or something, god damn.
life is depressing user; life is depressing.
But whether or not one likes it, that's how life is: And the only choice is to accept it and continue on one day at a time, trying to find meaning in it to outweigh the pain or... take the express checkout option.
Its kind of like buying a pet: When you do, you know you're also accepting one day having to deal with it being in pain and ill health and having to either be put down or be on its way towards that: Is the memories of the pet and the experience worth that to you? Because you have to accept the responsibility of such if you choose to gain the pet.
There is no joke. Life is sad, sometimes. Generally, living makes up for it, but it's still sad sometimes.
>came to /co to distract myself from shitty night
>the thread digs up my hidden fears
You don't have to have the body of an 80 year old at 50 though, which is what substance abuse will do to you.
I can confirm. my dad is near 70, ate shitty his whole life (he has never gone a single 24 hour period without eating beef), is obese, and blame his hips, blood pressure, etc. on his age - not being obese.
My mother smokes like a chimney, has teeth falling out, and refuses to even talk about the idea of cutting back.
Basically no one has their life sorted until they're in their 30s. Consider the peace corps, or retail jobs while you work on self discovery and mental health. It's a sad thing that some many young people are going into college as a matter of course rather than as a means to a defined end. I'm not saying that's you, but my generation was brainwashed to think college = job, no college = homeless burger flipper, and yet gets bitched at when we want a living wage from the ruling class that left us nothing but the burger jobs they mocked.
admiration evolves into duty, love, and respect for their sacrfices towards us. My minds gone numb to the mundane aspects, but there's a sense of getting used to changes after a while.You accept the situation for what it is.
suicide - don't knock it, till ya try it.
you do know that those facilities are expensive, and state funding of them only slightly reduces the cost, yes? It's often as expensive as a second studio apartment.
smoking, eating red meat, alcohol abuse (not use in general, but abuse), no exercising, being over 20% body fat, and stress will fuck you up by 55.
>telling millions your dads shits his pants
yeah, what a proof of love for your relatives.It's nearly worse than PA showing their kids most embarassing moments for a quick laugh in one of hte most read webcomic in the world
>eating red meat
women magazine health pages were a mistake
Fuck you, pigs and cows taste too good.
What's so much worse about Red meat than Chicken and pork?
Like I rarely eat much beef because its about twice as much as chicken, but what's the health difference? meat's meat right?
Higher calorie count per volume, and more cholesterol. As the post WWII consumption of beef in US occupied Japan rose, so did colo-rectal cancer right along with it.
There's also the side issues like a super-low feed to carcass yeild ratio, and green house gases.
Pork, yes, when processed into sausage, ham, and bacon. Beef is bland, and more of an anacronistic prestige food than anything special on a culinary level. Beans, goose, duck, and turkey can do everything beef can do, without the higher risk of anus cancer and strokes.
that IS pretty funny
Have a blood oath with my best friend that if one of us starts getting demetia we'll shoot the other guy.
Hopefully we don't BOTH get it and forget to shoot eachother.
>calorie count
fake science, discarded. The body doesn't function on "calories" (aka how much water you can evaporate with a set quantity of dry matter under a flame)
sugar, proteins, fat, undigestable goes through various chemical process and none involve "calories", ever.
I'll disagree with you there.
beef isn't the end all be all of meat, but it has a very important niche in culinary use.
Ground beef makes much more flavorful patties than Pork or foul for example, making it the best choice for burgers.
Additionally, Beef is the go to meat to use for long braise dishes with a heavily acidic Tomato base, such as Bolognese, ragu or chilis.
Pork and chicken have their roles, but beef also has its. The trick is MODERATION. I rarely have more than 1/2-1 serving of meat in my meals a day (Due to being poor sadly, I have to make due generally with mixed dishes such as pastas, rice mixtures, and whatnot), but Meat is probably the most important flavoring agent.
I read a lot of pvp back in the day. Liked it well enough but havent read any of it for a good portion of the last decade. I remember liking comics with his dad and wondered if the guy was still alive. Shame, really. But that is life.
And considering how obese the author was (and I presume still is) it would not surprise me if he kicked it before his dad.
You are good people and your family should feel proud of you.
Not only are they expensive but when my recently-deceased grandmother was in one the physical therapy nurse was yelling at her that she wasn't cooperating, as though a confused old woman is entirely cognizant of her surroundings at all times. Horrible places that exist merely to give visas to foreigners, where your grandparents are surrounded by the dying and reminded they're next.
Bagged chicken quarters, ca. 60c per pound in a 10lb bag. Alot of people grill them, but it's a waste. Put them in a disposable aluminium pan, or other similar baking dish, at 240 degrees for 10 hours, or over night. Come morning, the bones literally fall out of the thighs, the fat pools to the surface, and can be collected as a frying medium. Save the meat in a different container, toss the bones, save the broth for stock.
Alternatively, peel the skins off before baking, and render the fat off to make chicken-cracklings. They're yiddish pork rinds.
Boom, 7-8lbs of meat for $6.
CICO is literally the easiest and most basic thing for anyone to follow and telling people "nah bruh it's sugars" is fucking stupid when you're dealing with obese people trying to lose weight.
This. It's really basic caregiving compared to taking care of an aged relative with a major physical or mental illness.
>being over 20% BF
That's like 90% of the population
>american population
Fixed that for you.
Welcome to overweight city.
Imagine thinking being overweight is the average.
They exist to give jobs to the medical college grads who are going to hit an economic brick wall when the majority of the baby boomers are gone. It's no secret that "state care" homes, are just private run with state subsidies. The intent is to lower the cost for the consumer, but the facility owners just pocket the bulk.
At some point it's a quality of life issue. That's why I'm pro-assisted suicide, and have two identical funeral guidance/DNR/finances folders ready to go when I eventually blow my brains out.
>the majority of boomers are gone
Lol by that time most of the nurses will be elderly themselves. In any case my grandmother didn't need that place until the last few months of her life, her being there was because her kids are shitters and her daughter didn't want to live with her anymore after grandpa died. The dementia mostly started after she broke her hip, which happened because she was in that place and the nurses don't do their fucking job right. Even then she was depressed and wanted to leave but my cunt mother insisted she "just couldn't control her emotions" which is obvious bullshit to make soulless boomers feel better about abandoning their parents- which is why I oppose assisted suicide because boomers should suffer for everything they've done.
Scott draws himself too flattering. He's closer to Ronnie in comic form except 6 feet tall rather than what he does draw himself as.
>CICO is literally the easiest and most basic thing
and it doesn't work. "in" is bullshit because it doesn't take into account how much of what you it is just shitted away. It's simpleton fake science for women with no education.
... dude the boomers are the post WWII baby-boom generation. They're in their early 70s. They have 5-15 years left, tops.
The nurses coming in now are millenials, aka Gen. Y, being about age 30. When the last of the boomers dies, the employees of the medical student surge of the 2000s are going to be mostly in thier 40s and 50s. That's far from elderly.
The boomers kids are Gen X, (the 'greed is good' Reaganomics, Fuck you-got mine people) they are the more selfish ones, not the boomers.
Why hello, me. You should get some sleep.
You’re going to die, Arnie. Someday, you will face that moment. Regardless of what you believe, at that moment either you will face complete nonexistence, which is something you can’t possibly imagine, or you will face something even stranger that you also can’t possibly imagine. On an actual day in the future, you will be in the unimaginable, Arnie.
>tfw my dad’s 67
>I’m 21
>he’s already starting to forget things and getting a bit weak
fuck, I am not ready to see this
>only 5-15
That's where you're wrong kiddo. The best medical science in the world means the last boomers will be dying around the 2070s in their 110s.
>Gen X
>generation nihilistic suicide that was 20 when Raygun left office are the greedy ones
And on a side note, I can sympathize with your mother here. My Grandmother is senile, and would stand in the kitchen, and just shit herself. She had diapers, but refused to wear them. Bear in mind this isn't dementia, or alzheimers, she was just nasty.
She would hunt through the house for foods she was not allowed to have because they gave her open diareha.
There are not enough hours in the day to sleep, work to pay the bills, cook, take care of your kids, and then baby sit, feed, and clean an adult who doesn't understand how to drink water anymore, or why they are shitting themselves.
It's a tragic, hellish situation no adult child should find themselves in. Professional care is the better option.
It does work because I literally cut my fucking calories and lost dozens of pounds. Macros are important for speeding the process but to say CICO doesn't work is absolutely retarded.
>and green house gases
Depends on whether or not you believe in Gorebull Warming.
you're arguing with an incel, amigo. let it go.
it's nothing but Yea Forums, it's Yea Forums all the way down.
>The best medical science in the world means the last boomers will be dying around the 2070s in their 110s.
The youngest boomers would be like 120 by that point. There may be like two left in the world by then.
Millenials have outnumbered boomers since 2014.
Generation boomer goes 1946-1965, medical advances mean that older people are living longer than ever. The reason why life expectancy gains are shrinking is because Millennials and Gen Z are the most obese youth generations to ever exist and half of them will be dead by 60 from diabeetus. The fatter you are the younger the more devastating those kinds of fat diseases have on your body, while a fat elderly person is more likely to suddenly get cancer and shed half their bodyweight.
>I see where you're going for but why not kill people that actually matter like a guy who has more than a billion dollars so you make a genuine impact?
1. Boomers don't go past Eisenhower's first time--people born in 1961-64 are the first part of Gen X
2. Most of these are memes taken from questionable clickb8 websites.
holy shit what a retard
The Census Bureau unironically keeps an official date for boomers that is 1946-1964, and they do this for all the generations. The Census is pretty official.
Also the baby boom is named for the boom in babies that happened after WWII when people who put off having kids in the 1930s and people who went overseas to fight all began having kids at once.
The peak year of the baby boom is 1958, well into Eisenhower's second term. It would not make sense for the baby boom generation to not include the actual peak of the historical baby boom- keeping in mind baby boomer is both the name of a particular generation as well as being a description of a phenomenon where the population growth as a result of births is greater than 2% a year. Most of the third world has been undergoing a baby boom for the past 100 years.
> kill the person who contributes to the economy in ways you can't possibly fathom
> spare the federal bureaucracy that bleeds the populace dry at rates you can't possibly fathom
You know concern for the poor and hatred for the wealthy aren't the same thing, right user?
> kill the person who contributes to the economy in ways you can't possibly fathom
But the economy is shit, you're just saying he contributes the shit.
>The Census Bureau unironically keeps an official date for boomers that is 1946-1964, and
Um, no. The boomers started this maymay in the 90s when the oldest ones were turning 50 and they didn't want to feel so old so they claimed the early part of Gen X so they could go oh look the youngest baby boomer is only like 35 or something we're not getting old rrright guise?
And in fact birthrates peaked in 1953-55 after which they started slowly tapering off and finally fell below replacement level in 1965.
I wish I knew.
Everyone dies. Some people set themselves up for good mileage and others drive clunkers. From what I can tell, I have the grandpa genetics to turn into a fat balding old man in my twilight years but keep most of my brains.
It's gonna be good. Sitting around the house all day, drinking beer/tea and finally croaking one day of a heart attack I knew was coming years ago.
Most of the actual disability associated with old age takes place in the five years preceding death, this is medically known as terminal drop when the body starts to shut itself down.
i fucking hate stupid assholes on the internet because assholes on the internet tend to be stupid, but somehow i get a really tender, sad feeling in my heart when i read something like this from likely another stupid asshole on the internet.
please take care, everyone who sees this.