This aired over 9 years ago

>This aired over 9 years ago
Are you feeling it now, Yea Forums?

Attached: 1241241242134321.png (1910x1080, 3.07M)

How did they got away with adding in sexy females into the show? Also, these girls never appeared in the episode.

Early 2010s CN was a different time.

Sexy women in cartoons have existed almost since cartoons were first invented, user...

I think the joke is it's like some old as fuck poster from before the great mushroom war, back when we barely knew anything about Ooo's history as it should've been

Oh yeah, i think they talked about this war in this episode, right?

Nah, first evidence of the mushroom war was a few episodes in and the first actual mention by name wasn't until the second season

It was still shitty

Attached: bikini.png (1762x987, 3.12M)

I don't think that there is now or has ever been anything stopping you from including sexy women in your shows, I'm pretty sure the only reason you don't see it around much lately is because of the changing tastes of the creators. Either in a way where they don't care about including sexy women, or their idea of what's sexy is a bit non traditional. like for the former, the creators of the shitty PPG reboot didn't have to write out Ms. Bellum or cut off Ms. Keen's tits for the sake of standers or anything like that, they just thought that removing any sexy element that could be found in the show would boost popularity with the progressive types (or they are the progressive types but I wouldn't be so sure after that unicorn episode, yikes). In the case of the later OK KO is filled with what I'm sure Ian and his fellow artists consider to be sexy women, it's just that since they're all drawn in the same odd cartoony art style as the rest of the show it doesn't immediately read like sex appeal is the thing that they're shooting for. But come on the guy clearly has a thing for legs and thighs.

I always feel it. Always.

It's clearly meant to look like an old pulp novel cover.

Attached: Feels Shaggy man.jpg (242x208, 7K)

Most of Yea Forums now wasn't posting here in the good old days of early Adventure Time. Or the pre-/mlp/ days.

I'm kinda bummed that the show turned out the way it did, but those first few years will always take me a back to a magic, simpler time.

Skipper if you're reading this, you rock.

I was there and everyone including me was going off on how shit cartoons were at the time, and how they haven’t been good since 2006.

>mfw I watched the premier while my dad was in palliative care
I have no fucking idea why cartoon network was on in an oncology ward lobby. It's not like it was a children's hospital. I was 13 so I wasn't complaining at all.

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This was before the tumblr and twitter crowd had total control of the animation industry and injected SocJus into it.

sure user
keep thinking that
5 years pass and things suddenly get worse, not because those people were already in the industry, but because sjws appeared out of nowhere

They weren't hijacked by dikes yet.

>I don't think that there is now or has ever been anything stopping you from including sexy women in your shows
Except insane people constantly bitching at you or trying their best to dig up sone dirt on you from 10 years ago.

I miss the first half of AT so badly.
Once Finn got depressed the show became a rollercoaster of quality.

I'm mostly just feeling how much less fun Yea Forums is and how much more shit cartoons are. The feeling of my life slipping trough my hands like the proverbial sands of time is tertiary.

Storm the Castle (Star Vs S1 finale) was on the TV in the waiting room the 2nd time I was hit by a car.

Did you like it so much the first time you decided to try it again?

Insane people would bitch no matter what you are doing.
They always would find a way to be triggerd.

You could ask the same of people who kept watching that show after very obvious drops in quality.

same here user