Non-canon fanfic put out of its misery. Ladderbro seething

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It lasted six and a half seasons longer than it should have.

Doesn't Ladderbro hate Dc and Tommy hate Marvel?

>Seven seasons
>Ending it on their own terms
>Got a sixth and seventh season as a bonus anyway
>Most consistently good thing in the MCU

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Best news of SDCC

RIP 7 seasons of the best capeshow

Yeah, 7 seasons and having the show end on the showrunner's terms means cancelled. Good shows have an actual ending, unlike something like Supernatural or the Sneedsons that are walking corpses at this point.

But who is this Tommy?

Based Disney will save it with Disney+ and even if it doesn't it still lasted longer than any DC piece of shit that's on a real network

Wait, its not ending with current season?

Show's pretty good to be honest. After first shitty season (first half of it) it was pretty decent.
I'd say it aged much better than all other capeshit shows

Ladderbro seething confirmed.

By Ladderbro's logic, it's canceled.

Who is Tommy

>Most consistently good thing in the MCU
user it's consistently shit and made itself non canon from the MCU in both season 6 and 7. Don't lie.

The first half of season one was intentionally written to feel like low-rent Buffy so the Hydra twist could have that much more impact. There isn't a bad episode after T.R.A.C.K.S..


>user it's consistently shit
You haven't been watching it, then.

I'm happy with 7 seasons and it's ending on it's own terms, wouldn't want it going on too long and becoming terrible

Bitch please with your fuckin' "non-canon" shit. The MCU is, for better or worse, officially multiverse territory now; canon has no meaning anymore.

AOS and Gotham had pretty great runs AND got bonus seasons, congrats to all involved

Nice headcanon

The one launching a one man crusade against Dr Doom and Namor.

Nah you guys are shills. I seen every episode of this shitshow. and it has been consistently shit especially now in season 6. Some OK episodes here and there but it always ends being somewhat shitty.

>Bitch please with your fuckin' "non-canon" shit. The MCU is, for better or worse, officially multiverse territory now;
Nah that was endgame time travel that the show was not a pat of . Shield has always been non canon like the rest of Marvel TV that is not Agent Carter.

What does your girlfriend think of it?

Good now we can have some actual canon Marvel shows headed by Based Feige

I stopped watching early on, did it do anything remotely Steranko like?

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Why is this thread-worthy? They announced this LAST YEAR that it got renewed for an additional 2 seasons, & that season 7 would be the last
>Non-canon fanfic
SEETHE Harder Whedon

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Supernatural did have an actual ending with season 5 and then it just carried on like a wayward son

I'm so fucking glad it's ending.
Now best boy can't suffer anymore.

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>7 seasons
That's a long run. Lasted much longer than I think anybody ever expected it to. The show actually got better when they stopped trying to be canon to the movies and were allowed to do their own thing.

No, you haven't


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>when the COPE hits hard
These posts get several yikes from me

I want to live in the timeline where these two were Luke Cage and Iron Fist

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Yes I have shill. The current season is about some fake Coulson and some bullshit aliens called the shrike. It's boring and mentions nothing from endgame or Infinity war and is overall terrible.

This season has been batshit. Jemma and Quake have a hallucination in an alien bar and see Fitz in a monkey suit, fucking alien bats sprouting crystals from dead people, based alt universe coulson returning and deke getting quake ass in his VR world and crazy batshit woman in real world.

>The current season is about some fake Coulson and some bullshit aliens called the shrike.
You looked at the wiki
>It's boring
>and mentions nothing from endgame or Infinity war and is overall terrible.
It doesn't have to and the showrunners already said they have a plan for how it fits into the larger MCU. Seethe harder.

Season seven is going to be fucking bananas. They don't have to worry about getting renewed and they're clearly legitimately thrilled the show has such a dedicated fanbase. It's just going to be one big party. EVERYONE is going to come back and I want one last totally bonkers HYDRA fight.

>You looked at the wiki
Dumb ass then how do I know about Fitz in a monkey when Daisy and Simmons are in that alien bar. I watch this shitty show to watch delusional faggots like you try to cope with it being shit.
>It's boring
Yes it is. Each episode feels like nothing is happening.
> It doesn't have to
Yeah it does retard or its non canon which it has always been.
> have a plan for how it fits into the larger
There lying you idiot. It makes no sense and the show is non canon. I can't wait to see canon shows from Kevin Feige himself. Seethe when they premire.

desu the show has been mediocre since Ward died, and all the Wards to come in his wake haven't been able to pick up the slack.

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>Dumb ass then how do I know about Fitz in a monkey when Daisy and Simmons are in that alien bar.
Also on the wiki
>I watch this shitty show to watch delusional faggots like you try to cope with it being shit.
You watch a show you hate to argue about it on 4chins? That's so sad and hilarious at the same time
>Yes it is. Each episode feels like nothing is happening.
Blatantly wrong.
>There lying you idiot. It makes no sense and the show is non canon. I can't wait to see canon shows from Kevin Feige himself. Seethe when they premire.
Prove they're lying

Rest in piss. Non canon garbage.

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I'll admit the show has been missing something since he died, but there's so much already going on it's like complaining they left something off a supreme pizza.
They should bring him back in the last season.
as Ghost Rider


>Seasons 10 to 15 are fine

I liked it.

Wait, if you didn't like it, how do you know the later seasons weren't good?

Did you just keep watching a show you don't like like some kind of psycho?

If it's consistently shit, why have you watched every episode? Pretty autistic if you ask me

If it was a cancellation instead of "Get hyped final season here we come" the show wouldn't be getting a Hall H SDCC panel.

Isn't that called just having good taste?


This. Buckle the fuck up.

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>user it's consistently shit
>he didn't watch season 2 part 2

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Okay. If the final season will be hype... who will the villain be?

I'd want to go back to the roots of Spy vs Spy stuff. Red Room vs SHIELD

Combo Man.

Remember back in season 2 when the senator's brother was shot, pushed out of a moving helicopter, fell into the ocean floor before we could learn what his deal was?

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I don't know. We got Graviton already and this season is most likely gonna reveal the truth about the Monoliths. Not many loose ends left so I honestly have no idea.

But I'm sure it's gonna be something fucking crazy.

They're going to fight Mephisto

>"The Sign/New Life"[Season 6 Finale] - With time running short, the team will have to go to hell and back to stop the end of everything. Who will survive?

Why does canon even matter so much to you; you don't watch good shows or movies if they don't tie into your precious shared universe?

Ghost Rider(s) is definitely going to be involved; they have to set up his solo show

>119 episodes have aired
>each is a half hour
>you have devoted 60 hours of your life to watching something you hate and deem as complete shit
Way to score an own goal, you fucking antisocial weirdo.

Each is 45 minutes, user.

Wow even worse. So it's closer to 90 hours. Pathetic!

I really can't think of a single character I don't like in this show. That's a real achievement for such a big cast.

Yeah but the real question is dry or wet?

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Dry. She looks fuller.

Ward is in neither of these images what is going on

He's in all of our hearts, user.
And in Daisy and Jemma's wettest dreams.

Who the fuck is ladderbro
Is there some memey infograph that explains who this guy is? Every time i check the archive for mentions of him its dumb stuff like "hi ladderfag" to random posts

It's just one user spamming it at anyone who even slightly criticises DC

Where does the ladder part come from?

We found his Facebook and the dude is like 7' and thin as a rail. His ribs look like a ladder.

Ghost Rider isn't even going to be canon to AoS

I'm glad you do because I'm pretty sure the showrunners don't.


Fucking lmao

Who cares enough about Namor to crusade against him? What a fucking loser

>He hasn't read Ocean Man
Confirmed for casual. That's one of the best comics period.

No. Do you mean season 4?

>perfect oportunity to explore Snappening in way movies can't never do
>Snappening is not retconed away and part of main timeline
>this series is doing its own timeline like fanfic instead
Fuck this show

I don't give a single shit about the post-snap MCU. It's not interesting and the world Endgame takes place in is totally different than the one we've been following for ten years. Fuck the main MCU timeline and fuck the snap.

Agents of SHIELD is the only truly good thing to come out of MCU. And maybe Winder Soldier.

But that doesn't make sense, Agents of SHIELD isn't in the MCU.

And is better off for it.

>7 season

Shit that's fucking incredible these days, hats off to them.

Season 7 was previously announced, but they didn't say it would be the final season until now.

It’s because it was too difficult for the TV show team and the movie team to work together to decide which TV show heroes and characters would survive or die from the Snap, so they didn’t bother to explore it.

The biggest problem with Supernatural is that it takes place in a world that’s impossible for the heroes to ‘win’ or have a true ‘ending’. It’s firmly established that there are billions of human-eating monsters and that the Sam, Dean and the hunters can never permentaly destroy evil. So you literally can’t ever have a satisfying ending to Supernatural. The CW cancelled it, and that’s that.

Yup, it's been great and I trust the Jed and the other writers to pull off a great finale

Captain Hydra has his own fate user

>Wahh I want the show to be a whore for the movies and not explore/adapt the cosmic MCU in any meaningful way
>Muh snap

get fucked

Yup. And notice how neither of those two things involve a Tonywank

What was it even about? Since they can't do anything that out-shines the movies I can't even imagine what sort of retarded low-profile plots they pulled.

dat mass

Cancelled to make room for Agents of SWORD on Disney+.

Do it Disney!

Season 1: A bunch of low-level supervillains, Dethlok, the Clairvoyant and HYDRA
Season 2: Inhumans and Mr.Hyde
Season 3: Alien planet, HYDRA again, the Inhuman leader Hive and Lash
Season 4: Ghost Rider, the Darkhold, the Matrix and a rogue LMD with super powers
Season 5: Dystopian future, the Kree, HYDRA one last time and Graviton

Fuck no. The movies will run SHIELD into the ground and taint all of the good work the writers and actors have done.

Fuck Feige

Agents of shield is shit and was never a part of the MCU and the MCU will be better off without trying to ride its dick.

MCU doesn't even acknowledge the show lmao

Nah shill fuck off and Fuck Loeb. Based Feige is making canon TV shows that will shit all over shields legacy and it will be a terrible footnote like usual.

Nah but shields steals everything from the movies and make them worse while trying to act like its important.

I binged it before endgame in case it was relevant, I was so fucking dissapointed
I did enjoy fitzsimmons nonetheless, best part of the series hands down
also I was rooting for the gay mexican to be cool and shit
and then ITS FUCKING NOTHING, the only interesting power desu

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> Endgame takes place in is totally different than the one we've been following for ten years.
You are retarded but of a Marvel TV shill would be too dumb to know a timeskip.

>Muh Loeb
>Feige shilling

Get fucked retard

I really wish Mack had been Luke. He's a much better actor than Coulter.
Not sure about Fitz as IF. Would probably be better, but without changing the writing and the time constraints that fucked season 1, not by much.

The show should have ended after all the Hydra bullshit was done and SHIELD was more or less shut down.

Pretty bad acting and a lot of bad writing. Very loose references at best to the MCU and being almost entirely non-canon probably didn't help.

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I stopped watching after season 3.It's like they made a spy show and weren't sure of how to integrate the superhero elements, and even then they weren't sure what KIND of spy show they were writing so the tone was consistently all over the place

As soon as Daisy got her OP powers, she had to constantly job for simple shit that she can literally disintegrate.
Show should have ended before season 3.

Is this all the same person?

is me, sorry. I was trying to add on to a thought.

Is not me.

>>Muh Loeb

it's valid criticism. Fuck Jeph Loeb.

>The movies will run SHIELD into the ground and taint all of the good work the writers and actors have done.

imagine believing this

Was this the show that ran by someone with up skirt fetish?

>Watching a show you hate just so you can tell people on Yea Forums you hate it.

You cannot convince me that this entire show wasn't some form of a Hollywood tax scam.

Good, get this normie shit out of here. I’m pretty sure only woman and dumb nerds watched this.

Also, it weirds me out knowing that out there, there is someone who has consumed EVERY piece of MCU media, including watching every episode of all the Netflix and other marvel shows; read all the spin-off comics and watched all the tv specials. Same with the DCEU.Yeesh.

>they didn't say it would be the final season until now
No, pretty sure they did, they said the 7th would be the last one with the option to continue.
Which still doesn't matter because as we all know, they wrote Season 5 like it was the last, and according to a Loeb interview published today, it's the reason why the last episode of season 5 is literally called "The End". Funny how the retards here claim it was "cancelled" when in fact it was given the chance to continue for two more years, and on top of that, considered it the Marvel FLAGSHIP tv show.

>DEADLINE: It seemed like S.H.I.E.L.D. was going to end before, especially a couple of seasons ago with the apparent death of Clark Gregg’s Agent Phil Coulson at the end of Season 5. Why wrap it up when you are on a roll and had a new season ordered late last year?

>LOEB: The simplest answer is so that we can end on our terms, really.
>How many shows do you know that just suddenly ended, and you feel like, but wait a minute, there was more. Yes, in the chronology of this is we thought Season 5 was the end. If you go back and you look at the end of that season, it is written that way. Actually, the last episode of that season is called “The End.” Honestly, we thought we were turning out the lights and going home when we got a call from ABC that said, the material is so strong, do you think you have another season, do you think you have another 13 because we sort of like this idea of doing it again.

Seven seasons is damned good run.

another season? Awesome! Glad that this got 7 seasons, they were great.

Season 3.

7/6.5 seasons is a respectable run, but this was still an unnecessary move.

At least there's still The Gifted, The Runaways, and Cloak and Dagger, but Marvel shows are starting to gain a reputation for being cancelled.

>Getting a seventh season

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>The Gifted, The Runaways
canceled. Cloak and Dagger will probably get another season though, surprisingly good show I expected to hate it

So did the newest season even touch on the snap or did they do everyone a favor and pretend it was all a bad dream...?

>the prison episode
Man, seeing Ghost Rider lose in a prison was something.

>Something I've been sperging about for 6 seasons is getting cancelled. I win.
Don't forget to rub a little lotion on that chapped ass of yours. I thought the show was shit but I just didn't bother watching it.

Runaways is getting a third season though

Until I'm proven otherwise, I say seasons 1-5 takes place in the MCU proper. Season 6, and maybe 7, so far at least, take place on another Earth where Thor aimed for the head the first time.

Will they make it not shit this time around?

I dunno I still haven't sseen the 2nd.

They canceled The Gifted? Well that one slipped by me. At least they haven't cancelled Legion then.

Seriously, though, they're basically Professor Calamitous at this point.

This current season is its last.

Really? What the fuck will it be about? They stopped being Runaways like...episodes after they ran away

Legion is dead too. But god damn this season has been fuckig amazing

This season will be Legion's last?

If that's true we may just have to give up on Marvel tv.

I mean given all of this, there's really no reason to have an hope for the Disney+ stuff.

>normie shit
>I’m pretty sure only woman and dumb nerds watched this.
One thing is nothing like the other.