

Attached: area-666.png (1000x994, 472K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Did they come there to find Hepstein's porn Statch?

They are aware any loli girls still living there has already been evacuated, right?

>naruto run
good detail

I dont get it and i'm not memeing, i understand the Area 51 meme reference but not the rest.Why are they attacking that Egyptian house ?

>Why are they attacking that Egyptian house ?
Jeffrey Epstein is a rich man who, after being caught in a serious case of corruptions, prostitution and paedophilia was only punched with a slap on the hand, because the CIA said he was "intelligence".

He was caught again and this time he is not getting away with it. He is notable for being a close freind of Trump and Bill Clinton. It was recently revealed he had a secret temple on an Island.

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It's a building on Little St. James Island, aka "Pedo Island."

>LIBERALS are literally planting evidence on people convicting them of crimes they didn't clit just because they support Trump

[citation needed]

I'm kinda disappointed there isn't a guy in a Sonic furry costume/clothes running and saying 'Gota go fast'

It bothers me immensely that it's so shoddily built. If you're a billionaire who wants to build a weird Egyptian sex-temple, at least pony up to build it right.

>there are retards out there who unironically think this

Don't act like this isn't the case. The left is changing history and attributing people whose beliefs aren't the same as them to pedophiles, killers and terrorists. There fucking comparing the KKK to Trump in the new Superman comic

People are connection Bill Clinton to Epstein so I don't think its a liberal/conservative thing but high up people think

Trump is fine with David Duke's support, doesn't disown the tiki torchers and says something racist every other week. Gee whiz I wonder why the KKK comparison.

>Don't act like this isn't the case.

>There fucking comparing the KKK to Trump in the new Superman comic
To be fair, Trump is basically asking for it.

The market for paedophilic inclined architects who will shut their fucking mouth down under promise of getting free rides later is surprisingly limited. It doesn't help that they usually don't mention that specificity in their linkedin account.

Epstein had to do with what he could find.

Fuck you. I am SICK AND TIRED of being labled a bad guy because of who I voted for. I'm tried that I'm now considered a Racist and Bigot because I voted for Trump instead of Hillary. I'm tired of my family and I being looked down upon everywhere we look because we did what we thought was right. I'm tired that the few things I enjoy in life are being used to insult me and my beliefs. I'm tired of the left putting down people who don't agree with them and there censor ship.

>Fuck you. I am SICK AND TIRED of being labled a bad guy
No one labelled you anything. we simply asked for you to provide some level of evidence for your claim. No need to play the victim, there.

> I'm tried that I'm now considered a Racist and Bigot because I voted for Trump instead of Hillary. I'm tired of my family and I being looked down upon everywhere we look because we did what we thought was right. I'm tired that the few things I enjoy in life are being used to insult me and my beliefs. I'm tired of the left putting down people who don't agree with them and there censor ship.
user, you have issues.

That being said, you voted for a con-artist. And not even a very good one.

You might actually be mentally handicapped for falling for that.

Trump lied to you about what he stood for to trick honest people into voting for him, everyone knows this by now. The only people who are shit on for voting for him are the ones who still stand by him after all the bullshit. That seems like you, so yeah you get told to fuck off by reasonable people. Get used to it or reassess your values.

For all we know he just put that up to fuck with people and the real sex dungeon is(was) underground or something.

You can change your mind after you vote you fucking idiot

I'd give the benefit of the doubt to a working-class guy in 2016 but now in 2019 Trump has repeated Hillary's email mistakes, raised the national debt, and been publicly blatantly racist

So what's in the temple Yea Forums ?

The new Superman comic is set in the 40s and is an adaption of an existing radio drama for the period, how the fuck are they fitting Trump in there?

I thought it was pathetic this guy fell for it, but
Jesus christ, Yea Forums really is the worst board, no wonder nobody puts any effort into their bait here if THAT is all it takes.

>nobody could possibly ever support trump unironically, it must be bait
Fuck off.

OP here it was baitI didn't make that new thread though

OP was obviously bait and clearly not what we were talking about.

user, this guy might actually be genuine.

Lefty here. I just want to say:

>The president is a bad person.
Is not the same as:
>You are a bad person for voting for them.
Trump is only as imperfect as the next person. The only difference is that he's got a ton of money and has grown used to always getting his way.
If anyone tries to tell you otherwise, you can calmly point out to them that Hillary's also a liar with a closet chock-full of skeletons. It sucks that these are the options we have for our leaders, but that's just a result of human nature. If they still get aggressive with you or your family, no reasonable person will blame you for cutting them out of your life. Being true to who you are and what you believe, while practicing responsibility and being mindful of the needs of others, is something the left is supposed to stand for. Those who would try to bully you don't deserve your time or your friendship, regardless of your political leanings.

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More temple Yea Forums but nonetheless gruesome

You do realise that to "fall for a troll", you have to become upset. The Troll becoming upset himself can't really be considered a success.

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The troll:
does not appear to be upset.
I, on the other hand, am merely digusted that I have to share a board with you retards.

We weren't talking about the OP, though.
Well, I do'nt know if you can actually call OP's pic bait. I mean, it's actually funny, and isn't even offensive.

>The troll:
>does not appear to be upset.
It isn't about the OP comic.

>I, on the other hand, am merely digusted that I have to share a board with you retards.
So, you are saying that you fell for it?

It's a stealth /pol/ thread and surprise surprise we're talking about trump. Yes it was bait.


These "people" are actually retarded, not merely pretending to be retarded:

>It's a stealth /pol/ thread
The fact that you can't go more than 30 seconds without thinking about Trump isn't OP's fault.

The diffence is that Trump has a ton of fanboys who literally whorship him and cannot admit that he has flaws. For Hillary even the people that support her don't really like her and would gladly dump her for someone else like berine

Reminder /pol/ is actively trying to creat more mass shooters since Christchurch

being ironically retarded for (you)s is still being retarded

Okay bud, whatever. How long are you going to post about other people before you stop this "I'm not mad or getting baited" act.

There is nothing wrong with the post you quoted.

Are you the ranting guy pretending to be someone else and pretending the "whaaaa why does everyone hate me" is now a troll?

That's right user, everyone who doesn't share your political views is a mouthbreathing retard, and people who share your political views are nuanced and intelligent.

You are the only one getting upset, there.

what gives it away that it's poorly built?

>That's right user, everyone who doesn't share your political views
Not what he said.

And yup, it's the same guy.

The only bait more obvious than what those people responded to would be "DONALD TRUMP HERE, ASK ME ANYTHING".
And Yea Forumsmblr would still probably unironically reply to it.

So "not yet", I guess.

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Hillary also has fanboys who excuse everything she does. They're just not very vocal here. If you were reading the Washington Post just after the 2016 DNC, you would've seen them coming out of the woodwork with disgusting ferocity. The people who are so eager to become zealots for the cults of personality that spring up around politicians disturb me, but I still believe they would be more reasonable if our political discourse hadn't become so adversarial. Trump is one of the worst we've seen when it comes to divisiveness, but that's a strategy he's chosen because he knows it will work. The stage was set for him a long time ago.

Pizza Gate is unironically real.

Going into a meltdown isn't bait user. It's just self-ridiculing.

I don't get it

verified accounts

>Hillary also has fanboys who excuse everything she does.
Not anymore.

You odn't know how bait work, do you?

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I am completely genuine when I say I hope you're right and I'm wrong.

Are you really that upset that some user is getting reasonable answers?

Dumbass confuses verified accounts with blocked accounts and thinks you can't see unverified tweets. Dumbass also thinks that verified correlates to quality when it has nothing to do with that, and is consequently shocked when the tweets aren't quality.

Verified is just supposed to prevent imitators of public figures from falseflaging at them, that's it. People love to talk about how it's some left wing conspiracy to control voices but it has nothing to do with who is popular or seen.

How can you even operate a computer while this retarded?

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I have literally no idea what you're talking about.

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Left or right, Yea Forums?

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>tfw you agree with the unfunny racist cartoonist

Too bad that island is even harder for NEETs to get to than Area 51.

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How hard is it really to get there? Is it only administrative paperwork issues?

You're only a racist and a bigot if you still support everything Trump has done that's racist and bigoted. If you don't, congrats, people have no reason to think you are.

But because you voted him, you do share some blame in helping him getting elected, dipshit. Actions have consequences. Take personal responsibility. Isn't those classical conservative mantra?

Fuck I read it as nigger instead of ginger at first

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No I need a safe space, all these microaggressions are triggering me.

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I'd imagine it's a folly, a non-functional building or architectural landmark designed to beautify landscapes.

Fucking day of the pillow when?

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Which one? Area 51 is in the middle of the desert, but there are roads and towns nearby. Still not an easy place to camp out in and prepare.

But that island? I'm not even sure where it is on a map, but you'd need planes or boats to get to it, not just a car, and the area around it hasn't been thoroughly mapped by decades of conspiracy theorists and alien hunters like the area around area 51 is.

>There fucking comparing the KKK to Trump in the new Superman comic
Show me where Trump is even suggested to exist in that comic.

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The Island, I mean. Is it even in US territory?

I mean, getting a boat is not THAT difficult. and I am pretty sure Epstein set up some infrastructure on the island itself to accommodate his frequent visits. I don't think it's that out of reach. Enough people could pool together money to rent a boat.

I am pretty sure most gay pride parade promote condom.

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>finally a strip with a punchline
>throws in Jew hate anyway

save it for the actual Jew jokes

>The Island, I mean. Is it even in US territory?
AFIAK, no.
Which means the army and police won't stop you.
It also means that no one will save you if your ninja crew gets defeated and locked away in the island dungeon to serve as sponges for the rest of the century.
Better bring hundreds, if not thousands. Which is a lot more doable at Area 51 than a remote island. (And isn't very doable at Area 51.)

>jew hate

I hate that low effort, garbage comics keep getting propped up because they pander to people's beliefs. I hate America's apathy to art.

It must be exhausting to hate so many things all at the same time.

>Which means the army and police won't stop you.
I am not a US citizen, but don't you need a passport or do some administrative paperwork to leave your country?

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I dont think he's really successful, it's just that if anyone is even remotely against the left they get reposted here to the point of turning them into white background noise. Like whats going on right now.

>if your ninja crew gets defeated and locked away in the island dungeon
Isn't it currently empty and locked down for investigation, after Epstein's arrest?

Every country demands paperwork/passports to enter them, you can leave the US just fine. You must he from the EU which has treaties to be the exception to that rule. Literally the entire rest or the world needs passports.

I don't get it, are they raiding scourge mcducks vault?

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read the thread

If you don't see it, I'm not gonna damage your mind by pointing it out.

Sure, if you get on a plane. AFIAK (I've never done it or talked to anyone who has, this is just my assumption from general knowledge) if you have your own ship and it's not some container ship that needs to be inspected by customs, you can just sail away from the dock until you're in international waters.

I haven't heard that. I would hope so, but then again, if it's in international waters, they might not be able to. Or he might have given them permission to make himself look innocent. I honestly don't know, the media coverage focuses on the sensational side, not the practical side.

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Epstein's island (Little St. James Island) in the US Virgin Islands, a territory like Puerto Rico (and right next door to Puerto Rico)

The USVI have been part of the United States ever since they were bought from Denmark at the end of WWI. The population is majority Black (like most Caribbean islands), and they drive on the left side of the road.

Attached: American Caribbean territories.jpg (2538x1041, 343K)

>The market for paedophilic inclined architects who will shut their fucking mouth down under promise of getting free rides later is surprisingly limited.
I mean he already got at least two presidents to do that, i imagine it's a lot easier to find a decent architect willing to do the same.

> and they drive on the left side of the road.
fucking savages

>they drive on the left side of the road.

Buy a foreign land, get stuck with backwards foreign customs.

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It's made out of plywood. all the details are just painted on like a Roadrunner cartoon tunnel.

I thought it was the muslim cube thing...

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You can burn that many bodies in that much time with industrial strength crematoriums.
The wooden doors were installed near the end of the war, when the gas chambers were converted into bomb shelters for the camp administration. (Same reason they lock on the inside.)

How can you tell?


He can tells by the pixels and by the fact he has seen a great number of plywood works as a wood inspector

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You literally cant.

>underestimating Nazi inginuity


>doubting the world's finest engineers for centuries running

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And it locks on the outside.


Denialtard.Strange we dont see a lot of channers denying the Rwanda genoicde or the Armenian genocide or Japanese war crimes in China.It's always the Holocaust

>Oogie Boogie Free Healthcare!!
Americans are weird.

I know right? Those damn liberals are forgetting just how great a man Trump is! Let's go over each and every point that PROVES why Trump is awesome!!!
>Hindering Russian investigations
>Shut down the government 3 times in one year
>Publically threatened a dictator over twitter
>Can’t pass a healthcare bill
>Can’t build a wall
>Crashing the economy
>Eroding America’s mental health
>driving the country to xenophobic isolationism
> costing hundreds of thousands their jobs just to boost the price of a single dying industry (coal)
> pissing off international allies while condoning and even praising the actions of dictators with known human rights violations
>having a nearly 60% misinformation rating when every previous president was 20-30%
>filling government positions with people that will help his business interests rather than the welfare of the country
>attacking the media for pointing out how often he lies by showing video of him blatantly lying
>Sucking Israel's cock

She’s saying the the teacher looks Jewish because of the big nose

Wow, that's pretty racist!

>He is notable for being a close freind of Trump and Bill Clinton.
That's possible to do?

Then go shoot a pizzeria,incel.Yea Forums is practically a terrorist organization now

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The Clintons have been friends with Trump for decades.

The right really can't meme.
I'm almost disappointed

>tfw 2 trips on /k/ actually did this

The Trumps and the Clintons both made their fortunes from being land developing con artists.
For the elite, political party lines are as trivial as NBA free-agents choosing which team to play for.

Only the poor and the ignorant fall into the bi-partisan trap. The only political parties are the Haves and the Have-nots.

I- but-
I mean... Most structures do? My house locks from the outside, otherwise strangers could walk in and take my shit while I was grocery shopping.