Why are the Spider-Man movies always ranked and compared and have armies on each side? The fans of the Batman movies don't do this
Why are the Spider-Man movies always ranked and compared and have armies on each side...
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That's because the batman films have different tones and interpretations of Batman whereas spiderman films generally have the same light hearted tone and a near identical Spider man.
They have. TAS Batmna's fans hate every other depiction of HArley Quinn, Nolan's Batman stans hate when something isn't realistic enought
because you have fags who get butt hurt that MCU isnt the Raimi spiderman and get all their info from the movies.
More importantly S2 > S1 > ITSV > HC > FFH > S3 > TAS > TAS2
The reason is because of the kind of shit you see spouted in youtube comments and reddit about the MCU being so "accurate" and "truthful" and "faithful" to the source material by people who blatantly have never read a comic in their lives and in doing so often times try to denounce previous iterations as being lesser as a result.
Now, that on its own wouldnt cause this, the real cause is the fact that when you criticize MCU Spider-Man on that basis, people flock in droves to defend and justify any and all critique regarding its interpretation and deviation from the source material, and also typically go so far as to completely ignore and attack criticisms of the films from a basic filmmaking perspective, what also doesnt help is that usually they take potshots at the older films whilst doing this, which only stoke the flames.
I know its memeshit to use the word "Normie" and "Reddit" but it really is reddit tier normie MCU fanboy shit, and thats why this happens.
Because they cant just accept MCU Spider-Man isnt perfect and isnt really faithful to the source material or concept of Spider-Man. They'll always use these attacks or defenses:
>Its an alternate universe!
Which is no justification because its being presented as a mainstream canon interpretation, not an elseworlds offshoot interpretation
Which are not the be-all end-all of Spider-Man
>he's a teenager
Spider-Man stopped being a teenager in 1965
>he acts like a REAL teenager/he needs to grow!
Ultimate Spider-Man exists and blows that logic out of the water
>Its like Ultimate dumbass its not 616
It literally has nothing to do with Ultimate besides him being in highschool and stealing Ganke
No, people want Spider-Mans prime motivating factor to be clearly evident through his character instead of him not giving a shit about his foster father being killed because of his selfish, egocentric, "fuck you got mine" actions.
Thats it
Or it sounds like you can't handle change.
Oh i forgot that one, i'll need to add it to the list.
Only thing i may flip is tas 1 and 2, but otherwise id probs agree with you
>have a list of complaints when you get butthurt about MCU Spider-Man
>having a list of critiques when you critique something is a bad thing
>having a list of common defenses of critiques so you can rebut them is a bad thing
>thinking i actually keep a list somewhere on my harddrive and i'm not just going off memory of every thread i've seen it happen in
Funny, I distinctly remember smug Nolanshitters always shitting on Burton fans.
>he fans of the Batman movies don't do this
Yeah, I see your point. People really don't go to great lengths to defend Batman and Robin. Funny.
>going off memory of every thread i've seen it happen in
You should focus more on remembering childhood memories or the good times in your life instead of memorizing user posts when you get butthurt over a capeshit movie.
I dont have to do that because my brain isnt rotted and i can just recall memories from experiences when i wish without actively trying.
>going to Yea Forums is an "experience"
How eventful is your life when that's an experience?
>batman fans don't fight each other
Just go ahead and try to make a thread saying Burton is better than Nolan or the other way around.
The only reason you didn't noticed this (assuming this thread isn't a bait) is because there is nothing to discuss since WB shat the bed too bad.
People rank the actors of batman not really the films
And because Nolanfags went awfully quiet after TDKR knocked them down a notch.
Remember the times when TDK fags not only shitted on older Batman movies but kept comparing TDK to other critically acclaimed movies, oftentimes in TDK's favour? I remember.
Are you retarded or do you not understand what the word "experience" means?
What you and i are doing right now is an experience .We are experiencing things through sensory input. We recall that sensory input through our memories. Are you an idiot? Do you have a brain problem? Early onset dementia?
You're getting assblasted about Spider-Man. Are you sure you don't have brain problems? An experience defines important moments in your life. Marriages. Funerals. Graduations. If getting mad at a fellow user is comparable to that, your life must be sad.
Oh, you actually are retarded.
>getting mad about Spider-Man is an experience just like birthdays and dates
Raimifags lives tiny lives.
Notice how you haven't countered that with actually stating important facts about your life, or saying something along the liens of "posting on Yea Forums is an experience, but important things in my life happen to be larger experiences". You get angry at the mere suggestion that talking about Spider-Man isn't that important in life. That's sad.
I mean i literally just told you what i meant by that word and that isnt at all what i meant but whatever you say, bud.
What a waste of digits on such a fucking retarded post, why in the name of god almighty would i ever tell you anything about my personal life you absolute faggot?
I'm not going to fucking list important facts about my life on fucking Yea Forums, do i look stupid to you?
I do too. Some are still like that.
>would i ever tell you anything about my personal life you absolute faggot?
Because you don't have one?
And what do you base that off of exactly?
my fucking god, there is truth, and there is your post
That you're on Yea Forums getting angry at superhero movies. You're getting this riled up at random anons you will never meet face to face. You haven't said any details about your personal life. Not even lying about having a girlfriend. Instead, you get mad and talk like a 14-year-old.
>phoneposting to back yourself up
>That you're on Yea Forums getting angry at superhero movies.
You know you're not fooling anyone with that blatant of a lie right?
>You're getting this riled up at random anons you will never meet face to face
I'm not "getting riled up" and lol are you doing some internet tough guy thing right now? You want me to fight in real life or something?
>You haven't said any details about your personal life. Not even lying about having a girlfriend
Why the fuck would i ever do that? In what fantasy world do you live where you think im going to give details about my personal life on an anonymous image board>
>you get mad and talk like a 14-year-old.
Are you from reddit or something?
>You know you're not fooling anyone with that blatant of a lie right?
You're calling everybody who replies to you faggot or retard when critiquing your opinion on superhero movies. If that's not what you define as anger, what is?
>You want me to fight in real life or something?
>Why the fuck would i ever do that?
It's not like anything would be traced back. You sound defensive if even stating something vague is beyond you.
>Are you from reddit or something?
Based and spideypilled
ITSV is extremely overrated. Outside of the fight scenes, it's not that good.
Top Tier
>Far From Home
High Tier
Mid Tier
>Spider-Man 2
Low Tier
>Spider-Man 3
>Into the Spiderverse
>Amazing Spider-Man
Shit Tier
>Amazing Spider-Man 2
And checked
>>You're calling everybody who replies to you faggot or retard when critiquing your opinion on superhero movies. If that's not what you define as anger, what is?
Its me calling you a retarded faggot because you're a retarded faggot, how new are you that you think im angry because im calling you a dumb faggot? You merely are, so i'm calling you one.
>>It's not like anything would be traced back. You sound defensive if even stating something vague is beyond you.
It has less to do with being traced back and more to do with it being completely pointless and meaningless. Who fucking cares? Its an anonymous image board, for all you know i could be anything between a homeless samali or a Jeff Bezos himself. See thats what i mean when i call you a dumb faggot, you're telling me to give details on my personal life as if that matters at all to whats being said.
ITSV is overrated but it's still a good movie, the Raimi trilogy is overrated and they don't even hold up
>ITSV is extremely overrated. Outside of the fight scenes, it's not that good.
>Top Tier
>>Far From Home
>High Tier
>Mid Tier
>>Spider-Man 2
That is some outrageously shit taste.
Whatever you say.
>It has less to do with being traced back and more to do with it being completely pointless and meaningless.
Your personal life is completely pointless and meaningless? There are hotlines for that. You should call them. They'll make you feel better.
And less of the dumb faggot you are.
You're really bad at reading, you ESL?
The only semi-salvageable part of MCU garbage is villains. The rest is all awful
>inb4 accusations of being a raimifag
Raimi is okay, but not definitive for me. 94's TAS and Spectacular are the best adaptations.
Are you? You've given no indication that anything's happened of worth in your personal life. I suggest you call those hotlines instead of rage on Yea Forums all day long. Or just go outside like a normal person. Feel the sunshine. For once.
Why are you so obsessed with my personal life? What does that matter at all?
People who just want to help are obsessed? Did anyone in your life who tried to help you seem obsessed to you are were you just too paranoid to accept their help?
Man you gotta up your game you're really bad at this.
As usual, you're avoiding the question. You can't even answer yes or no questions. Why not?
I got a few minutes before i sleep, guess i'll humor you.
What do you mean by "help" exactly, user?
user, why are you arguing with an MCU faggot?
Don't you remember that quote about arguing with fools?
Yes, why are you replying to a fool?
Im arguing with him because its kind of entertaining to see what all he can keep shitting out and how long he can keep it up.
Weird how every time theres some MCU Spider-Man thread this exact sort of chain happens. Makes you think.
I don't know why I'm replying to you right now.
>this exact sort of chain happens.
You've been asked about your life before, and you lash out like a child even back then? I'm sure it's entertaining for you to scream and throw shit just because you don't like confrontations, but seek help. If you want to think, think about yourself and your own problems. Instead of crying about your lack of a personal life.
>Raimifag doesn't know what they're doing
You're a weird one. I think you need a name, like Spidernon or MCUkun or something.
Notice I haven't said anything about the MCU, but that's what you label me as. Your head has a rent free policy.
I'm reading inbetween the lines, MCUKun
>anyone who dislikes muh sacred MCU is a raimifag
Want to talk about your persecution complex?
>I'm reading inbetween the lines
And I'm sure you've applied that to your real life. Or not.
That was so fucking lame i'm just gonna head to bed.
Legitimately you need to work on your form, its terrible.
>I'm just gonna head to bed
As you always do when there's nothing to look forward to, right?
t. MCU faggot who lost the game
not the guy, but why are you here?
BASED, MCU Spidey never acted like Ultimate Spider-Man since most audience would hate him. USM does act like a teenager though, instead of an actor in high school.
>It literally has nothing to do with Ultimate besides him being in highschool and stealing Ganke
Fucking thank you. So tired of this same old "argument" by people who saw a panel from that one pre-Death of Spider-Man arc and think this is how Spider-Man was characterized in USM throughout the entire comic.
Fuck, USM Peter would make MCU twink his bitch.
>doxx yourself online or you're lying about having memories
>replying to yourself
cringe and bluepilled
>The fans of the Batman movies don't do this
As far as i know, only Burton and Nolan exist.
>ranked and compared
Because anyone trying to claim any Batman movie is superior to Dark Knight is 90% just saying it to be contrarian.
How limited is your memory? I can literally remember vividly, christmas from 12 years ago, writing advice from the 11th grade, what i was reading last week, what I posted today, and my own name,
Remembering multiple inconsequential things isn't hard. It literally just happens, to fucking everyone except for you apparently.
Is this just a convenient excuse for you to say you forgot what your argument is?
TDK-fags once again prove to be the worst.
That's a thinker right there
Batman vs TMNT was better
Batman Under the Red Hood was better (Actually any DCAU movie with batman was)
Because Raimifags can't handle the fact that their movies are shit only carried by nostalgia.
Midnight's Edge claims they had to change all of these things because if the MCU used comic-accurate Spidey characters than if the deal between Marvel and Sony ever expired those characters would end up as, "disputed," between Marvel and Sony and no one would be able to use them again.
Mega retarded, apparently
Without even moving away fron the Nolan's trilogy, Begins was a better movie.
Btw it too a while for the nolafags to rise, surprising.
Spider verse in in first place for me, no doubt about it, but I agree with the rest of the list.
>MCU Peter as Miles
ITSV is not a Spider-Man movie, if the only criteria is "features Spider-Man" to some degree, then the best Spider-Man movie is Infinity War
>Top Tier
Into the Spider-Verse
Spider-Man 2
>High Tier
Far From Home
>Mid Tier
Spider-Man (Good movie but hasn't aged well and is kinda overrated, Goblin is fantastic though)
>Low Tier
>Spider-Man 3
Amazing Spider-Man
Shit Tier
>Amazing Spider-Man 2
>Raimi 1
>Raimi 2
>Raimi 3
Shit Tier
Spider-Man 2 > FFH > Spider-Man > Amazing Spider-Man > Amazing Spider-Man 2 > Spider-Man 3 > Homecoming
I haven’t seen Spider-Verse yet
generally the dc characters have a lot more interpretations than marvel. also the different batman film series are spread out while spidey's are pretty close together.
Because everyone loves Spiderman.
Everyone wants to see him gotten "right".
I can't imagine being this much of a faggot
You're here, too. How the fuck is this even an argument
I can see Infinity War as counting cause it had a decent amount of Spidey
Can we at least agree that this is the best scene in any Spider-Man movie?
For me
SM2 > ITSV > SM1=FFH > H > AS2 > AS
>one is a marvel character
Really makes you think.
I never saw ASM 2, though I do think far from home would’ve been better than spiderverse if he just kept his fucking mask on throughout the movie
Move Spider-Man 3 over FFH and Homecoming
This is absolutely correct
ITSV > TAS2 > S2 > HC > S1 > TAS > S3 > FFH
>watch FFH
>want to reread the Ditko stuff and finish reading Lee's run on ASM
>it's not collected in Epic Collections and is OOP in Marvel Masterworks
it's just five volumes, wtf marvel
Wasn’t all of it collected into two omnibuses? Are those out of print?
Gobbie>Doc Ock>Vulture>Kingpin>Venom>Electro>Sandman>Skater Harry> Prowler>Dr. Connors> DeHarry
You want a good spider-man movie?
get raimi
S2 > ItSV > S1 > FFH > HC > TAS > S3 > TAS2
I agree and I’ll add that I actually do get autistic about the Batman movies when people overpraise them, particularly Nolan’s movies
Where's Mysterio
Spiderfags are more austistic I suppose. Also Batman doesn't have a love interest that can be turned black yet, so the incel Batfags don't have much to act mad about yet
I like Mysterio but FFH ain't that good
It’s pretty simple. Batman is not a relatable everyman, Peter is. I wonder how Supesfags compare in the aftermath of MoS/DoJ
But the focus is Spider-Man
Well you see user, the last good Batman movie was made a fuck zillion years ago, most anons were still too little when it came out to care. That is like saying Italian Spiderman has a Yea Forums fanbase
Snyderman is legitly bad and the one to side with him only do it to get a rise out of others
The focus is A "Spider-Man", not THE Spider-Man
>Why is any form of media always ranked and compared and have armies on each side?
>The fans of the Batman movies don't do this
They do.
How the hell can you be so wrong? HC better than FFH? Spider-Man 1 better than into the spiderverse? Other than those two things pretty accurate.
This man speaks the truth.
Yeah, no one gives shit about DC anymore. Can't really blame them.
>S-Stop liking things I don't
Imagine being this fragile
Marble fags have that innate insecurity and inner hatred; batfags are just delusional and stupid but they are proud in their stupidity and delusions
>batfags are just delusional and stupid but they are proud in their stupidity and delusions
being proud of something is good for self-esteem
Ahem.....Burton movies>Nolanverse
Nolan is the Michael Bay for pretentious people.
Because the Tim Burton batman and ben affleck is absolute garbage. Nolan batman isn't even that good but the other two make it look better and don't provide much competition for arguments.