Mfw Thanos was proved right, and the “heroes” didn’t give a shit

>mfw Thanos was proved right, and the “heroes” didn’t give a shit
>the “heroes” didn’t even offer a single possible solution to the issues he solved with the snap

Was this face the moment thanos realised life deserved its fate, when the apparent “best” of it were such savages they brutally murdered his future self for no reason or gain, and were now undoing the only thing that could preserve life?

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Thanos has so mucus power with the stones in wakanda and on Titan that he’s basically invincible.
>chooses to refrain from killing a single avenger or hero, even as they keep trying to murder him. Killing them was pointless, he only wanted to do the random snap

>avengers have power over thanos on his farm
>they fhoose to mutilate, and then kill him, even though he’s weak as shit compared to them now, and there’s zero gain from it

Fuck the avengers

I'm pissed that discussion didn't happen at all. Just one throwaway line about orcas in the harbor. We didn't see much of how the world changed in those five years at all but we get an elongated scene of Hulk eating and Thor playing fortnite

That’s life for you.

>kills half the universe
>everyone that went to hand him his ass had loved ones that died because of it
>surprised that nobody tried to reason with him
Nah man, Thanos started something and the Avengers went to finish it. It's literally what their name implies, they're not the Reasoners with Universal Murderers.

They're called the Avengers for a reason. Direct all of that to the Champions or the Illuminati or something.

>>the “heroes” didn’t even offer a single possible solution to the issues he solved with the snap
What problems were those?
The movies didn't even go into that stuff.
Overpopulation? Environmental destruction?
They might have spent literally three seconds referencing something to do with that.

Should have just had Thanos' motivation been pleasing Death.

>so mucus power

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Thanos is stupid because over time things would become over populated again.

Thanos himself didn't have a goddamn solution. He needed an Ian Malcolm to explain that he can't goddamn keep an entire universe just the way he likes it forever

>for no reason or gain,

??? He was still a dangerous lunatic and more than a match for a normal superhero, even crippled. Why take the risk of keeping him alive?

But they did. When Natasha and Steve were chatting she mentioned that whales returned to the bay and other life was thriving, but they had to survive on PB&J sandwiches because of the shortage of food.

I think she just made a simple sandwich. There's probably no shortage necessarily. Fucking hulk had easily a dozen eggs and like 50 sausage links he was eating in the diner scene.

How many people do you have to kill before you’re considered “Just kill the fucking Joker already” Level?

It wasn't about a food shortage, the point of the scene was sure, great, whales, but that's not gonna make up for the physical and emotional devastation that the snap caused.

>made the universe better
Based retard who didn't even understand why Thanos did what he did

He didn't solve anything because hes in it for his own warped ego as proven when he wont even listen to Gamora raising the slightest question to his retarded plans. If Thanos spent 2 minutes looking into demography he'd see his entire scheme makes no sense. DOUBLY so when you find out in Endgame he never planned to snap again (when the population inevitably booms back to its former dangerous levels). He literally thought he was done. Forever. For fucking eternity. What an absolute grape.

Just as a reminder, Major League Baseball ran during World War 2. It was impeded, but it kept going. Things were apparently so bad after the snap that Major League Baseball didn't exist anymore.

So things were probably pretty fucking bad.

Well no shit. America had the fucking Atlantic and Pacific Ocean between them and the enemy, why the fuck would Major League Baseball stop. The mainland USA was never in any realistic danger whatsoever.

Population growth is exponential, the genophage plague would have been much more effective

Baseball kept going during the war, yes, but it was women's baseball.

Didn't you see A League of Their Own.

I've heard that even normies think, when they learn about it, that the love of death personified thing would have been a lot less of a stupid motivation.

the PB&J was because Nat was depressed, you fucking autist.

Even if there were true, it is in no way the majority opinion.

do you have proof? no? fuck off then

>>the “heroes” didn’t even offer a single possible solution to the issues he solved with the snap

Are you idiot or what? Stark already created clean energy in Avengers and you can use Pym Particles for the other resources... I'm surprised Earth achieved too much and the rest of the universe is full of retards.

>be homeless and jobless
>snap happens
>tons of positions open up
>economy falters for a little over a year but soon sky rockets
>unemployment is at an all time low
>just got a promotion this month
>bought a house last year
Have you thanked based Thanos today?

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Most people at least realized that thanos' motivation and plan were stupid.

>mfw Thanos was proved right
No; he was retarded,

>>the “heroes” didn’t even offer a single possible solution to the issues he solved
He didn't solve shit (in 50-so years humanity will be back at the same point) and the heroes were just retarded not to point out he could double resources/space, or just make it so people are more responsible.

>No; he was retarded,
Yes he was. Steve admits that nature is doing better. The only reason they wanted to reverse it was bitch feelings

You either didn't read that user's full post, in which case work on your reading comprehension, retard, or you're purposefully ignoring parts to bait.
The population will eventually rebound and things would be right back to where they were, only thanos destroyed the stones and wouldn't be able to snap a second time.
Thanos and his plan are retarded and so are you for not understanding that.

Literally LITERALLY just finished the film and that pissed me off. Also hate how despite it being 5 years later, everyone is still all super sad about what happened. I know what happened was universe wide scale but I still think it's ridiculous how no one has gotten over it. It's understandable for some characters to have not gotten over it but that therapy session scene with hulk and captain america talking about their day to day lives being miserable was so fucking dumb.

Literally how would their be a shortage of food?

Wouldn't even need to buy a house. There'd be a shit ton available for basically free

Where does this theory that population would go back to normal in 50 years come from? Multiple people have said it and I don't understand

He's very much so incorrect because his entire idea is predicated on the assumption that sentient life is desirable. It's roundabouts the same problem I have with evil gods of death and whatnot, because more things will die than will ever live so it's ridiculous they'd ever care enough to get involved with anything rather than just let everything inevitably fall apart. There is no point to life if it doesn't die, so when you get races like Thanos's that are likely functionally immortal scarcity doesn't matter because that's always gonna be the endgame. There is nothing to work towards, you just act as a force of destruction. It is not more noble to kill half that will repopulate. If Thano's wanted true balance he would remove all life from the equitation which would drastically increase the lifespan until the heat death of that universe.

>therapy session scene with hulk
that wasn't hulk user
it was a random faggot

Vision though

Humanity isn't coming back after fifty years after half the planet just vanishes. Even discounting how damaging losing 3.5 billion people in a second would be physically the emotional damage on a population is even worse. Then you have to account for the age of those left behind. Are their more old people than young or vice versa? Either way the gap of age will play a factor. What about the people who thought Thanos was right, or thought the world was better off after the snap? I'm sure a lot of survivors would change their way of life drastically due to what Thanos did. It made Hawkguy a murderer for Christ sake, why not some guy who's already an green go even more into those ideas. Thinking that people will just bounce back in half a century is retarded

>Where does this theory that population would go back to normal in 50 years come from
Statistics.It's close to 50 or so years for people to double their numbers. Even if we consider that they were 'more responsible', it would still be back at about 70-80 years. And by the way, that's true for humans. Other species might be back much sooner.

Honestly, if Thanos was really in the genociding boner, he could just make half of the population sterile for the same results, but the best course of action would really be to just.. make it so people are happy with whatever situation they are in. Hell.. he could just change humans so they can only reproduce once each 10 years. So many opportunities on the table, and he did nothing.

>Literally LITERALLY just finished the film and that pissed me off. Also hate how despite it being 5 years later, everyone is still all super sad about what happened. I know what happened was universe wide scale but I still think it's ridiculous how no one has gotten over it. It's understandable for some characters to have not gotten over it but that therapy session scene with hulk and captain america talking about their day to day lives being miserable was so fucking dumb.
I can understand people still being sad but there would be a lot of emotions going around. Skipping five years and glossing over them was retarded. Stark was living it up and had a family, there'd be a ton of people like that but none of it is explored

It's his face when he realized he could have just made infinite resources with the infinity stones instead and be hailed as the the single greatest hero of the galaxy instead of a crazy mass murderer

>their day to day lives being miserable was so fucking dumb.
You can get over losing a loved one but something as existentially dreadful as half the population just turning to ash is going to change human culture forever. It would be like how cultures suffer from wars but across the entire planet and several times worse from the supernatural element making absolutely everyone feel powerless on every level. There'd probably be suicides in the millions and religions and countries that take it so bad they chimp out and kill a few other millions.
>Where does this theory that population would go back to normal in 50 years come from?
3.5 billion was the Earth population in the 70s, although it'd probably be a faster come-back from modern medical and industrial technology keeping people alive for longer. Probably why they didn't discuss the morality of the Snap much since in reality it would be pretty pointless for Earth never mind planets with tiny populations/advanced enough not to have overpopulation problems.

Thanos' entire premise that killing 50% the population at random halves resource usage is false. Most of the population is pretty goddamned poor and has a minuscule footprint compared to the average American. And he's giving, for example, Tony Stark the same odds to live as the Koch brothers. Just delaying mainstream usage of arc reactors might have such catastrophic effects on the environment that he may as well have killed a few million more people, rendering the snap inherently unfair when seen at anything but the extremely short term

What statistics? Is this based on our past or what? says it pretty well. A lot more happened I don't think the population could really double like that. There would need to be a shit ton more work. I could believe 200 years or so I guess.

Exactly. It sounds a bit edgy but in some peoples lives, others dying/vanishing out of thin air would only do good for them for multitude of reasons. I could definitely see it ruining some other peoples lives but ultimately everyone has redemption.

Ironically humans reproduce faster the harder their life is from loads of factors like
>higher infant mortality meaning you need to try for more children because some of them might just die as a babby
>higher stress means more unhealthy coping habits like lots of unprotected casual sex
>being dependent on your children in your old age from having no social safety net or retirement homes
>requiring your children to help you in your work and daily chores
>women usually have less independence the harsher the environment so are kept at home looking after and having kids rather than having their own career
>not having access to contraception or abortions and poorer sex education
and we have less children the easier life is (e.g. some modern first world countries dipping under replacement rate).

Are you fucking retarded? She made the quickest meal possible because she was obsessed with her work and didn't want to take the time to even cook something. The beginning of the fucking scene has the other members of the meeting telling her there's nothing going on and that she needs to calm down.

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He thought everyone would see things his way eventually. That’s why past Thanos wanted to remake the universe when he saw that didn’t happen. That’s also why Thanos destroyed the stones, he didn’t want to give into temptation on the chance he was actually wrong.

That's usually to compensate for high infant mortality like you said. Sure people would fuck around but in first world countries, and now that a lot of people are gone, contraceptives would be abundant. There's also no research into how the human mind can process half of all life ceasing to exist in the blink of an eye.

Yeah but assuming it's completely random isn't there a chance he caused multiple endangered species or even just ones on the danger threshold to die?

There's nothing to indicate that he distinguished between young and old and could have easily made it so there aren't enough of the species left to continue surviving.

I'm not the guy that said 50 years and that's probably an underestimate.
The POINT that you're either purposefully ignoring or too stupid to get is that EVENTUALLY populations will rebound to previous levels and since thanos got rid of the stones like the retard he is he can't periodically snap to keep things in check.
If you can't comprehend this then you're a retard and if you're purposefully ignoring that point then you're also a retard.

Dude, America still hasn't gotten over 9/11 close to 20 years later.

Randomly killing half of the population (including animals) is stupid because what if he fucked up the ecosystem by reducing the population of an already endangered species?

>So many opportunities on the table, and he did nothing.
Because it wasn't about making sense, it was about the studio execs thinking that the comic source motivation and probably a half dozen other ideas that the team came up with were "TOO comic-y" and pushing a stupid idea that only made sense to them and which they probably thought was really meaningful and topical without actually constructing any substance.

What problems? Resources don't run out, unless you can literally mine away the heavy elements of a planet and somehow not let them leech back into the ground.
Stars don't stop fusing elements together and exploding, seeding the universe with more material, etc.

You don't need the stones to do what he did. There are plenty of people who could see what he did as a positive. He already had followers so now he's made a name for himself on a universal scale. That means that plenty of people can do like he did before and kill half of the populations of planets by hand. Or less violently people could learn a lesson from those five years. Cultures could change their way of life and actually learn from what happened. You can't just assume people will go back to normal

Jews still haven't got over the holocaust after 70 supposed years

They really fucked up his character in End War.
He was mustache twirling evil levels of generic in End War

>Muh resources
Does he know how fucking big the universe is? Is not like every single solitary planet in the universe has been colonised, or every star in the universe has a dyson sphere arround it, if those advanced alien nations run out of space uranium they will have to make do with what they have or even better create something new to replace space uranium, or just go to war against another alien civilization and steal theirs, or if they are REALLY advance civilizations, create your own space uranium

Either way, the problem solves itself, they don't need to kill half the population

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He basically took a philosophy 101 course and based his entire world view on some buzzwords.
He gives away his actual intention in endgame, in infinity war he just seems dumb. He wants the universe to worship him as a savior or god.

He just commited the biggest murder crime in history. Even in they couldn't fix it then and he couldn't do any worse you don't just get to kill billions of people and walk away from that.

Holy goalposts moving.
So now to justify his plan as not retarded you have to head canon a bunch of people LOVING his retarded plan, even though everything shows people generally hating it, and continuing his universal genocide forever but without convienient snaps? An endless universal genocidal war?
>You can't just assume people will go back to normal
And you expect people NOT to go back to normal despite everything showing life largely going on as normal despite the trauma and challenges(because that's what actually happens).
Your stupid opinion relies on you if oring literally everything shown and inventing a bunch of retarded headcanon that only exists in your retarded head.

Of COURSE people aren't going to change because rather than actually using his infinite power to change the nature of all living things so that they don't overconsume the big purple retard just murdered a bunch of people, which has never changed human nature.

The Last Question goes through this. Eventually the rate of human expansion will become too great and there simply won't be enough space if the population keeps doubling every generation. Even with the ability to collect interstellar dust to form stars, everything will run out in the end.

Still, the power of infinity should be able to do so much more than simply kill half of the universe. It grants power, but perhaps not wisdom.

Heck, aside from the movie decidedly NOT showing everyone turning into resource-concious Amish after the snap, we already have real world evidence too.
Humans went through a bottleneck where we were almost wiped out and it didn't turn us all into hippies, if anything it just lead to some of our current genetic and medical issues.

Except that we already see the end of endless growth in first world nations.
It's only developing nations where growth is out of control. What we really need to focus on is how to find an in-between.

Thanos was right, unironically

>D-do muh edgy contrarian opinions make me cool yet?

I don't know if that would hold up if we reached post scarcity. True post scarcity where you could conjure up what you wanted with the push of a button or even a thought. There's less reason to have only 2.5 kids if instead of everything being artificially expensive, you have everything you need and want, and more.

And this is the great failing of Endgame.
Thanos has no moral defeat- he never realizes that he failed in his goals. In fact the only line about his plan is that there are bright sides to it.
Thanos needed to be shown how broken the world was after he snapped.
Thanos MUST be cucked or he doesn't work as a character

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Oh, so that's where they got that stupid sad fishmouth face Thanos does every five seconds in the movie.

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M**thusoids deserve only death.

>Also hate how despite it being 5 years later, everyone is still all super sad about what happened. I know what happened was universe wide scale but I still think it's ridiculous how no one has gotten over it.

There are still people in New York that will fall into a sobbing ball of angsty depression on hearing the words World Trade Center or anything relating to 9-11. Even two decades later.

That kind of thing is just sometimes impossible to get over from, especially people like Clint that lost everything.

>Literally how would their be a shortage of food?
Because half the animals involved in food production just disappeared, along with half the people involved with planting, harvesting, and transporting said food.

No, it's primarily long-term economic reasons that drive high reproduction rates.

It really bothered me when he was talking about Titan running out of resources when it was clearly a civilization that possessed FTL technology. The post-apocalyptic version shown doesn't even look like it suffered a resource catastrophe.

Thanos technically killed more than half of all things. Imagine you're in a transatlantic flight and the pilots disappear. Or a bus. I guarantee there are a lot of people Thanos killed indirectly who the second snap didn't bring back.

Imagine you come back from the snap, and five years have passed. Everyone's back. You're eager to see your loved ones again. Forget the possibility that they might have gotten married or moved or something, how many people do you think tried to meet their loved ones and found out that they'd fucking shot themselves in the intervening five years?

But Far From Home acts like only funny things happened as a result of the timeskip, and otherwise everything is totally fine now.

>Avengers enter The Garden and finds this Thanos
>they instead leave disappointed and not kill Thanos
>5 years later and Thanos sees and realizes that he was wrong all along
>same movie happens
>Young Thanos is still the villain
>Young Thanos stomps
>Old Thanos beams down just in time to face Young Thanos
>O.Thanos tries to reason to his younger self, but he refuses to listen and beats his older self and chastises him for being weak and vowing never to turn like him
>O. Thanos smiles
>"Its inevitable"
>Old Thanos sacrifices himself by snapping Younger Thanos and his goons off of existence
>Thanos is once again beaten by his greatest enemy, himself.
>fading Old Thanos has a talk with Cap and Tony
>warns them that he knows that doom *wink wink* will come upon them, that he was trying to prevent a Galactic threat *wink wink* much bigger than what he brought, but allows them to make the choice, "you still have the stones".
>Cap and Tony says that no matter what happens,they all will face it togehter
>Thanos dusts

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I was hoping they were going to mention stuff like that in FFH, but they turned it into one big joke and just used it to age that one kid into a rival for Peter.

Never mind these valid analysis and criticisms, mMORE RUSSO WANK

>Thanos was proved right
SM: FFH came out, and the only problems were caused by the fact that Thanos' snap made half the people miss five years of history, and several superheroes dying to undo his work, leaving a power vacuum. Literally no overpopulation-related issues were shown to be an issue again, because overpopulation isn't even really an issue, over-consumption by a small segment of the population is. Thanos was a fucking idiot, and I'm glad he died accomplishing nothing.

>Literally how would their be a shortage of food?
Are you actually retarded?

absolute cringe lmao

>no reduction in arable land
>population was equally halved
>world is still shown to be connected, transportation and free trade still active
>literally nothing indicating a food shortage in the movie
If you claim there is a food shortage the burden of proof is on you for claiming something, go give me a timestamp autist.

>half of all those in charge of infrastructure dead
>half the farmers dead
>the other half of all those purple traumatised
>half of all livestock dead
I'm not saying there was a food shortage, but you're a complete moron if you think it's a far fetched idea

Because there was no real issue. There are billions of unpopulated planets in the universe.

>kill half the universe, including many of their freinds and allies
>why didn't they take him prisoner for muh fair trail

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>It's close to 50 or so years for people to double their numbers. Even if we consider that they were 'more responsible', it would still be back at about 70-80 years.
Unless he killed mostly the population with a high birth rate. White and certain Asian countries would only decline

Yeah, they wrote his "I'm not a bigot" speech first then made up the plot second. Typical leftist trash.

wouldnt the problem sort itself out as all life clashed with itself eventually, killing off mostly everyone in the process? he was just saving a few years

Do you think that in the marvel universe there are humans that really think Thanos was right?

As the dust cleared away, and after realizing he just watched and took part on his life's dream crumbling down, one thought kept Thanos' mind in peace as Death took him apart bit by bit:
>At least i'm not Ronan

>he doesn't want the AVENGERS to AVENGE.
c'mom dude.

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His plan was bogus, but you present a point. The heroes dismissed the problem entirely.

>Some dead man turns up at your door claiming the house belongs to him
>Ashes are clamouring for their old positions back
>Loose your house, your job to an affirmative action re-hire
>end up back on the streets

I like to think that was on purpose. That thanos didn't lose Gamora, didn't have to kill her either. Basically didin't have his infinity war character arc in which he ironed his conviction of doing something terrible to achieve a noble goal. From his perspective it was something "that had to be done, no matter how morally evil it looked"

Also it relates to the theme of "if you know your future, you'll try to change it for the better (of yourself"

IW Thanos knew the horrible thing he did (even if it was for "the greater good")

EG Thanos changed his goal to "erase half of the living creatures of the universe so they don't consume the resources" to "I'm going to reset the universe cuz if not they going to decapitate me"

I think you're missing the bigger picture. Its not so much about what happened in between that timeskip so much as its the fact they didn't even really consider if Thanos was right in the first place. Or if it was even possible to negotiate with him.

Like obviously we as the viewers know that would never work but it seems weird they didn't even consider it but instead go them for basically an assassination mission, which hardly seems heroic to me. Why didn't Cap scold Thor for beheading a defenseless person, even Thanos?

As much as I loved Endgame, these are some legit valid questions.

holy fuck why didn't they do this

>the issues he solved with the snap
The issue of over reliance and draining of resources isn't solved by getting rid of people, that just deals with a symptom not a cause.

In addition, he didn't even deal with that well because humanity would have been back at pre-snap levels inside of thirty years. Add to that the "random" nature of the snap, and entire ecosystems could have been wiped out by the snap removing too large a size of the populations of controlling organisms, causing others to grow out of control and doing exactly what the snap was supposed to prevent.

the rabbit hole of what would actually happen if half the population disappeared goes so fucking deep that it would distract from the actual characters in the story. Even them scratching the surface by talking about the oceans leads to a way bigger picture. I'd rather have the movie be about the avengers and not the economy or some shit

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yeah one small problem, rdj and chris evans contracts are over.

>>chooses to refrain from killing a single avenger

yes, let's ignore how he killed vision

If they kill him they are as bad as he is

Robots aren't people.

>If Thanos spent 2 minutes looking into demography he'd see his entire scheme makes no sense.
You're saying he coulda snapped 13%

Yeah, they’re called Green Party voters

>create second earth planet that exists opposite of current earth on solar system orbit and place half of the population there
>solve the overpopulation problem without resorting to the snappening
Why didn't he just do this

Thanks should have made the universe non-expanding, flat, homogenous, and infinite.

> it's ridiculous how no one has gotten over it
You see, unlike us denizens of Yea Forums, real normal people care about each other outside of the internet

>You don't need the stones to do what he did.
yes you do. he would not have won had he not had them

>EG Thanos changed his goal to "erase half of the living creatures of the universe so they don't consume the resources" to "I'm going to reset the universe cuz if not they going to decapitate me"
i thought he wanted to reset the world to ensure they wouldn't be able fix what he'd done

He deliberately attempted to murder Tony on Titan.

he was treated as a person therefore he is a person

Tony drew first blood

>Literally how would their be a shortage of food?
Literally by half the workforce producing it dying. Moron.

I think most people recognize that his plan was deranged because the character was deranged.

I apologize to my Roomba when I accidentally kick it, but it's not a person.


>chooses to refrain from killing a single avenger or hero, even as they keep trying to murder him.
Your own words idiot

>shortage of food
Nice headcanon you got there.