Marvel Knights DLC
Marvel Knights DLC
I just watched those movies with Wesley Snipes. They’re pretty good
>people still remember Morbius
he's getting a movie starring Jared Leto as part of Sony's shared universe
surprised Shang-Chi wasn't included in this Marvel Knights DLC
I remember early this year hearing people getting hyped up for a 4th Blade movie, including Del Toro and Snipes, I would love to see that with both working in it.
>he bought a Switch now and didn't wait for the better version
Also, we're getting Cyclops and Colossus in a free update.
Whens Hellstorm
Absolutely Based, I would have liked Man-Thing but Morbius can round out my villian team.
Is it confirmed Loki is playable?
Arcade when?
>4 characters per lack means no dr doom in the f4 pack
Ah well. At least we're getting them.
>gwen above bloodstone
you are not my nigga
It's obvious bait, I've seen the faggot post the same thing and have alternates ready when someone calls his taste shit.
Been reading garth ennis punisher. Its really fucking good
>Moon Knight and Punisher
Who cares? The game is shit. No costumes, no combos, and only 4 moves per hero
>DLC already revealed a day after release
>All men
This is gonna be one of those games that shits out DLC every 2 months isn't it, lemme guess next one up is Lady Liberators or A-Force to increase the women...
Does anyone like this comic? I liked this comic.
I barely use portable play
Next DLC packs are X-men and F4.
It was edge for the sake of edge, people only remember it because the deaths were never reversed despie the comic leaving a way to bring them back.
Nigga, the DLC were revealed ages ago though.
As in it could have been in the base game, but developers these days are too fucking greedy to not be dicks about it.
Your dumb as hell
>better version
Call me when they fix their shitty default controllers.
Learned that Morbius was used for an alternate ending thing. I liked the design in terms of late 90's fashion.
That's an amazing fact, it does have that 90s edge!, I totally ignored that, even after all these years lurking for Marvel movies trivia, hope they make him justice in his movie to bring more knights themes into the new age.