Fuck you. I am SICK AND TIRED of being labled a bad guy because of who I voted for. I'm tried that I'm now considered a Racist and Bigot because I voted for Trump instead of Hillary. I'm tired of my family and I being looked down upon everywhere we look because we did what we thought was right. I'm tired that the few things I enjoy in life are being used to insult me and my beliefs. I'm tired of the left putting down people who don't agree with them and there censor ship.
Fuck you. I am SICK AND TIRED of being labled a bad guy because of who I voted for...
everyone below this post is a retard
>Bring this butthurt
Wait, you’re a part of the Klans? What level of wizard are you?
Kinda getting tired of this new trend of spamming threads. It was funny the first couple times like with the redesign autist, but now it's just played out.
Nobody cares about you being triggered by a comic you fucking faggot
Grow some thicker skin and act like a man.
now you know why crossboarders shouldn't be welcomed. it all stemmed from live-action and Yea Forums.
Redesign Autist?
What are you talking about? this is based on a radioshow from 50 years ago.
Man in current year everything has to be fucking /pol/itical. I mean on both sides of the cesspool we call an aisle. It is a comic about a symbol of hope fighting a symbol of hate there should be no discussion on this at all. The left throwing around the word Nazi and racist like it's peanuts is dumb, but so is the right getting all butt hurt over everything. Also I should mention that per the first post I am a retard.
Oh boy did you miss that? We were up to six threads up at the same time over that one, though a couple were falseflags trying to revel in the autism.
Basically autist didn't like a redesign, someone did, and the autist got increasingly unhunged the longer they talked about it until he was in full blown meltdown mode.
This is based on a radio show from the 40's and was about the actual KKK.
>It is a comic about a symbol of hope fighting a symbol of hate
That's kind of the point. No one mentioned the right, but they got offended anyways and assumed it was about them. When someone says "fuck the Klan" and someone replies "stop harassing me for my beliefs" it's like a sirens call to shit on that person for willingly self identifying as a klansman.
Don't fucking act dumb you know there going to compare Trump and anyone that voted for him to the KKK
Fuck off and die, neo-nazi scum.
It's a kid's book. They won't be that heavy-handed.
Why do people think that Superman is allowed to fight the KKK or Nazis just because he was in some WWII propaganda comics
>It's a kid's book. They won't be that heavy-handed.
Silly retard, ANYONE is allowed to fight the KKK and nazis because they’re all fucking scum! :)
Its funny that you think this page has anything you brought up in it at all
That was for tumblrfags, not children. At any rate, it's based off of a radio play from the 40's. I doubt there will be any Trump references.
They are though. I can agree that not everyone is a nazi/Klan and calling everyone that is stupid, but the actual Klan is pretty fucked up and deserves to be fought.
>I doubt there will be any Trump references.
There hasn't been an actual Klan for decades. It's all splinter groups of undercover FBI agents.
That literally isn't a kids' book, and people keep posting that page while ignoring it was a last minute fill-in by someone who doesn't work in comics.
I mean he's literally using their slogans now.
I live in south Georgia and you're wrong as fuck.
>people unironically support the KKK just to stick it to the "SJWs'
Maybe you just shouldn’t vote for nazis in orange then.
How can Trump be a Nazi when he's controlled by the Mossad?
You are objectively wrong. They literally marched recently.
>People in deep cover don't perform false flag public displays
I wish I was stupid enough to base a conspiracy theory off of another conspiracy theory, life would be so simple.
>I'm not stupid. I just trust the media!
I trust a consensus, yeah. What would be stupid is if I believed every single thing that contradicted my worldview was part of a grand conspiracy and definitely not real. I'm pretty sure that's how flat earthers got started.
Modern Nazis are very diverse. One of the most promimet Nazis today is a Jewish man who's married to a black man.
>I trust an engineered consensus, yeah
Has there been any actual evidence that Milo is married to a black man besides him saying he is?
This is a good question. If you're a virgin Grand Wizard of the Klu Klux Klan, what exactly would your power level be? Logic would state it has to be bigger than a normal incel virgin.
that's too galaxybrain, even for someone who dreams of a Donald "the Duckisher" Duck comic book
>just keep making up bigger and bigger conspiracies every time you're wrong
>It's more likely that every single member of the KKK is a phony than some white guy hating niggers.
Imagine being such an insane conspiracy theorist that you think nobody hates black people
Everybody hates black people, that doesn't meant they unironically dress up like spoopy ghosts (unless they work for the FBI)
Just fuck off already, I'm bored of laughing at you
Nope, im not done dabbing on you yet.
I just shun everyone I know who voted for trump.
Nothing of value was lost.
What does superman have to do about that shit? Fuck off to your blog
I mean basically yeah. I mean for fucks sake my grandparents who are in their 80s and have voted Republican every single election their whole lives didn't even vote for Trump because it was obvious what a fucking insane bigot he is.
Am I gonna have to say it again?
Get ready for Trump to win in 2020 then. Obama won with some of the same voters that Trump won because of. The way to convince people that your side is the better one is to be welcoming and understanding. I'm not saying this in a Mister Rogers kind of way, I'm saying that if you want to win in 2020 you need to change your attitude.
That's funny. You think Trump is welcoming and understanding.
What does a 50+ year old radio serial have to do with modern politics?
>Obama won with some of the same voters that Trump won because of.
And a lot of them are now disappointed and ashamed because they bought into the "oh he's just talking trash, he doesn't mean it REALLY" meme.
Oh great, another comic vilifying the right.
I never said that or implied that and I'm not talking about Trump, I'm talking about his voters. I'm a far left person, usually get into the bottom left portion of the political compass test. If Trump got assassinated tomorrow I'd probably be attending a few parties over it.
Trump has a 45% approval rating. You want him out then get real about his chances of winning re-election.
you sound more triggered than a tumblrina
It villifies the Klan and the fact that you self identify as who is being attacked says more about you than it does about the left.
Sorry, 42% projects.fivethirtyeight.com
>Why won't people just let me identify with the Ku Kux Klan in peace??
Let's be honest: he won because the nation generally disliked both viable candidates and he looked like a better bet for shaking things up st the time. A non-shit dem candidate might be all it takes.
Conservatives are fucking pathetic. I mean a lot of the sjw left sucks, but shit, conservatives are such a whiny, hateful group of faggots.
Nuke this useless site already. Fuck you mods for killing Yea Forums.
Unironically correct statement. And I voted for Trump. Too bad the Dems have gone full retard though with shit like free healthcare to illegals and reperstions.
Nah, just nuke /pol/.
Also...if there's anything Superman comics have taught us it's that you don't have to be accepted by someone to give them a chance. Daryl Davis, a black musician, has successfully "converted" over 200 KKK members through exactly what I'm talking about.
Fucking auto correct.
Wait, do people here SERIOUSLY thought what Trump recently tweeted was racist Nazi shit?
Is THAT what cause shitty threads like this?
It wasn't Nazi shit but it was inherently racist.
Trump would not be hard to beat, but after those first debates, I'm voting for him again.
Why, because he said "go back to your own countries"? Yeah, he said that. And added "Fix your own countries and THEN come back and tell us how to do our jobs."
Three out of the four of them were born in the USA, they are in their own country.
So? That ONE of the three is the one with the most focus than the other. (He didn't even name them IIRC)
>"New Germans"
He later clarified that if they dislike the way America works so much then they're free to leave. But I'm sure that's racist too right? Don't you realize by calling anyone who disagrees with you a racist it devalues actual racism right?
That's why he used the plural words "Congresswomen", "countries", and "they" right? Actually the only woman singled out is Pelosi, who he doesn't tell to go back to her own country. Wonder what the biggest difference between her and the rest is.
Why is a pedophile posting in my thread?
Bruh they’re fighting the kkk, it’s your fault if you identify will literal racists
So now it's changed from "fix your countries" to just "leave if you don't like it".
That's why I rolled my eyes when I saw this thread. I KNEW this shit posting was about the tweets Trump made and you know what? What he said was what MOST people think about the Democrats but are afraid to say it. They're clearly fucked, but they're not allowed to say whose's causing it or else "RACIST".
Nancy Pelosi better get her act together and rein her idiots in, or else more threads like this are going to be the ONLY achievements the Democrats will have for 2020,
Reeeeeeeeeeeee why people think nazis and klan is a bad thing(((((((((((((((((((
If that's what most people think then, yes, most Americans are racist.
Fuck SJWs and Fuck /pol/ fuck my slutty gay ass
I'm a what now?
Including the so-called progressives. They just hide it under their bullshit rhethoric. And I'm not talking about their beef with whites either.
These are the last gasps of an ideologically bankrupt, corrupt political system. Both parties are conservative as fuck and most intelligent people realize that we need an entirely new government at this point.
The nation will continue it's slide until a real reform movement takes power, then everything will change in a short few years, and this will result in a drastic improvement for the average person. Like the Canadians back in the 1970s and 80s, we will be scratching our heads and wondering why we waited so long to fix things.
Dude NIGGERS lol
The Canadians have Justin Treduea. They're nit that much better.
Trump spent his entire 2016 campaign complaining about how the US sucks. So once again it's okay for him to do and say whatever he wants but everyone else has to play with complete different rules.
I'd take Justin over the incompetent congress and the international embarrassment which is Trump and his gaggle of Nazi wannabe followers.
Dude, chill.
I support Trump, too. Didn't vote for him in 2016, will vote for him in 2020. This is just a retelling of one of DC's best stories from the 1940's where Supes fights KKK stand ins in a well made radio drama.
I can understand why you are upset, but this just proves that Anti SJWs are the same as SJWs. Horseshoe Theory is real, kids. Seriously, though, just laugh it off and go on with your life like most non far left people do.
Keep seething tranny. 4 more years
You're respondong to copypasta, retard.
And he also ran on returning America to what it once was. The Democrats want to do literally the opposite of that.
Honestly I'm a little confused why there's outrage against his tweets in the first place. AOC outright cost New Yorkers jobs because she doesn't understand what a tax credit is and wasn't Illian Omar the one who described the 9/11 terror attacks as "some people doing some things"? Defending her is pretty unAmerican.
4 more years of failure? I'm sure you would love that. Most of us adults have families to take care of, we can't base our political opinions on what triggers the libcucks the hardest.
You realize the government is running massive deficits right now? Where do you think that money comes from? It's taken out of our pockets, so that men like Bezos and Musk can have slightly bigger fortunes. Don't be a useful idiot.
Yeah, because the deficit is a totally a Trump exclusive thing.
I'm sorry, which party has routinely tried to cut funding from 9/11 first responders, most recently within the last 24 hours?
Republicans controlled Congress for two years and still have a slim majority in the Senate. If they really wanted to they could have. And yes, this is a fair critique of Obama's first two years as well.
Hilarious. Especially the 5TH THREAD on the same fucking joke.
Don't you have a day job?
Hows that impeachment process coming along LOL
What does that have to do with what I was arguing? Why are you trying to conflate two unrelated issues?
He has one thing going for him.
He's not Macron.
>The Democrats want to do literally the opposite of that
Yes, it's called making the country better for all, instead of just white people. it's called making sure the air and water is clean, instead of deregulated and dirtier like it's being made now under Trump so that oil and coal companies can make more money. It's called protecting human rights instead of violating them because you're the wrong skin color. It's called not being a white supremacist apologizer snd enabler.