Why are people losing their shit about the Warhammer 40k series that'll be coming?
People furious about Warhammer Series
>That person, their pic and their name
Yeah they lose their shit over every single thing that ever happens
Because people are hypersensitive pussies
>social media screencap thread
>live action
Twitter threads should be banned.
looks like a publicity stunt
>let's have this utterly pathetic beta male being butthurt about the Warhammer lore so people will laugh at him and get interested for the series
Yes please
Warhammer is basically Warcraft for the alt-right
Says for fuck ups on Yea Forums that have a problem with anything that's not white. Kys
Better question - why the fuck are you posting this on Yea Forums?
Wow what a retard.
You do realize that Warhammer came first, yes?
He's right, you know. Last thing we need right now is a series glorifying fascism. If 40k series actually depicts the ugly, corrupt side of it and doesn't accidentally end up making fascist rule look cool, it's fine.
Literally nothing about this is Yea Forums.
Someone is always complaining about something, it's really not as big of a deal as you guys make it out to be
And Blizzard ripped off both.
They're not really comparable in any way
Also any kind of content that shows authoritarian tones is labeled as nazi propaganda so it doesn't really fucking matter, warcraft isn't considered nazi propaganda because everyone is azeroth is A FUCKING IMBECILE THAT CAN'T LEAD HIS OWN PENIS OUT OF HIS TROUSERS TO TAKE A FUCKING PISS
It's not fascist, it's feudal.
Yet Space Marines are cool.
Space Feudalism
You obviously know nothing about 40k
Space Relative Feudalism
put the hypen wherever, it still applies
>random twitter faggot
Why should we care what this retard says?
Because warhammer fans are the most annoying people in nerd culture and the lore of warhammer is fucking lame anyway. Not to mention that it legitimately does attract /pol/tards, as every user has seen on Yea Forums especially on Yea Forums & /tg/
>tfw Amallyn won't be in it
Thank god, no stupid space gremlin.
stunning and brave post, user
Than don't watch and take care of your wife's son
Because /pol/ memed on them too hard
>How to make a great warhammer fantasy live action TV series
>accidentally end up making fascist rule look cool
It's the guy who did the tv version of the Man in the High Castle so his track record isn't great.
I accuse the new Wolfenstein series of this as well
>No see how terrible Nazi reign would be what with all the personal giant robot dogs and colonies on the Moon and fucking Venus.
> nerd culture
You just proved my point.
Early 40k cross pollinated quite a bit with 2000 AD, so the tongue was firmly in the cheek.
People are going to be complaining about Judge Dredd next.
This is what I'm starting to believe with these Tweets.
>the virgin brittish pride parade
>the chad italian carnivale
And they kept the Klan in line too.
Nigger, one of those things is already Blizzard.
>live action series of a /tg/ property
HOW IS THIS Yea Forums?
>drives an empire into the ground with sheer autism
huh, it fits.
It's satirical.
There must be Trump of that shitty german parade, one another Trump parade and you can make Political Compass or Loss out of it.
In that British way where they may just be saying that so they don't look like dorks for liking it.
your replying to bait
The new Wolfenstein series was written by total retards if they were attempting to make an anti-nazi story
The Nazis gained power because a group of Jews had been stockpiling weapons of mass destruction and futuristic technology for centuries and someone let them know where to find it
Not only are the Nazis unbeatable and in control of Europe into the 1980s, but the Jews are to blame for everything.
Still can't believe the absolute madmen actually did it
You guys do this, but stupidity isn't partial to either side of a spectrum.
Yes, they are. No one saying it isn't. But there is nutjobs out there who go "wow such badassery coming from a form of governance that we can emulate to get similar results". It's called Operant Conditioning.
In a world of rampant impressionism, you never know what can "inspire" some "intellectual" to commit "the only necessary" actions. Simply put, anything could really set them off regardless of what it is.
That being said, I'm hyped for this live action series, because I enjoy fun and am not an impressionable troglodyte.
There are no gooks, spooks, or fags and the only trannies serve a god of evil.
What? Zoom zoom
Making BJ Jewish was the icing on the fucking cake.
I guess?
Johnny Racewar?