
well, his career's probably over

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Other urls found in this thread:

What the hell has his career even been for the last decade?

this dude make the mario rpg video, and smash taunts ....and what else ?

nothing right? yeah

apparently he's a voice actor
he's done anime (biggest role is in ONE's other series, not OPM)
and apparently he's a regular on that shitty ok ko cartoon

I don't care enough to read that much.

he admits everything tumblr's been saying about him for years is correct


Got a tldr for people that don't know what tumblr has been saying about him for years?

all I know is that spazkid made fun of the nigga

Basically that he hs a record of stalking and grooming womena dnt hen ditch them whenever it's convinient to him.

Doesn't surprises me. I have ehard he was prone to throw people udner the bus to elevate himself years ago.

I have no idea who this guy is, but tumblr has once again been proven correct, in spite of the incel screeching.

>People back up with Kirbopher
>He flat out admits it was all true

>People stand by Vic
>The idiot complitely humiliates hismelf on livestream while his lawyer basically wishes he could just shut up.

Yea Forums really is awfull when it comes to judging people by character.

using people, being an abusive friend/boyfriend, being a pain in the ass to work with/for, being a smug motherfucker even though brawl taunts was the height of his career

did we watch the same thing?

It's not like Ron Toye's constant amnesia is any better

Him voicing Pouf in Hunter x Hunter seems a bit more fitting now.

I've gotta ask, is he legitimately autistic?
that's the only way i see him putting all of this shit online rather than keeping it to private channels

He also did Tome, and got some real VAs to be part of it. Before this happened he was working on a video game that was crowd funded, so no clue what's going to happen now.

For sure, but my point still stands.

I don't get why people are so willing to die on hills that have high risk of make them trip and fall down.

He got famous on newgrounds so yes.
But besides that the internet has known he was shit for years so coming out with it getting people to probably stop talking about him all together in a week will be better for him in the long run than keeping it private and people still shittin on him.

So, we all know this thread is going to be nuked again, but since it's clear we want to talk about it, where should we make the back up thread?
E-celeb drama like this is allowed on Yea Forums /trash/ and /qa/, so we should pick one.

Yea Forums is fast moving and honestly the worst place, trash can be reasonable but has a lot of porn, /qa/ has weebspammers but is SFW and is rather slow.

Attached: This is not fine.png (279x292, 103K)

Pretentious prick barely had a career. The only thing he's done that anyone cared about was the smash bros cartoons but he was so far up his own ass he jumped ship on them to attempt making that shitty mmo cartoon that looked as bad as it was written and only got the small amount of attention that it did because of other names that were involved. I remember when he used to be on a podcast run by that other sonic recolour pedo and he was fucking unbearable to listen to and that's seemed to have carried over to his YouTube channel. Hope he fucking offs himself but he doesn't even seemed phased by people finding out about his shitty behavior.

Anybody know how Stamper is doing? He won't return my calls.

Attached: Stamper-0.jpg (360x450, 18K)

>E-celeb drama
>made cartoons
>voice acts in cartoons and anime
>not Yea Forums
we get threads about Alan Moore and other shitty comics authors all the time, I don't seen why this can't stand

>trash can be reasonable but has a lot of porn
I think trash the best bet.
/qa/ is mainly for site change discussions and Yea Forums is Yea Forums.

He made himself a tuna melt the other day so at least he is eatin well.

Who's this guy again?

Attached: mansley.jpg (288x264, 44K)

Because the janitors and/or mods nuked this thread last night.

>/qa/ is mainly for site change discussions
Go look at the /qa/ catalog and come back. It's SFW Yea Forums at this point.

Lol, all his years as an "artist" and animator, he still can't draw for shit.

I think it was his abuse of cut away humor and Yea Forums references is what got him the most attention.

Literally who?

Cartoon and anime voice actor
Animator who didn't become Egorapter
Video game developer
and abusive BF or something

i heard the human-orangutan and her clique had him and the guy who does the Funimation voice of Goku on their hitlist for after Vic's career was destroyed

yeah i often mix those two fags up

he's the one with the jew-nose
arin's the fat one

goddamn, I was reading through the first one
was he so starved for action that he had to get his girlfriend drunk just to fuck her?

also, anyone have the description of him holding her hostage in his car?

ok well I enjoyed their early stuff but I never felt kirbopher should have been a VA.

Holy shit, dude you okay?

i think user partied too hard

He seems to do an alright job in Mob and OKKO.

I still support Yea Forums's idea for /incel/ - Internet Celebrities. They have nuked eceleb threada constantly and I'd rather fuck off to my own eceleb board to talk about this.

Wasn't he Pouf in Hunter X Hunter? Was pretty good

never seen Mob (i don't generally watch anime)
but OK KO is pretty terrible, so an okay there still sounds like an insult

I'm fine. Was typing without paying attention plus I absolute suck at writing on phone.

The main "argument" I see when people don't want an e-celeb board is that it will "attract the noermies and shills who want to talk about e-celebs" but that doesn't hold much water when those people are already here

>People stand by Vic
>The idiot complitely humiliates hismelf on livestream while his lawyer basically wishes he could just shut up.

Are you sure about that? I didnt get that feeling at all while watching it.

>literally admit to the things you kept denying
Vic will be Kicing himself for years to come when he can only get work on public access bible cartoons

>The idiot complitely humiliates hismelf on livestream while his lawyer basically wishes he could just shut up.
Hmmm, something tells me there's some bias here.

at what point do you stop being an e-celeb?
if you started on the internet, but got industry work later on, do you stop?
why is SleepyCabin allowed threads here even though it's about the podcast and not the people on it's Yea Forums work?

it's not like this is another doug walker thread, where it's some unfunny faggot who only makes shitty youtube videos. this unfunny faggot somehow got work in the real world

>>The idiot complitely humiliates hismelf on livestream while his lawyer basically wishes he could just shut up.
But Vic is going to win and leave the other VAs against ass raped when he sues them.

Here's him in mob.
Not extraordinary, but gets the job done.

When random ass lawyers show up and go "Hey, this case is stupid", and the only lawyers who aren't doing that are the one profiting from the case, you know Vic doesn't have anything here.

I could be wrong, but I keep seeing videos of people in the chat just going flat silent and there's even one where his own layer has a huge "You fucked up" expression on him.

PErsonally, if he wins or not I couldn't care less. Vic is a very mediocre VA anyways

>at what point do you stop being an e-celeb?
When you stop making internet content or at least when you are no longer known for it.

What the fuck IS Stamper doing? I figured that dude would be getting nonstop jobs by now or is he too self destructive to be hired

so is rina-chan not one now that she's more known for that shitty robot game?

>guy who does the Funimation voice of Goku

Fuck Sean, he's a leech that costed people jobs and be blacklisted for cons.

Vic's also a douche who only got the support of this board because of Rial, if Rial was a fucking babe you people wouldn't care. This is the same site that got on ProJared's side once it was revealed Heidi suggested an open relationship over her claims of actual cheating while ignoring he basically groomed twelve year olds and fucked his best friend's wife behind his back for years

ah I see.

She does anime voices too now and jumps into voicing internet shit like ricepirates jojo ripoff

You are right, it is obvious there are shills in certain boards

Well, anime sometimes have games, those games can still be discussed on Yea Forums but sometimes frowned upon by autists. Maybe it'd be the same when an eceleb becomes an actor and might be able to be discussed on Yea Forums? Never been on Yea Forums, am just assuming.

Wow, are you telling me the person who acted like they're holier then thou towards everyone turns out to be a massive creep that mostly acted that way to divert suspicion?

I never would have thought.

Attached: Toph eye roll.png (879x219, 296K)

What shitty robot game?

Robot game?

Dunno, maybe? Honestly, I forgot she was ever a thing.

iirc, you can have an open relationship and still cheat on someone, but it's basically the death knell of any relationship to be open

Jared's a fucking creep and a backstabbing piece of shit who didn't take 5 seconds to realize that posting his own nudes to people without properly vetting them wasn't a smart idea and was retarded enough to make his private life public

also, Holly seems like one of those people who'll constantly threaten to kill herself if she doesn't get her way

That's what ya get for being in the Godzilla anime trilogy.

Nier something


Whatever they are innocent or not, We all know thye are assholes.

Why bother to die on that hill for some shitty guy that probably could give zero fucks about you?

Oh automata, i forgot she was in it. I played with the jap track. I kept thinking tara platt was 2b

Spergy fans hate the idea that people they worship might turn out to be assholes, so they make up entire conspiracies and think there's an industry-wide scheme to ruin their idol. All while they're throwing money at people they think can help their idol, when those people usually don't give a shit and just grift for money. See the scheme Rekieta's been pulling on stupid Vic fans.

if anything there was nothing but vindication because now a company fired him over false pretences.

Ohhh, she was in that? Good for her I guess.

So who's next, Runka Chunk?

Did he invent it?
He was living in California without a High School Diploma. Most jobs there are required by law to employ graduates. I heard he got a job at Walgreens.

Ron and Monica couldn't back any of the accusations that Vic was a pedophile rapist that molested little girls at anime conventions. They said they had hundreds of witnesses willing to testify. They've had none. They said Vic was told by conventions that they found him molesting people. There's no convention that can verify or report such a claim. They said they had pictures, actual evidence of his alleged crimes, none of them were true, one was doctored.

I personally don't like Vic as an actor or person, and no, it's not because he's Christian, because I'm Orthodox, but because he's a dick to people and only does one voice. But when you have ANN having to doctored photographs and testimonies, then you have to be skeptical.

I would've been cool with Vic being fired because of his unprofessional behavior, but I'm not okay with false accusations that will defame him and ensure he will never find work again due to being a social pariah of a crime people can't even verify is true that he committed.

only thing i've ever heard about her is that she's just not very good
what dirt is floating around about her?

That fucker has been running streams that go for over 3 hours each on the whole thing. That guy is a total douchebag

>thinking vic won't win
Is this bait or is Yea Forums infested with sjw

iic her first twitter acct got deleted for some shit she pulled a few years ago but i think thats about it

because sjws/resetera/trannys/dilate threatening muh animu/games or whatever the fuck garbage all these fucking children bitch about

Shes kind of a leach like oolaytiger and will worm her way into projects she has a passing interest in to get a cut of the money

Beats me. All I know of her is voicing a pony and playing that overrated robot girl.

But she's an internet celeb. They all wind up like this eventually.

He's not going to win, user.

>overrated robot girl
Morrigan is overrated, shut up and fuck off from this thread you shut-in

What is her appeal? Does she have a good personality or something? It can't just be the ass.

>need proof in the court of law that someone committed a crime
>doesn't have the evidence to support the accusation
The defense could be the biggest smooth-brained, knuckle-dragging, self-incriminating idiot the world has ever seen, but can still get away with murder if there isn't a shred of proof outside of hearsay and words.

Attached: 104806542-GettyImages-687756076-kevin-spacey.jpg (2000x1333, 373K)

proof looks pretty solid so far against MoRon
I don't know much about Marchi

explain why

Dude always came off as an obvious starfucker when I met him at parties. And TOME is a thing I don't get why people support in any form. It's DeviantArt tier.

I don't really care about any of his personal relationships though. Except I'm curious: are any of these girls he's dated hot?

>proof looks pretty solid so far
No? Vic couldn't come up with any concrete evidence that they helped get him fired. And then he started rambling about getting two sisters to make out in front of him.

Really? What's the evidence then?

>Kevin Spacey made a video threatening Hollywood to spill secrets if they don't bring him back
>Nothing has happened since
So did he have nothing and was making a bluff or what?

exchanges with conventions, mostly

he was given the most retarded questions. I dont think this guy is an actual lawyer he seems of it. All of it was he said she said, then they try to make him seem like a pedophile by asking questions so broadly it was embarrassing just to listen that stammering lawyer. He sounded like he was gonna start crying.

and it was vic that had to cry in the end. I mean it was pretty sad to watch.

Off topic threads are cancer and against >>>Yea Forumsrules/1
OP is a faggot.
Do your part to help purge this board of subhumans like him by reporting this thread.
Here's a link so you don't have to scroll up to the top of the page.

Remember when Vic's lawyer said "My client was accused of being a piece of shit. I can attest he is not a piece of shit and is a human being. He cannot possibly be made out of fecal matter"? I don't know why that wasn't the point Vic fans jumped ship.

>announcing a report
Eat chex mix

what evidence do they even have against vic?

this is entirely on topic
dude's a voice actor and Yea Forumsntent creator
shitty or not, it's not off-topic

Well now that this fag has showed up it's only a matter of time.

IF we want to keep going we'll need a backup thread on /trash/ or /qa/ soon. Honestly, I'm cool if we just leave it here, not much more to talk about.

iirc, it's 100% anecdotes

Despite what a drunk youtube lawyer told you, testimony is evidence. It's admissible evidence.

This sounds like a sitcom character lawyer.

>testimony is evidence
not strong evidence

Consistent testimony for years is not a coincidence

He hired Lionel Hutz?

So it's a "He said, She Said" situation. How does that prove that Vic is a child molester or that he raped people?


But still evidence. It's retarded how many Vic fans don't know a fucking thing about law and suddenly believe whatever shit a youtube lawyer told them just because he says he's pro-Vic.

>going for double
Go complain about drawthreads or something you cuck

thanks, shane

>there's still an Alan Moore thread about him leaving the industry

just let us have an eceleb board. Lolcow is filled with stinky roasties and kiwifarms is edgy reddit

Didn't this guy hang around Psyguy?

Moving out of california, living with his sister I think, seems to be teetering back to being a functioning alcoholic instead of a nonfunctioning one.

they were friends and hosted a podcast together or something

Isn't this the bagel incident guy?

Yup. Must have rubbed off.

yeah. pulled that shit right outta his pants
apparently that got him blacklisted from being a professional animator

Last I heard he was living with his sister now.

wish I was there to see the scene, it must have been insane

Gee, what a geek.

>edgy reddit
That's just Yea Forums.

Why is it that the newgrounds animators are always landing in hot shit? Does this mean the current rondo of newgrounds talent will start going through similar shit in 5 years?

It's fascinating how you shitters still claim Vic will lose after the depo video. Please don't emberass yourself anymore.

>Basically that he hs a record of stalking and grooming womena dnt hen ditch them whenever it's convinient to him.
When chads do this everyone cheers, it's just a cool guy smashing lots of puss. When a nerd does it it's a career ending crime. Why?

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early newgrounds was a cesspoll of degenerate teenagers, and those who became famous in there didn't grow up. Having the mind of a degenerate teen in a grown man's body makes for a fucked up individual

This is like a brony telling someone to quit embarrassing themselves.

>Why is it that the newgrounds animators are always landing in hot shit?
Dunno. It's weird that Arin is the most sane and successful out of them all.

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Newgrounds, Channel Awesome, Youtubers, webcomic makers...they all eventually get revealed as wackos.

Boy, you really gotta be a loser to try and make a name for yourself on the Internet. A butt ugly, mentally disturbed, small dicked, succubus obsessed, shit taste waste of human filth.

I have a feeling that dirt's going to spill on him not long from now

also, from what i've heard, Danny's mostly there because Arin gave him money or something and would've left a while back if he didn't feel so bad about it

Shut up boco and leave this thread

Respectable response.

>well I've treated horrible to all thes epeople
>I'll just make a dry apologize and try to get away without having to pay any compensation for it
What an ashsole. I hope they'll sue his sorry ass for it.

Chads do it in the span of weeks. This guy does it as a long drawn out endeavor taking months to years and potentially benefits off their work in the process. It’s like reverse gold digging for internet popularity points and getting people to do stuff for you.

>I have a feeling that dirt's going to spill on him not long from now
I doubt it. Arin's too much of an open book to keep rancid shit hidden. If he pulled a ProJared, it would have been outed years ago.

Speaking of, Ding Dong complained about all the fake drama fans like to pretend is real. How people wanted to believe a huge controversy happened between the Grumps and Oney's gang, when it was really just Oney, Ding Dong, and Julian wanting to find their own place to record.

>Arin's too much of an open book to keep rancid shit hidden
he's apparently censoring old videos where he said nigger


what did Kirbopher have to gain from coming clean?

He's right tho. When has Yea Forums ever bet on the right horse? Remember when John K got accused, and Yea Forums demanded proof and evidence even though everyone in the business already knew he was a total pedo?

if i had to guess, it was a "You can't call me out if I call myself out first" move
he's also saying again and again how suicidal he's been, so probably some sympathy points or something

Sucking up to people above him on the social ladder nonstop so he can get out ahead. This is just the latest attempt to avoid consequences, he switched tactics and jumped out in front of it instead.

He'll keep getting work because he's prostrating himself just right, watch.

you think he might kill himself?

i don't see how he'd avoid consequences, all his ongoing roles are gonna get recast, like with Vic's.

Vic may lose just because rape accusations are nigh impossible to win against as a male. Still, Yea Forums has been tumblr-lite for years now user. Actual SJWs post here regularly, this is tumblr's foothold in Yea Forums.

I've had friends who would talk like that
they never go through with it. it's 100% attention seeking

Yea Forums has always been an anti-john k place, way before metoo and culture wars were a big thing.

rape accusations from people who aren't claiming he raped them?

Oh he did, even going as far as removing comments that are criticizing him on that video.
Slightly unrelated, but he also removed the comments section on that sonic video where Jon says "look at all these blacks" and then the two start laughing.

>like with Vic's.
Vic should have just hired a PR firm, did some "I'm sorry" videos, then waited a few years until he could make a career comeback. Suing FUNi isn't going to get him his career back. It will only mean other studios aren't going to hire him because they wouldn't want a lawsuit-happy actor on their team.

Immunity to being called out by someone else. “Admitting” faults and mistakes make them harder to criticize even if they should be criticized.

admitting any kind of guilt for something you didn't do is retarded
these people were actively trying to ruin his career, no PR firm or sorry would have changed that

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His job's probably on the line. Youtube has been getting worse with this advertiser shit.

Yes but ehn the metoo actually happened, suddenly a bunch of "Based John K" Thread started to flourish.

Yea Forums will always bet on the horse if it means to be a contrarian against woman. Even if the horse is so fucking obvious.

A quicker trip to redemption.
Instead of a prolonged fight trying to prove he is innocent when he knows he can't. It just makes him look better if he confesses and make this whole thing blow over fast.

So like how abusive was he?

Yes, allowing your career to die and be buried with the non-existent chance of getting a similar job while apologizing to the people that killed your career is FAR better than going the legal route and seeking compensation.

I sweat this board is the the most ignorant board on this entire site, which is one hell of a feat.

that doesn't solve the problem, though
especially if he's actually innocent. people were going to keep calling out to any convention (aka where the majority of a voice actor's money is made) and keep bothering them until he's dropped

this, at least, keeps voice actors from doing it, and hopefully studios would still give him work considering he's one of the bigger names in anime dubbing

I remember Yea Forums loving John K at first but tenacious trolls used him to annoy Adventure Time threads for years and then Yea Forums started hating him.

>Yea Forums will always bet on the horse if it means to be a contrarian against woman. Even if the horse is so fucking obvious.
no people usually want proof for baseless claims

>something you didn't do
You're really going to come here and act like everything single weird thing Vic's done at cons is a he said, she said situation? There's too many people for it to be a coincidence or a lie. Conventions had to hire extra handlers for him. Are you really going to sit there and think Vic has never done a single thing wrong in his life? And hundreds of people over a decade made up an intricate conspiracy to ruin some guy's life just because? This is some 9/11 truther shit.

A mix of this and the fact that apparently the woman he fucked up this time around have connections in the realm of vocie acting.

Kirb is ALL about his career above everyone else. He is known for happily throw you under the bus if it means boosting him up the career ladder. His previous victims were ignored because they were literal whos but this time around it was someone important so he had to save face somehow.

How does the shoe taste, Shane?

I've only read one of the tumblr apology essays (they're long and boring as shit)
he'd get his girlfriend drunk to try and bang her and apparently threatened to follow her into her job if she left his car. dude sounds like a mark waid level sperg

>He admitted in 2015 that he has aspergers
Of course

Please explain further i never heard of this

I don't know. How does Rekieta's cock taste?

People loved John K? Even before the allegations, most people viewed him as a guy with legit talent and animation knowledge, but also an overly-opinionated, self absorbed dick.

you really live in an echo chamber don't ya

>Rat realizes the jig is up and takes the path of least resistance.
>Somehow this means Yea Forums was wrong

Here's something I call the Scott Pilgrim line
If you're an asshole and want to change, consider how much of an asshole you are compared to Scott before he realized he fucked up
If you're behind it, you can be redeemed
If you're over it, you're pretty much dead

>hundreds of people

>he was in college to be an animator (we all know how that ended up)
>went to "That's Good Soup" studio
>while there, he acted like a big shot
>later on, he apparently ate a bagel he pulled out of his pants
>VERY audible
>now he's blacklisted
this sounds like the consequences skit from Key & Peele

>and the fact that apparently the woman he fucked up this time around have connections in the realm of vocie acting.

and whose that?

Don't you? You retards are so set on the idea that Vic will win and make millions of dollars. None of you even consider the idea that Vic might lose. Or that he might be lying. You keep insisting everyone who isn't pro-Vic is part of a conspiracy.

It's more like everytime this stuff happens Yea Forums tends to blindly pick sides before the cards are on the table.

People been saying this from Kirb for years, so again it soemtimes feels like Yea Forums is just blind.

And actually knew his accusers had no credibility according to emails

Do you not see how many people are already suggesting he should be forgiven? If he tried to pretend he wasn't a cunt it would just get worse because he isn't innocent. He's trying to get off with a slap on the wrist.

nigga there is no real evidence against him
hell we have it on record that the funimation investigation was about a fucking jelly bean

With Ron's amnesia it doesn't seem that farfetched

it's tumblr
you'll always find someone to say you're right on there
DOBSON finds people to agree with him on there

>no real evidence
You're not a judge or a lawyer. You're a random user who thinks he knows law because he watches Youtube videos. Quit acting like because it doesn't convince you, it won't convince a judge.

You guys have never seen an actual court case before this, have you? It's pretty fucking common for a defendant to go "I don't recall" or "I don't remember" at anything and everything.

>There's too many people for it to be a coincidence or a lie.
Yet none of them were willing to testify in court when Monica and Ron said they had countless witnesses willing to verify their claims and even contacted these people or those who run their sites to support them. But they didn't..

Tumblr blogs, which is deemed admissible evidence to you people, had to put a disclaimer up stating the slanderous rumors of Vic were just that: rumors. Hearsay they couldn't and wouldn't back up other than posting claims that literally anyone can make up by anonymous people that didn't have to prove it in court.

Anime sites reporting this had to remove edited images or even outright claim they doctored the images, and didn't even contact the people they claimed were harassed by Vic, even though they had to personally contact those accusers of the false information they were spreading.

Tumblr blogs were sometimes altogether deleted by their posters over the fear of being used in court and might actually have to validate their claims against Vic. What does that tell people like me who are skeptical when these accusers aren't willing to stand by what they say or testify to the court that their concerns are real and valid?

a texas judge

because this place is an utter shitpile

I'm not following the case at all and it's entirely possible that his accusers don't have their shit together but I've mentioned this shit to some complete normie-tier friends who are years out of the loop but used to be active in the con/anime/dub communities and it's always "Oh Vic? Big surprise there lol"

Shouldn't you bang your friends kid, Shane?

>Yet none of them were willing to testify in court
Because this isn't a case with juries? It's a deposition.

You guys are so fucked if you ever got in actual trouble with the law, I swear to god.

>you have to be a lawyer or judge to know what evidence is
You know we can look up what the definition of evidence is in a court of law, right?

There are no cards here, Chris being a fucking cunt who slides into positions of influence has been known for ages. You can just look at his career trajectory and see it. This shit goes all the way back to Fireball20xl. Get the fuck out with these accusations of fairweather, coin flipping bullshit, a lot of us have dealt with Niosi firsthand.

I won't lie when I say that I'd laugh if this actually destroyed his career
dude joined in on the dog piling that was kickvic, he knew what that turns the industry into

And soak your head already. Why are you so obsessed with Shane that he lives in your head rent free? It's fucking pathetic.

>dude joined in on the dog piling that was kickvic,
No he wasn't. He was on that broken staircase docsheet.

yeah, he did
he's not smart enough to realize that they'd come after him

>He was on that broken staircase docsheet.

what's that?

This is nonsense. I just got done serving on a hung jury for a murder 1 trial where the only concrete evidence that the defendant was guilty was a single eyewitness who didn't see him shoot the gun and recanted her testimony on the stand.

Eyewitness testimony can be extremely strong and convincing.

>yeah, he did
Citation needed.

What was the final verdict?

there was a google sheets document with other people that KV was going to go after

>Claims Vic is a rapist that targeted children
>Somehow he was never arrested, never tried, or in bars right now for the crimes he committed
That's why I have doubts. Monica would have done far more than got Vic fired if he was really the monster she was claiming him to be. Shouldn't Vic be in jail or at least have one convention admitting they had complaints of a parent claiming Vic molested their underage child? It doesn't make any sense. The police would at least investigate the case, but there's no prior report that any of this happened.

who else was on there?


>Claims Vic is a rapist that targeted children
That was that one lady on Twitter, not Monica. All you guys are getting your accusations already.

It was a hung jury. We couldn't come to a verdict because some of the jurors were convinced to a degree they considered beyond a reasonable doubt and some were not convinced to that degree.
The final count was something like 7-5

this is all i got, but i'm sure there's more out there

only ones i know is kirb and sean shemmel

Attached: kirby-jpg[1].704776_.jpg (779x541, 62K)

All of these guys.

No, that was Ron Toye. It's on his Twitter feed and his deposition that he saw Elric's VA get too close with teenagers. Get your information right first before you try to correct people.

will there even be a jury? I thought civil cases don't always have them

no user is just an incel who thinks his "big booty" waifu is superior because artist exaggerate her ass all the time when the killer robot girl she's based off of is a better character

But he didn't tweet that Vic was a rapist. Get your facts straight instead of staying on your "Vic dindu nuffin wrong" high horse.

this was in reference to
There likely won't be a jury involved in the Vic case

Well there was that time she transformed into a monster and destroyed a city

>It's weird that Arin is the most sane and successful out of them all.
Isn't Zack working on a TV show, and Oney has that game he is working on. I guess Grumps is still a bigger thing and he did fund that VN. But it feels like Arin being a thing has already passed.

Imagine having taste this shit

Why do you lie?

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>Isn't Zack working on a TV show
Zach's trying to get whatever work he can in the industry
i have a feeling that if he was going to get that adult swim tv show passed, it would've happened by now
>Oney has that game he is working on
only something that can be consider an opening animation (although it still looks 100x better than dream daddy)

>VN. But it feels like Arin being a thing has already passed
still apparently gets voice acting gigs (and gave me a reason to only watch Miraculous in french)
i don't even like egoraptor, but GG is still popular and profitable enough to make the bank for them to completely move offices without it seeming like they're desperate for money

I don't have all the info over this one sadly. IT's just what I heard.

Which makes sense, since why would he come out otherwise? He had already done this before and he managed to keep it on the low because the girls he groomer are a bunch of nobodys. What else could have made this one the one that broke the camel's back?

If the only reason you like 2B is her ass, you have the bad taste. And that's ignoring the "liking butts" part to begin with.

you mean yours?

good point.

Now that the dust has settled, what did you guys think of TOME?

This guy voices Reigen in the Mob Pyscho dub.

Attached: reigen arataka.jpg (399x478, 34K)

I don't see any mention of rape there.
He says "consent" which could mean "consent to sex" but could mean "consent to kissing" or "consent to touching" or any consent to number of other things

still shit

>he's also saying again and again how suicidal he's been, so probably some sympathy points or something
Not so much for sympathy point, but the only way to break out of suicidal thought was to come out honest.

Maybe it's difficult to believe, but your own guilt can sometimes eat you from the inside.

Yeah same.

maybe it's just my own experiences, but the people who outright say that shit, especially at the beginning of an apology that was written and published rather than just kept between you and the person you apologized to, that seems like you're just fishing for sympathy points

he does a surprisingly good job

Nah, you nailed it.

He also put it in at the end of some of the individual apologies.
I don't like thinking that way, but it really came across suspiciously.

This becomes a thousand times funnier if you read it as one of Alex's monologues from YIIK.

Attached: alex-eggleston-yiik-a-postmodern-rpg-6.44.jpg (210x240, 19K)

Someone post the story about how he got blacklisted by titmouse for acting like a total sperg

~somebody~ hasn't been paying attention to the epstein debacle

Come on, user. You know what he was implying. There's more examples of him implying Vic is a rapist/sexual assaulter attempted rape of "force" his victims without their consent. You don't have to say rapist to get the meaning:

I want to post more of his Tweets, but he has blocked or deleted them. There's the Plaintiff petition online on Google that does reference his claims though:

1. Identify each of the “4 of [your] friends” you claim Plaintiff “[f]orced himself on” as alleged in the tweet you posted to @RonToye (replying to @TheJoker_TWV, et al) on February 6, 2019

2. Identify each instance of Plaintiff “forc[ing] himself on people in a sexual manner without consent and that resulted in assault” as you alleged in thetweet you posted to @RonToye on April 7, 2019.

3. Ronald has continued carpet-bombing Vic on Twitter accusing him of “assaulting” Monica (February 21, 2019), of “cheat[ing] on his fiancé, assault[ing] ladies,
[and] rob[bing] fans” and assaulting “way more people” than Monica (February 23, 2019), and of “forc[ing] himself on people in a sexual manner without consent and that resulted in assault” (April 7, 2019).

It's obvious that Ron see Vic as a rapist or at least an attempted rapist from his accusations. Pic related that I managed to find that believes Vic is guilty of sexual assault, which in layman's terms, is what people see as an attempted rapist. .

Attached: images.jfif.jpg (241x209, 10K)

Is that seriously related to the Kevin Spacey thing? Damn.

Did something happen with Stamper?

reading more into this I am 1488% he has borderline personality disorder since this reminds me of I myself and shit have done thus he a horrible human with no redemption

i think he's become a cokefiend or something

>literal no life shut in trying to preach about taste

Pretty sure Vic has been gaining more and more support

yeah, I'd say it just keeps growing

Didn't he adopt some crazy woman who was on the run from the Illuminati or something like that?

TTA was far superior to fucking TOME

You forgot about TTA

Considering the fact that he's accused of diddling kids yet hasn't been given the full party van treatment, why the fuck would he jepordize his freedom when it would just be easier to fade into obscurity if he was guilty

Attached: Screenshot_146.png (466x466, 479K)

It's not as far as we know but that user is making a conspiracy theory that Kevin Spacey is being a mole.

Which, I mean out of all the conspiracy theories I've seen it's not the craziest since Spacey said he'd do as much.

Ehhh, Tome was more streamlined and the first Zetto twist was good. The main problem with Tome is the it dropped the ball HARD at the end for the sake of doing an extra twist that was only there to throw off TTA fans and made no sense to people who had not seen TTA. I'll also say that Nylocke and most of the hackers were much better characters in Tome.

Dont forget about how shitty the season two designs were and how out the ass the self insertion was throughout the entire series.

Didn't Monica and Ron try to subpoena Nick just for talking about the case and how retarded Monica and Ron were?

It hurts me that you kids(?) are acting like any of that shit was remotely passable at any point.

>how out the ass the self insertion was throughout the entire series
Well, TTA was just as guilty of that.

TTA as a whole was a lot more immersive. Sure it was spriting but it was the best ive seen since SMBZ or Beat Up Sandbag.

You're supposed to presume innocence until proven guilty, even in the court of public opinion.

I'm the third dude you replied to, i fucking HATE Tome and TTA.

It is by free web content standards.

Chris you're still pissed i called you out on Twitter about TTA being your best work while also calling TOME a fucking hack job

It really wasn't, even back then. Even by the abysmally low standards of the early 00s it was trash.
t. read dumb bullshit like Bob and George as a kid

Misunderstood, my bad user.
They were both abysmal you numbskull.

At least spriting has a nostalgic charm chucklenuts

Yeah, spriting does, not garbage recolors amd edits done by a manchild. Just because you liked it as a kid doesn't change that it was horrible.


Grow up faggot

Kirbopher was always creating drama, even during his Newgrounds days.

>Say that whether you like it or not has nothing to do with whether it's shit.
>"Stop telling me to stop liking it!"
I know you're an idiot, but can you try to pay attention? I don't care if you like it, I care that you're pretending the writing and halfassed MSPaint sprite edits weren't shit. There's nothing wrong with liking bad things, user.

Rumors have been swirling about Arin for awhile, woudn't be surprised if we start hearing from him too one of these days

Tranny is wrong as usual

Stop projecting dumbfuck

the gumps are good at keeping drama like that on lock down.
To this day we sill aren't 100% sure what really happened with Jon at E3 and Totalbiscuit took that knowledge to his grave.

Arin's past could still have potential
look at his old livejournal, he outright documents his own autism throughout it

if you ever wanted to know why he made a big deal about him hanging out with his brother, he sperged him out of his life for a while

Well considering his case got "mysteriously" dropped and all accusations ceased I'm sure someone felt threatened enough.

Are you drunk or just dyslexic?

He's in Texas living with his sister. It's a good thing too, after all that crazy shit happened. Now we can enjoy him making food on his channel.

Dyslexic user here.
Whatever he has, it's worse.

You stop being an e-celeb when you're forgotten, either intentionally or because your stuff isn't memorable anymore

does that make beiber an e-celeb because he started out on the internet?

Literally who the hell is this? Is it my imagination or are there two Yea Forums boards where everyone starts a conversation and gossip about randoms on the internet only to make a second thread here where everyone already knows who the fuck these nobodies are. Am I the only person who doesn't like tumblr and actually follows through on never going there?

This almost makes me glad I never grew up with Deviantart or Newgrounds as a kid, because boy it looks like you dodge 90% of modern drama if you just never spent your prepubescent years on those places.

you would probably know who he is if you weren't and underaged faggot

Freefroums kid here.
I have the freedom of knowing EVERYTHING I posed from before I was 18 has been cleaned from the internet. I mean, there was still drama, but I just watched it happen and stayed friends with people on every side.

wat. If anything gossiping about nobodies on tumblr makes you the underaged and not knowing about it makes you the adult.

>if you weren't and underaged faggot
ESL posters leave the site please. You cannot communicate like a real person here.

this is a very odd case where he started out as someone who should've been irrelevant but moved on to being more relevant (as far as Yea Forums standards go)

he started out as one of the shittier newgrounds guys to get featured that wasn't in sleepycabin. mostly it was shit that was a ripoff of robot chicken using Smash Bros

he's been more or less blacklisted from animating, so he's mostly just been voice acting. his imdb mostly lists Yea Forums or internet stuff (abridged anime shit), but he's also got a couple of cartoon credits in there

Source on that? Like, genuinely, I'd like to know because I've mainly gotten by hearsay about this for a while now.

>black listed from animating
>still voice acts in cartoons

Honestly I'd think they would go hand in hand.

>Vic's also a douche who only got the support of this board because of Rial, if Rial was a fucking babe you people wouldn't care
This isn't tumblr chief. We're not going to automatically believe that a woman is right just because she's a woman. People on this site hear about false rape allegations ruining men's lives all the time, the fuck makes you assume we wouldn't approach this with skepticism even if Rial were a 11/10?

mostly does voice acting in Yea Forums shit, so less crossover
in fact, the only cartoon where he regularly gets work is a really shitty one that wants desperately to be anime (even bringing in a lot of anime voice actors)

Never the less, OkKo is still Cartoon Network, so there shouldn't be a disconnect.

>did some "I'm sorry" videos, then waited a few years until he could make a career comeback
That the retarded argument one of the rats on the kickvic side was using. In what world does admitting to alleged sexual assault of individuals that include minors keep your head above water? What the fuck makes you think that waiting a few years would make him hirable again if he admitted to such actions?

it's like i said, they tried bringing in a ton of anime voice actors
burch, voice of young goku/gohan, niosi

it probably also helps that IJQ started in the internet, so he'd likely have some connection through friends he made on there

I am dead serious, who the hell is this

If you don't know who he is then why the hell are you in this thread

Remember when Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and Yea Forums used to call him a creep, and when there were actual legal allegations it changed?
Pepperidge farm remembers.

how is this thread Yea Forums related?

Attached: JGMcUn1.jpg (640x620, 73K)


Newgrounds animator turned voice actor I think.

Cartoon animator

I know who he is
go and post that shit in Yea Forums nobody cares here

Attached: 1562845843197.jpg (448x327, 79K)

>nobody cares here! screamed user into a 300 post thread

Wasn't it already over because of a huge number of infractions?

>CARTOON animator
>g-go to Yea Forums! No one cares because I don't care!
You ever consider not actin like a hysterical woman and just not posting? Or better yet hiding the thread.

So... you think he'll be kick from CN? Or reprimanded at least?

Yo, anyone got a download of that shitty game he was in, Yiik or whatever?

Kill yourself SJW faggot

Why are you so defensive or someone not caring about amateur drama?

are you telling me the guy who was besties with psyguy turns out to be a huge creep towards women?
I'm shocked, shocked I tells you

Dam, that takes me back, used to be a fan of GG guys.

pretty sure that would be a one way ticket to jail

could someone please post the bagel story?

Whats the bagel story?

The man also left out how he would send his squad of friends to harass any fan communities he had but hey just shake hands with your former friends and call it a day.

>You ever consider not actin like a hysterical woman
you clearly are a calm citizen right
I'm just stating a fact, he's a nobody here, he didn't stay relevant because his work is lazy, he doesn't deserve a Yea Forums thread
yeah and those posts are about how much of a nobody this guy is nowadays, deal with it

Attached: 1560285526456.jpg (400x551, 36K)

He's only saying the things necessary to throw the drama under the bridge.

Its posted somewhere way earlier in the thread

go back

Before Adventure Time even premiered there were John K hate threads by butthurt neckbeards

Jim Cummings is still there, so probably not

No. You go back. KiwiFarms makes /r9k/ look like a paradise. Before all this, we all acknowledged Vic was a creep who got too handsy at cons. Now you casuals act like he's a saint who kisses babies and hugs puppies. You haven't even watched FMA.

what's the dirt on Cummings?

He was cleared of all charges IIRC

He admits to abusing a puppy, keeping it under a bucket as "punishment" and forgetting about him, leading the puppy to near death

His wife also has some shit to say but it's hard to know if it's true

>Basically that he hs a record of stalking and grooming womena dnt hen ditch them whenever it's convinient to him

That doesn't really sound that bad desu
I thought it was something serious like rape

I always wonder, when you do something completely horrible like kirb did, but you genuinely want to apologize, how do actually go about doing it? Every time I see one of these public apologies people just write it off as a PR move, or to just escape blame. How do you show people that you're genuine?

>completely horrible like kirb did
He didn't do anything "completely horrible", women do that shit all the time and get off scott free

But womyn are powerless

>after all that crazy shit happened
What happened?

Some crazy woman showed up on his doorstep and was honestly afraid for her life. She was trying to get away from an abusive BF or something and things kind of escalated from there.

No. Chris Niosi has a knack for playing the apologetic person for a long period of time and he has done it constantly. Chris will never really change and he sees this as some form of redemption only for it to be exploited. If he really was sorry about the shit he did, he would had shared his proceeds of animation or voice acting to people that he has hurt so they can therapy. It's one thing to be a fucking sorry motherfucker, it's another thing to actually give a fuck and help out. Chris has done none of this shit becuase he knows this time is now the time where everyone gets called out.

Nah it's pretty much cut and really high schooly for voice actors and animators actually. You guys do know how connections work right?

latching on to yugioh abridged and doing editing for team fourstar and joining in on the guys who (used) to make pokemon abridged before mike decided to be red pilled and jessie trying to glue a dick on, sonic 06 let's play, making crappy DA tier animations with cringey stories (tome) and making a game based on it, getting some voice roles in anime here and there, most notably mob psycho 100 also tried (and failed) to make a did you know gaming rip off called did you know voice acting.

over all he's mediocre at best and even that's being reasonably generous.

The story of how Chris got blacklisted from the Animator's Guild, and therefore by proxy, the LA animation industry.

just to name a few

Fuck Sean.
He purposefully got Peter Kelamis kicked out of Kamehamecon because he was jealous and afraid that Kelamis might take his job if he fucks up in the future.
The role of Goku is literally the only stable job Sean has as VA.
Had he not had his role as Goku, he would've gone the route of Steve Blum, rarely hired in the world of voice acting (which is unfortunate for Steve Blum, because he's a super nice guy.)

He's literally on suicide watch at his sister's place, Mick got tired of his shit and stopped trying to reach out to him to help him because he complains non stop acting like nobody cares about him and then ghosts people that try to reach out., his twitter meltdowns become more and more regular (if less crazy)

Also he most assuredly is self destructive. He convinced himself that making sleepycast was fucking up his creative output (which only decrased after he left it) and kept trying to push that narrative in some of the episodes he was as a "guest".

Attached: Later.jpg (255x254, 17K)

The guy who did Bitey was a storyboard artist for Bob's Burgers and a concept artist for Riot games.

>Jon at E3 and Totalbiscuit

>Steve Blum, rarely hired in the world of voice acting
What are you talking about? He still does a ton of voice acting. Just not in anime because doing a bit role in a western cartoon pays more than doing a season of dubbing.

Remember when Ian J went out of his way to give Kirbopher a voice acting gig on OK KO? Good call, dude.

>(and gave me a reason to only watch Miraculous in french)

What the fuck. Are you implying Arin has a role on that show?

>suddenly a bunch of "Based John K" Thread started to flourish
So how new are you to the concept of trolling and/or shitposting?

If S3 is a thing I wonder if he's still able to voice him or by then being completely exiled from the VA industry. Kinda a shame because I really like his voice for Reigen, but hey he's a piece of shit so he does deserve to be kicked out

>But it feels like Arin being a thing has already passed.
I don't know why people engage in this weird wishful thinking that Arin isn't wildly successful beyond the scope of most early internet contributors. How many NewGrounds animators own their own company that goes on several different live shows around the world?

>Vic's also a douche who only got the support of this board because of Rial, if Rial was a fucking babe you people wouldn't care.
bull shit, Rial got caught up in the #metoo movement and misinterpret what sexual harrassment really is. The guy cheats on his fiancee has nothing to do with sexual harrassment. Cheating implies he had intercourse, not that he is flirting.

he has passed the highlight of his career. If he doesnt go beyond lets plays he is done. Even for voice acting gigs.

Why is someone not interested in a thread whining about it being here when they could ignore it?

man i like stamper's humor too, but what he needs maybe is a reality check with the lower minimum wage world.

well if it was me, I would be pissed at this guy getting any attention. The guy had it easy compared to most and no one would really like him any ways.


I'm glad he's among family instead of living in a literal crackhouse or whatever his situation in LA was.

Also ngl that tuna melt looked pretty bangin. I'd have used mayo instead of butter to get that golden brown but damned if it didn't give me the rumblies for a fish sandwich of some kind.

he does

Literally picturing that dude from It's Always Sunny with the fake hands

>the most normal, consistently-talentedconsistently-talented, well-adjusted people now from the old NG community are Oney, Zach, and fucking Spazkid of all people, along with most other Sleepycast adjacent people like Tomar, Lyle, and Ross
It's like when they do a time-travel episode and the dipshit comedic relief turns out to be the John Conner of the post-apocalyptic future

I remember the other lawyer asking even dumber questions.

No he didn't.

if anyone here ever listened to the kanzeshuu podcast you know how much of an idiot this guy was

yeah he did. you dont find someone asking for a hug and or kiss creepy? What kind of question is that? It was completly out of context. He was a garbage lawyer.

why would you even bother. I feel like you are an idiot for listening.

>see Todd Haberkorn on there
>"aw fuck Keroro is gonna be outed as a creepy sex pervert"
>turns out he's just accused of like buying beer for some teens once or something

because its one of the few places where i can listen to dragonball stuff that is not terrible youtube channels? i mean they been at it for a lot of years. Kirb just made appearances in some of the episodes

Do we know the status of Little Helpers yet? I remember seeing an Adult Swim poster advertising it a while back and haven't heard since.

oh you are talking about kirb. Ok yeah, if you couldnt tell he was awful just look at his avatar. its a donut steel of link and kirby. He has no original bone in his body.

yeah pretty much.
i remember in one episode he goes on a sperg rant, a loud one!, about how the tournament of power did not go the way he wanted. while the other guest just waited in awkward silence after he was done

Wow, I legitimately feel bad for him. He's definitely not a saint, but these Twitter people were going after him like rabid dogs for months, if not years, and they're still not satisfied.

wow what a fag.

Her name is Runkachunk, thank you very much.

Considering the way men are treated by the court system for cases like this, Vic is either a blind retard who doesn't know when to fold, or he's innocent.

i just hope he does not return to the podcast but we will see

What did she do?

iirc, the AS poster is entirely fan made

Corey's greatest contribution to humanity

she's a bitch and has been one since her newgrounds days

*his greatest contribution to humanity UNTIL The Marsquatch

I don't think I've seen a voice actor as far up his own ass as Sean.


That's a joke with a tint of truth. I'm talking about the pretentious spiritualism garbage and general self-importance.

Where is it then?

I've almost come around from being annoyed by just being impressed he's so fucking passionate about playing a muscle laser beam monkey alien. Holy hell he loves that role.

>Before all this, we all acknowledged Vic was a creep who got too handsy at cons.
When the fuck was this? No one said shit until the controversy. Where is the evidence?

>you know what you have done to all these women
>silence is not consent motherfucker!
>"he doesn't mention rape, idiot!"
Uh, not by name, no. But come on man. How stupid do you think a judge is?

>That's a joke

Attached: cena.gif (320x180, 437K)

Testimonies don't mean shit in a court of law unless it's the guy himself admitting he did it. People lie. It's a fact of life.

look up soye's messages to kamehacon

Testimony is evidence. But not all evidence holds equal weight, and nobody's getting a judgment or a conviction based on testimony alone.

what? you haven't heard the fat girls over at /cgl/ angrily spreading it through their tears?

When? Any screencaps? Anything?

I was in court recently for pulling a knife on a guy who shoved me down because I told him angrily if he didn't pick up his dog's shit on my property I was calling the pound to issue a ticket
In the police report he states that he pushed me because I pulled out a knife on him and that I somehow cut him with it because he had a scratch on his hand
Come a week before trial the prosecutor changes and realizes he's a lying idiot and drops charges down to possession of a weapon for reasons contrary to the public safety (Canada, you can't actually carry weapons here unless you're transporting them somewhere for a specific reason)

Now consider that because of his "witness testimony" I was initially arrested by a SWAT team with shotguns and charged with armed assault which carries a 15 year sentence, whereas had he been honest there's a good chance the intervening officers wouldn't have even arrested me because it's hard to prosecute a guy for having a knife on his own land.

Fuck off thot

she broke my mans bathtub and also got mad about chode.

no I dont, I remember people made made up accusations and the people who have accused vic have accusations against them as well.

me too

Don't apologize to a mob, it never ever works.
Name one time mass apologizing ever worked.

>Peter Kelamis
wasnt that the gay dude who also acted he had claim over goku?

>takes time off from work
>reverse gold digging

Okay but what did he actually do

from what I hear he got his girl drunk to fuck her? and was manipulative?

Something about people coming together here to worry about Stamper is super comfy and nostalgic to me.

if you consider sjw kikes sane i guess

So I guess

>talked to teenager
>waited for a long time
>got her drunk
>then fucked her

And probably legal?

getting her drunk and then fucking her is rape if she is too drunk to say no.

Cam we have a /mop/ (Musicals and Opera) too, as a containment place for barely drawn musical animatics?

Monica story was proven false, since the guy she claimed "saved her from vic" has no memory of that happening

You cant groom somebody within a week.

(it isn't)

Here in America it is. If she says yes while being drunk it still fair game. But if she doesn't give you a response then it's rape.

It's a good thing I always hated this guy because he was such a shitty singer with a big ego. All justified in the end.

Passed out is rape anywhere, legbeard. Being drunk isn't.

Being drunk and not responding or saying no is considered rape if you read my fucking post you would notice I said that if she was drunk and said yes it's still fair game.

Just because he believes it doesn't change that it was a ""joke.""
I'd write it off as eccentricity if he wasn't a cunt.

I've been here long enough to know what always starts as a shitpost actually ends up with people believing their own shitposts.

Every board has that one thing where they like to a contrarian just in case their betting horse wins, it'll mean a bigger payoff since all bests were against it.

It's just like how Yea Forums got their ego's stroked for calling out TORtanic before it hapened, and now are desperate to seek the next TORtanic that never happens.

Yea Forums may not be AS autistic, but sometimes it gets close.

Something happened at E3 one year and it's the real reason Jon left/was kicked our of Game Grumps. Only a handful of people know the truth/were witness to it, and Totalbiscuit was one of the few but would never say anything more than he knew the truth.

They were basically bating him and he fell line, hook and sinker.

If you can't make your way around obviously baity dumb questions, you weren't prepared for the court at all.

What did he do exactly?

His career is still over

you mean passed out. Which is rape. Which is why you're a retard. Nothing else is rape. Fuck you.

used his mind to rape3

Went to look back on the comics and... yeah, they're not that funny anymore. At least the artist behind them is doing alright I think.

if anything that just means your friends are also easily swayed by rumors
but then again their normies so it makes sense they're retarded

You can literally google it and it says you need witnesses to testify in a deposition if you actually want your case to be taken seriously. The only actual limitations are decided by the state and I'm assuming Texas allows it. Considering literally every single person that supposedly "knew" about what Vic did all decided to not show up and confirm the claims says a lot

Go be retarded somewhere else

>brainlet trying desperately to not admit they don't know how laws work
ok retard

>random ass lawyers with no real experience to back up what they're saying
user there's a big chance they're shit at their job too, don't go licking their boots like that

that's been happening when Ron and Monica were up there for sure. Monica especially kept making faces like she knew she said something wrong

Stamper is still friends with Mick and the rest of them, Mick just publicly called Stamper out on being a bitch about his problems and that got Stamper to shape up a little

because even back then those guys actually had a good head on their shoulders and them acting like retards was just a big joke
but there are autists that mistake that retardation for real and think they're in good company and never actually mature past that

considering that Game Grumps is apparently failing and Arin is getting shit for that Garage Sale they did a while back he's probably gonna be up soon

What happened with garage sale?

>sold games given to them by fans as gifts (some of which even had handwritten notes)
>sold things that were likely gifts from monty oum
>sell the shit for insane prices
>massively underplan the number of people coming (even compared to the odd RSVP to my garage sale system they had set up)
>people (some of which were kids) almost had heat stroke because of their poor planning
>they never had a permit to even have the garage sale, so the cops shut them down

Jesus thats amazing



No but seriously though, who the fuck cares.

he was outed alongwith psyguy but got away scot free because he's autistic and australian

and can draw well

for a furry

who cares that alan moore's leaving comics?
that still got a thread

Holy fuck this is hilarious.

Attached: 1562251272622.jpg (572x303, 123K)

Its Twitter. What did you expect?

>Apparently failing
I give them a year at best. Dan is more checked out than an overenthusiastic philanthropist. Remember that time he read the exact same chapter of a smutfic he had already read on-air and neither of them noticed for like twenty minutes?

Gotta go rewatch that shit now.

Link for anyone who doesn't know it:

damn,it seemed like Game Grumps had a good thing going, how did they mess it up so bad?

Stagnation and burnout. Dan's clearly more interested in his newly minted music career and 5 years pretending Arin is funny would drive anyone away. Plus they keep hemorrhaging staff members

>Kirbopher got blacklisted for taking a bagel out of his pants and eating it
I mean that sounds disgusting and weird but how is that blacklist worthy?

Super rude

sounds like a publicity stunt to me, also holy shit his tumblr is awful to read as fuck.

Depending on how he interacted with his colleagues beforehand this bagel incident might have just been the tipping point.


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They found gaps in story

>having a bagel in your pocket
What is this Homer Simpson shit?

>get BTFO
>all you can do is restate your own ignorance of the boots you're aggressively polishing with your tongue
cope harder

Are you the same faggot whose been claiming that Vic is an asshole without providing any evidence? All you do is step in and say he's a dick and then walk out.

>Plus they keep hemorrhaging staff members
I'd like to know more about this. I can't stand the fact they got big enough for all these micromanagers. Feels incredibly corporate.

Reminder that funi and the other #metoo retards tried to settle out of court cause they have no evidence but Vic turned them down because he doesn't care about the money and just wants these assholes exposed in court.

iirc, they've gone through like 5 editors so far
that's all i know

literal incel

Wonder who's going to be the first Youtuber to make a video on him.

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does anyone really care about him to warrant a video?

Such as?

mainly what this user said

$10 bucks says Gamer from Mars does. That guy is a bottom feeder, this is right up his alley.

You need a fuckin permit for a garage sale?

Ditching them isn't very nice
Maybe if people would stop freaking out about the first part

Can someone give me the a short info on what the fuck is going on?


why is this thread still alive? bleh, uninsteresting bland shit
even OKKO threads are more interesting

What? This is a flat-out lie. Vic has specifically stated that he doesn't want to sue anyone but it's necessary at this point to even attempt to begin salvaging his career. The biggest concern his supporters had about this case going in was that he will instruct his lawyer to not go scorched earth on EVERYONE involved in spreading this shit. Even then, his attourney has been on record saying the best possible remedy to a court case is just to agree to get back to work.

MEANWHILE, "the other #metoo retards" have been screaming over twitter that they want this to go to trial, they want EVERYTHING out in the open, and they can't wait to bring 100+ witnesses into court to share their "accounts" of what Vic's done to them.

Again?! Here's in idea. I don't care about celebrity drama and I Don't like hearing about it.

Why don't we just have every SINGLE character required to be voiced by a transgender?! Fuck talent, let's just go back to Garzy's wing level voice acting

Plus I can't stand the people that are demanding he quit and be recasted even though he's apologizing about it.

Netflix's Eva dub has Shinji voiced by a transwoman, not a good performance, probalby either because she was cast just to fill a diversity checklist or bad directing.

Don't like different cultures and families use kissing and stuff vic does as a form of greetings? Like that double cheek kiss thing?

Hell doesn't the fucking presidents of united states do that sort of shit all the time from the past?

Blum is super expensive to hire because of how long he's been working unless he uses a pseudonym to keep it off the record of the unions.

>If S3 is a thing I wonder if he's still able to voice him or by then being completely exiled from the VA industry.

Given the way things have been going with Vic, I'd say he's not gonna be coming back for season 3 of Mob. Hell, Funimation would probably go back and redub him for all future releases if they had the money to spare.

Is this what autism looks like?

He is an attempted rapist.

>thread derailed by /cgl/
go back to your containment board cunts.

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That's not Chris O'Neil.

Can someone sum up this shit for me? There is so much bad stuff that this guy has apparently done and I hate it when shitbags like him use the "I'm suicidal" excuse every third sentence.

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Oh what the fuck, those first two things are pure nasty. I'd be fucking disgusted if I sent them a game.

I felt they sounded kinda odd at first too but they grew into the role as the episodes progressed. some of the other actors like the Asuka's new one felt stilted though.

>abusive and manipulative towards literally every single girlfriend he's ever had
>covered for notorious pedophiles SuperPsyGuy and CrikeyDave during the height of Psyguy's popularity
>got blacklisted from the LA animation industry for being super rude, dismissive, and eating a cream cheese bagel loudly during a presentation from a professional
>Planned to get his girlfriend drunk and rape her, calling it an "opportunity"
>Attempted numerous times to cheat on his current girlfriend with his ex
>threw numerous friends and colleagues under the bus to save his own ass in regards to looking progressive in cases of sexual harassment
>clingy and overcontrolling of his girlfriend to the point where he had her trapped at work
>publicly groped his girlfriend repeatedly
>was a complete sexhound and attempted to jump on her whenever he had the chance
>Has gotten physical with his girlfriend, pushing her and scolding her
>after she dumped his ass, Kirb tried repeatedly, and forcefully to ask her out to dinner, and even begged to be friends with benefits when she clearly wasn't interested
this isn't the first time any of this has happened or been exposed
tl;dr -- Kirbopher is a habitual piece of shit

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does he respond to the bagel thing in the new post? that's the only factoid I've any interest in.

egoraptor wins again baby!!!

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Literally who???

His turn will come

>and eating a cream cheese bagel loudly during a presentation from a professional
is this from a shitty copypasta because that's what it sounds like