I hate normies so goddam much
how do we stop them ? despite all the negavity TLK is receiving people will still flock to see it
why does this happen ?
I hate normies so goddam much
how do we stop them ? despite all the negavity TLK is receiving people will still flock to see it
why does this happen ?
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>Hey user, let's take little Timmy to the cinema. It'll shut him up for a couple of hours.
>What's on? The Lion King? I remember that being good.
All these crappy reboots are coasting on name recognition alone.
>I hate normies so goddam much
Go back.
Who cares, you dickless faggot
Well, who else can he blame? And can you blame him in this case?
You are aware most normies are hating it, right?
By giving it focus. I mean here you are capable of posting and discussing comics and cartoons, and you choose to discuss some live action looking movie and people IRL.
What I'm trying to say is, you suck.
And yet it's making money.
Which only cements the fact that they buy the tickets without doing research, then come out of the theatre regretting ever watching it.
The correct term is "normalfag."
Or you know people don't care and that marketing is working for them. Believe or not, People don't go around image boards complaining how the cinema is dying and trying to brainstorm how to fix it without being able to do anything.
have sex
It's because there's literally nothing else to see user. Normies see these popcorn flicks not because they like them but because there is literally nothing else to see. Normies don't actually take the effort to look into alternative films or look up limited showing because they are fat lazy and stupid. They just see whatever is advertised the most and nothing else. For fuck sake this is the same group of people that will call someone to pick up McDonald's for them you expect them to actually put effort into what they watch?
Shit movies like this live action drivel and the marvel films are a success purely out of unadulterated complacency and nothing else.
>How do we make people stop watching all those movies? I will ask that every 5 minutes until I get an answer. Really, I hate this movie, and this other one too, and the actress, we should all talk about how much we hate it. I even went to see it just to tell everyone how much I hate it, let's talk about it some more.
Posting about live action or real people should be punishable by flaying.
People act like the original Lion King wasn't normie tier trash. Spoiler: it was.
>It'll shut him up for a couple of hours.
this is why Planned Parentood is necessary. Someone just isn't fit to be a parent.
If there's nothing to watch, why go to the cinema then? tickets are expensive, you have to potentially put up with rude audience-goers, and those 2 hours of sitting around watching bland content, you could be doing something else.
Fuck off you absolute faggot
He's right.
>I hate normies so goddam much
I think I figured out your problem. Stop thinking like a fucking child and spend your energy on shit you care about and enjoy doing.
i like McDonalds
The original still exists. Stop getting worked up over shit that doesn't matter.
>friend got legitimately mad when I said this looks awful
I dont get it.
>nobody sees it
>Disney pays themselves anyway
For me, it's the McChicken.
This, shit is what happens with Marvel constantly yet only when its a terrible CGI movie about lions does Yea Forums finally take notice.
This: What fucking people just go the movies if there is nothing good or something you want to see there? With streaming there is no fucking reason to go to cinemas aside from thats where all the movies premieres.
Plus it's expensive as all hell and not worth the ticket price.
Why did this happen? Every other movie company couldn't make something entertaining enough to compete with a big budget remake. It's a race and Disney has been winning by default because the competition sucks.
>Scar bitchslaps Mufasa
Why would you ruin the emotion of that scene by adding something so silly
Normies like to be "social" without actually putting in the effort of actually being social. The movies are the perfect option.
And just how much effort do you put at being social, user?
Here's your character development bro
lmao wut
>TLJ was shit
>Disney still makes a sequel
>TLK live action was shit
>Disney will still continue with the live action remakes
Can't stop the juggernaut
you are the problem, faggot
What's more shameful:
A. The unwashed, smooth brain masses who see these movies out of habit and name recognition
B. The old celebrities like James Earl Jones and Mark Hammill who KNOW the new product will be soulless, but end up signing the contract anyway.
they did that with Nuladdin and screw over Godzilla KOTM with shill bashing
I go for the popcorn.
>why does this happen ?
People see going to the movies as a thing they do, they don't get together to watch the lion king but to see A movie. Disney and recognizable products relay on public familiarity, that's why people watch marvel shit, they don't care about watching thor 3, they trust disney to be vainilla ice cream, it's a safe bet for expending your money and 120 of your time. It's not "fans" it's just the general `public, the normie, and normies don't get emotionally invested on this shit, their opinions about this will be "meh, the original was better" and all their memories around the remake or marvel movies will be about the experience they have with their family and friends and not the movie.
because "Quip, Sick & Snark".
that's the hipster style of witness
I hate how it makes my sister feel. No big dea for her since she is the most normalfag career woman but loves Disey so much and this looks so ugly and distastefl to her she ain't touching it with a ten yard pole.
based woman
normie girls would lap it up in an instant
Nostalgia is some powerfull shit.
and good marketing.
You mean the transformers sequel
Don't consume it. Let others do it and live your life.
Isn't that what you goofy toonfags always say when somebody calls you out on watching mindless Disney/CN tripe like Star Vs. or Steven Universe?
How about not giving a shit about what other people watch? You can't control what everybody wants.
watch this to calm yourself