What are your thoughts on the Nolan's Batman trilogy? Do you think it aged well?

What are your thoughts on the Nolan's Batman trilogy? Do you think it aged well?

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Does the rest of the DC universe exist in the Nolanverse? I can't remember any mention of other superheroes/villains or the use of superpowers.

They're shit like everything DC does and absolutely not

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Its still my favorite cape series. I dont give a fuck

good movies but terrible as batman movies
>i won't kill you but i don't have to save you
is one of the least batman things anyone could ever say or do.

Still love them, and yes, they've aged fine. TDKR is the weakest (but the best for memes), Begins has the best Gotham, and TDK is still my overall favorite.

As movies the first two are okay overall. I think where they fail the most (both as adaptations and on their own merits) is that they don't do a very good job of making the central conceit convincing. Batman himself just isn't that believable in the world Nolan creates, and it's not that believable that Bale's Bruce Wayne would feel compelled to do what he does how he does it.

st is the best one
nd is the best made
rd is the stupidest and most enjoyable to watch

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Terrible cinema
Terrible capeshit

Begins: don't really like it, typical gritty realistic cape shit, although it's still enjoyable because Nolan isn't a hack like Snyder.
Dark Knight: a very fun movie, one of (if not the only) film that I think did the gritty dark thing right.
TDKR: ehh

Way, way, way better than both Snyder shit and WB's attempt at reverse Snyder shit.

Begins: Very good
Dark Knight: Good but let's be honest: Ledger carried that movie.
Rises: Eh disappointing desu

first was fine, second was overrated but good, third shat the bed
completely inappropriate actor for batman. wrong chin, awful voice
ignored what makes comics fun, even more than tim burton did. still had some good violence and some fine writing.
alfred isn't a fucking cockney, and he calls him master BRUCE, not master wayne. he's a surrogate fucking father.
giving batman a flexible neck for once was inspired, but a black-on-black bat symbol shows such disdain and/or ignorance for what a superhero is and looks like...

Worst Bruce so far, competent supporting cast and atmosphere.
That said, second move was way above the rest and begins gets some points for building things up. Third couldn't live to the expectations because the second one was a accident. Overall fun as far as trilogy goes, but with only one good movie

The unending, nightly war on crime?
Nah let's just gave him take out a couple criminals and then uh, retire to be a depressed hermit who hobbles around on a busted knee for some reason...over some chick he met that got killed. But then he uh comes back triumphantly! But then he gets his back broken. But then he heals his back with a third world prison chiropractor real quick! But then he retires again and doesn't even speak to alfred for some reason. Also he gives his secrets, the keys to his arsenal to some pig he met a couple days ago. K i n o and comic accurate

Probably my favorite movie along with Boondock Saints and American History X

Begins as good
TDK gets worse every time you re-watch it
TDKR was an absolute garbage fire

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Entertaining, but could have been so much better.

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I enjoyed the first 2 films. Nolan's deep throat Batman voice was sometimes a bit funny, especially when he was only talking to Alfred.

Rises however? Didn't really like it. I hated the idea that after Bruce recovered from a snapped spine and all that...He really just got straight into fisticuffs with Bane again. He didn't even try to use so much as a taser. Isn't he meant to have fucking gadgets? It's like he learned nothing. And had Hathaway not shown up and killed Bane in literally one shot, Bruce would have died then and there.
They don't even address how his no kill rule was broken by Catwoman and achieved immeasurably greater success than using fisticuffs.

I mean...he didn't even try a tranq dart. He's got a suped up motorbike and a flying hovercraft thing, but nothing in his belt except for a couple smoke bombs.

>But Bruce wanted to prove to himself that he could overcome the odds HIS way, bla bla
There might have been better ways to portray that theme.

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Why did no one go crazy while taking a hot shower?

>TDK gets worse every time you re-watch it
so fucking true

>a busted knee for some reason
did you even see the Dark Knight?
It ends with him tackling a dude off like a four story building, that's how he fucked his leg.

Batman Begins and the Dark Knight did. It has some really stupid moments like that (fingerprints from a bullet detective work) but it worked well. TDKR is a garbage film.

The first two, yes. Rises stopped ageing well fairly quickly.