ITT: good comics with bad art

ITT: good comics with bad art

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>says minorities from america should go back where they came from
>why does everyone say we’re racist :/

If they hate it so much, they should.

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at least you're half-right

>>>Go back where you came from!!!
>>But I came from America.
>B-b-b-b-but you're brown! How can you come from America if you're brown!?
What did Trump mean by this?

Seriously though, mods, can you hurry up and delete this off-topic thread from a ban-evading spammer? Thanks.

>I like America, except for these few particular things.
>Why don't you go back to niggerland, nigger?!

I really should finish reading it.

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Also this thread is weak bait, but Yea Forums falls for everything, your probably a Yea Forumssneigger

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Fuck off we're full.

Then stop voting for politicians who are against contraception and abortions.

And start voting for ones who want open borders?

Who has open borders as a platform?

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it's literally propaganda

They all do, if they are unwilling to fix the system they are in fact running on open borders

Okay. Now that we have concentration camps, has the system been fixed?

he and his supporters don't understand the meaning of words, to them words are just sound vibrations in the air that evoke feelings. that explains why they say that it "can't be racist" because vibrations can't be racist

>if you don't do what we want, you are what we say you are

>"Why is there shit all over the floor and walls? we should make an effort to clean all this shit up off the floor and walls"
>"Well if you don't like it, leave!"

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words cant be racists though
or rather it doesnt matter
only actions matter
so stop being a little bitch

Every Democrat candidate who took part in the debates. And calling it "open borders" is being generous to what they actually were proposing.

the left in its entirety

Yeah, you got it. Go somewhere without shit all over the floor and walls and fuck off.

Scat fags should croak.

what the fuck

Op comic
>People are complaining about how people complain about the country they're in, the culture of the country they're in, the laws and everything from the ground up
i've seen posters, antifa retards with shit like "Abolish australia" etc. it's dumb

>Retards in the thread
Honestly? it's kinda cringe.

who are you quoting

Did you miss out on the context of telling Americans to go back where they came from, even though they were born in America?

Why would he look at someone born-in-America and automatically assume that they were born elsewhere? What led him to this conclusion?

This. There's a prettt massive difference between ideas on how to.improve the country, and "uhm sweaty America is a racist white supremacist nazi country that has holocaust camps."

WHO are you quoting

Say hello to the new Germans!

>unironically eating shit to own the libs

A clean house is a white supremacist dog whistle.

whered you get this from

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It's amusing that the exact same people who would criticize Ihan Omar for leaving Somalia are the same people who are saying people should leave the United States for not supporting the current administration.



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>why did you leave that country instead of fixing it???
>lol stop trying to fix this country and leave

I'm pretty sure words can be racist

Hypocrisy is funny. People who think refugees who should "stay and fix their country" are the same ones chanting to "send her back"

Hunter X Hunter

it's weird that crap like this is apparently tolerated, but fact based rebuttals will result in a ban.

I mean...seems like the same line of logic.
Both have more or less the same sentiment and goal of "your country sucks you should go back. Even if you disagree.

here's a fact based rebuttal

the majority of illegals in the US are people overstaying their visas, a wall will not counteract this and is a massive waste of taxpayer money. No, Mexico will not pay for the wall.

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Or maybe Yea Forums doesn't have 24/7 mods. You got banned while they were here then, and this thread stays up because they aren't here now.

>raise your hand if you support healthcare coverage for all "undocumented immigrants"

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3 out of the 4 women Trump said that too were born in the US, user...

Visa-related crimes are so common that even the FLOTUS is a criminal who violated her visa.

...send her back?

hxh has good art

If they're in our concentration camps then they should receive healthcare. After all, you don't want them to become death camps, do you?

>mfw the author is from my country

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And 4 out of 4 of them can fuck right off.

I have never seen this before but I got an immediate unpleasant gut reaction from this image

Is it safe to assume this is just the start of something horrific?

Well, perhaps he should have said that instead of telling them to go back.

what they actually say is

>America sucks so much it should burn into ashes so we can rebuild a proper country this time

who are you quoting

was this page made by Aaron Diaz?

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Fuck off, go back, take your pick. They dont have to be here if they think it's nazi germany.

Go back... to where? They're from America.

Its some autistic comic called spongebob edd edd & eddy sonic in the spooky or something house, there was a thread about it recently


This isn't just for criminals that were caught, it's for people living illegally without consequence. If you don't want deportations, arrests, or tightened border security and have zero standards for someone claiming asylum then you are for open borders with equally available government benefits. And the reasons why a politician would support this are unsurprising, but obviously not sustainable.

here is a comic

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That's doesn't hold up, because the perceived flaws are only an issue to the people complaining. It would be more like if the walls were painted blue, but they're complaining because they want them to be orange.

Wherever their ideal country is that they think the US should be more like. Probably Venezuela.

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but user
the walls are painted orange, and people want them blue

But how can they go back there if they've never been there? Do you not know how words work?

No 2020 democrats advocated for anything you just said. Making up a strawman Democrat to argue against will only work with people who already agree with you.


Maybe they could go back to where their parents or ancestors hailed from, or perhaps a country that shares their 20th century beliefs? Back to a place that appeals to their ancient, primal soul which has lives countless lives might have once called home? I guess the possibilities really are endless and it is, if anything, a liberating statement.

Trump got into politics by constantly blasting out how much of a shithole he thinks america is should he go back to his ancestral homeland or

Right, they'll probably get around to deporting them after the medical care and citizenship.


It seems like you don't really believe what you're saying. Maybe his behavior really is indefensible after all.

Your argument works perfectly if you ignore context. Taking your example the difference between a blue and orange wall. A blue wall costs $100 in upkeep. An orange one costs $1000. Even if only they care about the issue, it has a tangible effect on the people in charge of the walls so brushing it off is like sticking your head in the sand.

All the actually bad stuff gets redrawn for the volume release. It's mostly people that don't actually read it that perpetuate the meme about his art. Not to imply it's perfect, but the composition and paneling in a vacuum is enough to keep it from being bad. It definitely has more style than both adaptations, at the very least.

I think the first two are pretty apt, especially when anybody regardless of national origin/heritage is fair game for being compared to Russians or Nazis or whatever.

So you're saying people shouldnt move to different countries?
Having some big thinks right now.

Yes? Democrats as an institution are pro deportation. You can argue that they don't go far enough but they do deport and that's been proven by the last administration. You are arguing against a made up straw man because you've mistaken the democrats republicans say they are for the real party.

Because those comparisons are about behavior, not about race. If you assume that an American isn't from America because their skin isn't white, that's racist.

What the fuck is this post even supposed to accomplish.

Can you explain what "go back" means, and how someone can "go back" to someplace they've never been?

They also promote sanctuary cities and want to abolish ICE.

Not until we start killing the illegals

It means throw them over the wall into Mexico, since they seem far more concerned about appealing to Mexicans than to Americans.

imagine being enough of a Dipshit to think this.

>"leave if you don't like it" is a great and non-racist principle, but I would never consider following it myself, as a white conservative who hates the Liberal Media

What does that have to do with "go back"? They wouldn't be going back to Mexico. They're from America.

I think their attitudes towards him and their general rhetoric would be considered a behavior. This should be incredibly obvious to see. I wonder why white people voting was called a whitelash? Race will get mixed into absolutely everything in a multiracial society.

If I've been misled by anything it would be MSNBC, which I consume regularly. I did not realize this channel and the democratic candidates were trying to paint themselves in a negative light.

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>which I consume regularly
God knows you are lying, user.

Did you miss the part of history where the last POTUS was known as the "Deporter in Chief"? Democrats deport people too. The difference between then and now is the zero-tolerance policy to permanently split up every single family. We didn't have that policy in the last administration.

ice is an absolute shitshow, so yes.

You can want secured borders while also opposing the idea of an unregulated and opaque agency of the DHS that has carte blanche to do whatever the hell it wants 100 miles within the border and any port of entry.

The /pol/ fearmongers that he let worm their way into his brain

Isnt that just white flight?

>same line of logic.

>people should stay and fix the country they were born in
>unless they're brown and the country in question is the us, then they need to 'go back'

so this is the power of the alt wrong.

Do you just like to create realities where you can be right? I see roughly an hour of it a day, and hear about three hours. Fuck off.

Obama did nothing if at all to change the existing system in place, including things like birthright citizenship and a lack of border security or sanctuary cities etc., and does not represent the 2020 field of candidates. The left has been constantly moving towards open borders on this issue. Trump's policy or at the very least rhetoric was popular among the left a little more than a decade ago.

"Send the uppity black people back to their home country" was not really popular with the left 10 years ago

I was talking about walls and deportations. By rhetoric I mean talking about doing it, not actual implementation. Much like Trump.

They will if we deport them to Mexico. They'll be much happier there.

I think the sentiment was more that they should leave if living here is so awful, not that they should go "back" wherever they came from. It's a common refrain. Not defending the comment, either.

It really was, though. They just packaged it as Afrocentrism.

The problem is on their end. Society shouldn't have to change to accommodate them. There's nothing to 'fix'.

Honestly the only person that ever really says that living in America is awful is Trump himself.

I think you're mistaken on what the predominant sentiment is. The last rally had "send her back" as their main chant, not "love it or leave it" or anything of that sort. They're not ashamed of it, they're actually embracing the idea of sending people "back".

Why is it always /pol/ comics being posted in modern political comics threads?

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He says that his opponents
>"originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all)"
and he's speaking about people who were born in America, so...

There are many people who say living in America is awful. I don't see how it's a valid political point.

I see. I don't follow the news, really. Was it directed at Omar or others?

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this is some nobody on twitter, it's really obvious that you're advertising your shitty text in boxes here

> Trump's policy or at the very least rhetoric was popular among the left a little more than a decade ago.

>indefinite detention for those suspected of being illegals
>including infants
>grouping the sick with the healthy
>charging 700 dollars a day per suspect
>why let coyotes rape the children when we can let good american citizens do it instead?

fuck off, alt wrong.

also, i wouldn't put this on obama but during his term we found that a bond program with gps collars cost the us govt 10 cents a day and had a 99 percent success rate at getting the illegals to show up for their hearings. trump ended this program. 10 cents a day vs 700 dollars a day plus having to wear this absolute crap on the face.

the camps are not really defensible at this point, unless you are a white nationalist.

I mean, even without twisting the logic of his latest statements back on himself, his rise to political fame was shitting on America, and all throughout the election he described America as basically a third world country.

Well in this line, they came from somewhere else THEN tried to change the new country.

This time it was just at Omar. This time. They're just ignoring the previous demand that the others should go back too, rather than acknowledging that there was anything wrong with its logic.

>including infants
I never understood this argument. If you are arrested for committing a crime, and crossing the border without first checking in at a port of entry is a crime, any child you have with you will be separated from you. That's the same all over. What, we throw the kids out? Silly argument.

>indefinite detention
"Indefinite" only in the sense that immigration courts are overburdened and legally hamstrung. If the process was opened up the need for prolonged detention would be minimized.

>grouping sick with healthy
Again, the sheer volume of migrants is being underreported. These centers were never built to be housing facilities. It's not that anyone is deliberately or maliciously grouping people together, it's that there is no room.

>charging 700 dollars a day
to whom? The suspects? That's odd.

bullshit, that's twitterati nonsense and you know it.

Who is your "they"? There's only one singular person in that group who came from somewhere else. The others were born in America.

Did Trumptards forget that his entire platform was whining about America being a crappy country to live in?

How are coyotes nonsense?
Also charging the taxpayer to hold them you dumbass.


His whole platform is about going back. It's his slogan.

>If you are arrested for committing a crime
Seeking asylum is not a crime.

Not the coyotes, the "American citizens are raping marauders just like coyotes." Baseless and fucked.

I'm sure it's not.

I like that no Republican has had the balls to call him out, they're just trying to wait it out for the next scandal. What a whipped party.

It's "Make America Great Again" versus "America Was Never Great". Calling Trump an evil racist that hates women and minorities more or less solidifies that point, since the founding fathers would definitely agree with him on a vast majority of points.

Seeking asylum is a legal status that depends on the nature of your migration. It requires confirmation, it is not an assumed status.

Crossing the border without first confirming your migration at a port of entry is a crime. The only reason you would do one instead of the other is that you are not actually seeking asylum.

The founding fathers were racists, though. They were okay with slavery.

Also none of those women claimed that America was never great. Not sure what you're trying to argue here, Trumptard. "GO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY" to brown people is racist.

> crossing the border without first checking in at a port of entry is a crime

surprisingly, it's a civil infraction, not a federal one.

>"In Arizona v. the United States, the Supreme Court said simply being here undocumented is not a crime," she said. "There are civil violations and then there are criminal violations."

we used to separate children only when their guardian is suspected of a far worse crime.

They are textbook cultists.

I know you don't trust "the media" because Fox News told you not to, but they're using a report from the fucking DHHS itself.

This is the American government stating that American government employees are abusing children. Stop blaming Twitter when reality doesn't agree with you.

ICE is less than 20 years old and we got along fine without it before.

>A criminal violation comes with a punishment, like time in prison. Civil cases come with penalties instead. Deportation is considered a penalty under federal law, not a punishment.

You begin the asylum process AT the border. Part of the problem with zero tolerance is that they treat asylum seekers the same was as if they crossed the border illegally.

>The founding fathers were racists, though. They were okay with slavery.
That's literally not true at all. They wanted to get rid of slavery or at least acknowledge it as a problem but couldn't get south carolina to join the union if they did.

user, you should learn your history.

Well some of them.

>since the founding fathers would definitely agree with him on a vast majority of points.
Like what? The founding fathers were terrified of a President trying to rule like a King, and that's pretty much the only policy Trump is consistent on.


>However, in August 2017, 3.6% of the children had been separated from a parent or a guardian. After they are detained at the US border by Customs and Border Protection (CBP), they are placed in privately run shelters contracted by the government.

>Officials say most of the allegations haven’t been substantiated and are defending the care they provide to immigrant children.

From the article you posted. I trust the media, I don't trust twitterati fucks like you to interpret it for me.

If Trump is to be believed as someone who hates Mexicans and doesn't want them overtaking America, they would unanimously side with him.

Literally no one wants that though. The founding fathers all had pretty huge contrasts in political beliefs but they'd all dislike the idea of a President looting the White House for personal gain and throwing out orders like decrees.

Maybe Adams would be alright with the second, but everyone else would hate Trump and see through his act.

They'd take his policy over democratic policy well before considering personality. But this thread has run its course, have a nice day.

Would they? What has he accomplished exactly? They'd probably despise him giving so much to the middle east.

Also he's a retard for trying to distance himself from the "send her back" stuff, thats not going to be a part of his base that goes away.

Bro they designed the electoral college specifically around keeping someone like Trump far away from the presidency. So much of what our current political climate is absolutely not at all what our founding fathers wanted. Their thoughts are all on paper in the form of debates and the federalist papers. They would hate Trump.

If you don't want to pay taxes towards those 1000 dollar orange walls, then maybe you should fuck off to the place with blue walls.

Getting dominated does that to you.

>It definitely has more style than both adaptations,
Uh, no. The only way Hunter x Hunter is tolerable is in animation.

>Orange man makes tweet
>Suddenly nothing is actually getting done politically
>Political discourse has completely shifted to cheeto man tweet
>House dems can't sit to talk about fucking anything because of how angry they are
And all Trump has to do is point and say
>Look how dysfunctional they are. Vote for me.
The dude's fixing to take 2020 and nobody's actually trying to stop him.

>House passes bills
>Senate Majority Leader refuses to allow the Senate to vote on them
The House can't actually do anything more than what they're already doing.

His biggest achievement is the longest government shutdown in US history. Dude couldnt get shit done with the house and senate and you're acting like its the dems wasting time?

Don't lie. You know what this is.

My favorite political takes are when people try to frame "angry old man tweets something crazy while watching fox news" as some masterstroke political strategy. It's like when everyone was jerking themselves off over how much of an evil genius Steve Bannon was when he was just a dumb drunk asshole that got lucky once and never again.

I'm SURE the History books will agree with you user.
It's ok to be ill informed user, events of the past 24 hours are difficult to keep up with when you're busy screaming about racist tweets.

What has Trump done then? Outside of supporting the fuck out of Israel and being a meme.

>I'm SURE the History books will agree with you user.
Until someone else beats his record, he will continue to hold the record for longest government shutdown.

>He thinks supporting Israel won't be a big deal to the history books
Whether you like it or not, he will go down in history as "Israel's Ally" and it will be framed as a good thing.

He'll also go down in history as having the longest government shutdown and having failed to get Mexico to pay for his wall.

Guess wypipo should head on back to scotland enlgand poland and italy then huh

We fucking wish, but those countries are full of brown people.

Also, conquest != immigration, the natives lost, get over it sweaty ;^)

Has there been a single president since Israel's creation that wasn't its ally?

Yeah, why should anyone ever have to Make America Great Again? Completely baseless platform, if it wasn't so great and didn't like it they should've just left

At no point will anyone refer to that as his "Greatest Achievement" user.
>Politicians don't keep campaign promises
Stop the fucking presses. Trump's supporters are lucky they got fucking anything out of him. Newsflash pal, American politics are corrupt from the ground up and there's nothing you can do about it.

Do you also cry about white genocide?

What was his greatest achievement? You know great doesnt necessarily denote good right.

The demographic trends certainly don't paint a pretty picture.

>Work a security job
>It's the early morning so there are a lot of construction people coming in to work, have to check them all in
>Almost none of them speak english
>They can't even communicate with me what job they're here to to
>Have to turn them away because they can't provide me with credentials
>They roll their eyes at me literally every single time
I can't imagine rolling up to a country in which I don't speak the dominant language, expecting other people to speak my language for me in the dialect I use (there's a person that "Speaks Spanish" where I work, apparently it's not the "Right Spanish"), and get fucking mad at people when they inevitably can't communicate with me.
Then the fucking feds roll in asking questions about the workers there, and I give them the information they ask in regards to suspicious activity. I got called a fucking nazi by one of my coworkers.
Turns out, there was an organized effort by the construction workers there to rob the surrounding businesses, and a majority of them were bringing in friends that weren't workers so they could case the joint.

You'll have to get over it :^)

His presidency isn't over yet? That's definitely a question you ask in retrospect.
Currently I think an impartial outsider looking in would consider opening good relations with North Korea his greatest achievement.

And then your coworkers stood up and clapped


Oh you're doing the pretending to be retarded thing, gotcha.

I mean, in the story I did the unpopular thing so they didn't?

We haven't lost yet, user ;^)

Wow good reply you disingenuous faggot

US is full of brown people too. Why not just leave if whitey don't like it then? ;^)

Because it was white first, after we conquered the reds ;^)

>opening good relations with North Korea his greatest achievement.
I mean thats what you wrote, dipshit.

How are those relations faring?

Better than they have been in previous terms? He fucking met with Kim on Nork soil face to face, literally no other pres has done that.
But that's a non-achievement, right? Just a photo-op, right?

Did it accomplish anything tangible?

Like I said, you're pretending to be retarded. Or possibly legitimately retarded. Either way what an embarrassing thing to claim. Their last attempt at
negotiation meeting resulted in them canceling it and going their seperate ways early.

Yeah Kim decided he was gonna fly the American flag and open a McDonalds on every Nork street corner.
You faggots fucking suck. You think small steps aren't even worth it if you can't fucking win immediately. Why bother when you won't get everything in Round 1?
You talk like an effeminate robot my dude. So the most recent meeting got cancelled which invalidates literally everything leading up to it?
Holy shit I hope you people never have to do any diplomacy on my behalf or I'm totally fucked.

And you type like a retard, kiddo.

umad? :^)

Attached: bugs bunny uses his psychic powers to turn elmer fudd into a human swastika, signalling the beginnin (1266x866, 152K)

>ask what happened as a result of NK goodwill
>Trumptard spazzes out
Really makes you think...

Kim Jong Un keeps punking Trump and Trump keeps giving concessions to NK for the privilege of getting punked. NK is establishing themselves as a nuclear superpower and trump is blowing kissy faces at him.

u mad

Naw you guys are right, we should just go to war with North Korea. And China for that matter. Fuck it, Iran can come too, the more the merrier. Being nice to people is gay, it makes you look weak, and there's nothing that can be gained from trying to establish positive relationships with foreign powers.

Trump was the one who almost started a war with Iran, user.

Small steps? The entire North Korean situation relies on two things and two things only: China and nukes. This is not a situation where two countries can open up to each other and improve their relationship through small steps because the entire reason NK exists is to be adversarial to the United States.

You're getting upset at the man for things he wound up not doing user

user you're dickriding Trump pretty hard. It makes you look like republitard.

Your labels hold no power over me tribesman. Enjoy your Red vs Blue shit.

Big talk from the guy assblasted about Trump receiving criticism.

Next you'll say the "go back to your country" stuff isnt racist.

He ordered an attack, and then he claims that he changed his mind when someone pointed out that a lot of people would die in the attack.

Did this really happen? Did he order an attack without realizing that a lot of people would die? Is he actually that stupid and short-sighted?

Or is it just a lie, and the truth is something even worse?

What can be gained from a positive relationship with NK? Peace in the Korean peninsula isn't going to be gained by Trump trading concessions to NK for photo ops and positive puff headlines. The mountain they did their nuclear testing in collapsed in on itself, and we're letting them perfect their retarded nuclear technology... because why? When Kim Jong Un is doing the same shit Kim Jong Un always does, but backed up by actual working nuclear weapons, no one is going to give a SHIT about the photos of Trump walking on North Korean soil.

Your party literally functions as a religion. The most insidious and subversive religion ever created. A religion that manages to force out other religions by masquerading as something else. A religion that infliltrates and perverts even scientific institutions in order to give itself a sheen of legitimacy, with countless examples of researchers who make factually accurate, evidence based claims being excommunicated because what they said was morally wrong.
You've taken a leap back to the inquisition. Science agrees with you in the same way it did when Galileo rescinded his heliocentric views.
And the best part is you're SO fucking stupid. Like any religion, there's purpose to the mantra. And like any religion, the purpose and the preacher say something completely different from each other. You fools will ignore the fact that the ultra welathy elite, the Hollywood millionaires, the mutlinational corporations, all of them near without fault, so uniformly that Thiels claim to fame is that he's near enough the only one that isn't in line, preach your mantra. And you STILL believe that the mantra will lead to your promised land of equality. How fucking STUPID does a person need to be to believe that the 1% are leading the charge against the 1% in order to redistribute wealth from the 1%? As dumb as a progressive. Of course the fact that your party gets more funding from the elite, the fact that in the leaked emails (the silly debate about them aside, the veracity of which is unchallenged) shows a literal Rothschild, the absolute wealthiest family in the world talking about which direction your presidential candidates policy should take in an assertive manner, none of this means anything, the promised land lies ahead. A cult so stupid they will talk about how evil the nazis were for burning books out one side of their mouth, then support the censorship of any heresy out the other. Apparently you cultists believe the crime they commited was carbon emission.

For one thing, in the 1700s it was considered undignified to use soap and water. I'm also quite certain that they would look at these illegal pests drinking water out of a toilet and think that they are idiots for ever shitting in it.

Also, we must remember that the notion of surplus population was quite en vogue in those days, and I believe our founding fathers would be quite in favor of separating children and spreading disease so as to cull the excess population in a natural manner. If a child dies of disease, it is because God has ordained it. Go ahead and blame God, not man. It is certainly not our duty to go against the wishes of God.

You might say that they could be bothered by the reversal of a seemingly successful policy, but if the real aim were to cull undesirables and to discourage migration then I'm sure that they would see the logic in all this and be quite in support of it. The only part they may balk at is the excess cost of these facilities.

With all the noise that the dummycrats make you would think that the illegals were stacked head to toe, 10 feet high, but they are not. They have plenty of room to move. It is on this point that I disagree with Trump, as I believe it is unjust that we should spend even one penny more on building new facilities when there is already ample room. It is not our duty to guarantee a prisoner's happiness, and yet our sympathetic President cares. The issue with Trump is that he is far, far, far, far too kind. Trump's only failing is that he is too decent of a man.

If our founding fathers were alive, I'm sure they would rather put these prisoners to work or leave them to die. They would certainly not agree with the lush, luxurious lodgings our good citizens have been charged to provide.

Is this copypasta

Unironically based and redpilled, and I truly do mean that.

It is now.

Man, I miss the Colbert Report. Good try, but it's just not the same.

I stopped reading this shit because it was so incredibly fucking wordy like holy SHIT CALM THE FUCK DOWN.

>Hey if you want to change things you should get into politics.
>I have successfully been elected by my constituents with no foreign interference with the purpose of changing things.
Said by the guy with the (ripped off) tagline of "Make America Great Again", as if it wasn't already great. Fucking hypocrite.

One thing I find painfully ironic is most of the irl people towing the line in this way also has a 'hilarious' story of how some mic or wop ancestor of theirs jumped off the boat pulling into Ellis Island to get into the country.

Honestly don't get their "logic".
Everything they have is given to them. They didn't take any of it. By which I mean when America claimed independance from the Empire, they didn't repeatedly call the Brits racist over and over until they finally felt sorry enough to give them something, they killed the pricks until nobody could tell them what to do. It didn't matter what the Brits wanted because they didn't have the capacity to make a choice.
But it's not like that for the ones causing a ruckus today. The slaves didn't earn or take their freedom, it was given at the whim of the white people who felt sorry for them. Mexicans and other assorted immigrants didn't earn or take their right to live in the US, it was given to them again by the whims of the conscientious.
So I really don't understand why these groups who have what they have on good will alone seem intent on exhausting that resource. Do they really think it ends well for them?

Did you go to school in Kansas?

>It's ok to almost start disasters as long as I also get credit for ending them
This is like the fifth time Trump pulled this shit who the fuck are you kidding. It's basically a routine and he ends up demanding a Nobel Peace Prize for not following through on his own threats.

They're banking on the inherent empathy and civility of whitey to keep them docile until it's too late, ere the saxon begins to hate.

So the Civil Rights Movement is just a big blur to you?

user this applies to white NEETs ranting about niggers.

user you have a really simplistic view of American history.

>all these asshurt (you)'s
A fine haul, user.

>Run on a platform that America is its current state is fucked, and only you can return it to when it was great
>Proceed to yell at brown people who criticize America to go back to their own countries (despite them being US born)

Attached: 084.png (600x512, 298K)

Its going to be hilarious seeing SEND HER BACK popping up at future rallies. What a bunch of retards.

You don't gain anything aside from maybe a small dopamine hit from (you)s.

Attached: (you).jpg (3840x2160, 1.46M)

>3 out of the 4 women Trump said that too were born in the US, user

>risk your life to bring your family out of an authoritarian shithole into the land of liberty
>looking back, you shed a single tear but smile knowing that unlike you, your child will be free
>years later your child condemns the land you fought to bring her up in
>instead of trying to be a good american as you did, she condemns america as racist and says it should change to fit her whims
>she condemns the free market system and demands an authoritarian economic system like the one you fled from
>she calls america sexist when if she stayed where you grew up she would be forced to dress in rags and be accompanied by men everywhere
>confused president wonders if you hate it so much, why don't you go back to the land of your ancestors
>you cry out from your grave in wails of anguish
>"forgive her, president trump, she knows not what she does!"

Do you have brain problems?

Trump ran on America being a shithole, and a vote for him is a vote in agreement that America is a shithole. Why don't you two go back?

I'm not , user, but I thank (you) for the (you) nonetheless.

Here, take my (you) too, for (you)!

there's no contradiction.

when it was great---> where it is now ---> where angry brown people want to take it

as you see, where trump wants to take it is in the opposite direction from where angry brown people want to take it.

Civil rights movements are a lot easier when dealing with civil people user. Do you really think if you took empathy out of the equation the result would have been the same? Well you're doing your damn best to find out. I mean I've already mentioned them but a certain German party comes to mind.
At the heart it was still an appeal to good will.

>Trump ran on America being a shithole, and a vote for him is a vote in agreement that America is a shithole. Why don't you two go back?
Back in time? We're working on it.


You aound pretty racist user.

>Civil rights movements are a lot easier when dealing with civil people user.
You sound completely ignorant about the civil rights movements in America.

No, nothing against patriotic brown people. Just the angry America-hating ones. The white America-haters are bad too of course, I only mention brown people because the guy I responded to did.

Oh, let's see here

>darkies got arrested, sprayed with hoses, denied service in white areas
>more rarely, beaten
>even more rarely, killed
>in the end, though, white empathy won out and they gave rights to blacks, changing their whole system of law just to accommodate them, and even now subsidize blacks just for existing

compared to

>rebellious minority gets slaughtered like it would in any country other than a 20th century western one not in the throes of ideology, either forcing the minority to respond in kind with force, bite the bit, or be eradicated

Civil people end conflicts with law.

Are you denying the holocaust?

Does anyone unironically dispute the fact that America would be far better without "people of color"?
We might lose a doctor or two, but our gum violence would drop to virtually nothing, the average IQ skyrocket, and our cities would actually be livable again.

>more rarely, beaten

Trumps entire dumbass campaign was how about America sucks ass

But white people are dumb as fuck

don't even fucking bother.

For allowing it all to happen? I suppose you're right.

>Civil rights movements are a lot easier when dealing with civil people user.
Repeating a word doesn't make it a clever or true phrase, user, are you seriously this much of a fucking retard? There wouldn't be a civil rights movement if people WEREN'T civil in the FIRST place.

Yes, user, that's what happens when you're causing a civil disturbance and resisting arrest. Don't cry when the long arm of the law fists you after you poke it with a stick.

user, the legal limit for retardation was literally decreased a whole 10 IQ points to 70, just to avoid having the vast majority of the black population be legal retards.

Getting democratically elected so you can fix broken policies for the betterment of the American people is not 'America-Hating'. The people Trump is criticizing with his twitter tantrum did just that. You can be critical of aspects of America and still love it, because the want to make it better comes out of a love for it.
On the other side as well, civil disobedience is a highly patriotic gesture in American culture even since Thoreau was canonized.
This is just racist FOX-tier propoganda. Read the essay Airing Dirty Laundry by Ishmael Reed my friend.

The best part about the OP comic is applies to people who bitch about how much this site sucks and how things were better before the election.
That was honestly why I clicked.

>Trump's tweet wasnt racist
Yeah his supporters definitely seem legit.

So? He can only do that as long as he stays in office. Just like the angry brown people can push the country in the direction they want while they're in Congress. The question is, why does someone who isn't white get challenged on their right to be here and participate in the political debate, and democracy?
This goes hand in hand with this idea
That an immigrant who keeps their head down as if they're just a guest in the country they've made their home is a "Good American" because they don't rock the boat. When someone immigrates and becomes a citizen, they're not a guest in YOUR country, they're your fucking neighbor. It becomes their country as much as yours, and they and their children have as much of a right to speak up about what kind of government they want as you do.

Why do racist people even care that people call them racist if they don't understand that being racist is wrong?

>if the walls were painted blue, but they're complaining because they want them to be orange

The flaw in this is that it's not stated if the wall being blue/orange is a good or bad thing.

If blue is bad and people complain orange is better, then pro orange is in the right.

>This is just racist FOX-tier propoganda. Read the essay Airing Dirty Laundry by Ishmael Reed my friend.
Why not read studies like bowling alone and replicate studies, or those that show the lifetime economic impact of the average person by demographic.
Oh yeah, you can't bullshit those as easily as you can writing.

I think it undoubtedly would be, but only because darkies are more prone to be poor and uneducated. and those factors mostly make the country worse. You could accomplish the same by kicking out all the white trash; it isn't as if there's something miraculous in white genes that make them better.

Its like when homophobes get triggered at being called homophobes. They dislike the label as if it generalizes them, hilariously enough.

Also people seem to keep forgetting that Trump was a fucking birther. This is a guy who was claiming he had legit sources telling him Obama's birth certificate was fake.

If you don't like it here, go back. :)

>Why do atheists even care that people call them atheists is they don't understand that not being Islamic is wrong
>t. Libyan state and clergy
What a brainlet fucking comment.

>It's racist to send someone back to a nation
I thought race doesn't create a nation? America is a melting pot, so should whateveristan she comes from.
Besides, it isn't about race. It's about Islam and the actual oppression happening there due to Islam and it's horrid Misogynistic culture