Story Time Weekend of Pain Sonichu #0

SDCC starts today and I work on the actual weekend, so here we go the great work itself
Sonichu by Chris Chan.

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essential Yea Forumscore

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>14 years later
>chris chan still has only scored with a pro

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it's scary how logical the story is I expected something more random

big thanks for posting this.

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Thanks for the bump
It gets weirder as it goes on, the internet still hadn't found Chris at this point and the comic mirrors the insanity of his life.

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Oh it's coming, user. It's coming.

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well at least he scored...

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Oh neat, storytime of pain of the legendary Sonichu comic.
I get the orange Fanta and get comfy.

Well that's Issue #0
Here's another advert for some essential Yea Forumscore before we move on to #1

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I feel like there is some chris-chan in all of us

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sometimes I wonder why god allows so much evil in this world

Well, we're here, aren't we?

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I wonder how this compares to the official remake of the first pokemon movie.

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Legit laughed to this irl

I felt the hate rise up in me
kneel down and clear the stone of leaves
I wonder how were you can't see
Inside my shell I wait and bleed

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that hurt, I won't lie

This is important because this is Chris to go "Get-out-of-jail" card for everything in this comic.

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the disclaimer page for issue 16 is bonkers.

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>200 kmh
Odd that Chris, as an American, is using metric here.

I hurt myself today, to see if I could feel...

For the sake of image limit I will be omitting the rerun of the GBA game ads

Witness now, CWCville, suburban paradise or otherworldly dystopia?

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Hey there pal, just as a heads up it's considered poor form to post images in a story time thread.

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I like that Black Sonichus spin dash hits an astounding 200RPM

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yeah really, fuck off with your spam

The fucking tiny-ass panels.

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you could have it all
my empire of dirt
I will let you down
I will make you hurt

Goddamn the hurt starts so soon!

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A meeting of legends, unlikely to be bested in our time.

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I wonder how many 4koma manga Chris has ever read. I can't imagine his layout sense came from western comics.

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fuck johnny cash, he sucks

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That's a hot take. I guess you can imagine user is playing the original version instead.

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>200 rotations per minute
Oh yeah! Haha, didn’t even notice that. Let's play the devils advocate and assume that Chris meant rotations per second.

/tg/ and /vp/core I guess

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Oh, that is one of Blachus spines, at first I thought the title was "Black Metal Gombat".
This fucking comic is very confusing.

cash was a geriatric fuck up who thought could be hip if he played a suicide song. hurt by nine inch nails is the only good version of the song, and anyone who tells otherwise deserve a bitchslap, including trent

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edgier than a black and red sonic recolor.

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it's not edgy, it's the truth. it's just that people sometime don't want the truth, they want conformity and they want to belong. I didn't lie, I only told what everyone thinks, but is afraid to admit

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I don't want conformity, I wan't good music, and even though Cash only did covers, he did them well. Next your gonna tell me you prefer Dylan's,. "all along the watchtower" when compared to Hendrix

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I don't like Dylan at all to be honest, but Cash really fucked up the cover of Hurt. It's like he was told to make the cover as shitty as possible, and he delivered

>plot points that will be forgotten for nearly a decade.

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>plot points

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God I had forgotten the random access humor.

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That page radiates a deceptive innocence.

>Edited because rainbows are gay, and Chris is STRAIGHT

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I miss my girlfriend

This incident was one of several that led to Chris being banned from the Charlottesville mall, he really did sperg out and let loose a Darth Vader tier NOOOOOOOO! in public.

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On now, to Issue #2

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this storytime told me one thing for sure, that I am closer to CWC in more ways that I would like to be

the fuck?

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Despite living in the US, Chris has no idea how native americans look.

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I'm surprised that despite being american he knew how to type

It's spectacular, yes.
He theorized that the prostitute he lost his virginity to was of Cherokee descent. i wonder what she looks like, an Appalachian lot lizard willing to fuck Chris must be a sight to behold.

Remember folks, it's okay to skip showers as long as you replace them with copious amounts of Axe bodyspray

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Axe body spray isn't even that bad. However, it does have the stereotype of being used by Mexicans and middle schoolers to look cool.
Thats why I use old spice instead.

if chandler's case taught me anything is that I am a fucking loser

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I think its just a mix of him not knowing any other tribes besides Cherokee, not wanting to be in the presence of a minority and thinking up a masterful way to depict what native americans associated with a Sonic OC might wear.

thread theme and don't fucking deny it

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>not Don't Call Anyone

Sometimes I wonder what Chris' style would have been like if he were exposed to Kamen Rider instead of Sailor Moon

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come at me nigga

This song is unironically good. Yea Forums The Musical has always made great edits.

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>i'm going to be past thirty two next year
god fucking dammit

the promised page approaches

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The musical and the porn threads have been the only good things on Yea Forums until the DMCV announcement threads.

I wonder what's his prevailing power is. So many people died during all of this time, but for some reason, he prevailed. Why?

This is quite possibly the single most discussed comic page in the history of Yea Forums
right up there with Loss

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reading sonichu is the key to understanding chris' thoughts and his life, and understanding chris' thoughts and his life is the key to understanding sonichu. good luck

I always giggle at the fact that the only reason Wes-Li is even doing all this is because some guy in a robe told him he had to and he just goes "oh, alright" and goes along with a plot to murder someone he doesn't even know.

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Today I Shall Remind Them.

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Wes is meant to resemble a meteor and Chris here thinks the stone age is when dinosaurs went extinct
mystery solved

OP here

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Why do autistic people feel the need to ramble on in writing? They'll be quiet IRL but then when they write they basically drone on without being interesting.

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Notice that despite the fact that these are technically pokemon having a pokemon battle using pokemon moves, Chris felt the need to start the fight with a Yugioh trap card and measures life points.

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Got Milk?
I'm drinking water.

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Always remember, public education is evil.

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Huh, Chris predicted Pokemon Masters 3 pokemon Unity Attacks.

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you don't have to tell me THAT twice

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god fucking dammit that did hurt

This incident is one of several that led to Chris being suspended from college and having to take anger management classes

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But in the stone age...

fuck you Yea Forums I didn't want these feels. it was supposed to be funny in a cringe way

Now on to Issue #3 and the introduction of the Chaotic Combo, who have already been referenced in sub episodes, because Chris has an editor on par with Marvel

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So if I were to try and sell something with Sonichu and somehow avoided getting sued by Sega or the Pokemon Company, could Chris-chan sue me?

...the reptilian overlords had to do everything twice instead of us

You thought this would be entertainment? it's the story time weekend of PAIN

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>Chris being suspended from college
was he a janitor there or what

Such natural exposition.

Chris legally and fully owns the copyright to the name Sonichu. He can indeed sue you and win for using the name without his permission.

A student, he has a degree in Computer Aided Drafting and Design.

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yes, and to make things funnier, he would succeed where sega / pokemon failed

That cab(?) was in an accident and is FUBAR.

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God fucking dammit it's not even friday

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But user, it’s P A R O D I C!

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The placement of the word balloons is weird

>Chemical "X"?
>No, cherry cola!
Um what? Is this supposed to be a Powerpuff Girls reference that made sense in Chris' mind?

Someone post the straw

I admit that in my free time I'll fantasize about the weirdest shit involving fictional characters and crossovers. I would never write them down or draw them though.

I try to close this tab, but it can't. I'm stuck in this stupid thread with the stupid storytime about a stupid person


Yes it is a mix of PPG and Mewtwos origin.

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>"...This is his story and nothing less!"

Wait, does he mean the story is about Sonichu and nobody else, or does he mean the comic is entirerly his own creation?

Because neither of these alternatives seem right

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ok, this page proves this is an elaborate hoax
thank you, I was almost fooled

The firmer, eventually there was an outcry about the story focusing on Chris too much so he vowed to make Sonichu the main character again, the next issue was almost entirely about Chris

Chris later married pic related, like last year.

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The former*

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he did what, or I misread something?

>March 2000-2005
Does that mean that Chris had been working on Sonichu since the year 2000 even though he didn't release it until 2004?

Chris is currently in a poly-amorous marriage.

Chris created Sonichu while he was in high school as part of a class project to create a custom album cover.

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>Chris is currently in a poly-amorous marriage.
I regret asking now

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>friends: 1/1

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This truly was 2005.

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Trust me, the less you know about real life Chris-chan the better.

Hush, you.

go watch the documentary Chris Chan A Comprehensive History
or get on the cwcki and pick an article, it's such a trip.

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Is Chris incapable of understanding that you always start reading the topmost speech bubble in a panel? Its confusing as hell when the dialouge you are supposed read first is at the very bottom of a panel.

I believe you and I never was so certain in my life about anything else

Really though, I can't help but feel bad for Chris-chan, all that trolling would get to anyone.

Yes. Some of them start at the bottom, some are right to left, the ones that jump from side to side are the worst.

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Imagine being such an interesting person to merit a wikipedia article. God dammit

>a wikipedia article
It's an entire damn wiki. Many of the articles are longer than and more accurately sourced than real wikipedia articles.

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I think that Chris trolled us

>dragostea din tei starts playing
Good choice, youtube algorithm.

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God, fucking, dammit. It's unbelievable, it's like a trolling gone wrong. You guys created a monster, and you will have to live with it for the rest of your lives

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Now, a relevant advert before this issues sub episode.

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For a while, that was actually a popular theory until more info about his childhood (including those videos of him as a kid) came out and he started getting repeatedly arrested.

He does make pretty good money of his trolls though. One guy gave him $1000.

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What a fucking chad

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>white girl
how racist of him for not wanting to have a black girlfriend

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I'm surprised he hasn't had some serious altercation with any blacks, especially when he went to Bronycon. Baltimore is dangerous under the best of situations.

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I guess that even niggers know better than to mess with Chris

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He dropped the attraction sign stuff a long time ago, and I don't think he actually hates blacks, he just prefers white women.

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He could absolutely sue you. I'm sure he'd want that too, considering the debt he's in.

And that is the story of how Chris, already banned from Walmart, was banned from the McDonald's inside the Walmart.

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god dammit chris, he is not taking any shit from anyone. he is a very driven person

>Congratulations Mr. Arbuckle
>You are going to have a fine, healthy litter of puppies

Continuing to Issue #4
Sonichu does not appear in this issue of Sonichu.

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>with an accidental dose of cherry cola

My sides are in orbit.

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issue theme

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Me too, user. Me too.

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won't lie, this is some good fap material

I can't wait until Issue #8
The mods were kind to me last time I did this and I hope they will be again. It's been a couple of years.

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yup, chris is totally not racist at all

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It cannot be real, you are pulling my leg

>chris can't beat up some mall cops without help from an imaginary girl
Good stuff.

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Every sub episode was based directly on a real life incident, mostly at the Charlottesville Fashion Square mall and other business surrounding.

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beside having a big finger I have to admit it, but chris is correct in his assesment

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it's not even that, chris describing himself as salty feels like a parody of parodies, I am aware that he lacks self-awareness, but this is attention whoring on a completely different level

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>hyper-realistic hand

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Admit it Yea Forums, you are tsundere for chris

Yea Forums is more likely to be yandere for chris

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This sub episode introduces us to one of Chris Chans greatest foes.
I highly suggest you take a moment to read up

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This is so amazing. In his comic, his fantasy he is almost all powerfull, yet he still has no myspace friends except for his shitty OC, not even fucking myspace-Tom. Even in his fantasy he is a pathetic loser, just because he doesn´t know anything else. It would be sad if it wasn´t so hilarious.

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>Chris fights an actual cop
>Gets arrested

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Sometimes the dialog reminds me of Jack Kirby in a really odd way

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I wonder if someone has ever tried to find the security guard and kinda interview him when this nonsense was happening.

Aw, thats the edited straw of fail.

If only his fucking art teacher had let him just do a pokemon cover for that stupid project, he wouldn't have created sonichu and his whole life might have turned out differently, now i am waiting til he is either a hobo or he turns into an hero

Yeah, most of these are the edits from '09 or so.
For the uninitiated

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He already had a sonic recolor OC Bionic
It was destined.

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how does he draw for almost 2 decades and not improve in the slightest?

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Later in this story time we will get to the special re release of Issue #0 where Chris has retconned himself to be a woman.
He actually has improved.

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>lets Sonichu run ahead to trigger all the traps
Why is Sonic so based

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Fun Fact
Chris has had multiple blue cars nicknamed Son-chu with the SONICHU vanity plates.

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Issue 4 come to a close.

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Thus begins Issue #5

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I watched all Brendaniel videos, and he stopped right after Chris-chan comes out of the void/dark dimension/whatevs.

Does it get crazier after that ?

The next one after that is the one where he fights Yea Forums iirc

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ah, no, he was sucked into the time void just before 8

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To answer your question, recent issue focus on Chris' obsession with being a tranny, several of the characters get gender bender episodes and there is a lot of MLP

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new thread

Could you even imagine how differently Chris's life might have turned out if Sonichu never existed?
>Without Sonichu, Chris has less shameful content the internet can mock him for
>Without Sonichu, Chris's grasp on reality may not have been so loose
>Without Sonichu, Chris may have gotten laid in his 20's
>Without Sonichu, Chris may have had more fruitful endeavors in his life besides a shitty webcomic that set the bar for bad webcomics.
>Without Sonichu, Chris may not have hurled the ORIGINAL CHARACTER DO NOT STEAL meme regarding the Sonic fan community into the stratosphere

>5 mies

On retrospect, that fictional twin sister was probably one of the earliest indications for him wanting to live as a woman.


a valiant effort

... What is the tune to Robotnik's song supposed to be, anyway?

Why is Ringo Starr a DJ?

Just remember that when Chris was young, THIS was the only version of Kamen Rider around:

He was the gift that kept on giving.

That still makes zero fucking sense.

>Don't get hit, and hit him!
Great strategy, Sonichu