This week, Kara is terrified to learn that after freezing him with her ice breath and thawing him with her heat rays...

This week, Kara is terrified to learn that after freezing him with her ice breath and thawing him with her heat rays, she completely melted Superman.

Tomorrow: new episode shown at San Diego Comic Con

Every episode and short so far:!ZQl0VSTB!Msbp8ZldZvtMA3w0kvZtCQ

Attached: DC Super Hero Girls death of Superman.png (1080x1080, 436K)

Other urls found in this thread:!56RzyQSI!HxKAR3Qbful3cabTixCD6BSbc7cavh7OCqfY8JBODS8!ImI3nYQC!LZH54xEngmYKObwToLz_3pamEcYEGLbOTUQE69YdS1o!gzQDXaAD!K7Wk3qUr0fbo7-_F81buA3O9PtSC90oZLkCb11VARRY!ZQl0VSTB!Msbp8ZldZvtMA3w0kvZtCQ

Hey, fucking up that bad is my job. Stop ripping off other Danverses.

Attached: 1474054853057.gif (239x282, 438K)

>more kara shit

also, put subject, you faggot

Attached: faust in a nutshell.jpg (600x1282, 206K)

Best girl!
The catalog search works for filenames too

Attached: no.jpg (400x484, 28K)

the punchline will be that she makes the news as her alter alter ego

but ctrl+f doesn't. then again you're probably a filthy phone poster

*blocks your path*

Attached: 1563301636713.jpg (1122x571, 97K)

Hot Mess Girl

>but ctrl+f doesn't.
Who cares?

Does anybody know which comic Glenmorgen square is from? Wikipedia claims it's from Superman Returns but I watched that movie and there's no Times-Square-lookalike in it, and no Glenmorgen or Glenmorgan square.

Literally no such shot in the movie.

Attached: SupermanReturns.jpg (720x720, 43K)

Who is Hot Mess Girl and why does she have such bad taste?

forgot pic

Attached: Screenshot_20190718-113918.png (2560x1440, 2.37M)

Not sure but she must be related to the burrito avenger

Attached: mexican batgirl.jpg (1113x628, 61K)

They couldn't get Nicole Sullivan for this short it seems

Is she affiliated with the Burrito Bucketeer? And why are the students of Metropolis High School so bad ad recognizing faces?

Attached: Burrito Bucketeer.jpg (1084x1080, 180K)

Attached: best girl.jpg (500x913, 199K)

All these stinking Mexicans infesting Metropolis need to go back to where they came from.

They do cause a ton of property damage.

Don’t forget SDCC panel tomorrow

Babra is worst girl

Oh I’m gonna tinker with this!

Nice quads and does the staff hate Zatanna?

Would superwoman be able to relax her cervix muscles during birth or would she have to rely on C-section?

Attached: Kara saves day.png (2560x1440, 2.3M)

Retract, user!

With an exclusive episode! Another Kara episode!


Ask them when we're getting a Zatanna episode.

Attached: 9000 hours in MSPaint.jpg (655x900, 85K)


Male kryptonians give birth

Attached: tumblr_lsxg9jrtc51qfslif.jpg (284x284, 9K)

Part of me wishes this short featured ENF but Kara probably wouldn't give a shit about being seen naked by others

Never, the best you can hope is another bunny episode where Zatanna plays second fiddle to Supergirl

In this short, she only sighs, grrrr's and hums. Less talking I guess.

The crew already blabbed that there's an upcoming episode about Zee's relationship with her father.

Man, penile birth must be even weirder than those female hyena pseudo-penises.

There are a couple of things to work with, like Kara having too move super fast while naked so nobody gets a good look at her. Zee and a magic mishap is obvious, Jess would be inclined to naturalism, Diana in ancient greek-style wrestling match, Karen with a suit mishap. Can’t think of anything obvious for Babs...

Babs could go the stealth route like Kara having to foil a crime without being detected, Diana would also be oblivious to the taboos of nudity to feel shame

we really dont need more kara shit

Kara should have fought that giant monster naked.

>Kara accidentaly breaks one of Zee Zatara's father magical artifacts causingg tensions between Zee and her father.
the episode will then revolve around Kara trying to beat a magical monster.

pitch your episode ideas:

>Sinestro and Jessica team up to help Hal get over his fears of Carol so Hal can go back to fearing Sinestro


I like the casual nudity angle more than ENF anyway. To me it's hotter if the girl is enjoying the nudity.

Yeah, I mean if the monster's naked why can't she be?

I need more Babs episodes

Attached: Batgirl assumes the position.png (565x240, 180K)

Then help come up with a scenario for babs

She captures Harley, ties her to a bed, gets a handful of cocaine and slaps her pussy.

Yes more Kara yay.
When will actual best girl have a movie about herself?

Attached: IMG_20190718_131456.jpg (1500x1352, 88K)

>Kara movie
What would it be about?

At this rate these threads have more Zee than the show does.

Poison Ivy is using her plants pheromones to make her the most popular girl in the school, Zee's perfume fragrance makes her unaffected and the only one left to stop her.

Bumblebee needs to go inside Kara’s body to free her from kryptonite poisoning

She meets Batman on a roof and then 3 minutes of hardcore sex

Don't you ever reply to me.

Now that you mention Ivy I remember there was a preview of Zatanna sneezing and casting magic. So I think that'll be the Zatanna vs Ivy episode

Attached: 1554697385097.webm (1920x1080, 2.91M)


T. Bruce Timm


I hope we eventually get all six of them having to fight crime in makeshift, second-rate costumes.

>penile birth
they vomit them out their mouths dummy


>but ctrl+f doesn't
sounds like a "you" problem.


She kidnaps Robin and keeps him hidden in her house so she can be with Batman.

I love how it's basically guaranteed that when Robin shows up he's going to be an annoying little shit. You could tell from the minute she whined about him in the four-part pilot.

I need more episodes in general.

Attached: babs.jpg (885x579, 86K)

God I wish that were me.

Hot Mess Girl always fights crime with cum all over her face

oh boy its time for everyone favorite blockheaded bimbo

>No Zee's shorts
I'm mad as fucking hell

Attached: mad.jpg (772x571, 70K)

>It has the same personality as the Robin from TTGO.

fuck you

Attached: one quintillion hours in mspaint.jpg (1600x1080, 178K)

>Kara having too move super fast while naked so nobody gets a good look at her
that would be a stretch

Attached: BrVVj8kCQAAD-iu.jpg (600x450, 35K)

Remember that porn stream with Batman and Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn? well that but with babs instead of batman

why is supergirl just powergirl???

Agreed. The humor could come from the civilian's reaction to her nudity or one of the other girls like Zee or Carol feeling embarrassed of her

Her hips would be a mile wide in this state

can't market the tit window to kids

They can if said window had the curtains lowered

Dunno how those loose swim trunks haven't fallen off

Calm the FUCK down, Karen, DAMN.

hip to waist ratio

I ask myself that every month

Attached: DCSHG Powergirl.png (282x552, 192K)

But who would have the biggest bush?

How the hell this short has almost one million views? The previous one is only going to reach 250,000.

I was surprised too

Based Kara brings the views.

Toss-up between Diana and Jess.

I am guessing that is kind of on purpose.
It almost seems like they wanted to use Powergirl but decided that Supergirl was more marketable and just switched the costumes around.

Easily Diana. No razors to trim the hedges on Themyscira

>repeating the same fucking joke

Attached: you are all faggots.jpg (480x480, 24K)

Kara would be one to embrace the extra attention brought on by her lack of attire

cool it hotshot, that's what we in the business call a running gag

Finally she gets more coverage than Supes!

So we are getting a new episode tomorrow? What about after that, does the schedule normalize or will the show go back into the hiatus void?

more kara shit, that's for sure

Keep crying.

the kara show, user

Bee is perfect and too pure for this world.

diana is the purest

Attached: too pure for this world.png (426x449, 280K)

Diana wasn't part of the world until her teens so she is cheating the pureness scale.

Well relative teens.
I forgot that she is like 250 years old.

It will be fun when they begin to corrupt her.

How is superman getting more coverage? They both wear the same amount of clothing when they're on the job

>tfw pretty much everyone is a filthy phone poster by now
What's the matter user? Don't like shitposting on the go?

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I smooch the CUTEST one.

Kara makes the best weird noises.

Attached: super owned.jpg (424x539, 115K)

You both are on the money

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>it's laundry day
>Kara didn't forget at the last minute
>doesn't end up doing laundry in her underwear
Disappointing short

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desab dna dellipeez

Attached: how do you expect me not to be best girl.jpg (864x361, 44K)

Shame nobody does exhibitionist Kara art

when the fuck we will see a cute moment with these girls?

Attached: super cute.png (1006x616, 467K)

Attached: clothes.jpg (1280x720, 369K)

Eh I'm not too disappointed since there's hardly any art of this show

As much as I'm getting tired of Kara, I do like how they've gone out of their way twice now to pair her with Zee. Their personalities clash in a way that makes their interactions interesting and amusing.

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Yeah we need a girls night out episodes or and Harley and Ivy ep without the Harley

I keep expecting to see a edit of this scene where Zee poofs Kara's clothes off her body.

Are there any horsefags or ex-horsefags here?
I am curious as to how you guys feel about this show in relation to the series that shall not be named since they are both Faust series.

I have seen that they compare this show with EG, personally, I like these girls more.

we don't talk about those guys, get out of here with that shit


Attached: horsefuckers must die.jpg (845x474, 189K)

That's cute as fuck. Where is it from?

Attached: tumblr_e9580073554f4c30805ae5c786937753_b9a36cfb_500.png (475x638, 320K)

I could see comparing them to the cast of the real show since they share a lot of similarities (Zatana is just Rarity mixed with Twighlight let's be real) but from what I remember from EQG I don't see it. The EQG characters are just bland.
Is it just because they are turned off by the idea of human women?
I am just curious because this show isn't being pushed very hard and migrating horsefuckers might help us keep it on the air a bit longer and get it more attention with their obsessive tendencies now that their show is dying.

Aren't the show's ratings doing pretty well by themselves?

The show does well but CN keeps on screwing the show over with scheduling and airing the episodes out of order
While more watchers would be nice, I can assure you that no one wants any obsessive autists. That gets out of hand way too fast and attracts negative attention.

horsefuckers dont like DCSHG because they dont want people replace their shitty show with this series, because you know, horse show is ending. also, some of them see the show like a betrayal from faust

Yeah but CN really doesn't seem to want them to.
I guess they see it as direct competition with their golden child TTG or something.
>While more watchers would be nice, I can assure you that no one wants any obsessive autists.
That is fair.
>some of them see the show like a betrayal from faust
What the hell do they want her to do?
Do they want her to just stop working forever because they really like that show she only worked on a season or two of nearly a decade ago?
I know they are autistic and all but that is a bit much.

they wanted to stay in the show forever

>the show is not the same because no faust REEEEEEE!!!!
>twilight is alicorn because no faust REEEEEEE!!!!
>EG exist because no faust REEEEEEE!!!!
>starlight exist because no faust REEEEEEE!!!!
>student six exist because no faust REEEEEEE!!!!
>some villain is reformed because no faust REEEEEEE!!!!}
>faust is working in a different project? SHE MUST BE IN MLP FOREVER REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!

Why were Hal and Jessica so mean to Steven Universe in episode six?

i wanted to edit this to make zee sneeze over and over giving kara a different costume each time but i have too much trouble making the sparkles look right

nigger fart :)

c-calm down, bee

I can't believe Kara is dead.

worst timeline

>Diana takes "Eat me out" too literally.

Attached: Batgirl pain.png (600x1030, 851K)

Attached: slow.png (586x17, 695)

BASED user

Attached: spongebob-wallet.png (720x540, 622K)

original image?

Attached: Stained-00_02_00_912.jpg (1920x1080, 258K)

Damn it I'm geoblocked. Someone from the US please download these episodes with youtube-dl and post 'em

Attached: Sindbad.webm (640x480, 1.85M)

wasn't that like her underwear?

Can we all agree that this show did Livewire really fucking well?

Maybe, but I hate YouTube personalities too much to see it.

Attached: kys yourself.gif (1080x1072, 471K)

Also this

Attached: 11 #ShockItToMe (1080p HD)-00_06_16_168.jpg (1912x1072, 494K)

Wow, 3 new episodes in a row!

Only wait for MEGA link for them.


Any noteworthy caps?

mega please?

Why is Supergirl the tomboy? Would've made more sense if it was someone like Black Canary or Raven

I need a hero!

Because Kara is MONEY! Also people might have thought we'd see a costume mishap...

>tfw no strong, brave, handsome American downloads and rehosts the new DCSHG episodes for you

Attached: captain pronin.jpg (257x196, 8K)

She's clearly the biggest draw.

Attached: Kara smile.png (960x538, 726K)

Anybody at SDCC? Looks like WB are relaunching DCSHG. Would explain why they yanked it from Cartoon Network.

Attached: DCSuperHeroGirls_s1-1.jpg (1694x2500, 286K)

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Attached: succ.jpg (320x320, 17K)

Where's the hair streak?

that's not explain why #dyeharder only has 150,000

Attached: TXAbBfd.jpg (1400x1050, 148K)

in your mom's crotch

I wish I could be at SDCC right now, but America is so far away from Europe.

Like a country gal and a fashionista ya'll

Nobody is this retarted

Because he is the dragon. Also its fucking white aqualad, how else could you treat him?

well, you really dont know the horsefuckers

I don't think so. The series is still relatively new

dat Robin

or was it her normal clothes?

homie download the episodes with youtube-dl and post them on mega
they're only available in the US


Can a kind user rip them, non-american here

I can't. I only watched the preview.

That's not my baby.
On model merch when?

>From bat to worse
Having just moved to the boring Metropolis suburbs, Batgirl is thrilled when she intercepts a call from Batman asking for help. But before she can stop a visiting Gotham villain, she'll have to sneak past her dad, Police Commissioner Gordon.

>Crushing it
Diana Prince is absolutely crushing it in every single aspect of life as a student at Metropolis High, until someone shows up who threatens to throw her off her game for good.

>Missgiving Tree
>Jessica Cruz and Pam Isley bond over protecting an ancient tree from being cut down. Neither of them realizes who the other's alter ego is, or the lengths to which they'll go to protect what's important.

Nice set of episodes. Also from bat to worse comes before adventures in bunnysitting, looks like the site will have the intended chronological order that the TV airings messed up.

Yikes Zatanna really is a background character

so, steve is coming?

There will be no coming. On the other hand, never say never...

Ayayay, episodes out of chronological order I guess.

Well, I can handle it anyway.

>From bat to worse
Neat. I liked the first Barbara episode a lot even if she is my least favorite member of the team.
We'll probably get a proper Harley introduction here.
>Crushing it
That sounds almost exactly like the Cheetah episode.
>Missgiving Tree
Neat. I am happy to see loli Ivy get a little spotlight.
Does she even have one focused episode yet?

>Does she even have one focused episode yet?
Nope. She might as well not be on the show tbqh

Attached: 1551502273077.webm (1920x1080, 989K)

The only one you could remotely call a Zatanna episode is the one with the bunnies, however the focus was leaning a little more towards Supergirl

>Ivy episode is a Jessica episode
Why do the writers hate Zee so much

>leaning a little more towards Supergirl
It was a Supergirl episode with some Zatanna

what happened to her?

Zee killed her in revenge for her little screentime

Because she's shit.

Sheesh I figured I might have missed one since I am about four episodes behind.
Even Bee has an episode and everyone else has at least two so that is a bummer.
She had a little focus in it but it was totally a Kara episode.


t. Lauren Faust

RIP in peace, Zatanna

because she is not a tomboy

Yeah, I did put it a bit lightly to be honest

Neither are Diana, Jessica and Bumblebee.

Here's your Zee bro

Attached: dbnpnhm.png (500x500, 299K)

>no focus
>ugliest doll
What did they mean by this

She is power girl.

compared to zee, they are a little more tomboyish

>fashion obsessed
>pink/purple theme
>sparkly magic powers
She's definitely the girliest one

rip, we barely know her.

>faust loved lesbian horse the most and disliked dresses horse the most

the story is rewritten

And unfortunately for Zee I don't see this show surviving

Well yeah but she is a long range fighter and a princess type.
Everyone is less girly than her outside of maybe Carol.
Poor poor Rarelight Sparktana.

Maybe the episodes are so out of order that Zee's episodes are the last.

Attached: koopita descansando o pensando.png (229x252, 26K)

>thinking there are Zee episodes
user, I...

True, I really like Zee myself and I can't help but only wait patiently for her spotlight episode.

Didn't white horse's first focused episodes come at the end of horse show's season one too?

The SDCC panel started.

Considering that this is one of the only cartoons to make me genuinely happy in years I am bracing for bad news.

Attached: D_3DnB5VAAI6wBs.jpg (900x1200, 169K)

>DC Super Hero Girls S01E14 - #FromBatToWorse!56RzyQSI!HxKAR3Qbful3cabTixCD6BSbc7cavh7OCqfY8JBODS8

Attached: DC Super Hero Girls S01E14 - #FromBatToWorse.jpg (1920x1080, 199K)


Attached: D_3CLnrVUAAF9lN.jpg large.jpg (2048x1012, 313K)

>DC Super Hero Girls S01E16 - #MisgivingTree!ImI3nYQC!LZH54xEngmYKObwToLz_3pamEcYEGLbOTUQE69YdS1o
E15 is not available

Attached: DC Super Hero Girls S01E16 - #MisgivingTree.jpg (1920x1080, 339K)

What the fuck happened to Batgirl's voice

Well thanks, dude.

>ep15 not available

Sounds like a mix between Babs and Barbie


Attached: nice.jpg (550x336, 26K)

So chronologically this is episode 5, huh.

Funny thing, I do. I lurk /pony/ quite frequently, have watched all of the horse show and the bratz-esque spin-off (desu its quite entertaining because neither Hasbro or the crew gives a fuck about the content) and follow horsefuckers artist too, although you'll never see me with one of those pillows or fucking plastic horns on my head. I havent heard of those Faust cultists in years.

No she has two in the middle of the season, but given the episodes are all out of order who the fuck knows if we or when we will get a Zee episode.

>Two Ivy episodes
Nice. NEET Ivy is cute.

>Crushing it
>That sounds almost exactly like the Cheetah episode.
Dont you know what a crush is, user? soaked panties can throw anybody off their game for good.

I think Zatanna will be 100% replaced by Katana

I would have very mixed feelings about that .

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Attached: efd.jpg (403x392, 40K)

>weeb running

Attached: DC Super Hero Girls S01E14 - #FromBatToWorse-00_07_50_370.jpg (1920x1080, 219K)

Ivy is fucking terrifying

Attached: DC Super Hero Girls S01E14 - #FromBatToWorse-00_08_37_284.jpg (1920x1080, 206K)

Best episode yet?

give this man a harem

>when Robin shows up he's going to be an annoying little shit.

supergirl is a bigger name I guess. She basically has PG personality and alot closer to how PG would be animated for a kids show

I think that was actually good Babs-centric episode.

Thanks megaanon

>special guest star next week

Attached: 3475897-screen shot 2013-11-29 at 9.46.33 am.png (411x640, 523K)

Doesn't Tallulah Black's entire backstory revolve around her getting raped? There's no way she'll ever be in this show.

Ivy is a fucking psychopath

Attached: DC Super Hero Girls S01E16 - #MisgivingTree-00_08_44_458.jpg (1920x1080, 220K)

Any Zatanna in today's episodes?

Attached: 1552576817184.png (941x588, 555K)

Attached: DC Super Hero Girls S01E16 - #MisgivingTree-00_04_23_263.jpg (1920x1080, 365K)

What a weeb.

user, we need to talk.

Exclusive SDCC poster

Attached: D_3J5uIU0AAp_Qd.jpg large.jpg (1536x2048, 521K)

Sixth boy is Steve?

Steve looks happy.

>Steve is just happy to be there.

Are these in HD?

They are recorded with the camera of a cell phone.


>DC Super Hero Girls S01E15 - #CrushingIt!gzQDXaAD!K7Wk3qUr0fbo7-_F81buA3O9PtSC90oZLkCb11VARRY

Attached: DC Super Hero Girls S01E15 - #CrushingIt.jpg (1920x1080, 294K)

Oh, it's a miracle!

Steve is cute

alternatively they might be trying to foreshadow and build up to her becoming PG, maybe not within the series but t regularly hint that she won't be Supergirl forever.

Is this the earth 2 to the first dcshg earth 1

would explain a lot and might be a funny crossover.

>"Why are you all so spunky and not interested in pretty dresses?"
>"Can I punch other me?"

>it's steve

Wow, okay, for a moment, I saw a bit of what looked like tan coat and thought it was Constantine.

Lmai they tried to kill Steve

holy cow, that was so cute

in the cartoon she fell into a cactus while riding her horse

>Bee was going cerebral bore Steve's brain

Jesus, Karen!

I didn't think she was old enough to have played Turok on N64.


Attached: DC Super Hero Girls S01E15 - #CrushingIt-00_01_17_678.jpg (1920x1080, 245K)

I love it.

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Dayum, these three new episodes are all 10/10
Why secretly release them on a website? Feels like CN is shooting themselves in the foot.

Attached: hankman.jpg (250x250, 23K)

I thought and wanted Constantine as well, but damn Steve is a fun, unintentional, asshole

It was so damn refreshing to get 3 episodes at once after that dry period. I'm happy.

when is CN not using a fucking minigun to shoot themselves constantly?

Emphasis on 'unintentional' and a lot less on 'asshole'.

dude really does not grasp his affect on Diana.

Also I feel the play one was neither of their fault. That set was just built like shit. Having worked in set construction, if a balcony cannot actually support the weight of a fucking teenage girl leaning against it when a scene calls for her to lean forward, you built a crappy set.

good stuff

Attached: bee happy.png (2560x1440, 1.39M)

>robin as that big an asshole
what the fuck guys

Episode ranking


Crushing It
From Bat to Worse
Super Who?
Misgiving Tree (who would have thought, a Jessica episode is actually good)


Shock It to Me
She Might Be Giant
Fight at the Museum
Meet the Cheetah
Adventures in Bunnysitting
Sweet Justice


Hate Triangle


Burrito Bucket

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He learned from the best

Attached: detectivecomics-168569.jpg (1000x525, 99K)

oh definitely, I just mean it in the way that he's such a nice guy that almost everyone hates him.

What the fuck?! This episode actually really bittersweet!

>Ivy share's the story of the tree and how it was ultimately overrun
>Jessica accidentally destroying it trying to save the demolition crews but feeling horrified at the consequences
>Ivy swears vengeance
>But on the flipside, Pam and Jessica in civvies find the seed and plant it together, the beginning of a friendship we know will not endure.

So Babs have both best and worst episode?

>Heart pupils
The absolute mad lads!

Attached: F90331C8-CAE4-4C1B-AED1-A0B127078247.jpg (1805x1000, 1.5M)

>GA, Hawkman and Steve

Ollie? Also that’s a lot of facial hair for a teenager.

Attached: B23E979B-DC00-40C5-ADBB-DF3A5277AE5F.jpg (2048x1153, 372K)

What you thought Dick was just his name?

Be funny though if Lauren revealed it was Damien though.

Not really.

I wonder if we'll see Dinah

I liked this one a lot. Jessica's finally finding her legs as a comedic character.

Oh boy, three new episodes in one day

Attached: Batsy.png (361x768, 111K)

I love how much of a pompous prick he is to Zee, their interactions are going to be Golden Globe worthy. Also Garth is fucking dead

Attached: Green Arrow and Zatanna.jpg (1080x848, 70K)

And cute Babs to boot! Reminds me a lot of Coco.

Attached: 0C168061-3DFD-42D1-86C8-9974D9371B80.jpg (1226x1031, 791K)

Poor Steve, he’d either be murdered or stalked and kidnapped.

Attached: 67F0A546-B28F-471A-840C-DB4C7B5CDA44.jpg (1614x1089, 915K)

Zee's magic is wack. He'll be fine

His design looks cuter here than it was on the comic. He was almost murdered this ep lol

I like the moral ambiguity of the show. All the superheroes are a cunt-hair away from becoming supervillains.

Why didn't Steve get accepted to military academy? Is he too sensitive? Too dumb? Too blonde?

Attached: DC Super Hero Girls S01E15 - #CrushingIt-00_10_16_617.jpg (1920x1080, 335K)

>Instead of being banished to the 27th dimension, Zee accidentally sent him to the 16th dimension of mildly annoying pain and suffering. Incidentally it was just another regular day for Garth

I think that's one of the shows strong points, all of the characters are pretty fleshed out and don't fit into one single archetype or personality. The villains sometimes have their moments of being regular people, and the heroes act like actual teenagers with shifting moods.

It was someone's laundry load.


It’s great that they’re willing to show the characters be weirdos and have flaws. Also I LOVE this take on Ivy as an aggressive carnivore who cries for the plants. The show seems to poke fun at vegetarians and vegans.

Attached: 2EBEF5B6-FD71-413A-B7AC-E1C4F7F98361.jpg (1334x850, 189K)

I liked how it showed Jessica cares about everyone while Ivy only gives a fuck about the plants her powers delude her into thinking are people.

>bats is the only non-teen super hero
and supes still young...

Attached: bats.jpg (1260x692, 202K)

They also showed her carnivore love in the Harley/Ivy short where she was eating pork rinds. They mainly take shots at vegans though, especially in the lasso of truth short where it showed that two vegans really just tired of vegan food and would give anything to eat some meat again.

>WANTING to go to military academy
Is Steve Trevor a redneck?

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>Time to put on these 'not quite a nightmare but still bothering and mildly upsetting' goggles
>Everything looks the same.

wait, they confirmed supes is still young? I mean he looks younger but I thought that was the artstyle.

I gotta say, having grown up in SoCal and recently visited places not polluted hellholes like Wyoming, I feel for Pam's cause...

But also as a construction worker, those demolition dudes are just doing a job.

And frankly I'd probably protest the cutting down the tree myself because fuck Lex Luthor, dude wants to make cuckoldry into an accepted fetish and fill leadership positions with liberals who would make Hillary Clinton recoil and shriek.

he seems like a mild overachiever or something so I'd wager it's because military schooling does look good on a resume. Also probably looks even better if you want to get into the military.

(I think if you've undergone a full high school education in a military school you're basically allowed to skip jump to sergeant or something when you enlist and complete basic)0

He probably just wants to fly jets for a living.

Steve Trevor is just a good old patriot and true American hero

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Great use of the BTAS iconic shot.

Yeah, Supes is young. According to Kara in #SuperWho, he was still known as Superboy only 2 summers ago

The animators do a great job with flash animation, characters can show a range from silly to genuine sadness. Also this was a great Jess episode. Hell all three episodes were great.

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The history of the King Tree was like watching Samurai Jack again, seriously great visuals and storytelling

That the characters have several ... "layers" is always good.

>Bruu Commissioner Gordon here what’s shakin’ Batman?
I died, the show killed me.

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>All the superheroes are a cunt-hair away from becoming supervillains.
Yeah but they actually mean well unlike another morally complicated hero show on CN.


Love struck Diana is the best

She's so cute.

Why is Batgirl calling Commissioner Gordon "daddy"? Is she coming on to him?

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I want to dump a load into this autistic dork

Bitch need ridalin

I don’t know, why did she tie up an unconscious teenage girl and put her in the back of his car? When the girl escaped, why did he tell her not to tell Batman?

That's hot.

Hahaha, they really subverted my expectations.

I love when girls get like this and start playing with their hair. I’m also really glad that Diana isn’t presented as some unfeeling monolithic asexual, she can like boys if she wants.

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>you'll never experience puppy love

How will the babies be?

>funny how nobody likes steve but diana

I'm a little undecided with this episode. it's the cutest and funny episode thanks to diana, but the other girls can be really a bunch of cunts sometimes

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I remember watching batmans TAS whe I was a kid I always asked myself why is ivy a vegan if it's assumed that she love plants

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>Jess willing to club Steve with a mace
Why is she a pacifist when it comes to other girls but is perfectly fine with hitting guys?

Nah, she's perfectly fine with hitting people she doesn't like

Monks used maces rather than swords to avoid drawing blood.

>this is your green arrow
are you disappointed?

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As long as he fires a boxing glove arrow at some point I’m happy.

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Rich bitch scale of bitchiness

white men are evil according to leftists

Apples are not alive. The Apple tree is

it's like eating an uterus

No, it's like eating a period. Which we do with eggs and fruits and stuff

Hmm, what if we had the villain/hero pairings all wrong? We know it's Giganta/Bumblebee and Batgirl/Harley, as well as Supergirl/Catwoman. But we assumed that Jess was paired with Star Sapphire and Wonder Woman with Cheetah. But Cheetah's not even IN the villain team, and if you were to pick a member of them that she seems to have been linked with, you'd actually have to say Livewire. Meanwhile, Jess and Ivy are a nice contrast because they're different aspects of social activism.

What if Zee's opposite is actually Star Sapphire, and they have an episode together later?

here's what it is so far according to your post and what we know
>Bumblebee - Giganta
>Supergirl - Catwoman
>Green Lantern - Poison Ivy
>Batgirl - Harley Quinn
>Wonder Woman - Livewire
So you're most likely on point with Zee vs SS as they're the only logical match up left

fuuny how robin is the one with barely any changes. like faust didnt even give a fuck about his development

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I wonder what Older Robin and Batman look like

Is Carol rich, too? Maybe she, Ollie, and Zee are all in some kind of club.

If the show is still going with her backstory involving Ferris Aircraft, then yes, I'd say she's well off as well but involved with no rich clubs asides from stalking Hal

DAMMIT! I want a real date episode with Diana and Steve

he looks exactly the same according to the comic

Summary of Sdcc panel

Where is itunes ripper bro?

>Diana being a supreme cutie
Is it a day ending in Y?

> not even in the villain team
The showrunners know that Cheetah is a serious threat, and thus avoid making her into a weak jobber. She's supposed to be an archvillain for fucks sake.

Fuck, forget about one of the villain girls. Based on these past few episodes, it feels like Zee's REAL arch-rival is Ollie.

Attached: zatanna16.jpg (934x906, 67K)

Zee's REAL arch-rival is the show staff.

Lmao yes

>read summary of the panel in
>only one question about Zatanna and it's for her VA

Lads, everyone in this thread is going to have to do their part for our queen. We need to MAKE them care about Zatanna, because we may be the only ones who can do it. This may involve using some meme magic, assuming we have any.

Attached: zatanna99.png (1280x720, 791K)

>five 10/10 episodes in a row

yfw the show is confirmed Genuinely Good

>that single autist in the comments that genuinely liked a 90s-barbie-tier youtube show

Well, the VA said something about speaking backwards and Zee only chants her spells on episodes that focus on her so that's something... I guess

>He didn't have a beard or mustache by 15/16 at the very latest


What I'm really surprised about is that he gets to keep it. When I was in high school we were all required to be clean-shaven, both students and teachers.

I wanna hug taco Diana

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>Bennett asks how many episodes fans can expect. Faust confirms that there will be 26 episodes. New episodes begin in August.

''this is mi bebe!''

Who is Zatanna's archenemy? I don't read her books, so I wouldn't know.

>episode about working at a taco joint
>it's not a Diana focus episode
>restaurant is not called Taco Whiz
Missed opportunity

I have never read any of her solos or anything but in crossovers she seems to mostly fight demons and stuff as opposed to reoccurring villains. Kind of like Swamp Thing or Constantine.

Brother Night

This show is a reaction image goldmine.

Attached: the fuck you say bitch nigga 2.png (1920x1011, 1.17M)

>2 min teasers

>Oliver already has a beard
That's some strong genes

He is such a diva

Maybe remnants of his Island beard?

Geez, when did he get on the island then? When he's in the boy scouts?

maybe, who knows if they'll really bring up his Island situation and dead parents

>Jim moved out of Gotham because he found his daughter at a crime scene and realized Gotham is a shithole especially when it comes to raising children
Damn that is actually pretty real

Kara is cute and thicc, approved waifu

Attached: superfat.jpg (1280x720, 169K)

Best girl.

She just has to get "scarred" and love ugly fucks like Jonah even though she looks completely fine and Jonah looks like a monster.

karafags have nothing aside of that

>worst girl
FTFY fag

Attached: karafags.jpg (1366x1152, 532K)

Zee is my waifu dummy, but Kara is hot and cute, and fat

All her shows are like this. The Horse Show is, too, which makes Global Rule 15 a pain in the ass because I have some pony reaction images that are great but I can't use them anywhere except /mlp/ and /trash/. Fortunately DCSHG is not subject to that restriction.

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Keep crying, faggot.

zee is such a weeb

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It's pretty interesting within the show how, Gotham is starting to become an unprofitable shit hole for villains and are now migrating towards Metropolis

Zee is my wife too, but man I fucking love Babs. She's just so cute and energetic.

>every shade of beige
Okay that made me laugh

Omg, I want to impress her and protect her.

The fact that bee's drills and Zee's rasengan keeps moving while they are perfectly still is what makes this scene fucking hilarious.

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I like how the glittery halo she gets when casting is something she seems to actively conjure

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yep, is a pretty iconic mark of the character

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>Diana help, I can't find Babs anywh-
>Well hellooooo, Batgirl...

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Woah dude, careful with that shit. You could get banned

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Do you think Zee has gotten so few episodes because the writers are shit and aren't creative enough to use her to her full potential?

I think it might be that the episodes are aired out of order and Zee had the bad luck of having all her episodes pushed to the latter half of CN's release schedule.I think her powers are fine so far, they've been fairly creative with them whenever she actually gets some focus

If there really is a Zatannagasm at the end of CN's airing of season one, we should commemorate it somehow.

can we agree diana is definitely best girl?

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>Doing it for her when she pines for another

But yes, she is very great

I like Karen and Zatanna better but she is a great take on the character.

I had facial hair when I was a freshman.

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*blocks your path*

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Tree Killer

and man killer, she tried kill steve with the other bitches

Don't forget that she's also committed regicide, for a pacifist activist, GL sure is a fucking menace to society

diana, jess and zee are the trinity of best girls

There's really no need to be a set pairing.

>The cast is asked who the cast would be friends with. Wahlgren says Supergirl and much of the cast agrees.

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>time travel story
Please let it be a causal loop instead of shitty grandfather paradox stuff.

>even zee voice actress rather superdyke over her

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Homie the full episodes were already posted in this thread

>DC Super Hero Girls S01E14 - #FromBatToWorse!56RzyQSI!HxKAR3Qbful3cabTixCD6BSbc7cavh7OCqfY8JBODS8
>DC Super Hero Girls S01E15 - #CrushingIt!gzQDXaAD!K7Wk3qUr0fbo7-_F81buA3O9PtSC90oZLkCb11VARRY
>DC Super Hero Girls S01E16 - #MisgivingTree!ImI3nYQC!LZH54xEngmYKObwToLz_3pamEcYEGLbOTUQE69YdS1o

The three best episodes in the series so far

>Tap Water - $4.25

Attached: DC Super Hero Girls S01E14 - #FromBatToWorse-00_06_35_796.jpg (1920x1080, 304K)

holy shit, just when I thought this show's version of Wonder Woman couldn't get any cuter.

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>hmm already seen this thread a few times but why does it have so many replies for a short?
Damn I can't watch these until Monday.

Attached: delicious white substance.webm (1004x676, 836K)

good episode, we finally see the bats and ivy was great

cutest and funniest episode thanks to diana but also a little awful thanks to the other cunts. a friend is not doing what I want because she is in love? just kill his crush!

looks like jess has the best episodes. that sequence of ivy narrating the tree life remainds me samurai jack., also ivy is best evil girl

holy shit these niggas were really about to waste my boy Steve

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-07-20-08h22m01s403.png (1920x1080, 1.55M)

just because diana is not doing what they want

Ivy is disturbing

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>She will never look at you like that.
Why live?

faust really knows how to reel in people. Create a show with girls having girl power to please the feminists and young girls, but also make them super hot so men and young boys will be into it. Add some good writing and viola. Well played faust.

>does nothing
>still the best girl

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Hey you! give me a episode or else...

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I'm not going vegan for her.

oh wait lemme align that better

Attached: consider.png (1354x640, 402K)

somebody give me zee's butt wiggle I need it

there's alot you could do with that photo

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This could be a good reaction image

Calling it. That was a Superman robot. He'll return from a journalism conference the next day, and they'll have a laugh about it.

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>Calling it. That was a Superman robot.
While I am 100% sure that idea won't lead to DCSHGverse Hank Henshaw I desperately want it to.

Apples are alive, user. Their cells metabolize and exchange chemicals with their surroundings. For example, apples emit a lot of a chemical that causes other fruit to overripen quickly and spoil, so they should generally be stored somewhat separately. And having dead seeds defeats the whole point of plants producing fruit.

All the girls take turns fisting wonder woman and supergirl. They each take turns swallowing, shitting out, licking clean and then anally inserted bumblebee

Well, it's not like it's some super secret formula for success. It's just that competence only rarely aligns with interest and budget in actually producing quality shows.

I hope her doll ends up becoming a vessel for a 5th dimensional being. That would be based even for already based Faust.

Batman's voice is killing my sides. Is that Robin supposed to be Jason, or a bastardization of Dick plus an accent?

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Before he and Babs became a couple, they were obnoxious assholes to each other in the comics.

Steve is such a good boy.

I wonder when we'll be getting more of Ollie and Carter

Lemme help you user

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A cute boy named Jason shows up in town and instantly charms most of the girls with his mysterious nature. Coincidentally a bunch of paranormal problems show up in Metropolis around the same time. The only one who makes the connection is Zatanna but her theory is brushed off by the other girls. Soon she discovers that the boy is secretly a demon after a confrontation Zatanna realizes that the boy was actually trying to stop the paranormal threat and that she shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. They team up and save the day then Jason leaves town.

Nah. Now they can self insert as Steve.

If Pamela is on an animal protein only diet, why is she so weak and pale looking?

because she doesn't eat fruit or vegetables

She is a weird plant mutant and also she might have scurvy or something.

try never eating fruit or vegetables and see what happens to your physical health

Attached: snap out of it cunt.webm (1600x1080, 1.82M)

>The girls were actually going to fucking murder Steve Trevor just because Diana was wet for him
JJJ would have a field day with this shit

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This is the most funny ass cartoon airing right now. Holy shit. How does Faust do it?

Attached: what's going on in this thread.webm (640x640, 483K)

Humans are obligate omnivores. Without the sort of nutritional supplements and dietary care that's only become possible recently (and most people don't bother with even if they're vegans or whatever), humans need animal foods for certain things like particular amino acids and plant foods for certain things like some vitamins. Organ meats, particularly liver, can cover most of that, but that brings risks of overdoses of things like vitamin A. Like the other user said, she might have scurvy.

You're mad you didn't think of it first

Fruits are literally the tree's ovaries. Fruit juice is the period.

Do people have plant powers?

>humans need animal foods for certain things like particular amino acids and plant foods for certain things like some vitamins
I hate to bring this up but they don't, on both counts. You can get all the necessary amino acids from plants; for example rice and beans actually contains all the amino acids you need in the correct proportions. You can't get all the necessary vitamins from cooked meat, but If you eat raw meat you can do away with eating plants.
So if you eat raw meat you can be 100% carnivorous and if you eat the correct plants you can be 100% herbivorous. If you eat nothing but cooked meat you're gonna develop vitamin C deficiency (scurvy) really quick and some other bad diseases later on.

Attached: meatwad.jpg (320x320, 7K)

No, a period is a sloughed layer from the mammalian female reproductive system that occurs after the body leaves the receptive phase (ovulation).
Fruit juice is just the liquids from fruit. Some fruit (not all) are plant ovaries. So the human equivalent of fruit juice is ovary juice.
At any rate this conversation is retarded since, for example, flowers are plants' reproductive organs but sniffing flowers is not like sniffing genitals.

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Jess and Diana have a nice relationship.

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They're the purest members of the group.

From most pure to least pure it's

You think Babs is more pure than Karen?

Karen liked to touch herself in movie theaters, she should be dead last.

Karen's a horndog fujoshi impeded only by her social anxiety. Babs' autism makes her purer. She only cares about fighting crime and making cool gadgets, not flicking the bean to the thought of vampires and werewolves like Karen.

>if you eat the correct plants
Hence the mention of
>and dietary care that's only become possible recently
Actually knowing specifically what humans need and how much various foods contain is a recent development of scientific nutrition. Most beans are short on some amino acids, so rather than swap their crops to a variety that has them, people historically supplemented their diet with animal products. Not all plants grow in all places, so getting plant-based sources of all essential nutrients is not possible in many places without long-distance transportation that's cheap enough for bulk food. And for that matter, animal products are not all equal either. Not every place has animals that provide everything that humans needs. Eskimos lucked out that whale meat fits the bill, but rabbit does not, and a bite of wolf liver can kill you. In nearly all times and places that humans have ever lived, nearly everyone ate both plant and animal foods because that was the only practical solution. Hence "obligate omnivores".

>Actually knowing specifically what humans need and how much various foods contain is a recent development
No, it's been known for ages, large populations have survived without eating meat.
>Hence the mention of
Bullshit, you used the term "obligate omnivores" which is a bullshit term and now you're backpedaling.

kys your pseudo-scientific self.

Attached: backpaddling.jpg (300x300, 68K)

>No, it's been known for ages, large populations have survived without eating meat.

Holy FUCK you are stupid. No, absolute retard, people didn't know shit about the details of nutrition before the last century. Read a fucking book!

>he thinks ancient vegans knew which specific proteins were in what plants, and didn't just suffer through the symptoms of malnutrition


Oh God how the fuck did you misrepresent what I said so bad? I guess the same way you conclude that humans are "obligate ombivores". By being retarded.

Look at that, populations survived for centuries without eating meat. It's as if they knew what people need to eat to survive.

More specifically, populations of monks have been vegan for centuries, the most well-recorded are Jain ascetics.

Even if they didn't have a "nutritional value" label on their food, they still knew they need to eat this, this, and this to not get sick.

Jains consume dairy products. You know, that stuff with the specific biological purpose of providing complete nutrition to growing mammals.

Different anons, user. More than one person can disagree with you.

Vegetarianism is not the same thing as veganism. Nearly all the groups in that link ate animal products like fish, shellfish, eggs, and/or dairy products, and the few that did not had local access to some of the few plants with sufficient amino acid content.

you mean this?

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That's not how tire valve stems work

Attached: DC Super Hero Girls S01E14 - #FromBatToWorse-00_06_44_204.jpg (1920x1080, 164K)

It's like you didn't even read the article.

>few plants
You mean the abundant plants, like most combinations of legumes and cereals that grow wherever humanity lives.

who said anything about tire valve stems?

The show. They showed air leaking out of tire valve stems and tires going flat after removing the cap. That's not what the cap does. The cap just keeps dirt and grime off the valve. If you want to release air you gotta push the pin in the middle of the valve.

It won't load for me. Could my adblocker be stopping it or something?


Maybe. There's not much there though:
The voice cast of Super Hero Girls will join the panel after the premiere of a brand new episode.
The episode follows Harley and Babs as they go to "GothamCon"
Tara Bennett will be moderating the panel.
First on the panel is series creator, Lauren Faust.
She's joined by Tara Strong, Kimberly Brooks, Grey Griffin and more.
Faust is asked what she enjoys most about the show's success. "I'm just happy that people like it..." - Faust
Faust is asked how the show changed between versions. Faust said she went back to her original notes for DC Superhero Best Friends Forever. Faust says that the current show is about how the teenage experience and superhero experience mirror one another.
Faust thanks their art director for the look of the show as well as their team of storyboard artists.
Bennett mentions thatso much of their team is made up of women. She asks the panel what's important to them about telling stories from such a feminine place.
Faust says that it's refreshing being able to bring authentic female experiences to the work and that studios actually want it.
Bennett asks how Grey Griffin likes bringing Wonder Woman to life this time as opposed to her work in the past and she says that she just likes that they were able to do something a little different and bring a more Greek flavor to her this time around.
Tara Strong is asked a similar question but before she answers she gives Faust praise for making spaces for women and girls in animation.
"It's so fun to play the duality of when they are girls in high school and then when they are kick ass superheroes." - Strong
Bennett asks Brooks what her favorite episode is and how she feels about how Bumblebee is portrayed in this show.

Why does Ivy have elf ears?

>It's like you didn't even read the article.
>For Jains, lacto-vegetarianism is mandatory
First sentence of the first section after the introduction.

"We all have to go through struggles... what a great time to do this and what great friends to do it with... it's just a fun show, very empowering and I'm just so excited to be a part of it." - Brooks
Brooks says it's interesting playing a character who is so small and shy when many of her other characters are so "out there."
Nicole Sullivan talks about playing Supergirl and what she loves about her is that her strength is her strength. "She doesn't have to pretend that her strength is not that,." - Sullivan.
Kari Wahlgren is asked about her experience playing Zatanna. She found working out how to say her spells backwards was a fun challenge. She likes that DC Super Hero Girls have a wide range of types of characters and Zatanna is fun because she's so dramatic opposed to the other character.
Bennett says that the sisterhood that is inherent to the show is amazing. She asks Lauren what the mandate is when creating these fully realized women.
Faust says that she drew from personal experience. "You don't always get along. It's like a family...That's a more realistic version of friendship." - Faust
She stayed away from the tropes that often define women in fiction.
The floor is open to fan Q&A.
A little girl dressed as Katana just thanks the cast for the show.
Another small child asks how superhero girls get the job done. The panel says that superhero girls work together. "Teamwork. Very Important." - Brooks
The cast is asked who the cast would be friends with. Wahlgren says Supergirl and much of the cast agrees.
Strong is asked if she plays Raven in Teen Titans. Strong answers in Raven's voice.
Another fan asks what it's like playing multiple characters. Griffin says that it's fun but sometimes she find it hard to keep it straight. Strong echoes that sentiment and says that it's amazing working with this cast and seeing them transform in the studio into different characters.

Sullivan piggybacks on that question asking if the cast visualizes the voices they do before they create them. Griffin and Wahlgren both do "old lady" voices on the spot and explain that they just change it until it feels right.
A fan asks why Batgirl and Harley are best friends and Faust says that she sees the two of them as two sides of similar coins considering they are such big fans of Batman and Joker.
A fan asks how the cast does what they do. Griffin says she was always a weird little kid and the voices just came out. Strong says that they all have strong acting backgrounds that inform their work.
Brooks says that she was young when she discovered she had all these voices in her and that grew as she took acting classes and became part of different productions.
A fan asks how the Superhero Girls feel about pineapple on pizza. Harley doesn't like it. Diana doesn't know what a pineapple is.
A fan asks if we'll see other members of the DCU in Superhero Girls. Faust says that fans will see more DCU characters and they will be aged down to fit the rest of the show.
A fan asks for advice breaking into animation as a writer. Faust says that her favorite types of writers are those who think visually. Faust says that when she reads a script, she wants to be able to see in her head what the show is going to be.
A fan asks what the panel's first animation jobs were. Faust's first animation job was working for MTV's The Maxx. Natalie's first jobw as at a smallstudio. Grey Griffin's first job was on Rugrats. She was late and Strong says that Griffin is still always late. Strong's first voiceover work was as Hello Kitty when she was 13 years old.

Brooks' first job was Dexter's Lab but she also worked on Rugrats and met Griffin and Strong.
Sullivan's first job was on Buzz Lightyear: Star Command. Wahlgren's first animation job was as Haruko on FLCL.
The next fan asks how intentional the writing team is about women's roles in the world of storytelling.
Faust says that she goes to a natural place of drawing from her experiences but is also conscious about bucking stereotypes. "I have a natural instinct to be inclusive but I also have to step back and check myself as well." - Faust
Another fan asks about the intersection of women in tech and women in animation. Faust highlights Bumblebee and Batgirl as heroes with heavy STEM backgrounds.
A young fan asks if they will ever make a movie for the show. The panel hopes so.
The next question is about whether or not the young heroes will meet their older versions. Faust says she'll put a time travel story in the premise list.
A fan asks if we might see a girl who is a video game fan. Faust says that she imagines that most of the Superhero Girls play video games except Diana probably.
A fan asks what will happen if Babs finds out that Harleen is actually Harley Quinn. Faust and Strong say that fans should wait and see.
Bennett asks how many episodes fans can expect. Faust confirms that there will be 26 episodes. New episodes begin in August.
And that's the panel. Thanks for following along!

Because she's a forest nymph in this universe

Your reading comprehension sucks, bro.
>the most well-recorded are Jain ascetics
Look it up. I'm sorry if your knowledge is restricted to the first sentence of the first paragraph of a Wikipedia article.

Thanks for posting all that for me, user!

>Diana doesn't know what a pineapple is.
I can see her finding one and assuming it's meant to be a weapon of some kind, like the head of a mace.

Some fruits evolved to be eaten for their seeds to spread around

>like most combinations of legumes and cereals that grow wherever humanity lives
Most land is not arable for any food crop, let alone both cereals and legumes. For example, less than 17% of the US is arable. And there hasn't always been a global seed distribution system that can match plant varieties to local climates. Most places had to do without cereals, legumes, or both, since they didn't spring into existence fully formed everywhere people might be interested in them.

well, some tires do not have a valve stem, so that would actually work. otherwise you'd have to remove the stem to deflate the tire.

but also, it's a cartoon, so stop overthinking things.

You gave that Wikipedia link in support of your claim about Jain ascetics. The only dietary regulations it talks about apply to all Jains, and asceticism is mentioned only as a general Jain practice followed by lay as well as monastic Jains. Considering that your own source disagrees with you, I'm not too inclined to do more of your homework for you.

>Ivy episodes

>it's a cartoon, so stop overthinking things

>Little girl dressed as Katana thanks them for the show


>Bat to worse:
best babs episode yet. God I love Ivy.
>Crushing it
I mostly cringed because of the situations, but the marching bad skit had me in stitches.
>Misgiving tree
I-I'm not crying, you're crying!
Seriously though, that was great. Pretty emotional actually. Ivy is great. Zee just cutting through the bullshit in the intervention was great too.
Best of the three. Show could definitely more often do with some real heavy emotions like this. Funny how it's usually been in Jess episodes so far.

>this is your hippie
>this is your hippie on weed

>No one asked about Zatanna episodes

Get fucked.

>wherever humanity lives
>The only dietary regulations it talks about apply to all Jains
Except where they say that ascetics are vegan.

Both of you, reading comprehension.

Which one is the non-weed hippie and which one is the hippie on weed?

Probably needs a new thread with the three new episodes in the OP

I think so too

Dishonor on your cow!

You dare irk the son of a shepherd?

Attached: cow.jpg (400x580, 81K)

Info for the new thread:
- new short from two days ago
- three new episodes from yesterday
- a new (unreleased) episode from Comic Con
- DC announced a 100-page comic featuring DC Super Hero Girls
- episodes continue on Cartoon Network on August 4

>some tires do not have a valve stem
Yeah right

>DC Super Hero Girls S01E14 - #FromBatToWorse!56RzyQSI!HxKAR3Qbful3cabTixCD6BSbc7cavh7OCqfY8JBODS8
>DC Super Hero Girls S01E15 - #CrushingIt!gzQDXaAD!K7Wk3qUr0fbo7-_F81buA3O9PtSC90oZLkCb11VARRY
>DC Super Hero Girls S01E16 - #MisgivingTree!ImI3nYQC!LZH54xEngmYKObwToLz_3pamEcYEGLbOTUQE69YdS1o
>Stained Fighter
>everything else!ZQl0VSTB!Msbp8ZldZvtMA3w0kvZtCQ

>we have not had a 500 thread in weeks
there is not such thing as a lost cause

>*dabs on the thread*

Attached: dab.webm (640x360, 818K)

It's as if these threads only pop up when there's a new episode or something

It all comes down to new content and CN not screwing over the show and the viewers. At least we can finally see the show in chronological order for the most part.

>new episode when?

>that time Karen got ejected from the movie theatre for public indecency

Attached: A9E1AFA2-34E0-4D28-9A56-9C4FB4DCF78B.jpg (1841x1036, 1.15M)

Three new episodes yesterday

why no updated mega?

Because megaanon probably doesn't know yet.

The one who looks like she's going through withdrawal is the one without weed.

Also, catching up on the new episodes, stupid sexy Poison Elfy almost distracted me from Babs defeating her with pesticide instead of herbicide.

Attached: 1559710937548.jpg (1200x675, 48K)

Is it supposed to be some obscure villain or just a random monster of the week?

It's the Shaggy Man according to the credits.