Zoe Quinn and Phil Murphy to Create Addams Family Comic For IDW



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>Sausage Party designs

God is dead.

>it’s just an ad for the new shit movie,

>Zoe Quinn

>Zoe Quinn
This Adams Family revival is like my big sister: dead on arrival

>zoe quinn

has she ever been able to get a book off the ground?

Why is this woman a comic writer all of a sudden? Are indie games no longer a viable medium to virtue signal in?

>licensed comics
no thanks

>Zoe Quinn

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glad she isn't our problem anymore.


Yeah, but you're still Yea Forums even without her and that's just awful.

This sounds excellent. Can't wait to try it out!

Dude she just helped crash Vertigo

>Ruined Hasbro comics IDW main money maker
>About to ruin tmnt and soon power rangers
>Push away ghostbusters because cisbusters pushing
Get woke go broke when?

Yawn. Move on, it'll be terrible

Didn't Zoe Quin's Vertigo comic failed?
How does she keep getting work?

Muh vagina basically.

that was due to DC's own shitty decisions not any one author

the only thing shes good at is parasitzing the gamma males that run this shit these days

>Aw,what’s wrong anons? Don’t like my content?

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>Zoe Quinn
>Kate Leth
>Anthony Burch
Why are comics hiring these people who haven't been relevant in five years?

Who the actual fuck is hiring Zoe Quinn to do anything? What is wrong with these fucking people?

Because Ryall is an SJW zealot

Zoe Quinn had(has?) one of the few Vertigo books that actually came out

he said relevant though

They must have some crazy good networks.

>They must have some crazy good dick-sucking skills.
Fixed it for you.

That's why I said helped. She, and the other garbage writers on Vertigo helped crash it.

The comic biz is all about friendship now. There isn't a single newly employed person who got in the industry by merit. It's all about hiring who you know, or who you like on twitter.

She fucks her way to the top.

yeah her book is great u bigot

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Her comic came and went with no controversy, unlike the Bordertown writer and Mark Russell pissing off the fundies. The only ones screeching about it were on this site.

>Her comic came and went with no controversy
In other words, Quinn failed.

>Her comic came and went with no controversy,
With no sales either.

Of course IDW would pick her up

Attached: IDW-SJW.jpg (1005x1398, 406K)

>What would you say is the #1 thing about yourself that surprises people the first time they meet you?
>I wasted at least four years of my life (and a shitton of cash) in a worthless career

Yeah, I don't care about the sales. But to look at the shit that actually occurred at nuVertigo and to try and blame Quinn is laughable at best.

Not sure what's more laughable: Zoe Quinn or IDW
They deserve each other.

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goddess mode just sucks. You can almost see the board meeting that got it greenlit in the first place.

"So we're going to try to capture what entralled so many people with harry potter. but we're going to give it a purpose, it's going to critique modern society through the lens of a dystopic corporate-pseudo-fascist cyberpunk thing."

"only misogynists would call this a shoddy ripoff of the bleach and the matrix. "

AHAHA IDW is really in the shitter

>IDW said sonic won’t be political
>They also said transformers and G.I. Joe won’t be political
>IDW G.I. joe full of fat women and cobra now an alt-right nationalists group fighting a one-world United nation government
>Transgender transformers and homophobic Megatron that quotes trump
Do sonic fans honestly believe IDW won’t shoehorn politics into sonic? Even Archie comic tried to sneak in gay characters. How badly will sonic he get pozzed?

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It's because Zoe is a fucking mimic. It doesn't matter what situation or crowd she's in, she fits in by parroting whatever anyone else around her says and will even copy someone else's entire life story if it's decently tragic enough. As a result people end up falling head over heels for her, both in love or just to generally protect her and give her work. Honestly nepotism exists in every fucking industry so this isn't a new phenomenon or anything. But that's she keeps getting work despite, well, the quality and small volume of actual work she's produced.

>cobra now an alt-right nationalists group fighting a one-world United nation government
>Transgender transformers and homophobic Megatron that quotes trump
You have screen shots for this? Now I’m curious.

TMNT doesn't have politics yet and we're 95 issues and a shit ton of spin offs in, thought we have yet to see considering the whole Jennika thing could go either way.

Yeah, Zoe's on of the symptoms of why Vertigo shut down not the cause.

How does that retard keep getting work? Why do mediocre white women get to fail upward?

IDW GI Joe not only shit. The writer such a cunt. Liberal journalists don’t even want to defend him. IDW hired a literal anti-American communists who shat on 9/11 victims, said bin laden was a freedom fighter and called Castro LGBT crackdowns a capitalist conspiracy theory. bleedingcool.com/2017/09/13/gi-joe-comic-book-writer-911-twitterstorm/


>G.I joes not Americans anymore
>hires communist to write comics about the real American heroes GI Joes
Why is IDW so retarded? Not even Marvel and dc this dumb. G.I Joe fanbase probably the most conservative and patriotic out of all Hasbro brands. This is a horrible business decision.

>Jennika thing could go either way.
That name sounds like something from a deviant art gender bend oc.

Well, we'll see if it's executed that way.

Because IDW knows Tumblr trannies reads the Transformers books, so they were hoping those fans would consider Joe if they genderbent and race-bent the characters. In the end, IDW might have attracted maybe 3 or 4 Tumblr trannies, But turned off the entire Joe fan base,so that’s the true definition of ‘Go woke, Go broke’

If it's anything like "Goddess Mode", it'll have lovely artwork but the story will be slow, plodding, and insipid.

She fucks people who can give her work. That's like, her entire thing.

Zoe Quinn? What the fuck? Why that dumb bitch and literal who of all people?

Ah, that explains why she's quietly un-blocked all her harassers recently. Increasingly I have less against feminists and lefties after actually meeting them (still disagree but I do get where they're coming from now) but fuck me Zoe's so transparent.

>Zoe Quinn
She's still getting work after Goddess Mode?!

Well, IDW is effectively a downgrade from DC Comics, that said how is IDW even turning a profit these days ? Are Transformers still selling well ?

They miss the point of Adam families

>ywn have more devilishly cute Wednesday content in your lifetime

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Jesus, just put IDW out of its misery already and take it out around the back.

>cobra now an alt-right nationalists group fighting a one-world United nation government

Totally different when they were a fascistic pro-corporate power that conquered the United States, right?

>how does a woman whose only claim to fame is fucking guys to get ahead keep getting work?