History of the marvel universe preview

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I wonder if Hickman returning had influence on this setup

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This is amazing and is exactly what i expected it to be.

Those last living particles, are they Mr. Immortal and Bruce Banner?

so mr imortal and oldman hulk are the last two i take it

This will never sell a million

>another nu-Marvel infodump and lowkey retcon comic
Not interested

Marvel 1000 is the one that is suppose to sell a million not this.


Why is Mr. Immortal immortal anyway?

Pretty sure Shogun still didn't revealed the book he was referring to

It was meant to be Henry Abrams Spider-Man but after the tepid reception the honorable Shogun was forced to walk it back.

Nah, everyone knew that wasn't going to make more than the huge cornerstone issue.

>already ignoring Ewing's origin

Fuck this shit, but I'll buy it anyways.

They didnt.

History of this universe not the multiverse

>already ignoring Ewing's origin

Based, fuck that hack.

>already ignoring Ewing's origin

God damn, peepee stings.

>already ignoring Ewing's origin

Zoomy zoom zoom!

He's gonna be what triggers the next big bang, starting another universe.

>Why is Mr. Immortal immortal anyway?
he's HOMO SUPREME, evolved beyond Death.

>already ignoring Ewing's origin
I have no strong opinions on this in any way.

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Origin of the 616 universe, not the multiverse.

No they aren't.


When Earth-616 ends, it marks the end of the 8th cosmos.

I bet Hulk and Mr. Immortal are having a good time.

I'm still pretty surprised that of all the Marvel characters, Marvel think that the only two immortals are Hulk and Mr Immortal... Absorbing Man is pretty much immortal, Juggernaut is pretty much immortal (even more than Hulk), all the Elders are immortal, etc.

but mr immortal has immortal in his name, that makes him extra immortal.

First: said where?
Second: if you were talking about what happens in IH you shouldn't have used the word "origin", assuming it was you who made that post.
Anyways, re-read what Franklyn says.

They aren't the only immortals, this same preview mentions the Elders being that way too.
They are the only ones left

Well Franklin did say "a few" it could be more than those two

Caregiver is her name marvunapp.com/Appendix/caregive.htm

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Can somebody please upload the preview for the next "Secret Warps - Arachknight Annual", please?

Fuck Ewing bullshit retcons. You people need stop sucking his dick so much. Damn sickening to read.

Shit I thought I was the only one. Yeah, fuck the arrogant asshole.

I don't see it anywhere yet so will probably have to wait two days when they all come out

I like this, giving structure to the universe, now if only people can stop over the universe more bullshit cosmic entities that top each other every year.

this is autism the comic and I’m so here for it

That's everything Ewing writes

It's in a website called "Monkeys Fighting Robots", but I can't access it. I don't know why.

Shut the fuck up, you little bitches. Ewing is the only one to give 2 shits about comics Marvel enough improve upon it.

About half of this shit will be dedicated to all the times that Dr Le Doom became Le Omnipotent.

Such good writing.

Ha, gaaaaaaaaaaaaay.


>fuck the arrogant asshole
He's anything BUT arrogant, in fact he's been apologetic about his OCs before, to the point he simplified a lot of things in Royals because most readers seemed not to like the craziest stuff in Ultimates for being too complex, given its low sales (which Royals also had, regardless).
Oh wait let me guess, you're blocked from his Twitter?

These ignoramuses will never learn to separate art from the artist.

The fact that this acknowledges Eon and his role in the universe makes me happy. Quasar doesn't get the proper love he/they deserve.
I'll do it.

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I'm pretty hype over this issue, not gonna lie. Uploading a better quality picture of the cover than the one in the preview, whose quality is ass.

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This is actually a spread page, so... 1/2.

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The ear puns and jokes are off the hook.

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>replicating the Pitt Calamity on a global scale, Hawkmask
The madman, he's gonna do it again.

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... Or not? Guess we'll find out next week.
End of preview.

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I know it's obvious to say these fusions are OP, but this just seems like serious overkill.

This dialog must've been irritating to write for as it was to read

What is he talking about? The White Event from New Universe or what?

Anyway, thanks a lot, pal. I expected more info in the preview, but I guess it was to ask too much.

Funny thing, we are going to see one "Batman" (Arachknight) fighting a whole "Justice League" with his own "Batman" (Hawkmask).

Hi, Tommy.

Never really been much into Moon Knight, and I agree. Having multiple personalities and on top of that, having each of them being a different variety of Spidey quipper must grind one's gears.
>The White Event from New Universe or what?
No, in the New Universe there was another huge phenomenon called The Pitt, which sorta started the beginning of the end of the New Universe imprint (for several reasons outside the comic).

It happened by accident: It was established that the Star Brand could be transferred from a body to another by simply placing it onto someone's skin, or even move it around that way. So Kenneth one day, when he was tired of having all that power, decided to get rid of it before it was too late for him (he was turning into a monstrosity). But he couldn't transfer the power without getting a residue in him and he didn't want someone else having to carry that burden, so he decides to transfer it onto a barbell, as he had never attempted that before and didn't know the consequences...
Well, what happened next was a huge, Hiroshima-level explosion that destroyed the entirety of Pittsburgh, and came to be known as "The Pitt" since it left a huge dome-shaped crater.

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... And basically, this happens. The blast is bigger than he expected given the Star Brand's immense power, consuming the entire city under him.

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Thanks a lot for the explaining, Rodstvow. Now, I wonder where the "calamity" part comes, I suppose from a part of the Squadron Supreme.

Anyway, you know something else funny? I thought the idea of merging Spider-Man and the Moon Knight was stupid, especially because the whole "identity crisis" inside his head from Moon Knight. But then I realized, IT ACTUALLY WORKS!!! You see, because Peter also had his own "Identity Crisis", and his four personalities could represent that:

+ "The Knight": Dusk, dark and gloomy.
+ "Science Peter": Hornet, scientific brainy.
+ "Mr Parker": Prodigy, the serious adult with some ego problems.
+ "Friendly Spider": Ricochet, the bouncing prankster.

I'll be paying just to see Javier Rodriquez continue to deliver stuff like this

>Now, I wonder where the "calamity" part comes, I suppose from a part of the Squadron Supreme.
Possibly, unfortunately the Squadron Supreme stuff I've read is mostly from 616, not the stuff Gruenwald wrote in their series. It's been long overdue.
>Peter also had his own "Identity Crisis", and his four personalities could represent that:
This is good, I never considered it but it makes sense. I figured it would be closer to Moon Knight's own personalities, and not Peter's.

not as much as Waid and Tommy B

That's the thing about this "Mergiverse". Sometimes you need to go "deeper" to see the connections.

Also, I believe how this arc will end. I believe the Soul Gem will free the whole "Mergiverse" on its own plane, being as real as any other "alternative Earth". I believe this will be "Earth-308", because 308 is the half of 616.

>First: said where?
Not him but I figure he'a alluding to Ewing's Ultimates. Also I've always figured Adventures of the X-Men #12 is also an unofficial key issue in Marvel's cosmology.

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>I believe this will be "Earth-308", because 308 is the half of 616.
That's a great possibility, user. I am surprised they didn't name it this when it started, but I guess there's still time.
Hah yes, it's no surprise in retrospect that Brevoort asked Ewing to plot the whole of Marvel Comics #1000. He probably used (and abused) his continuity-fu to craft an insane story.
>Also I've always figured Adventures of the X-Men #12 is also an unofficial key issue in Marvel's cosmology.
Someone did say Brevoort considered that issue as "non-canon", but the beginning of this series already contradicts that by alluding to the events that brought the Phoenix Force into 616, a byproduct of the collapse of the previous universe that looked just like the current, but iterated onto the same events.

What's wrong with the OG origin here? And what's so great about Ewing's

Nothing, but Ewing's origin was vast in sweeping changes and additions so it would feel dumb just to leave it out.

That user was confused, there's nothing at all being ignored. Ewing plotted the origins of the Cosmos as a whole, from the First Firmament to the Eight Multiverse (described here ), while this miniseries begins with the beginning of the 616 Universe, and it does so by stating Galactus crossed over from a "previous dying reality", which lines up with what Ewing already did (which by the way, he only picked up from previous stuff).
I'm guessing a lot of it would've confused new readers, or this goes by the assumption that even Galactus isn't aware of how vast it all is.

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What is this "Mergiverse" you doth speak of?

The whole Infinity Warps thing that Gamora did with the stones didn't just create one universe where everyone got merged, it created an entire multiverse of realities

That's where this Squadron Seven come from, another reality within the Soul Stone

>History of the Marvel universe

Isn’t that kinda redundant now there’ve been multiverses and shit?

Also is it wrong that I’m actually, literally indifferent to Ewing? I like his work but that’s it, it’s not mindblowing or anything, I just think it’s kinda neat which is still a good compliment for comics these days but still.

Anyway for what it’s worth, Immortal Hulk has a previewed issue about the 9th Cosmos trembling so. Cheer up I guess, Ewing’s history lessons still seem to be canon?

I prefer the old stuff to this

>Ewing’s history lessons still seem to be canon?
There's already this screencap Javier Rodríguez shared months ago teasing this project (while it was still unknown), where you can clearly see a Progenitor from Ewing's Royals, so clearly nothing is being ignored and instead acknowledged.
I didn't share it before because I didn't want to seem militant about it, but I was well aware Waid was taking his contributions into account.
Also it's fine not to worship writers, user. A lot would rather that than to get the hatred from rabid fanboys.

What "old stuff"? The iterations of the cosmos weren't invented by Ewing.

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Good, and good. I’m kind of a picky fucker, I reserve outright fanboying for things on the level of Carey’s Lucifer, the original Books of Magic run and All-Star Superman. Even stuff like Promethea doesn’t make the cut for me because even though it’s gorgeous, it devolves into Moore’s anarchy/occultism soapbox instead of exploring more what an imaginary friend superheroine could get up to.

Anyway, I like big cosmologies myself, so I’ve got nothing to be upset about either way.

I've read the spider-knight miniseries. Should I read the whole series or just come in to this issue ?

This is the old stuff.

You should at least read the othet three annuals that came before this since they are part of the same story that leads to what happens to AK in this issue.

These "annuals" are half the Secret Warps story (that issue would be Part 4) and half a self-contained story revolving around the titular character. You can jump right in though, you can get the gist of the story as it develops, but I recommend checking the rest anyway.

Previous threads:

Soldier Supreme Weapon Hex Ghost Panther

>Nemesis behind the gems
Waid you cheeky nerd.

I'm friends with some people who have worked with Marvel in the past and every single one says Brevoort is the biggest genuine comic nerd they've ever met

what are the chances theres a Malibu reference

Nemesis is in the background of the third page
