post only the biggest comic blunders
Times when comic creators fucked up
Cry for Justice
Heroes in Crisis
Civil War 2
Cry for Justice doesn't belong in the same list as the other 3.
What the hell was wrong with COC? Sure it's dated but it was a fun read.
It is actually much, much worse.
Unless the intention was to make literally everything about DC Comics worse and drive away readers like me who had been fans for decades, in which case mission accomplished.
At least Dial H was good
despite being worked on for around 2 or 3 years, somehow the writers completely forgot which team shamrock belonged to when she won the last challenge. it was 2-1 in grandmaster’s favor before the match. shamrock was on death’s team which would mean the score is 2 - 2, a tie. but when she won they thought she was on the grandmaster’s team making it 3 - 1. entire ending to the book depends on grandmaster winning. they didn’t even realise their mistake until heaps of fan letters came in pointing out the massive mistake
It was baffling, with only 4 pieces of the orb or whatever, that editorial missed which of the two sides actually gathered more of the pieces. I think they're in-world excuse was that Grandmaster simply cheated somehow, as he typically does, but not sure how any of the humans in the story let alone a conceptual entity like Death would not notice.
The bigger blunder of the story was the stereotypical portrayal of foreign heroes. From China? You must have communist-based powers (!?) From Germany? We'll call you "blitzkrieg". Ireland? red-headed luck-based character named "Shamrock".
You know, not every American character is named Captain Cheeseburger wielding an assault rifle. You could make a character from Japan who doesn't have "land of the rising sun" fire/light powers. Why, they could have powers *completely unrelated* to their national identity! Weird, eh?
why did they do nu 52 again? i understand the previous reboot was because of the silver age shit making the universe too stupid to exist
So Jim Lee could be the new co-creator of the entire DCU
Comicbooks still struggle to make heroes of other nations that aren't just throwaway one-note national stereotypes.
the new characters were a mistake. it seemed like they were supposed to be a sort of backdoor pilot to see if fans liked them enough to warrant their own series but they were so poorly designed and their powers were never properly defined and when they were, those powers were already used by someone else. they should’ve jusr gone with existing characters around the board
Animal Man
Swamp Thing
And Wonder Woman were all worth reading
>From China? You must have communist-based powers
So no change there then
(It almost seems like DC has systematically went around the internet to remove the higher-res images of the character that used to exist online)
All of which could have existed without New 52
26 years of continuity makes it hard for new readers to start reading DC so they rebooted everything. It didn't turn out too well.
The thing is, it just ain't hard.
Take a american hero and just have it happen elsewhere. Kal-el's rocket landed in Romania or Haiti. A post-USSR-collapse billionaire husband and wife are gunned down, their kid is inspired by a bat breaking through his window.
Abin Sur crash-landed in Iceland. Aquaman looks polynesian instead of western european, what a wild thought. Indian's foray into space produces a quartet of the fantastic.
Its lazy writing, and all too often from the mind of "woke" liberal writers not realizing how elitist and nigh-racist they're approaching.
What? I’m saying those particular New 52 runs were and still are worth a read depending on the writer. But yes as a whole New 52 was a mixed bag, most of which was quickly retconned out
>4 out of 52 books were good guys!
DC and Marvel need to come to an end in their entirety.
In fact Aquaman, Swamp Thing and Animal Man were all part of Johns part of the pre-reboot Brightest Day line that got repacked into New 52. If he had gotten the people he had wanted Firestorm and Hawkman would have also been readable too.
I’m not validating New 52, dumbass. Overall it was a mistake. I’m merely pointing out what runs are worth the time
That's too hard for Capeshit writers.
They have to write a super from Japan... hurr... better make either a samurai or a ninja that peppers his english dialogue with random commonly known but poorly integrated Japanese words, done!
If he's Scottish then he's a ginger that walks around in a kilt, has his face painted blue and hits people with a claymore while yelling about FREEEEEEDOOOOOOM.
It was ridiculous how straight they played this character, tried to push him as so much cooler than the original Lobo and how everyone should think he's the coolest.
The main man is intentionally ridiculous in his degree of violent greasy space biker machismo, but this edgy prettyboy wasn't used as a parody in the same fashion but just played completely intentionally.
Which begs the question; would Nubo have worked if he had been a parody like Lobo, and didn’t kill the original?
>"Reboot" everything
>Don't start everything from the beginning and have comics start in the middle of some of the character's carreer as heroes
They didn't even fully comit to the reboot
>fucking batman had already gone through like 4 or 5 robins and had a kid by the time he was like 26 years old
Jesus christ
The Big 2 can't do anything right, they are a cancerous mess.
But the Scottish stereotype is fun
This is such a stupid character holy fuck. What fucking moron let that through editing.
Ya looking to git feckin glassed ya cunt? Stitch this jimmy!
>scottish stereotype
What about the bald magician?
Grant Morrison blinded the editors with the light shining from his bald head.
IIRC theres a clause in morrisons contract saying he is to not have editors
This feels like a fetish thing.
This is obviously complete bullshit. Everyone has editors. You're telling me if Morrison spelled Batman "Batmna" in a script it would be published that way?
It’s astounding that they tried to say everything happened in just 5 years
That's bullshit though. It's not the continuity that scares people away (unless they are autistic weebs) it's how generally uninteresting the stories are.
My first comic was pic related. Even without context the story was good enough to get me hooked. Only brainlets need to start at the very beginning of a thing in order to get enjoyment from it.
DC is obsessed with hard resets though
Editors for content
I agree with you, but that was DCs logic.
I wish DC would go to a legacy numbering system like marvel. It's the 13th issue of bendis' action comics run but legacy 1013
no. lobo listens to heavy metal, there aren't many characters who listen to heavy metal
>Don't start everything from the beginning and have comics start in the middle of some of the character's carreer as heroes
That's how CoIE ended for almost everyone but Wonder Woman. Old stories kept going, but she rebooted.
Superman rebooted too, but Byrne set Man of Steel over around a decade, so Supes had been active for a long time.
Movie synergy, to sum it up. Lobo, Suicide Squad, Justice League, and other properties got retooled into being more favorable to movie adaptations, at least as WB saw it. They really wanted the New 52 to be the tentpole for DC's aesthetic across all media.
desu i really liked having all this history when i started getting into comics, it made the universe feel lived in
I dunno if that too-much-continuity was an issue for most people, but the first comic I ever read was a reprint of Justice League v1 #100-102 (printed 1972, reprint was likely 1978 or so) in which a large Justice League cast along with the Justice Society went around rescuing the Seven Soldiers of Victory. It was a *huge* number of heroes, I had no idea what was going on... and I absorbed it like a sponge. My little brain understood and accepted there was history here, history I didn't know but that I could *learn* and I loved it.
Niche markets chasing a wider audience all too often expand out into an audience that doesn't have an interest in your market in the first place.
You could name way more comicbook 'Events' than that
I like the Sentinels of the Multiverse card game for similar reasons, there's all this lore for the setting that's established that you never need to really touch on to play the card game.
Looking forward to the RPG that's set in the same universe post-card game too for more to read up on.
No see we’re talking about a scenario where Lobo still exists, and Nubo is introduced as a separate thing and parodies pretty boy emo heroes popularized in the 00’s
New readers are naive and think you need to start at the first issue of a series to get the whole """""story""""" when in reality you just need to go back at most 5 or 11 issues. You dont need to read ac 1 to get to ac 1013. I have the hard cover of bendis first 6 issues of action comics and it says on the back cover it's the perfect place to start reading action comics even though its 1001-1006. I wish the first issues of a new writer for a series would say "START HERE, YOU DONT NEED TO KNOW ANYTHING TO START READING THIS"
Not that guy but yeah I personally like having a huge stock of material to choose from
>to make literally everything about DC Comics worse
Incorrect. AzzWondy was the most relevant she was in decades before her movie came out. OMAC, Voodoo, Captain Atom, and Dial H were all good.
>DC is obsessed with hard resets though
And Marvel is obsessed with soft resets. What's the difference, ladderbro?
Maybe it could have been done better, but it would require less terrible writers.
It was a good marketing ploy, but a terrible decision fir long term business.
If they rebooted nothing, started new runs for everyone, and had writers make it all easy to jump on to, it would have accomplished the same goal while harming nothing.
Several people at DC don't get that Lobo is tongue-in-cheek.
Are you actually asking what the difference is between--
a grand cosmic event that completely wipes away established history/characterization under much hype and hoopla
certain history just being ignored when it's convenient?
Get a grip. You're not even using "ladderbro" properly.