Hey Yea Forums, thanks for inspiring me to start a webcomic. Even though this probably doesn't interest most people...

Hey Yea Forums, thanks for inspiring me to start a webcomic. Even though this probably doesn't interest most people, I hope I can eventually create something that consistently entertains some. Post some work that you're proud of. I have to head to bed, but I'll check this thread in the morning.

Attached: comic30.png (640x1920, 358K)

Some thoughts:
There doesn't seem to be much reason the panels are all different sizes - you should make them the same height, unless there's a solid reasoning, in which case they should always be 1.5x or 2x the size, not some random extra amount.

Black text on black skin? is hard to read.

Attached: protein shake.jpg (856x6016, 1.12M)

Attached: commit sodoku.png (760x2189, 153K)

Attached: loss.png (744x2276, 174K)

Attached: it ain't me starts playing.png (722x1515, 156K)

Attached: kirishima is a good character.png (760x2163, 169K)

Attached: napalm sticks to kids.png (722x1515, 126K)

>not just breaking the chain

Attached: 1377731079770.gif (300x188, 1.18M)

Attached: 4 tracks 0 plot.png (840x4066, 245K)

Attached: winslol.png (727x486, 47K)

Attached: the wire.png (764x2432, 204K)

Attached: boku no nothing happens.jpg (704x3545, 907K)

Attached: gut punch.png (776x1159, 79K)

Attached: dentist.png (773x542, 44K)

Attached: Red Cuckold.png (941x472, 40K)

Attached: bath time.png (780x1117, 87K)

Attached: industrial shredder.png (718x686, 23K)

Attached: steel mill.png (718x544, 34K)

Attached: base jumping.png (738x1561, 82K)

Attached: punching bag.png (863x552, 51K)

Attached: cell.png (761x556, 28K)

Attached: hosed.png (944x556, 40K)

Attached: chair.png (808x505, 45K)

Attached: batter up.gif (776x428, 43K)

Attached: AIDS.png (1252x726, 88K)

Attached: bad touch.png (804x1006, 98K)

Deliciously devilish user

Attached: construction zone.png (820x1764, 90K)

Is this autism?

No, this is Patrick!

Attached: 97fc9ebf-a583-4e60-822a-df78702cab2d.jpg (256x256, 11K)

Wow you are really autistic. Good job? Also a bit underage and really into anime. I hope you look back on these posts and cringe.