Thinking about me, user?

Thinking about me, user?

Attached: 1557989260906.jpg (500x375, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:

no you give me henry darger vibes

you made my parents divorce

Attached: butthurt wojak.jpg (626x750, 49K)

would fuck

henry darger's art is cool

the edgy mature reboot of angela anaconda was weird

Attached: MV5BMzAxNTUxZGUtMDlmYi00MDMwLTkyNDMtYWJkYjU2N2MzZjc5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzU1NzE3NTg@._V1_CR0,45,480,270_ (477x268, 17K)

What do you mean with this? Art style is completely different

Back to the oven anna

>Insulting one of the best indie-artists in American history just to make fun of a sub-par Canadian cartoon
K fag

thanks for saving from digimon

>dislike something
>this is an insult
k retard

Remember when this shit used to be American?

Attached: 1558834379492.png (465x357, 129K)

>to this day, nobody has even tried to make good rule34 of this cartoon

idk who she is but her show has the same aesthetics to dirtgirl and that alone kills my boner

>Thinking about me, user?
Why does wearing boy underwear feel so good?

I just looked that up.
Jesus, that's scary. This makes Angela look better by comparison.

Attached: dirtgirl.jpg (400x254, 58K)

Why would anyone want to do that?

Attached: 1562222622427.png (631x480, 488K)

>wearing boy underwear
it's fact that men's underwear is more comfortable than womens

The challenge.

>There literal a episode of Angela anaconda about her wearing boys underwear and being afraid people will see her with boys underwear when wearing a skirt

Attached: 1ADECC23-E4D4-4279-AC41-51E84F768E83.jpg (650x1000, 39K)

I still have no idea why they drew this

Attached: 75564275_p0.jpg (1000x1329, 216K)

these are alright:
don't open this one.

The only "thinking" I'll be doing is thinking of simmering.

Attached: endworldmunger.jpg (480x360, 14K)

Delete those links


Because japs love girl protagonists and slice of life shows, not to mention that blunt bang cut hairstyle.

can't. I don't own the site

There's actually a pretty on-model one I saw a while back

thing is, I'm pretty sure it was made with photos of real naked kids, (as all the faces in the show are photographs)

What the fuck is that doing on Starz?

Angela is cute! CUTE!