Namor, the first mutant, the first avenger, the first marvel, the first flying hero, the first anti-hero vegeta-tier...

Namor, the first mutant, the first avenger, the first marvel, the first flying hero, the first anti-hero vegeta-tier, the first arrogant royalty, the first atlantean, the first legacy character to be brought back into modernity, Namor, the X-Man, the Avenger, the Invader, the Defender. The First Wolverine-tier character at marvel. Namor, The First. Let's talk about him, why Marvel wasted his potential so hard? Why did he change from the most popular marvel character to the most obscure? Why is it so frustrating?

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Namor ain't obscure, he still appears plenty. You wanna talk about a popularity nose dive, Jim killed Hitler and he's more obscure than the kid who lifted his name.

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Jim never had luck. But then again, neither had Ka-Zar

He isn't as obscure as you might think.

Didn't Bendis retcon it into Bucky killing Hitler?

"bendis". not even once

if he isn't, why is he treated as a poor man's aquaman? hm? no response? not surprised

Namor isn't obscure he just isn't really well liked.
Ocean based characters get a bad wrap in general and most people just think of him as Marvel's Aquaman.
I hate Bendis so fucking much.

I fucking hate bendis too and I want to talk about how much I hate bendis

I don't know if Jim killing Hitler has been brought up after this issue, but this was 2009/2010.

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no he didn't.

>why is he treated as a poor man's aquaman?

Because he isn't treated as that.
If anything, all the jokes i have heard about Namor over the years were vulcanian in nature, where Aquaman became a joke mainly for his silly costume.

>he's more obscure than the kid who lifted his name.

Speaking of, does anyone have that edit where Captain America's giving Jim's eulogy and he's like "I know Jim's up in Heaven melting Nazis, blissfully unaware that Johnny Storm's fagging up his good name."?

I refuse to believe you

my god, let me guess, it was done by illuminated comics?

You can't handle the truth.

I honestly don't remember who did it, I just remember the page. It's entirely possible.

I won't lie, I am a coward, what's your excuse then?

they are doing a god-tier edits

Why do you hate Bendis?
I had no opinion on Bendis until I became a big fan of the Star Lord era GoTG and I got to his run. Everyone was stripped of their original personalities (Gamora and Peter got hit HARD) got retconned to hell and back for seemingly no reason, some characters who were around from the beginning disappeared without a trace and fucking Iron Man joined the team. That shit hurt my casual Marvel fan heart.
No matter how much he ruins everything else I like that will always be ground zero to me.

sounds like a standard bedins-hatred. you see, every person that hates bendis, hates him for the same reasons, and you are no different. thankfully, starlord at least had some classic claremont/byrne story

my life sucks, hug me plox

He’s a piece of shit jerk in most of the series he shows up in.

do you love him?


Theres this from Invaders Now.

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Does anyone even like Namor? I’ll read Aquaman over him EVERY time

Aquaman has a wife and supporting cast.

Namor has wanting to fuck Sue.


life sucks, I miss my girlfriend

Namor is cool when his name is Vegeta and the franchise is called Dragon Ball Z. Namor himself is just a nuisance.

I noticed that too, to be honest, but nobody agreed with me so far

People want to read about lovable jackasses; Namor is a regular jackass. His primary love interests are his cousin and attempting to convince a woman to leave her husband. Marvel's Atlantis is fairly underdeveloped and poorly used compared to DC. His classic costume is a speedo and his costume revamps look like fetish wear. His villains are fairly unmemorable and unobtrusive in the grand scheme of things. His last major run was pretty formulaic and lacking in suspense. Take your pick, it's a combination of all those things.

brutal, but honest