This suit's really grown on me over the years

This suit's really grown on me over the years.

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Literally the perfect mix of realism and oh yeah that dude's a fucking super villian

I've always loved it

I really like it, yes we could've had a proper mask that moved and yadda yadda but this was pretty good for the setting and was an actual super villain costume
The campy voice made it all click in my opinion, too

Where did he get the trident from?

You can barely see that he's holding it behind his back when he threatens MJ

it still appears out of nowhere after he kicks peter, but it feels more like intentional cartoon logic than an error

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It's a little silly when he hangs the mask on his chair to have dramatic conversations with it, but yeah, I liked it too.

id say its IMPRESSIVE

Perfect goblin suit IMO, dafoes goblin is one of my favorite super villains alongside nicholsans joker and jigsaw from punisher war zone

>It's a little silly when he hangs the mask on his chair to have dramatic conversations with it
You kidding thats one of the best parts of the movie


best goblin scenes are, IMPRESSIVE



the no-soundtrack ass whooping


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Meh. Could have used a purple cloak draped around the shoulders or something.

Still very good though

>Finish It!


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It worked fine. I still like the sound effects and early 2000s superstrength. Every hit has impact and the sound and the practical effects might seem cheesy but it works really well. CGI, even MoS, doesn't really carry the same believability.

I've been binge reading ASM comics from the 60's/70's lately and i rewatched Raimy's Spider-Man and i think he looks more like The Jackal than comic's Gobby, noy enough purple for my taste.

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I always wanted Norman to have shown up in Dark Reign in an 'Iron Goblin' armor he kitbashed.

I think he did a pretty great job.

Who else do you think could've taken the part?

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Dafoe was perfect as the goblin

All they had to do was drape a purple curtain over him and it would have been fine.

I mean Osborn is rich, there had to be a purple curtain within 10 feet of his penthouse.