Almost 25 years and this is still considered the best Robin suit hands down

>Almost 25 years and this is still considered the best Robin suit hands down

How is something so cheesy be the best that the character ever had? The O'Donnell suit is the worst kind of camp. Being second-banana to Batman shouldn't mean that you're not allowed to have something that at least looks decent.

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>this is still considered the best Robin suit hands down
Who's ever said that?

OP, between sucking his own cock.

It helps that the character hasn't appeared in many movies since.

>best Robin
Not so hard considerig all the other ones where based on the Nightwing's suit.


>That bulge
>Those nipples

Not even just movies. It's pretty much any media in which a Robin character appears in.

Everyone who has ever asked themselves what the best Robin suit was. When they reflect on the fact that there really hasn't been any good ones they get depressed and make shitty threads like this one.

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>implying sexual camp isn't the best kind of camp

Op, h-have you not seen what Robin looks like in Titans? Even if you have, I’d say this is the best looking live action Robin. Dunno what you’re smoking.

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It's simply not good. They went overboard and lost-at-sea with the extremely busy shape of it especially on the shoulders, the faceted pecs, and abs-buckle thing. Below the belt it's the complete opposite and looking like a pair of baggy Lululemons.

Sadly, there would be a vast amount of people who would argue that this is one of the best Robin suits despite how awful it is. They might be correct, but it doesn't mean that the Titans design is good.

They knew what Dick fans wanted. Dont forget that suit has a sweet ass.

This. OP's suit is still cool though, especially the colors.

>this is the best looking live action Robin.

You only think that because it's usually filmed on poorly-lit sets. The suit looks like literal garbage.

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Jason's suit was better

shame we only have 5min of screentime with this costume, and any fight at all

This is hands down the best suit. I think that says something.

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*Blocks Hollywood's path with a fanfilm from 15 years ago*

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Nobody has ever said this.

this suit is making me question my sexuality.

It's really Tim's Robin suit but yes. I haven't watched Titans but from the promos the suit looked perfect.

Post it

For reference

>that plain looking R


The first suit was better. It was just Graysons' circus suit made of fabric + mask. Realistic, gimmickesque and looks like canon.

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It was a fantastic suit.

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The real Robin suit chad

This is the best suit

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Well, the fact that this is the only live action Robin doesn't help.

Better than Batman and Robin at least

*live action movie Robin

Aside from Burt Ward, of course.

God I used to pretend I was Poison Ivy kissing Robin when I was a 7 year old baby gay

How time flies

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I thought this one was based as a kid

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Oh thank god, I thought to be abnormal for wanting to be Poison Ivy and kiss a nice boy

I beg to differ

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we all did

Based and gaypilled


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i feel like tim drake in the arkham games was based on this robin

This is more of a nightwing suit than a robin, tho.


For some reason, they stopped using rubber suits in Superhero movies.

Probably because people called them gay.

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were the nipples really necessary


Lmfao what a dumbass question. Are you straight or something?

For my 7 year old gay awakening they were

much more distinctive of a Nightwing. It looks a LOT like the N52 red bird suit with a cape, actually. Definitely looks cooler than the one in the OP, but it lacks all of the elements of a classic Robin suit.

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>"Who ever said that ?"

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This was Tim's suit in the comics. they just decided to give it to Dick, and also make it look worse.

ah yes, I love Robin's classic color scheme of grey and... grey

Isn't like that because Joker exploded Robin?

You can tell the tunic used to be red and inside of the cape was yellow. That suit must've been made of some powerful stuff to not be ripped to shreds in the explosion though.

the Joker made a bomb that can only destroy colors? but still somehow killed Robin?

>scene is built on the assumption that the viewer knows the Joker killed Jason Todd/Robin
>Snyder: "that was Dick Grayson btw"

I swear this man has never read a comic in his fucking life and can only understand the drawings

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he was hit by a bleach truck

That suit offered no protection of the elbows and knees -- notorious weak spots for all Robins.


I didn’t but I felt weird whenever I saw him