None of you are mad enough at a cartoon studio to burn it down and kill its staff right?

None of you are mad enough at a cartoon studio to burn it down and kill its staff right?

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Other urls found in this thread:

No but I’d punch Brian Bendis in the jaw if I had the chance

Another reason Yea Forums is more hardcore than Yea Forums

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The arsonist in Japan wasn't an anime fan. He wrote that he hates moe anime and he was angry because the anime Hibike Euphonium "ripped off" (made a cover) of a famous song that is popular among train maniacs. He also was a train manic. He thought the moe anime was appropriating train hobbyist culture.

It's almost like the /pol/acks who don't watch cartoons or read comics but somehow bother getting mad over them.

Comicfags are too pussy to revolt

Just look at comic gate

No, but I wouldn’t put it past some sociopaths on Yea Forums to want to. Fucking omega sperglords with mental problems

It’s clear that /n/fags are the real threat here

>a train maniac
a what

This is a tragedy, but I'm glad his obsession wasn't something that could be made into a media scapegoat.

Why them, why couldn't it have been a shitty studio
Why must japs ruin everything especially themselves

He's an otaku for trains

if you fags can't help shooting up mosques don't cry like a bitch when people call you out on it

A train otaku. Train nerd. Someone who gets really obsessive about trains.

He had posted a long-ass psychotic post on 5ch about Hibike Euphonium ripping off a song called Let's Take the A Train, which became a national anthem among train maniacs when a cover of it was used in a game long time ago. Hibike! Euphonium made a cover of the same song and it was played as a "train elevator music". He couldn't stand that this song was used like this in moe anime and he committed this crime.

Is this what happens when autism collides?

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Autism is disease, and should be regulated

I’m too lazy

Talk about going off the rails

Someone start a new Nickie Minaj related thread

I meant they can't use violent media as the scapegoat. No need to get political about it.

Train otaku are already the most detested type of otaku in Japan. Anime otaku can be weird/creepy but train otaku cause most dangerous situations because of their obsession.

>not being aware of the huge autism that runs within Japanese people
a visual novel about trains with lolis has better production values than most japanese games nowadays

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Honestly, Kyoani is the one I would have picked.

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Shut the fuck up, Carlos! We're dealing with real shit here.

It's a Japanese problem about some Japanese animation studio, so discussion should be restricted on the Yea Forums board.

I had my money on Thomas the tank engine autists being the first to sperg and burn, but once again the West is surpassed by their weebomotive counterparts.

Should have been Cartoon network instead

Leave it to Yea Forums to find a way to turn a train otaku killing anime studio people into /pol/'s fault

too soon

basically Yea Forums vs /n/

That's not what I said. What I'm saying is that usually people who don't really watch cartoons or read comics are the ones who do retarded shit. Most of the outragefags are into it because of other reasons.

Alright fine, let’s make it Yea Forums-related. We should come up with something to show support for the studio. A fundraiser to help them rebuild, a collaborative drawing to encourage them, something like that. A little solidarity from western animation fans to eastern ones.

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I have nothing to say, fed.

And ya scapegoated /pol/ even though the usual suspect on Yea Forums is /r9k/, followed by Yea Forums's Danny Phantom autist.

In this case we can make a direct causation, the guy was a trainspotting autist who probably had his sites ruined by weeb shit. How this made him commit one of the most successful mass murders in a country without guns, I dunno.

Yea Forums is wholesome

Just goes to show you that when shit hits the fan and people start going nutso, guns or lack thereof don't really matter.

>And ya scapegoated /pol/ even though the usual suspect on Yea Forums is /r9k/
I honestly don't any difference and I don't care. In case I wasn't being clear enogh, basically I'm saying that all you crossboarders need to fuck off. You come here whenever there's a new She-ra reboot even though you never cared about She-ra before, or you come here when you want to talk about some cape hero movie you have never even read an issue of, or sometimes you come here to shit up a South Park thread whenever that show airs and there's a political thing that hurts your fweewings.

That's what I'm saying.

We could make a benefit concert. Let’s get Taylor Swift.

Yea Forums singing something from Haruhi Suzumiya might work. Might make them laugh, if nothing else.

Pfft please. I was on Yea Forums before /pol/, and I didn't even touch She-ra because the art design itself was kind enough to let me know I probably wouldn't like it(not that I have a particularly fondness for He-Man or the original She-Ra to begin with)

Basically I'm calling you out for making sweeping generalizations like the little faggot you are. I tend to only tear into Yea Forums media I actually know, like the Legend of Korra.

I'll admit, I shat on Steven Universe for a bit without watching it but that was before I knew better.

Maybe We Are The World? And make it Jojo themed.

Another proof that people who hate cutesy animation are mentally insane.

Apparently it has little to do with love of anime and more about love of music. Train song was used as elevator music which made train-kun mad

Seems pretty crazy but it's a bit more grounded than that Ember Ghost Gang guy, who is one of our own

This, Yea Forums and Yea Forums don't always get along but a time like this calls for a truce, made me think about if Titmouse or something of similar significance was attacked, Yea Forums would fall apart.
Yea Forums sent them a card, Yea Forums should probably do something too

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Half of Yea Forums was basically laughing and cheering the for the attack

This is a lie.

You figured that out now?

Cartoon? No.

What was the original song?

Wrong studio, but if something bad happens to David Productions, keep that one in your back pocket.
Well, they’re Yea Forumsssholes and should be ignored. People died, man.

Let's Take the A Train, which is originally a famous American jazz song, but it was used in a train game which is why it became a cult thing in Japan

>typing out pfft
Lol what a fag, do your posts also include *nods* too?

Wait. So all Yea Forums had to do it's make the Thomas fandom burn in anger?

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