DCUO Thread

Played DCUO for the first time in like what...5 years? Anyway this is my OC, Madam Mystic

Attached: Madam Mystic.png (1920x1080, 2.02M)

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i used to play but then i got to the end and was stuck doing the same shit over and over and lost all intrest

hero/villain type?

im a magic hero

i was a firepowered hero tank
if i remember right once you hit the level cap most of the endgame stuff is the same for heros and villians

did you played the green lantern dlc?

I'm playing city of heroes just now

Isn't Madame Mystic a legit Neal Adams character?

i think you mean Gypsy

Attached: Gypsy-Justice-League-Reynolds-DC-Comics-a.jpg (500x660, 75K)


DCUO is still active? How is that game not dead as shit?

How tf are you playing CoH?

...wait, DCUO is still around? Holy shit. Does the class system still suck?

i mean...i didnt totally ripped it off

Attached: 600.jpg (250x140, 6K)

There's a bunch of private servers up man.

its still up
played yesterday

Attached: Madam Mystic 2.png (1920x1080, 2.22M)

Just be careful the autism doesn't consume you as it did me.

Attached: City of Heroes deep lore.jpg (4476x3100, 2.62M)

I can't stand people who don't have some form of bio for their CoX characters, even if its just a pithy jokey one-liner.

But you have certainly outdone me.

Red and blue shift should switch roles , red is more of a evil colour

There's no hard or fast rule on if blue or red is more evil, since there's been many examples on both sides of the morality spectrum that wear either colour primarily.

If anything red and white is more heroic, especially in CoH where its the colour scheme of Longbow.

There's definitely a bias for red to be evil and for blue to be good not just in comics but in general

But there's nothing that says it has to be, so there's no need to tell user what his OC's "should" be.

Honestly, I just picked it that way because I thought electric blue looked cooler, so I made her the villain.

>Classical Superman homage has a real cloth suit, wrinkles and all
>Evil edgy version from alternate reality's suit is textured similarly to Zack Snyder's Superman
There are depths to your autism I cannot begin to plumb.